955 resultados para SURFACE EMG ACTIVITY
The aim of this study was to determine the time to restore the biceps brachii (BB) electromyographic (EMG) activity after the biceps curl (BC) exercise, at different intensities. Ten males performed initially maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVC) of the elbow flexors, followed by one isometric submaximal contraction at 50% MVC (reference contraction). After this, four bouts of the BC at 25%, 30%, 35%, and 40% 1 RM during 1 minute (randomly assigned, with 10 minutes rest between them) were performed. During the rest intervals at preestablished moments (15 seconds, 1, 3, 5, and 10 min), isometric 50% MVC were performed. The EMG variables (root mean square [RMS], zero crossings [ZC], median frequency, [MF] and peak power [PP]) at rest were compared with reference values. Immediately after the exercise, RMS and PP increased, while ZC and MF decreased, indicating fatigue. After 1 minute most of the variables were similar to the reference. Different load levels did not affect the EMG recovery. In conclusion, the EMG variables recovered after 1 minute rest, indicating the optimal muscular condition for subsequent bouts. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
This study aimed to compare the torque, torque ratio (Hamstrings:Quadriceps - H:Q), electromyographic (EMG) activity and EMG ratio (knee flexors:knee extensors EMG) in soccer players (SG, N=10) and active subjects (AG, N=10). Subjects performed three maximal voluntary isometric knee extensions and flexions at 45° and 90° to determine the peak torque and EMG activity. Torque and EMG activity of the knee flexor (biceps femoris [BF] and semitendinosus [ST]) were divided by the torque and EMG activity of the knee extensor (vastuls lateralis [VL] and rectus femoris [RF]) to calculate torque ratios (H:Q) and EMG ratios (BF:VL, BF:RF, ST:VL, ST:RF). The flexion torque was significantly higher for SG (p<0.05) in 45° and 90°. EMG activity for SG was significantly higher in agonist contractions for VL, RF and ST, and significantly lower in antagonist contractions for RF and ST when compared to AG Torque and EMG ratios were similar between groups and there were good correlations between torque ratio and BF:VL ratio (r=0.71, p=0.02) and BF:RF ratio (r=0.81, p=0.004) at 45. The EMG results could overestimate the joint balance calculated using torque ratios. Differences in recruitment pattern between soccer players and non-athletes can be related to the training routines and the EMG ratios presents applicable in trained populations.
The purpose of this study was to compare the antagonist coactivation of the local and global trunk muscles during mat-based exercises of Skilled Modern Pilates. Twelve women performed five exercises and concurrently, surface EMG from internal oblique (OI), multifidus (MU), rectus abdominis (RA) and iliocostalis lumborum (IL) muscles was recorded bilaterally. The percentage of antagonist coactivation between local (OI/MU) and global muscles (RA/IL) was calculated. Individuals new to the practice of these exercises showed differences in coactivation of the trunk muscles between the exercises and these results were not similar bilaterally. Thus, in clinical practice, the therapist should be aware of factors such as compensation and undesirable rotation movements of the trunk. Moreover, the coactivation of global muscles was higher bilaterally in all exercises analyzed. This suggests that the exercises of Skilled Modern Pilates only should be performed after appropriate learning and correct execution of all principles, mainly the Centering Principle. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This study examined whether there is an association between surface electromyography (EMG) of masticatory muscles, orofacial myofunction status and temporomandibular disorder (TMD) severity scores. Forty-two women with TMD (mean 30 years, SD 8) and 18 healthy women (mean 26 years, SD 6) were examined. According to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD (RDC/TMD), all patients had myogenous disorders plus disk displacements with reduction. Surface EMG of masseter and temporal muscles was performed during maximum teeth clenching either on cotton rolls or in intercuspal position. Standardized EMG indices were obtained. Validated protocols were used to determine the perception severity of TMD and to assess orofacial myofunctional status. TMD patients showed more asymmetry between right and left muscle pairs, and more unbalanced contractile activities of contralateral masseter and temporal muscles (p < 0.05, t-test), worse orofacial myofunction status and higher TMD severity scores (p < 0.05, Mann-Whitney test) than healthy subjects. Spearman coefficient revealed significant correlations between EMG indices, orofacial myofunctional status and TMD severity (p < 0.05). In conclusion, these methods will provide useful information for TMD diagnosis and future therapeutic planning. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose: due to the presence of major masticatory dysfunction in patients with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) ankylosis, this study analyzed mouth opening and EMG activity of masticatory muscles in order to detect changes in these parameters after surgical release of mandible ankylosis. Method: in 7 patients with temporomandibular ankylosis, between 7 and 30 years (median = 9 years), the distance was measured as interincisal maximum active (DIMA) and we recorded the electromyographic activity (EMG) of masseter and temporal muscles during voluntary isometric contraction (VIC) and chewing, comparing the data before and after surgery using the Wilcoxon test. Results: higher values were observed for DIMA after surgery (p=0.0277), the asymmetry index showed no difference between the two evaluated periods for both studied muscles, the values of the EMG during VIC decreased after surgery for the right (p=0.0179) and left (p=0.0179) masseter but not for the temporal muscle, there were no changes in EMG values for the studied muscles during mastication. Conclusion: the surgical release of TMJ ankylosis resulted in an increase of mouth opening and decreased amplitude of action potentials generated during maximum isometric voluntary contraction of the masseter muscle on both sides, this did not change the asymmetry index of the masseter and temporal as well as the electromyographic activity of the temporal muscle bilaterally during isometric contraction and masseter and temporal muscles during mastication.
Reconstruction of bone is needed for high bone loss due to congenital deformities, trauma or neoplastic diseases. Commonly, orthopaedic surgical treatments are autologus or allogenic bone implant or prosthetic implant. A choice to the traditional approaches could be represented by tissue engineering that use cells (and/or their products) and innovative biomaterials to perform bone substitutes biologically active as an alternative to artificial devices. In the last years, there was a wide improvement in biology on stem cells potential research and in biomedical engineering through development of new biomaterials designed to resemble the physiological tissues. Tissue engineering strategies and smart materials aim together to stimulate in vivo bone regeneration. This approaches drive at restore not only structure integrity and/or function of the original tissue, but also to induce new tissue deposition in situ. An intelligent bone substitute is now designed like not only a scaffold but also as carrier of regeneration biomolecular signals. Biomimetics has helped to project new tissue engineered devices to simulate the physiological substrates architecture, such extracellular matrix (ECM), and molecular signals that drive the integration at the interface between pre-existing tissue and scaffold. Biomimetic strategies want to increase the material surface biological activity with physical modifications (topography) o chemical ones (adhesive peptides), to improve cell adhesion to material surface and possibly scaffold colonization. This study evaluated the effects of biomimetic modifications of surgical materials surface, as poly-caprolattone (PCL) and titanium on bone stem cells behaviour in a marrow experimental model in vitro. Two biomimetic strategies were analyzed; ione beam irradiation, that changes the surface roughness at the nanoscale, and surface functionalization with specific adhesive peptides or Self Assembled Monolayers (SAMs). These new concept could be a mean to improve the early (cell adhesion, spreading..) and late phases (osteoblast differentiation) of cell/substrate interactions.
Allergies are a complex of symptoms derived from altered IgE-mediated reactions of the immune system towards substances known as allergens. Allergic sensibilization can be of food or respiratory origin and, in particular, apple and hazelnut allergens have been identified in pollens or fruits. Allergic cross-reactivity can occur in a patient reacting to similar allergens from different origins, justifying the research in both systems as in Europe a greater number of people suffers from apple fruit allergy, but little evidence exists about pollen. Apple fruit allergies are due to four different classes of allergens (Mal d 1, 2, 3, 4), whose allergenicity is related both to genotype and tissue specificity; therefore I have investigated their presence also in pollen at different time of germination to clarify the apple pollen allergenic potential. I have observed that the same four classes of allergens found in fruit are expressed at different levels also in pollen, and their presence might support that the apple pollen can be considered allergenic as the fruit, deducing that apple allergy could also be indirectly caused by sensitization to pollen. Climate changes resulting from increases in temperature and air pollution influence pollen allergenicity, responsible for the dramatic raise in respiratory allergies (hay fever, bronchial asthma, conjunctivitis). Although the link between climate change and pollen allergenicity is proven, the underlying mechanism is little understood. Transglutaminases (TGases), a class of enzymes able to post-translationally modify proteins, are activated under stress and involved in some inflammatory responses, enhancing the activity of pro-inflammatory phospholipase A2, suggesting a role in allergies. Recently, a calcium-dependent TGase activity has been identified in the pollen cell wall, raising the possibility that pollen TGase may have a role in the modification of pollen allergens reported above, thus stabilizing them against proteases. This enzyme can be involved also in the transamidation of proteins present in the human mucosa interacting with surface pollen or, finally, the enzyme itself can represent an allergen, as suggested by studies on celiac desease. I have hypothesized that this pollen enzyme can be affected by climate changes and be involved in exhacerbating allergy response. The data presented in this thesis represent a scientific basis for future development of studies devoted to verify the hypothesis set out here. First, I have demonstrated the presence of an extracellular TGase on the surface of the grain observed either at the apical or the proximal parts of the pollen-tube by laser confocal microscopy (Iorio et al., 2008), that plays an essential role in apple pollen-tube growth, as suggested by the arrest of tube elongation by TGase inhibitors, such as EGTA or R281. Its involvement in pollen tube growth is mainly confirmed by the data of activity and gene expression, because TGase showed a peak between 15 min and 30 min of germination, when this process is well established, and an optimal pH around 6.5, which is close to that recorded for the germination medium. Moreover, data show that pollen TGase can be a glycoprotein as the glycosylation profile is linked both with the activation of the enzyme and with its localization at the pollen cell wall during germination, because from the data presented seems that the active form of TGase involved in pollen tube growth and pollen-stylar interaction is more exposed and more weakly bound to the cell wall. Interestingly, TGase interacts with fibronectin (FN), a putative SAMs or psECM component, inducing possibly intracellular signal transduction during the interaction between pollen-stylar occuring in the germination process, since a protein immunorecognised by anti-FN antibody is also present in pollen, in particular at the level of pollen grain cell wall in a punctuate pattern, but also along the shank of the pollen tube wall, in a similar pattern that recalls the signal obtained with the antibody anti TGase. FN represents a good substrate for the enzyme activity, better than DMC usually used as standard substrate for animal TGase. Thus, this pollen enzyme, necessary for its germination, is exposed on the pollen surface and consequently can easily interact with mucosal proteins, as it has been found germinated pollen in studies conducted on human mucus (Forlani, personal communication). I have obtained data that TGase activity increases in a very remarkable way when pollen is exposed to stressful conditions, such as climate changes and environmental pollution. I have used two different species of pollen, an aero allergenic (hazelnut, Corylus avellana) pollen, whose allergenicity is well documented, and an enthomophylus (apple, Malus domestica) pollen, which is not yet well characterized, to compare data on their mechanism of action in response to stressors. The two pollens have been exposed to climate changes (different temperatures, relative humidity (rH), acid rain at pH 5.6 and copper pollution (3.10 µg/l)) and showed an increase in pollen surface TGase activity that is not accompanied to an induced expression of TGase immunoreactive protein with AtPNG1p. Probably, climate change induce an alteration or damage to pollen cell wall that carries the pollen grains to release their content in the medium including TGase enzyme, that can be free to carry out its function as confirmed by the immunolocalisation and by the in situ TGase activity assay data; morphological examination indicated pollen damage, viability significantly reduced and in acid rain conditions an early germination of apple pollen, thus possibly enhancing the TGase exposure on pollen surface. Several pollen proteins were post-translationally modified, as well as mammalian sPLA2 especially with Corylus pollen, which results in its activation, potentially altering pollen allergenicity and inflammation. Pollen TGase activity mimicked the behaviour of gpl TGase and AtPNG1p in the stimulation of sPLA2, even if the regulatory mechanism seems different to gpl TGase, because pollen TGase favours an intermolecular cross-linking between various molecules of sPLA2, giving rise to high-molecular protein networks normally more stable. In general, pollens exhibited a significant endogenous phospholipase activity and it has been observed differences according to the allergenic (Corylus) or not-well characterized allergenic (Malus) attitude of the pollen. However, even if with a different intensity level in activation, pollen enzyme share the ability to activate the sPLA2, thus suggesting an important regulatory role for the activation of a key enzyme of the inflammatory response, among which my interest was addressed to pollen allergy. In conclusion, from all the data presented, mainly presence of allergens, presence of an extracellular TGase, increasing in its activity following exposure to environmental pollution and PLA2 activation, I can conclude that also Malus pollen can behave as potentially allergenic. The mechanisms described here that could affect the allergenicity of pollen, maybe could be the same occurring in fruit, paving the way for future studies in the identification of hyper- and hypo- allergenic cultivars, in preventing environmental stressor effects and, possibly, in the production of transgenic plants.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the anti-nociceptive activity of ketamine and isoflurane in horses using a limb withdrawal reflex (WR) model. Single and repeated stimulations were applied to the digital nerve of the left forelimb in ponies anaesthetised with isoflurane before, during and after intravenous administration of racemic ketamine. Surface electromyographic activity was recorded from the deltoid muscle. Higher stimulation intensity was required to evoke a reflex during ketamine administration. Furthermore, the amplitudes of response to stimulations were significantly and dose-dependently depressed and a flattening of the stimulus-response curves was observed. The reflex activity recovered partially once the ketamine infusion finished. The results demonstrated that the limb WR can be used to quantify the temporal effect of ketamine on the sensory-motor processing in ponies anaesthetised with isoflurane.
STUDY OBJECTIVES: Periodic leg movements in sleep (PLMS) are frequently accompanied by arousals and autonomic activation, but the pathophysiologic significance of these manifestations is unclear. DESIGN: Changes in heart rate variability (HRV), HRV spectra, and electroencephalogram (EEG) spectra associated with idiopathic PLMS were compared with changes associated with isolated leg movements and respiratory-related leg movements during sleep. Furthermore, correlations between electromyographic activity, HRV changes, and EEG changes were assessed. SETTING: Sleep laboratory. PATIENTS: Whole-night polysomnographic studies of 24 subjects fulfilling the criteria of either periodic leg movements disorder (n = 8), obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (n = 7), or normal polysomnography (n = 9) were used. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Spectral HRV changes started before all EEG changes and up to 6 seconds before the onset of all types of leg movements. An initial weak autonomic activation was followed by a sympathetic activation, an increase of EEG delta activity, and finally a progression to increased higher-frequency EEG rhythms. After movement onset, HRV indicated a vagal activation, and, the EEG, a decrease in spindle activity. Sympathetic activation, as measured by HRV spectra, was greater for PLMS than for all other movement types. In EEG, gamma synchronization began 1 to 2 seconds earlier for isolated leg movements and respiratory-related leg movements than for PLMS. Significant correlations were found between autonomic activations and electromyographic activity, as well as between autonomic activations and EEG delta activity, but not between higher-frequency EEG rhythms and EMG activity or HRV changes. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest a primary role of the sympathetic nervous system in the generation of PLMS.