323 resultados para SSC


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HIRFL is a tandem cyclotron complex for heavy ion. On the beam line between SFC and SSC, there is a stripper. Behind it, the distribution of charge states of beam is a Gauss distribution. The equilibrium charge state Q_0 is selected by 1BO2(a 50° dipole behind the stripper) and delivered to SSC. One of two new small beam line (named SLAS) after 1B02 will be builded in or der to split and deliver the unused ions of charge states (Q_0 ± n) to aspecific experimental area. Q_0 ± n ions are septumed and separated from initial(Q_0) ion beam by two septum magnets SM1, SM2. The charge state selected by SM1 will be Q_0 ± 1(6 ≤ Q_0 < 17), Q_0 ± 2(17 ≤ Q_0 < 33) and Q_0 ± 3 (Q_0 ≥ 33) forming a beam in one of the two possine new beam line with the stripping energy of (0.2 to 9.83 Mev/A), an emittance of 10π mm.mrad in the two transverse planes and an intensity ranging from 10~(11) pps for z ≤ 10 to some 10~5 pps for the heaviest element. Behind SM2, a few transport elements (three dipoles and seven qudrupoles) tra nsport Q_0 ± n beam to target positions T1, T2 (see fig. 1) and generate small beam spots (φ ≤ 4mm, φ ≤ 6mm). The optics design of the beam line has been done based on SLAC-75 (a first and second - order matrix theory). beam optics calculation has been worked out with the TRANSPORT program. The design is a very economical thinking, because without building a new accelerator we can obtain a lower energy heavy ion beam to provide for a lot of atomic and solid state physical experiments


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兰州重离子研究装置(Heavy Ion Research Facility at LanZhou,HIRFL)是由一台1.7m扇聚焦回旋加速器(SFC)与一台能量常数K=450的分离扇回旋加速器(SSC)组成的加速器系统。束流相位测量系统式束流诊断系统中的一个重要部分,对等时场优化等具有十分重要的作用。HIRFL束流中心相位测量系统于1985年完成了桌面实验,但由于测量精度低,现场抗干扰能力差,一直未能投入使用。 本课题的目的就是找出原系统存在的问题,逐一解决,以便提高其可靠性与测量精度,达到设计要求。 在通过一系列的电子学部分改进和SSC中心相位探针改造之后,于1995年7月第一次测出了SSC中心束流相位。此后,逐步完善改进电子学硬件部分,同时全新设计了系统控制软件,提高了在SFC和SSC上束流相位的测量精度,终于使该系统达到了测量精度为±2.75°~±1.5°的水平。 本论文第一、二章阐述了束流中心相位测量原理和HIRFL束流中心相位测量系统的工作原理,这是本工作的基础和出发点。 在本论文的第三章中,分析了原系统中存在的主要问题。实践使用中可以看出原系统灵敏度低,抗干扰能力差,可靠性差,测量精度低。为了定量判断系统存在的问题,我们设计了自检系统。利用自检系统我们测出原系统测量精度为±6°,且检测出原系统sin,cos正交输出异常。同时测量了原系统多路开关串话量,大多数道与道之间高于最低要求的-40dB,最差只有-20dB,证明存在严重的道间干扰。 本文的第四章中,针对原系统的可靠性差和精度低的两个问题,采取了硬件与软件两方面的各种措施,对系统加以改进。首先,为了提高系统的可靠性,必须提高系统抗干扰能力。为此,我们进行了两个方面的工作,一是根据我们现有条件自行设计了一种新的电缆电子学长度校正方法,大大减少了电缆间相差(小于0.3°),从而有效地提高了系统的抗干扰能力。这种方法不但可以用来校正相同介质电缆,而且可以用来校正不同介质电缆的电子学长度。二是设计了新的信号预选器,其串话量达到约-70dB,并完善了电磁屏蔽,使其完全达到了设计要求。在改进硬件的同时,为了提高可靠性,重新设计了系统控制软件。新的软件测量数据可靠,漏报概率为10-3,操作简便直观,并易于发展。其次,我们工作的重点是提高测量精度。根据自检结果,我们采取了如下措施: (1) 通过对自检数据进行分析,并与理论分析比较,发现问题主要存在于90°移相电路中。而其后的检测证实了这一点。重新调整90°移相电路,并对90°电缆相移进行了精确的校正,从原81.5°校正为90.6°,从而使系统的精度从±6°提高到±4°。 (2) 通过自检数据和理论分析发现鉴相器存在输出增益不平衡,在解决问题之后使系统测量精度达到了±2.75°~±1.5°。 在本文的第五章中,对加速器运行时的中心束流相位测量结果进行了详细分析。结果证明,测量数据可靠,能正确反映出磁场变化情况,测量重复误差达到了±0.5°,从而说明改进后的中心束流相位测量系统性能良好,达到了设计指标。


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本论文比较系统地介绍了等时性回旋加速器的理论,并以兰州重离子加速器系统的注入器SFC和主加速器SSC两台等时性回旋加速器为例介绍该类型加速器的设计特点和设计方法,以及作者在这两台加速器上所做的一些具体设计和改进工作。 首先一般性地介绍加速器尤其是回旋加速器在原子核物理及粒子物理中的作用以及在其它应用学科中的作用,加速器学科尤其是回旋加速器的发展水平和发展趋势。在第二章中给出经典回旋加速器和等时性回旋加速器的理论基础,包括等时性加速原理,轴向聚焦和径向聚焦的稳定加速条件以及由扇块产生的方位角调变磁场提供的轴向聚焦力,径向运动稳定区和共振理论,和加速平衡轨道理论。从第三章到第五章,从等时场的建立,注入系统及引出系统等比较具体的方面来阐述该类型加速器的理论和各种实现方法。第三章介绍GORDON理论和Kb——Kr两种比较常见的理论等时场的建立方法,磁铁和线圈的设计和作用,以及磁场的测量。还介绍了对实际等时性磁场的评价以及通过对束流相位的测量来反映实际等时场的作用和对等时场的再优化等方法。在第四章中,系统地介绍了利用外离子源或利用其它加速器作为注入器时通常采用轴向或者径向注入方法。注入引出系统尤其是注入系统通常是影响一台加速器传输效率的关键性部分,因而在如何提高注入系统的效率方面人们做了大量的工作,特别是轴向注入方法。回旋加速器的中心区是注入的结束和正常加速过程的开始,其设计的好坏对注入效率和后面的束流轨道也是很重要的。第五章在讨论束流从加速器中的引出时,主要强调束流用户或后级加速器对引出束流品质的要求以及引出效率,因而强调了较高的内束流质量和单圈引出的重要性,以及提高引出点的圈距的具体的方法如提高加速圈距、共振进动和非共振进动方法。引出路径上的束流聚焦也是引出系统设计应考虑的一个方面。另外还介绍了再生引出和剥离膜引出方法。在这几章中不仅介绍了回旋加速器的理论,通常从Hamilton方法出发,而且还介绍了进行实际加速器设计中常用的束流轨道数值计算方法。但前者在理解加速器的物理图像方法以及在设计初期对某些重要的参数的评价和估计方面是很必要的。在介绍等时性回旋加速器的理论和设计方法的同时还以SFC和SSC两台回旋加速器和它们的分系统的具体设计为例子作了比较详细的实际应用对照。 论文的最后部分,即第六章是介绍作者自己在回旋加速器的理论和设计方面的部分工作,为了保持整篇论文的协调一致,没有将在国外所做的工作列入,只编入了在HIRFL上进行的直接与回旋加速器的物理设计有关的工作: ① 作者提出的一种新的等时场垫补和优化方法,该方法利用回旋加速器垫补线圈的磁场贡献具有台阶性的特点,对垫补或优化区域采取从小半径到大半径或反过来逐步垫补的方法,它既适用于紧凑式回旋加速器也适用于分离扇回旋加速器,它具有直观性和可对垫补及优化过程进行直接干预的特点。 ② 对SFC的轴向注入系统进行了改进设计,新的注入系统配备两台在线ECR离子源并加强和增加了注入束运线的功能,如增加了离子源的电荷态分析能力,束流发射度的限制功能、进行发射度测量和束流状态的监测功能等等。新的注入系统还提高了三次谐波加速情况下的注入电压以减小空间电荷效应的影响。相比原系统新的轴向注入束运系统有更高的注入效率,更好的调束手段和更好的空间安排。 ③ 对SFC轴向注入束运线的聚束器系统进行了重新设计,用二台分别工作再SFC采用基波加速模式和三次谐波加速模式下的不同聚束器结构代替原来的一台聚束器,以适应SFC较宽的加速粒子和能量范围,并提高了聚束器本身的指标,可以明显地提高轴向注入系统的传输效率和SFC的内束流质量,同时该聚束器系统还采用了新的半频聚束模式,在不影响SFC的效率和束流质量的情况下可以将SFC与SSC的理论纵向匹配效率由原设计的50%提高到100%。 ④ 对SFC加速器的中心区进行了改进设计,配合轴向注入系统将三次谐波加速时的注入半径由2.5cm提高到3.0cm,使加速较重的重离子的条件得到改善,并保留基波加速时2.5cm的注入半径,即新的中心区要适应两套注入参数,每次仅更换新的螺旋线型静电偏转镜。新的中心区还照顾到SFC高频DEE电压在某些情况下偏低的不足。 ⑤ 在对HIRFL加速器系统进行了全面的分析后,提出了一系列的提高其束流指标和运行效率的改进措施,作为进一步工作的方向,并给出了在完成目前正在进行的改进工作后和2000年前后HIRFL可能达到的束流指标。 在附录中一般性地介绍了Hamilton分析力学和带电粒子束的相空间理论,在讨论了束流动力学研究中经常用到的传输矩阵方法和轨迹跟踪方法。在附录二中介绍了加速器用的多电荷态离子源的情况,尤其是以ECR离子源为代表的高电荷重离子源的情况。


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兰州重离子研究装置(Heavy Ion ReSearch Facility at Lanzhou, HIRFL)是我们研究所得一个大型实验装置,它包括SFC和SSC两个加速器和两条束运线。本论文比较系统地介绍了HIRFL束流诊断系统的改造和SFC分布式控制系统的设计。 在第一章中,简单介绍了国际加速器控制系统的现状和HIRFL控制系统中存在的问题。在第二章一般性地阐述了描述束流品质的各个参数,这些参数的测量原理以及测量这些参数的装置。本论文的第三章详细叙述了HIRFL束流诊断系统的改造方法、过程和结果,结果准确可靠,人机界面非常友好,给调束带来很大的方便。第四章介绍了计算机网络的基本概念,描述了在选用TCP/IP协议的条件下,利用Socket(套接字)实现Windows环境下的实时网络通信的具体过程和步骤,其中参与通信的双方是以客户机和服务器的形式存在的。第五章讲述了SFC分布式控制系统的实现,并在实时网络通信的基础上完成了ECR源扫谱程序和I/O级的网络通信程序。 论文的最后一章,介绍了对HIRFL束运线进行优化控制的一个设想,利用系统辨识的方法可以得到束运线的数学模型,并提供了自适应控制的实现细节,这也是作者对实现HIRFL优化控制的一个愿望。


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The objective of the study is to investigate the suitability of using Pulse-coherent Acoustic Doppler Profiler (PCADP) to estimate suspended sediment concentration (SSC). The acoustic backscatter intensity was corrected for spreading and absorption loss, then calibrated with OBS and finally converted to SSC. The results show that there is a good correlation between SSC and backscatter intensity with R value of 0.74. The mean relative error is 22.4%. Then the time span of little particle size variation was also analyzed to exclude the influence of size variation. The correlation coefficient increased to 0.81 and the error decreased to 18.9%. Our results suggest that the PCADP can meet the requirement of other professional instruments to estimate SSC with the errors between 20% and 50%, and can satisfy the need of dynamics study of suspended particles.


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沉积物再悬浮作为一个比较普遍的物理现象,对浅海生态系统污染物的生物地球化学循环具有强烈的干扰作用。本研究以我国北方重要养殖海湾——桑沟湾为研究对象,从物理、化学、生物三个角度出发,研究了沉积物再悬浮的发生过程以及再悬浮介质-沉积物的源汇转换角色及其与养殖藻类的关系,构建了波流耦合模型和再悬浮颗粒物浓度预测数学模型。主要研究结果如下: 1)桑沟湾的海湾动力比约为1.54,沉积物具有发生再悬浮的潜在动力条件;推导出波流耦合切应力的计算公式。 2)悬浮颗粒物浓度(SSC)与浊度(NTU)之间符合线性方程SSC=15.908×ln(NTU)+7.0888(n=33,R2=0.7209);碎屑有机碳库是桑沟湾养殖生态系统中最大的有机碳库,占总POC库储量的81.87%。 3)沉积物再悬浮的临界切应力在0.059 N/m2左右,耦合切应力与悬浮颗粒物浓度符合方程= 238.06 SSC + 25.215(n=25,R2 = 0.7298);最大剪切深度可达8.81 cm;桑沟湾沉积物再悬浮通量的数量级在10-5~10-6 kg·m-2·s-1之间,再悬浮临界风速约为5.51 m/s,全年约有171天沉积物处于再悬浮状态;构建了沉积物再悬浮颗粒物浓度预测数学模型。 4)桑沟湾表层沉积物总氮的含量范围313.09~1094.44µg/g,有机氮是总氮的主要形态,平均占总氮的60.86%;交换态氮是无机氮的主要形式,平均占无机氮的71.40%,交换态氮中NO3--N的含量最大;桑沟湾表层沉积物的TOC/TN比值为9.38,表明沉积物中有机质具有混合来源的特征;无机磷是桑沟湾表层沉积物中磷的主要形态,平均占总磷的73.33%,钙结合磷是无机磷的主要赋存形态;表层沉积物中潜在生物有效性磷的含量占总磷的86.54%,具有很强的释磷潜力。桑沟湾重金属的潜在生态危害指数RI约为36.17,表明重金属的潜在生态危害轻微。 5)再悬浮过程中沉积物春季表现为氮磷源,释放溶解无机氮和磷酸盐;夏、秋季表现为氮汇磷源,释放磷酸盐而吸附溶解无机氮;冬季表现为氮磷汇,吸附磷酸盐和溶解无机氮。


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This dissertation tries to combine the new theories of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and reservoir architecture with fine sedimentology to form a integral theory system -"high-resolution sequence sedimentology", which can be applied widely ranging from the early petroleum exploration to the tertiary recovery stage in marine and terrestrial basin. So the west slope area in south of Songliao basin, in which, early-fine exploration have been developed, and Xingnan area of Daqing placantictine in high water-bearing and tertiary recovery stage, are selected as target areas to research and analyze. By applying high-resolution sequence stratigraphy theory as well as analysis of source area-facies, the west slope area has been divided into two source areas and three drainage systems and the following conclusions have been drawn: three high values sandstone areas, two sandstone pinchout zones and one stratigraphic pinchout overlap; the facies between Baicheng-Tongyu drainage system is frist ascertained as large-scale argillaceous filled plain facies; fine-grained braided channel-delta depositional system has been found; plane sedimentary facies and microfacies maps of different-scale sequence have been completed, and then twenty-eight lithologic traps have been detected in the east of Taobao-Zhenlai reverse fault zone; In no exploration area of the west, large-scale stratigraiphic overlap heavy oil reservoirs has first been found, which has become an important prograss. In Xingnan area, in the view of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy, the surface of unconformity (the bottom of SSC13) in P I group has been identified, and the following method and technique have been advanced: the division and correlation methods of short-scale base-level cycle sequence (SSC); the comprehensive research methods of SSC plane microfacies; the division technique of hierarchy and type of flow unit, the origin of large-scale composite sandbody and flow unit; And ,on the basis of these, 103 monosandstone bodies and 87 flow units of the third levels have been identified, and four levels of flow units model of five sandstone-bodies types have been established. Because it is a very difficult task all over the world to research architecture in subsurface monosandstone body, brings forward a series of techniques as follows: technique of researching architecture of thin interbed in subsurface monosandstone body; classification, type and liquid-resisting mechanism of thin interbed; multiple-remember vertical subsequence model of remaining oil in monosadstone body. Models of heterogeneity and architecture of thin interbed in five types of monosandstone body have been established. Applying these techniques, type and distribution of remaining oil in different types of monosandstone bodies have been predicated.


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The ever increasing demand for broadband communications requires sophisticated devices. Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) are an approach that fulfills those requirements. PICs enable the integration of different optical modules on a single chip. Low loss fiber coupling and simplified packaging are key issues in keeping the price of PICs at a low level. Integrated spot size converters (SSC) offer an opportunity to accomplish this. Design, fabrication and characterization of SSCs based on an asymmetric twin waveguide (ATG) at a wavelength of 1.55 μm are the main elements of this dissertation. It is theoretically and experimentally shown that a passive ATG facilitates a polarization filter mechanism. A reproducible InP process guideline is developed that achieves vertical waveguides with smooth sidewalls. Birefringence and resonant coupling are used in an ATG to enable a polarization filtering and splitting mechanism. For the first time such a filter is experimentally shown. At a wavelength of 1610 nm a power extinction ratio of (1.6 ± 0.2) dB was measured for the TE- polarization in a single approximately 372 μm long TM- pass polarizer. A TE-pass polarizer with a similar length was demonstrated with a TM/TE-power extinction ratio of (0.7 ± 0.2) dB at 1610 nm. The refractive indices of two different InGaAsP compositions, required for a SSC, are measured by the reflection spectroscopy technique. A SSC layout for dielectric-free fabricated compact photodetectors is adjusted to those index values. The development and the results of the final fabrication procedure for the ATG concept are outlined. The etch rate, sidewall roughness and selectivity of a Cl2/CH4/H2 based inductively coupled plasma (ICP) etch are investigated by a design of experiment approach. The passivation effect of CH4 is illustrated for the first time. Conditions are determined for etching smooth and vertical sidewalls up to a depth of 5 μm.


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INTRODUCTION: Increasing number of stretch-shortening contractions (SSCs) results in increased muscle injury. METHODS: Fischer Hybrid rats were acutely exposed to an increasing number of SSCs in vivo using a custom-designed dynamometer. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) imaging was conducted 72 hours after exposure when rats were infused with Prohance and imaged using a 7T rodent MRI system (GE Epic 12.0). Images were acquired in the transverse plane with typically 60 total slices acquired covering the entire length of the hind legs. Rats were euthanized after MRI, the lower limbs removed, and tibialis anterior muscles were prepared for histology and quantified stereology. RESULTS: Stereological analyses showed myofiber degeneration, and cellular infiltrates significantly increased following 70 and 150 SSC exposure compared to controls. MRI images revealed that the percent affected area significantly increased with exposure in all SSC groups in a graded fashion. Signal intensity also significantly increased with increasing SSC repetitions. DISCUSSION: These results suggest that contrast-enhanced MRI has the sensitivity to differentiate specific degrees of skeletal muscle strain injury, and imaging data are specifically representative of cellular histopathology quantified via stereological analyses.


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The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey has been used to characterize phytoplankton and zooplankton space-time dynamics in the North Sea since 1931 and in the North Atlantic since 1939. Phytoplankton biomass is assessed from these samples by visual assessment of the green color of the silk mesh, the Phytoplankton Color Index (PCI), and the total count of diatoms and dinoflagellates. Species with a frequency of occurrence greater than 1% in the samples are used as indicator species of the community. We investigated (1) long-term fluctuations of phytoplankton biomass, total diatoms, and total dinoflagellates; (2) geographical variation of patterns; (3) the relationship between phytoplankton and climate forcing in the North Atlantic CPR samples; (4) the relative contribution of diatoms and dinoflagellates to the PCI; and (5) the fluctuations of the dominant species over the period of survey to provide more information on the processes linking climate to changes in the phytoplankton community. As a result of the differences in microscopic analysis methods prior to 1958, our analyses were conducted for the period ranging from 1958 to 2002. The North Atlantic was divided into six regions identified through bathymetric criteria and separated along a North-South axis. Based on 12 monthly time series, we demonstrate increasing trends in PCI and total dinoflagellates and a decrease in total diatoms.


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We investigated long-term spatial variability in a number of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in the northeast Atlantic and North Sea using data from the Continuous Plankton Recorder. Over the last four decades, some dinoflagellate taxa showed pronounced variation in the south and east of the North Sea, with the most significant increases being restricted to the adjacent waters off Norway. There was also a general decrease along the eastern coast of the United Kingdom. The most prominent feature in the interannual bloom frequencies over the last four decades was the anomalously high values recorded in the late 1980s in the northern and central North Sea areas. The only mesoscale area in the northeast Atlantic to show a significant increase in bloom formation over the last decade was the Norwegian coastal region. The changing spatial patterns of HAB taxa and the frequency of bloom formation are discussed in relation to regional climate change, in particular, changes in temperature, salinity, and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Areas highly vulnerable to the effects of regional climate change on HABs are Norwegian coastal waters and the Skagerrak. Other vulnerable areas include Danish coastal waters, and to a lesser extent, the German and Dutch Bight and the northern Irish Sea. Quite apart from eutrophication, our results give a preview of what might happen to certain HAB genera under changing climatic conditions in temperate environments and their responses to variability of climate oscillations such as the NAO.


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Sampling by the continuous plankton recorder (CPR) survey over the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea has enabled long-term studies of phytoplankton biomass. Analysis of an index of phytoplankton biomass, the phytoplankton colour index (PCI), has previously shown an increase in phytoplankton biomass in the NE Atlantic. In the current study, further investigations were conducted to determine the contribution of diatom and dinoflagellate cell counts to the PCI, their fluctuations over the last 45 yr and their geographical variations in the eastern North Atlantic and the North Sea. An increased contribution of dinoflagellates to the PCI was revealed over the south NE Atlantic and the northern North Sea. In contrast, the contribution of diatoms decreased in the north NE Atlantic and the northern North Sea. No discernible trends were found in the other regions of the North Sea. The relative contributions of diatoms and dinoflagellates to the PCI led to the identification of 3 geographically distinct dynamic regimes in the diatom/dinoflagellate dynamics in the NE Atlantic and the North Sea. Finally, it is stressed that the discrepancy observed in the patterns of PCI and diatom and dinoflagellate cell counts suggests that changes in PCI do not reflect changes in the community structure and that the exclusive use of PCI is not adequate to investigate the long-term trends in the trophic link between phytoplankton and herbivorous zooplankton.


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All marine organisms are affected to some extent by the movement and thermal properties of oceanic currents. However phytoplankton, because of its small size is most directly coupled to the physical environment. The intense hydrodynamic activity observed in the Northwest Atlantic Shelves Province makes this region especially intriguing from the point of view of physical-biological interactions. In the present work, remote sensed data of Sea Surface Height (SSH) anomalies, Sea-surface chlorophyll a concentrations (SeaWiFS), and Sea Surface Temperature (SST) are used to complement the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey that continuously sampled a route between Norfolk (Virginia, USA; 39° N, 71° W) and Argentia (Newfoundland; 47° N, 54° W) over the period 1995–1998. Over this period, we examined physical structures (i.e. SST and SSH) and climatic forcing associated with space-time phytoplankton structure. Along this route, the phytoplankton structures were mainly impacted by the changes in surface flow along the Scotian Shelf rather than significantly influenced by the mesoscale features of the Gulf Stream. These changes in water mass circulation caused a drop in temperature and salinity along the Scotian Shelf that induced changes in phytoplankton and zooplankton abundance.


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Monitoring of Phaeocystis since 1948 during the Continuous Plankton Recorder survey indicates that over the last 5.5 decades the distribution of its colonies in the North Atlantic Ocean was not restricted to neritic waters: occurrence was also recorded in the open Atlantic regions sampled, most frequently in the spring. Apparently, environmental conditions in open ocean waters, also those far oVshore, are suitable for complete lifecycle development of colonies (the only stage recorded in the survey). In the North Sea the frequency of occurrence was also highest in spring. Its southeastern part was the Phaeocystis abundance hotspot of the whole area covered by the survey. Frequency was especially high before the 1960s and after the 1980s, i.e., in the periods when anthropogenic nutrient enrichment was relatively low. Changes in eutrophication have obviously not been a major cause of long-term Phaeocystis variation in the southeastern North Sea, where total phytoplankton biomass was related signiWcantly to river discharge. Evidence is presented for the suggestion that Phaeocystis abundance in the southern North Sea is to a large extent determined by the amount of Atlantic Ocean water Xushed in through the Dover Strait. Since Phaeocystis plays a key role in element Xuxes relevant to climate the results presented here have implications for biogeochemical models of cycling of carbon and sulphur. Sea-to-air exchange of CO2 and dimethyl sulphide (DMS) has been calculated on the basis of measurements during single-year cruises. The considerable annual variation in phytoplankton and in its Phaeocystis component reported here does not warrant extrapolation of such figures.