990 resultados para Schatzkes, M. A. (Moses Aaron), 1825-1899.
Aims: To determine whether older people are prescribed antidepressants at lower levels of depression and with fewer symptoms, and whether they are more likely to engage in chronic usage. Methods: An online survey about experiences with, and opinions about, depression and antidepressants, was completed by 1,825 New Zealand adults who had been prescribed antidepressants in the preceding five years. Results: Participants over 55 were prescribed antidepressants with significantly fewer symptoms and were significantly less likely to meet DSM criteria for depression. They were also significantly more likely to have used the drugs for three years and still be using them. Conclusions: Prescribing physicians and their older patients might benefit from discussing the pros and cons of antidepressants (including the additional risk factors with this age group) and the alternatives; and, if prescription does occur, careful monitoring to avoid unnecessary, potentially damaging, long-term use is recommended.
Governor Moses calls on South Carolinians to endeavor to become a respected member of the United States following the U.S. Civil War. His message addresses the status of the national debt, South Carolina public education, the South Carolina Orphan Asylum, the South Carolina Lunatic Asylum, the state penitentiary, the state’s quarantine of small pox, the revenue-generating phosphate deposits in the state, immigration to the state, the state’s flagship university, current state legislation, and the state militia.
Vinciguerria lucetia es uno de los recursos mesopelágicos más abundantes e inexplotados. En el presente trabajo, mediante el análisis de 774 gónadas (597 ovarios y 177 testÃculos) colectados en el BIC José Olaya durante los Cruceros de Investigación de agosto 2010 y diciembre 2011, se establece una escala histológica de madurez gonadal para hembras, que ha permitido validar una escala macroscópica de 5 estadios. En el caso de los machos, se identificaron 4 estadios de madurez gonadal tanto microscópicamente como macroscópicamente. Esta escala permite facilitar la obtención de datos reproductivos en diversas circunstancias como prospecciones de campo y muestreo a bordo.
Mittakaava laskettu janamittakaavasta
Etat de collection : N° 1 (1899, 4 nov.)-n° 11 (1900, 13 janv.) <mq n° 10>