568 resultados para SMA connector


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"Tissue engineering: part A", vol. 21, suppl. 1 (2015)


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil


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This is the first study to adopt a configurational paradigm in an investigation of strategic management accounting (SMA) adoption. The study examines the alignment and effectiveness of strategic choice and strategic management accounting (SMA) system design configurations. Six configurations were derived empirically by deploying a cluster analysis of data collected from a sample of 193 large Slovenian companies. The first four clusters appear to provide some support for the central configurational proposition that higher levels of vertical and horizontal configurational alignments are associated with higher levels of performance. Evidence that contradicts the theory is also apparent, however, as the remaining two clusters exhibit high degrees of SMA vertical and horizontal alignment, but low performance levels. A particular contribution of the paper concerns its demonstration of the way that the configurational paradigm can be operationalised to examine management accounting phenomena and the nature of management accounting insights that can derive from applying the approach.


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Durant molts anys, els jardins del Palau Novella han patit una sèrie de canvis que han desembocat en el seu abandonament i degradació. La falta de gestió i manteniment ha comportat l’aparició de fitopatologies en una part important dels individus, així com la colonització d’espècies invasores, tant de flora com de faun,a o la degradació dels elements arquitectònics. D’altra banda, la seva importància com a connector o la presència d’arbres i comunitats d’especial interès, li atorguen a la zona un gran valor a nivell ecològic. Per tant, tant per a la seva protecció, com per a la millora de les condicions actuals de degradació, seran necessàries una sèrie de mesures correctores que ajudin a restaurar i conservar la zona, de manera que, l’objectiu principal d’aquest estudi, serà l’avaluació de tots els factors, tant positius com negatius, per tal de poder elaborar les mesures esmentades.


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El objetivo principal de este proyecto es la caracterización de la microcuenca la Jabonera (Estelí, Nicaragua) enfatizando el agua como factor clave que conecta todos los elementos que interaccionan en la microcuenca y que, además delimita el área de estudio. El trabajo de campo ha consistido básicamente en la georeferenciación de los puntos de interés, la realización de encuestas a la población y la evaluación de las fuentes de agua y del agua del río mediante análisis fisicoquímicos. En el procesamiento de la información se ha elaborado cartografía temática mediante la herramienta SIG que ha servido de soporte para la interpretación de los resultados. Las características morfométricas y biofísicas favorecen que el agua precipitada se pierda rápidamente por escorrentía superficial con una tendencia moderada a crecidas e inundaciones. El agua infiltrada circula rápidamente por fracturas del material geológico con tiempos de tránsito cortos, y además, el área de recarga de los nacientes es local por lo que las fuentes son especialmente vulnerables a períodos de sequía y a la contaminación en su entorno cercano. El estudio de usos del suelo junto con la realización de análisis del agua ha permitido determinar que los agroquímicos son la principal fuente potencial de contaminación del agua en la microcuenca. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la necesidad de llevar a cabo una gestión integrada del territorio que garantice un desarrollo socioambiental sostenible.


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Nine Adenovirus (Ad) strains isolated in Cuba, from 128 nasopharingeal swab specimens of children below five years old, with acute respiratory diseases, during 1996 and 1997, were studied by restriction enzyme analysis of genomic DNA with two endonucleases BamH I and Sma I. All different fragment patterns were compared with the respective prototypes. The identified adenoviruses were Ad 1 (n=4), Ad 2 (n=1) and Ad 6 (n=4). Males were more frequently infected than females. The analysis of the occurrence of these Adenovirus strains of subgenus C revealed that Ad 1 and Ad 6 were the predominant serotypes in 1996 and in 1997, respectively.


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És ben sabut que les úniques etapes del cicle de vida del programari que necessàriament s'han d'especificar són les de recollida de requisits i l'anàlisi o l'especificació del programari. La resta (disseny, implementació i prova) es pot generar d'una manera més o menys automàtica a partir de l'anàlisi. En aquest PFC hem volgut estudiar la viabilitat de la construcció automàtica de codi SQL a partir de diagrames de classes d'anàlisi UML. S'ha estès l'eina de modelatge UML Poseidon amb un connector, de manera que amb una interfície molt simple es pot obtenir molt ràpidament l'esquema bàsic d'una base de dades, incloent-hi les taules, les seves columnes, claus rimàries i foranes, i també els disparadors (i les claus úniques) necessaris per a garantir les restriccions de cardinalitat de les associacions.


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Abstract Introduction The primary function of the contractile vascular smooth muscle cells (cVSMCs) is the regulation of the vascular contractility which means the adaptation of the vascular tonus in response to the modulation of the blood pressure and blood flow. The cVSMCs are essentially quiescent, and therefore their synthesis rate is very limited. They are characterized by the expression of contractile proteins specific to the muscular tissue including myosin, h-­‐caldesmon and <-­‐smooth muscle actin (〈-­‐SMA). These contractile cells are strongly represented in the media layer of the arterial wall and, in a smaller proportion, of the vein wall. Their typical stretched-­‐out morphology allows recognizing them by a histological analysis. They do not produce any extracellular matrix (ECM), and do not migrate through the different layers of the vessel wall, and are not directly involved in the development of intimal hyperplasia (IH). Neointimal formation occurs after endothelial disruption leading to complex molecular and biological mechanisms. The de-­‐differentiation of cVSMCs into synthetic VSMCs (sVSMCs) is mentioned as a key element. These non mature cells are able to proliferate and produce ECM. The characterization of the vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) from healthy and stenosed vascular tissues will contribue to the understanding of the different biological processes leading to IH and will be useful for the development of new therapies to interfere with the cVSMCs growth and migration. The aim of our research was to quantify the proportion of cVSMCs and sVSMCs into the healthy and pathologic human blood vessel wall and to characterize their phenotype. Methods We selected 23 specimens of arterial and venous segments from 18 patients. All these specimens were stored in the biobank from the thoracic and vascular surgery departement. 4 groups were designed (group 1 :arteries without lesions (n=3) ;group 2 : veins without lesions (n=1); group 3: arteries with stenosis (n=9); group 4: veins with stenosis (n=10)). Histology: 5µm-­‐sections were made from each sample embedded in paraffin wax and further stained with hematoxylin & eosin (HE), Van Gieson's stain (VGEL) and Masson's Trichrome (TMB). Pathologic tissues were defined using the label that was given to the macroscopic samples by the surgeon and also, based on the histological analysis with HE and VGEL evaluating the presence of a thickened intima. The same was done to the control samples evaluating the absence of thickening. Immunohistochemistry : The primary antibodies were used :〈-­‐SMA, vimentin, h-­‐ caldesmon, calponin, smooth muscle-myosin heavy chain (SM-­‐MHC), tropomyosin-­‐4, retinol binding protein-­‐1 (RBP-­‐1), nonmuscle-­‐myosin heavy chain-­‐B (NM-­‐MHC-­‐B), Von Willebrand factor (VWF). A semi-­‐quantitative assessment of the intensity of each sample stained was performed. Western Blot : Segments of arteries and veins were analyzed using the following primary antibodies :〈-­‐SMA, Calponin, SM-­‐MHC, NM-­‐MHC-­‐B. The given results were then normalized with tubulin. Results Our data showed that, when using immunohistochemistry analysis we found that〈-­‐SMA was mostly expressed in control arteries, whereas NM-­‐MHC-­‐B in the pathologic ones. Using SM-­‐MHC, calponin, vimentin and caldesmon we found no significative differences in the expression of these proteins in the control and in the pathologic samples. Western Blot analysis showed an inverse correlation between healthy and pathological samples as <-­‐ SMA was more expressed in the pathological samples, while NM-­‐MHC-­‐B in the control group; SM-­‐MHC and calponin were mostly expressed in the pathologic samples. Conclusion Our study showed no clear differences between stenotic and control arterial and venous segments using semi-­‐quantitative assessement by immunohistochemistry. Western Blot showed a significant increased expression of 〈-­‐SMA, calponin and SM-­‐MHC in the arteries with stenosis, while NM-­‐MHC-­‐B was mostly expressed in the arteries without lesions. Further studies are needed to track the lineage of VSMCs to understand the mechanisms leading toIH.


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INTRODUCTION: Smoothelin is a cytoskeletal protein of differentiated smooth muscle cells with contractile capacity, distinguishing it from other smooth muscle proteins, such as smooth muscle actin (SMA). OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the expression of smoothelin and SMA in the skin in order to establish specific localizations of smoothelin in smooth muscle cells with high contractile capacity and in the epithelial component of cutaneous adnexal structures. Methods: Immunohistochemical analysis (smoothelin and SMA) was performed in 18 patients with normal skin. RESULTS: SMA was expressed by the vascular structures of superficial, deep, intermediate and adventitial plexuses, whereas smoothelin was specifically expressed in the cytoplasm of smooth muscle cells of the deepest vascular plexus and in no other plexus of the dermis. The hair erector muscle showed intense expression of smoothelin and SMA. Cells with nuclear expression of smoothelin and cytoplasmic expression of SMA were observed in the outer root sheath of the inferior portion of the hair follicles and intense cytoplasmic expression in cells of the dermal sheath to SMA. CONCLUSIONS: We report the first study of smoothelin expression in normal skin, which differentiates the superficial vascular plexus from the deep. The deep plexus comprises vessels with high contractile capacity, which is important for understanding dermal hemodynamics in normal skin and pathological processes. We suggest that the function of smoothelin in the outer root sheath may be to enhance the function of SMA, which has been related to mechanical stress. Smoothelin has not been studied in cutaneous pathology; however we believe it may be a marker specific for the diagnosis of leiomyomas and leiomyosarcomas of the skin. Also, smoothelin could differentiate arteriovenous malformations of cavernous hemangioma of the skin


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Background: Visceral artery aneurysms (VAA), although uncommon, are increasingly being detected. We describe a case of spontaneous retroperitoneal hemorrhage from a ruptured IMA aneurysm associated with stenosis of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and celiac trunk, successfully treated with surgery. Methods: A 65-year-old man presented with abdominal pain and hypovolemic shock. Abdominal CT scan showed an aneurysm of the inferior mesenteric artery with retroperitoneal hematoma. In addition, an obstructive disease of the superior mesenteric artery and celiac axis was observed. Results: Upon emergency laparotomy a ruptured inferior mesenteric artery aneurysm was detected. The aneurysm was excised and the artery reconstructed by end-to-end anastomosis. Conclusions This report discusses the etiology, presentation, diagnosis and case management of inferior mesenteric artery aneurysms


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Introduction To guarantee the success of a virtual library it is essential that all users can access all the library resources independently of the user’s location. Achieving this goal in the Andalusian Public Health System has been a particularly difficult task, due to it is made up of 10 research centers and 95.000 health-care professionals. Aims Since the BV-SSPA started three years ago, one of its mayor aims has been to provide remote access to all its resources in this complex scenario, as well as facilitate the access to the virtual library to both professionals and citizens. IP access was guaranteed because health-care professionals could access everything from their workplaces thanks to the intranet, but it was restricted when they were not there. The BV-SSPA solved this problem by installing a federated authentication and authorization system called PAPI and a PAPI rewriting proxy. After three years the BV-SSPA has met a new challenge: adapting its federated access system to Metalib and SFX, specifically the access management module PDS had to be connected with the existing PAPI system. This new challenge came along with the introduction of a new metasearcher and link resolver. Material and Methods Initially there were three independent systems: • A Metalib and SFX PDS module, • A federated authentication and authorization system: PAPI. • A PAPI Rewriting Proxy. The chosen solution went through the reutilization of the existing software. To achieve this goal, a PHP connector between these applications was developed and several modules in the PDS configuration were modified. On the other hand, providing a simplified access to Metalib has been solved using Xerxes and integrating it in a Drupal website. Results Thanks to this connector the BV-SSPA was able to get all its users remotely accessing its new metasearcher without changing the way they used to validate, or without having to remember a new username and password. Futhermore, thanks to Xerxes, it is possible to use Metalib from a simple interface and without having to leave the BV-SSPA website to go its native interface.


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Com a objectius generals: Analitzar la connectivitat ecològica a nivell paisatgístic de Menorca a partir d’una diagnosi que permeti determinar els espais d’interès connector i els punts crítics. Desenvolupar un pla d’acció amb propostes per millorar la connectivitat actual. Objectius específics: Aplicar una metodologia capaç de parametritzar els diferents conceptes relacionats amb la connectivitat ecològica i que sigui aplicable en la planificació territorial. Identificar els espais i elements d’interès per a la correcta circulació dels fluxos ecològics (flora i fauna) i socials, clau pel manteniment del paisatge i de la connectivitat funcional, definint connectors fluvials, espais naturals protegits, matrius (forestal, agrícola i urbana), unitats paisatgístiques, patrimoni arquitectònic i arqueològic, senders i camins ramaders, etc. que permetin determinar Espais o Elements d’Interès Estratègic per a la Connectivitat (EIEC). Definir els punts clau per a la connectivitat i identificar els punts crítics, on les barreres i els elements de fragmentació (carreteres, torrents, sòl urbà, etc.) intercepten els EIEC


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Winter maintenance, particularly snow removal and the stress of snow removal materials on public structures, is an enormous budgetary burden on municipalities and nongovernmental maintenance organizations in cold climates. Lately, geospatial technologies such as remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS), and decision support tools are roviding a valuable tool for planning snow removal operations. A few researchers recently used geospatial technologies to develop winter maintenance tools. However, most of these winter maintenance tools, while having the potential to address some of these information needs, are not typically placed in the hands of planners and other interested stakeholders. Most tools are not constructed with a nontechnical user in mind and lack an easyto-use, easily understood interface. A major goal of this project was to implement a web-based Winter Maintenance Decision Support System (WMDSS) that enhances the capacity of stakeholders (city/county planners, resource managers, transportation personnel, citizens, and policy makers) to evaluate different procedures for managing snow removal assets optimally. This was accomplished by integrating geospatial analytical techniques (GIS and remote sensing), the existing snow removal asset management system, and webbased spatial decision support systems. The web-based system was implemented using the ESRI ArcIMS ActiveX Connector and related web technologies, such as Active Server Pages, JavaScript, HTML, and XML. The expert knowledge on snow removal procedures is gathered and integrated into the system in the form of encoded business rules using Visual Rule Studio. The system developed not only manages the resources but also provides expert advice to assist complex decision making, such as routing, optimal resource allocation, and monitoring live weather information. This system was developed in collaboration with Black Hawk County, IA, the city of Columbia, MO, and the Iowa Department of transportation. This product was also demonstrated for these agencies to improve the usability and applicability of the system.


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Structurally segregated and functionally specialized regions of the human cerebral cortex are interconnected by a dense network of cortico-cortical axonal pathways. By using diffusion spectrum imaging, we noninvasively mapped these pathways within and across cortical hemispheres in individual human participants. An analysis of the resulting large-scale structural brain networks reveals a structural core within posterior medial and parietal cerebral cortex, as well as several distinct temporal and frontal modules. Brain regions within the structural core share high degree, strength, and betweenness centrality, and they constitute connector hubs that link all major structural modules. The structural core contains brain regions that form the posterior components of the human default network. Looking both within and outside of core regions, we observed a substantial correspondence between structural connectivity and resting-state functional connectivity measured in the same participants. The spatial and topological centrality of the core within cortex suggests an important role in functional integration.