978 resultados para School integration -- Catalonia (Spain)
Analisi des discorsi sus era identitat aranesa en Internet pendent era polemica peraaprobacion deth Projècte de Lei de Vegueries, en hereuèr de 2010. A trauès der estudi d'aguesti discorsi s'identifiquen quini son es principaus trèits identitaris damb es quaus se definissen es aranesi.
El temps del mal. L’experiència i la gestió de la cronicitat en adults. El principal objectiu d’aquesta recerca és l’estudi de l’experiència i la gestió diària de la cronicitat, entenent-la com a categoria analítica que engloba els processos de malalties i/o malestars crònics, biomèdicament diagnosticats o no, que perduren en el temps. La recerca es centra en adults entre 30 i 50 anys amb problemes crònics de salut que impliquin algun tipus de discapacitat i/o dependència (a nivell moderat), i s’ubica en l’àmbit urbà i en la comunitat autònoma de Catalunya (dins del context de l’estat Espanyol). L’estudi analitzarà la gestió individual i social de la cronicitat a través dels itineraris terapèutics i pràctiques assistencials dels processos de salut/malaltia/atenció prenent l’autoatenció com a principal categoria analítica. Per altra banda, es descriurà el rol dels serveis assistencials de la sanitat pública i dels serveis socials, per veure com es duu a terme la gestió – polítiques públiques - de la cronicitat en un país amb estat del benestar com Espanya. L’experiència de la cronicitat s’explorarà a través de les narratives de la vivència de la malaltia/malestar tan com a representació cultural – que dóna compte de les relacions, interaccions i respostes socials – i des d’una perspectiva fenomenològica que ens permet comprendre la naturalesa del patiment en l’experiència viscuda del cos malalt. Aquesta recerca espera poder fer aportacions pertinents que contribueixin des de l’antropologia però amb la intenció d’obrir un diàleg públic i interdisciplinar – professionals de la salut, experts en polítiques públiques i públic en general - a la resolució de l’actual problema de salut pública d’increment de cronicitat. El model públic d’atenció a la salut espanyol es va dissenyar per resoldre problemes de salut aguts, malgrat la major part dels usuaris actuals presentes problemes de salut crònics. L’actual crisi econòmica que amenaça aquest pilar de l’estat del benestar és, alhora, una oportunitat per replantejar-ho.
CONTEXT Soluble TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis (sTWEAK) is generated by the intracellular proteolytic cleavage of full-length membrane-bound TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis (mTWEAK). sTWEAK levels are reduced in diseases with an inflammatory component. Additionally, sTWEAK hampers TNFα activity in human cells. OBJECTIVES The objectives of the study were as follows: 1) to determine circulating sTWEAK in severe obesity and after bariatric surgery; 2) to study m/sTWEAK and its receptor fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14 (Fn14) protein expression in sc adipose tissue (SAT) of severely obese subjects, in SAT stromal vascular fraction (SVF), and isolated adipocytes and in human monocyte-derived macrophages; and 3) to explore, on human adipocytes, the sTWEAK effect on TNFα proinflammatory activity. DESIGN sTWEAK levels were measured in cohort 1: severely obese subjects (n = 23) and a control group (n = 35); and in cohort 2: (n = 23) severely obese subjects before and after surgery. The m/sTWEAK and Fn14 expressions were determined in SAT biopsies, SVF, and isolated adipocytes from severely obese and control subjects and in human monocyte-derived macrophages. In human primary cultured adipocytes, sTWEAK pretreated and TNFα challenged, IL-6, IL-8, and adiponectin protein and gene expressions were determined and nuclear factor-κ B and MAPK signaling analyzed. RESULTS sTWEAK levels were reduced in severely obese subjects. After surgery, sTWEAK levels rose in 69% of patients. mTWEAK protein expression was increased in SAT and SVF of severely obese subjects, whereas Fn14 was up-regulated in isolated adipocytes. M2 human monocyte-derived macrophages overexpress mTWEAK. In human adipocytes, sTWEAK down-regulates TNFα cytokine production by hampering TNFα intracellular signaling events. CONCLUSION The decrease of sTWEAK in severely obese patients may favor the proinflammatory activity elicited by TNFα.
Treball de recerca on analitzo els elements socials i culturals que influeixen en la vivència de la maternitat, en el cas de tres dones. Em proposo intentar copsar de quina forma tres dones que han estat mares al segle XXI experimenten la seva pròpia maternitat i així intentar dilucidar fins a quin punt aquestes tres dones viuen aquesta situació personal present, en clau de passat. Quan escric passat, em refereixo al segle XIX, quan es va institucionalitzar el concepte de l'ideal maternal.
The work presented in this paper belongs to the power quality knowledge area and deals with the voltage sags in power transmission and distribution systems. Propagating throughout the power network, voltage sags can cause plenty of problems for domestic and industrial loads that can financially cost a lot. To impose penalties to responsible party and to improve monitoring and mitigation strategies, sags must be located in the power network. With such a worthwhile objective, this paper comes up with a new method for associating a sag waveform with its origin in transmission and distribution networks. It solves this problem through developing hybrid methods which hire multiway principal component analysis (MPCA) as a dimension reduction tool. MPCA reexpresses sag waveforms in a new subspace just in a few scores. We train some well-known classifiers with these scores and exploit them for classification of future sags. The capabilities of the proposed method for dimension reduction and classification are examined using the real data gathered from three substations in Catalonia, Spain. The obtained classification rates certify the goodness and powerfulness of the developed hybrid methods as brand-new tools for sag classification
Es tracta d'un treball en què s'analitzen les dades obtingudes de quatre entrevistes a estudiants estrangers que viuen a Barcelona sobre la seva visió de la catalanitat. També hi ha reflexions sobre quina visibilitat té la llengua catalana en aquest concepte d'identitat catalana.
The Institute for Public Security of Catalonia (ISPC), the only state-funded education and research centre for police in Catalonia-Spain, developed in 2012 a comparative study on Gender diversity in police services in the European Union. The study is an update of the research Facts & Figures 2008 that was carried out by the European Network of Policewomen (ENP), a non-profit organization that works in partnership with colleagues from police and/or law enforcement organizations in its member countries to facilitate positive changes in the position of women in police services. To gather the 2012 data, the ISPC invited EU Member States’ police services to cooperate in the study answering a 10- ITEM questionnaire. The questionnaire was the same tool used in 2008 by the ENP. In February 2012, the ISPC sent the questionnaires through Cepol National Contact Points’ network. In order to include as many police services as possible in the study, the ENP also supported us to gather some of the data. Altogether we received questionnaires from 29 police services corresponding to 17 UE countries. Besides, we used data from open sources about England and Wales police services and the French National Police. In this document you can find: first, the tool we used to collect the data; second, the answers we gathered presented per country; finally, some comparative tables and graphics developed by the ISPC. Countries: Austria, Belgium Cyprus, Denmark, England, Wales, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Swden.
A Catalunya els discursos acadèmics i de l'administració han anat evolucionant fins que s'han imposat aquells que apunten a que la relació entre l'escola, la família i l'entorn és clau per l'èxit escolar de l'alumnat i el bon funcionament del sistema educatiu. Malgrat aquesta evolució, en la pràctica el canvi és lent i, sovint, complicat, donat que apareixen resistències en les dues institucions, família i escola, degut a que fins avui sempre s'ha mantingut una relació marcada pel desequilibri de poder. El nostre treball teòric i, sobretot, empíric s'ha centrat en la relació entre la família immigrada i l'escola a Catalunya. Com es presentarà, la creació del que hem anomenat dinàmiques positives de relació i comunicació en els centres escolars es troba condicionada per les actituds i els comportaments dels equips directius, els professionals i les famílies, tot i que també l'espai físic en que es donen aquestes relacions és important. Respecte a la organització del centre hem destacat el papel de l'equip directiu. Diferenciant una models de gestió observem aquells més facilitadors de la relació i la comunicació amb i entre les famílies i aquells més desincentivadors. Això sí, sempre s'ha de tenir en compte les actituds dels docents i de les famílies que són múltiples i complexes.
This study analyses gender inequalities in health among elderly people in Catalonia (Spain) by adopting a conceptual framework that globally considers three dimensions of health determinants : socio-economic position, family characteristics and social support. Data came from the 2006 Catalonian Health Survey. For the purposes of this study a sub-sample of people aged 65–85 years with no paid job was selected (1,113 men and 1,484 women). The health outcomes analysed were self-perceived health status, poor mental health status and long-standing limiting illness. Multiple logistic regression models separated by sex were fitted and a hierarchical model was fitted in three steps. Health status among elderly women was poorer than among the men for the three outcomes analysed. Whereas living with disabled people was positively related to the three health outcomes and confidant social support was negatively associated with all of them in both sexes, there were gender differences in other social determinants of health. Our results emphasise the importance of using an integrated approach for the analysis of health inequalities among elderly people, simultaneously considering socio-economic position, family characteristics and social support, as well as different health indicators, in order fully to understand the social determinants of the health status of older men and women.
Sobriety checkpoints are not usually randomly located by traffic authorities. As such, information provided by non-random alcohol tests cannot be used to infer the characteristics of the general driving population. In this paper a case study is presented in which the prevalence of alcohol-impaired driving is estimated for the general population of drivers. A stratified probabilistic sample was designed to represent vehicles circulating in non-urban areas of Catalonia (Spain), a region characterized by its complex transportation network and dense traffic around the metropolis of Barcelona. Random breath alcohol concentration tests were performed during spring 2012 on 7,596 drivers. The estimated prevalence of alcohol-impaired drivers was 1.29%, which is roughly a third of the rate obtained in non-random tests. Higher rates were found on weekends (1.90% on Saturdays, 4.29% on Sundays) and especially at night. The rate is higher for men (1.45%) than for women (0.64%) and the percentage of positive outcomes shows an increasing pattern with age. In vehicles with two occupants, the proportion of alcohol-impaired drivers is estimated at 2.62%, but when the driver was alone the rate drops to 0.84%, which might reflect the socialization of drinking habits. The results are compared with outcomes in previous surveys, showing a decreasing trend in the prevalence of alcohol-impaired drivers over time.
Until recently farm management made little use of accounting and agriculture has been largely excluded from the scope of accounting standards. This article examines the current use of accounting in agriculture and points theneed to establish accounting standards for agriculture. Empirical evidence shows that accounting can make a significant contribution to agricultural management and farm viability and could also be important for other agents involved in agricultural decision making. Existing literature on failureprediction models and farm viability prediction studies provide the starting point for our research, in which two dichotomous logit models were applied to subsamples of viable and unviable farms in Catalonia, Spain. The firstmodel considered only non-financial variables, while the other also considered financial ones. When accounting variables were added to the model, a significant reduction in deviance was observed.
Spanish and Western agriculture show a continuous decrease in the numberof farms. One of the main factors for this trend is the economicnon-viability of many of the existing farms. In addition, interrelationshipof agriculture with other industries is growing. Thus, policymakers, banks,creditors and other stakeholders are interested in predicting farm viability.The aim of this paper is to provide empirical evidence that the use ofaccounting-based information could significantly improve understandingand prediction of various degrees of farm viability. Two multinomial logitmodels were applied to a sample of farms of Catalonia, Spain. One modelincluded non-accounting-based variables, while the other also consideredaccounting-based variables. It was found that accounting added significantinformation to predict various degrees of farm viability. This findingreveals, both the need of encouraging the little existing use of accountingby farms and to develop appropriate accounting standards for agriculture.