956 resultados para Sabino, Fernando, 1923-2004. O tabuleiro de damas


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Over a seven-year period, Mark Radvan directed a suite of children’s theatre productions adapted from the original Tashi stories by Australian writers Anna and Barbara Fienberg. The Tashi Project’s repertoire of plays performed to over 40,000 children aged between 3 and 10 years old, and their carers, in seasons at the Out of the Box Festival, at Brisbane Powerhouse and in venues across Australia in two interstate tours in 2009 and 2010. The project investigated how best to combine an exploration of theatrical forms and conventions, with a performance style evolved in a specially developed training program and a deliberate positioning of young children as audiences capable of sophisticated readings of action, symbol, theme and character. The results of this project show that when brought into appropriate relationship with the theatre artists, young children aged 3-5 can engage with sophisticated narrative forms, and with the right contextual framing they enjoy heightened dramatic and emotional tension, bringing to the event sustained and highly engaged concentration. Older children aged 6-10 also bring sustained and heightened engagement to the same stories, providing that other more sophisticated dramatic elements are woven into the construction of the performances, such as character, theme and style.


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Objectives: This study examines the accuracy of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) case-ascertainment in routinely collected data. Methods: Retrospective cohort study analysed routinely collected data from all births at Cairns Base Hospital, Australia, from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2010 in the Cairns Base Hospital Clinical Coding system (CBHCC) and the Queensland Perinatal Data Collection (QPDC). GDM case ascertainment in the National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) and Cairns Diabetes Centre (CDC) data were compared. Results: From 2004 to 2010, the specificity of GDM case-ascertainment in the QPDC was 99%. In 2010, only 2 of 225 additional cases were identified from the CDC and CBHCC, suggesting QPDC sensitivity is also over 99%. In comparison, the sensitivity of the CBHCC data was 80% during 2004–2010. The sensitivity of CDC data was 74% in 2010. During 2010, 223 births were coded as GDM in the QPDC, and the NDSS registered 247 women with GDM from the same postcodes, suggesting reasonable uptake on the NDSS register. However, the proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women was lower than expected. Conclusion: The accuracy of GDM case ascertainment in the QPDC appears high, with lower accuracy in routinely collected hospital and local health service data. This limits capacity of local data for planning and evaluation, and developing structured systems to improve post-pregnancy care, and may underestimate resources required. Implications: Data linkage should be considered to improve accuracy of routinely collected local health service data. The accuracy of the NDSS for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women requires further evaluation.


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Democratic governments raise taxes and charges and spend revenue on delivering peace, order and good government. The delivery process begins with a legislature as that can provide a framework of legally enforceable rules enacted according to the government’s constitution. These rules confer rights and obligations that allow particular people to carry on particular functions at particular places and times. Metadata standards as applied to public records contain information about the functioning of government as distinct from the non-government sector of society. Metadata standards apply to database construction. Data entry, storage, maintenance, interrogation and retrieval depend on a controlled vocabulary needed to enable accurate retrieval of suitably catalogued records in a global information environment. Queensland’s socioeconomic progress now depends in part on technical efficiency in database construction to address queries about who does what, where and when; under what legally enforceable authority; and how the evidence of those facts is recorded. The Survey and Mapping Infrastructure Act 2003 (Qld) addresses technical aspects of where questions – typically the officially recognised name of a place and a description of its boundaries. The current 10-year review of the Survey and Mapping Regulation 2004 provides a valuable opportunity to consider whether the Regulation makes sense in the context of a number of later laws concerned with management of Public Sector Information (PSI) as well as policies for ICT hardware and software procurement. Removing ambiguities about how official place names are to be regarded on a whole-of-government basis can achieve some short term goals. Longer-term goals depend on a more holistic approach to information management – and current aspirations for more open government and community engagement are unlikely to occur without such a longer-term vision.


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This study models the joint production of desirable and undesirable output production (that is, CO2 emissions) of airlines. The Malmquist-Luenberger productivity index is employed to measure productivity growth when undesirable output production is regulated and unregulated. The results show that pollution abatement activities of airlines lowers productivity growth which suggests the traditional approach of measuring productivity growth, which ignores CO2 emissions, overstate "true" productivity growth.


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Self-assembly of carbon nanotip (CNTP) structures on Ni-based catalyst in chemically active inductively coupled plasmas of CH 4 + H 2 + Ar gas mixtures is reported. By varying the process conditions, it appears possible to control the shape, size, and density of CNTPs, content of the nanocrystalline phase in the films, as well as to achieve excellent crystallinity, graphitization, uniformity and vertical alignment of the resulting nanostructures at substrate temperatures 300-500°C and low gas pressures (below 13.2 Pa). This study provides a simple and efficient plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) technique for the fabrication of vertically aligned CNTP arrays for electron field emitters.


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BIM as a suite of technologies has been enabled by the significant improvements in IT infrastructure, the capabilities of computer hardware and software, the increasing adoption of BIM, and the development of Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) which facilitate the sharing of information between firms. The report highlights the advantages of BIM, particularly the increased utility and speed, better data quality and enhanced fault finding in all construction phases. Additionally BIM promotes enhanced collaborations and visualisation of data mainly in the design and construction phase. There are a number of barriers to the effective implementation of BIM. These include, somewhat paradoxically, a single detailed model (which precludes scenarios and development of detailed alternative designs); the need for three different interoperability standards for effective implementation; added work for the designer which needs to be recognised and remunerated; the size and complexity of BIM, which requires significant investment in human capital to enable the realisation of its full potential. There are also a number of challenges to implementing BIM. The report has identified these as a range of issues concerning: IP, liability, risks and contracts, and the authenticity of users. Additionally, implementing BIM requires investment in new technology, skills training and development of news ways of collaboration. Finally, there are likely to be Trade Practices concerns as requiring certain technology owned by relatively few firms may limit


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This paper provides an outline of the work undertaken by nurses who participated in the relief effort as members of Australian medical teams during the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and tsunami response. This profile is contrasted with the information provided by nurses who registered their interest in volunteering to help via the Australian Tsunami Hotline. The paper provides an overview of the skills and background of the nurses who provided information to the hotline and describes the range and extent of experience among this cohort of potential volunteers. This data is compared to nursing workforce data and internal rates of volunteering in Australia. The paper concludes that further research is necessary to examine the motivations of and disincentives for nurses to volunteer for overseas (disaster) work and, to develop an improved understanding within the discipline of the skills and experience required of volunteer responders. Further, it is argued that the development of standards for the collection of disaster health volunteer data would assist future responses and provide better tools for developing an improved understanding of disaster volunteering.


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Preface The 9th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP 2004) was held in Sydney, 13–15 July, 2004. The conference was sponsored by the Centre for Advanced Computing – Algorithms and Cryptography (ACAC), Information and Networked Security Systems Research (INSS), Macquarie University and the Australian Computer Society. The aims of the conference are to bring together researchers and practitioners working in areas of information security and privacy from universities, industry and government sectors. The conference program covered a range of aspects including cryptography, cryptanalysis, systems and network security. The program committee accepted 41 papers from 195 submissions. The reviewing process took six weeks and each paper was carefully evaluated by at least three members of the program committee. We appreciate the hard work of the members of the program committee and external referees who gave many hours of their valuable time. Of the accepted papers, there were nine from Korea, six from Australia, five each from Japan and the USA, three each from China and Singapore, two each from Canada and Switzerland, and one each from Belgium, France, Germany, Taiwan, The Netherlands and the UK. All the authors, whether or not their papers were accepted, made valued contributions to the conference. In addition to the contributed papers, Dr Arjen Lenstra gave an invited talk, entitled Likely and Unlikely Progress in Factoring. This year the program committee introduced the Best Student Paper Award. The winner of the prize for the Best Student Paper was Yan-Cheng Chang from Harvard University for his paper Single Database Private Information Retrieval with Logarithmic Communication. We would like to thank all the people involved in organizing this conference. In particular we would like to thank members of the organizing committee for their time and efforts, Andrina Brennan, Vijayakrishnan Pasupathinathan, Hartono Kurnio, Cecily Lenton, and members from ACAC and INSS.


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We recently noticed an error in the demographic data in this article. The validity of the findings and the conclusions of the paper is not affected. However, there is an error in the reported sample size and in the means and standard deviations of the subjects’ ages and MMSE scores. We would like to correct this error, which came to light when we were re-analyzing the data for a meta-analysis. The error occurred because an older version of a spreadsheet was incorrectly used when reporting the sample composition. Instead of examining 12 Alzheimer's disease patients and 14 healthy elderly controls, we in fact examined 17 Alzheimer’s disease patients and 14 healthy elderly controls. All maps and morphometric data reported in the paper are correct, except that the sample size was in fact slightly higher than that originally reported, and the maps computed in the paper were based on the larger sample (which included five more subjects in the Alzheimer’s disease group). All of the maps and figures in the paper are correct, and the conclusions of the paper are unchanged. We apologize for this error, which falls under the sole responsibility of the first author. The corrected demographic information appears below.


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The aim of this manual is to provide a practical guide to the Plant Breeder's Rights Act 1994 (Cth). It is a resource of information about the legislation, its administration, and its operation. This commentary is intended to assist plant breeders, scientific researchers, and business managers who want to make a more effective use of the Plant Breeder's Rights Act 1994 (Cth) in the management and commercialisation of their intellectual property rights. It is also designed to enhance the understanding of the legislation among lawyers, patent attorneys, qualified persons, and policy-makers.


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This article considers the impact of the copyright term extension upon public exhibitions in libraries and cultural institutions. It focuses upon the legal action taken by the Joyce Estate to prevent the staging of "Rejoyce Dublin 2004", a festival celebrating the centenary of Bloomsday. It evaluates the emergency legislation rushed through by the Irish Parliament, Copyright and Related Rights (Amendment) Act 2004 (Ireland) to safeguard the celebrations. It concludes that copyright law needs to be revised to promote the interests of libraries and other cultural institutions.


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Welcome to the latest collection of papers selected from the International Society for Applied Ethology's (ISAE's) annual congress. The ISAE is a multi-faceted scientific society that supports applied research on animals under the influence of humankind. Every year, we aim to invite congress participants who have submitted papers, plenary talks, run workshops, or presented the memorial lecture on theoretical, review or discussion papers of topical interest to contribute to the Special Issue. These papers are peer-reviewed before being published here in Applied Animal Behaviour Science. International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE) Special Issue 2004.


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Tutkimuksessani selvitän portugalilaisrunoilija Fernando Pessoan (1888-1935) heteronyymejä ja ortonyymiä modernistis-romanttisena myyttinä. Myytin piirteet paljastuivat Pessoan omia kirjoituksia ja runoja tutkimalla ja käyttämällä apuna Pessoa-tutkimusta. Tutkimusaineistonani ovat Pessoa-ortonyymin Mensagem-runoelma ja ”Autopsykografia”-runo, Álvaro de Campoksen vuonna 1917 Portugal Futurista –lehdessä julkaistu ”Ultimatum”-runomanifesti, Alberto Caeiron ”Guardador de Rebanhos”-runosikermä sekä Ricardo Reisin ”Oodit”-kokonaisuuteen kuuluvat runot: n:ro 59 ”Acima da verdade estão os deuses” (”Totuuden yläpuolella ovat jumalat”, 1914), n:ro 66 ”Olho os campos, Neera” (”Katson peltoja, Neera”, 1917), n:ro 181 ”Amo o que vejo” (”Rakastan sitä mitä näen”, 1934), n:ro 175 ”Estas só. Ninguem o sabe.” (”Olet yksin. Kukaan ei tiedä sitä”, 1933). Tutkimuksessani romanttisen runouden keskeisinä piirteinä pidetään uskoa taiteilijaneroon (geniukseen), mimeettiseen illuusioon (taide tavoittelee ulkoisen todellisuuden toisintamista mahdollisimman autenttisena) ja tekijän ja kokijan eli subjektin ja objektin erottamiseen toisistaan. Käsitänkin modernin runon tutkimuksessani hylänneen monia entisiä käsityksiä ja vastakkainasetteluja muun muassa tekijän ja ulkopuolisen maailman, mielen ja kielen välillä. Näitä moderneja ”rikkomuksia” identifioin ja määrittelen Pessoan heteronyymien runoudessa. Tutkimukseni apukäsitteitä ovat vilpittömyys ja autenttisuus, jotka kuvaavat runoilijan suhdetta itseensä ja muihin ja joita on pohtinut mm. Lionel Trilling teoksessaan Sincerity and authencity. Romanttisessa runoudessa suhde yhteisöön muodostui ensisijaisesti suhteessa omaan itseen, yhtenäiseen minuuteen nojaavan vilpittömyyden kautta, modernissa runoudessa hajanaisuutta ja yksilön suhdetta myös yhteisöön korostavan autenttisuuden avulla. Tutkimuksessani havaitsin, että Pessoa on jo tuotantonsa alusta lähtien kehittänyt tietoisesti modernistis-romanttista myyttiä – päätelmää tukivat niin Pessoan omat kirjoitukset kuin runoanalyysini. Pessoa ennusti ensimmäisen kerran romanttiseen nerotaiteilijaan vertautuvaa ”supra-Camõesia” ”A nova poesia Portuguesa Sociologicamente considerada” –esseessään vuonna 1912. Campoksen ”Ultimatum”-manifestissa puhuja uskoi muutaman useita kymmeniä persoonallisuuksia hallitsevan ”Synteesi-Ihmisen” tai ”supra-Camõesin” ilmestymiseen. ”Synteesi-Ihmisen” oli määrä palauttaa kukoistukseensa lamaantuneessa tilassa ollut Portugalin kirjallisuus uuteen kukoistukseensa. Eräänlaisen perustan koko myytille loi vuotta ennen Pessoan kuolemaa julkaistu Mensagem (suom. Viesti), jossa runoilija esittää saudosistisen ja sebastianistisen perustan. Teixeira de Pascoaesin kehittämä saudosismi näkyy Mensagemissa uskona Portugalin valtion perustajien ja laajentajien – löytöretkeilijöiden – edustamaan voittoisaan lusofoniseen mentaliteettiin, jonka Pessoa asettaa niin kansakunnan, runoilijan kuin ihmisen ihanteeksi. Toinen Mensagemissa esiintyvä myytin rakennusaine on sebastianismi eli usko kuningas Sebastianin (1554-1578) paluuseen. ”Synteesi-Ihminen”/”supra-Camões” oli reinkarnoitunut Sebastian, jonka piti palauttaa kansa ja kulttuuri kukoistukseensa lusofonisen valloittajamentaliteetin avulla. ”Autopsykografia”-runossaan Pessoa esittää puolestaan runoilijaa koskevan modernin poetiikan ongelmineen: esittävyyteen perustuva taide etäännyttää kokijan – taiteilijan – aina väistämättä ensimmäisestä, spontaanista ja luonnollisesta kokemuksesta ja tekee hänestä teeskentelijän ja simulakrumien (Baudrillard), toisen tason merkityksen tuottajan. ”Autopsykografian” moderni poetiikka koskee myös lukijaa, joka ei tavoita runoilijan välittämää merkitystä vaan kolmannen tason merkityksen. ”Autopsykografian” runous- ja ihmiskäsitys on moderni: runoilija on ammattimainen teeskentelijä, lähtökohtaisesti vilpillinen ja epäautenttinen. Pessoa ja Campos edustavat Pessoan objektiivisia heteronyymejä ja myytin modernia puolta. Pessoan subjektiiviset heteronyymit Reis ja Caeiro täydentävät objektiviisia, modernin ihmisen ahdistusta ja levottomuutta ilmaisseita Pessoaa ja Camposta ollen luonteeltaan romanttisia vilpittömyyden kannattajia. Caeiro arvosti näköaistia yli muiden aistien. Hänen tavoitteenaan oli katsoa aina kuin ensimmäistä kertaa, spontaanisti ja välittömästi kuin lapsi. Reis puolestaan korosti harmoniaa jumalten, ihmisten ja luonnon välillä ja uskoi kohtuullisiin aistinautintoihin. Molemmat muodostivat Pessoan myytin romanttisen puolen yhteisessä halussaan hylätä sosiaaliset roolit ja opetukset ja palata kohti yksilöllistä minää. Vilpittömyys ja autenttisuus ovat Caeiron ja Reisin ohjeita runoilijalle ja ihmiselle. Objektiiviset ja subjektiiviset heteronyymit yhdessä muodostavat modernistis-romanttisen myytin, joka kokonaisuudessaan on looginen: objektiiviset heteronyymit esittivät teeskentelyn, vilpillisyyden ja moderniuden ongelmat; subjektiiviset tarjosivat ratkaisua niihin, poisopettelua sosiaalisista rooleista ja rohkeutta mennä kohti omaa yksilöllistä minuutta.