526 resultados para SIRNA


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MicroRNAs (miRNAs)是一类长约21-25nt 的非编码小分子RNAs,通过与靶基因的互补结合在转录水平及转录后水平来负调控基因表达。人们已在众多高等多细胞生物中如人、果蝇、线虫、拟南芥等鉴定出众多microRNAs 分子。近来报道单细胞原生生物衣藻中也存在大量microRNAs。然而到目前为止,在被很多证据证实是最原始的单细胞真核生物贾第虫中却仍未有microRNAs 的报道。那么到底贾第虫这种具有特殊进化地位的单细胞原生动物是否存在有microRNAs 呢?如果存在的话,其microRNAs 的特点是什么?与高等多细胞生物及单细胞衣藻的 microRNA 相比又有何异同点呢?贾第虫的microRNAs 是否与其致病性相关呢?已有研究表明,贾第虫基因组中存在与RNAi 相关的Argonaute(AGO)家族蛋白和Dicer 酶。有意思的是,这些与siRNA 引起RNAi 作用关键的蛋白AGO 和Dicer 同样也是miRNA 系统的关键成份,这就提示我们在贾第虫中很有可能也存在有miRNA 并发挥功能。有研究发现在贾第虫基因组中存在大量的非编码转录物,这些大量的非编码转录物中,是否都是后来所认为的为双向启动子转录有用基因时的副产物,还是也存在一些起调控作用的RNA 分子(如miRNAs 等),需要进一步的研究。本文利用生物信息学的手段,依据miRNAs 的生物学特征,结合多种计算机预测的方法,在贾第虫基因组中筛选可能的microRNAs 分子,结果共鉴定出50 个miRNAs 候选分子,这50 个可能的贾第虫miRNAs 不具有保守性,在已知的其他物种的miRNAs 中找不到同源物。用这50 个microRNAs BLASTN 贾第虫的蛋白质编码序列及其相邻5’端和3’端各200bp 的序列,来寻找这些microRNAs 所调控的靶基因。结果表明,寻找到的贾第虫miRNA 的靶基因除很大一部分未知功能的蛋白外,还包括了很多涉及不同功能的蛋白,如VSP 蛋白(various surface proteins)这样一类表面抗原蛋白,提示我们贾第虫miRNA 可能与其致病性相关。接下来我们对其中14 个预测的贾第虫microRNAs 进行了RT-PCR 检测并克隆测序,结果表明gla-mir-6, gla-mir-35 在贾第虫滋养体细胞中稳定表达。我们的研究第一次用生物信息学结合实验的方法在贾第虫寻找到了microRNAs,为下一步深入研究这些microRNAs 在贾第虫中的功能提供了可能。


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赤霉素是一种高效能的广谱植物生长调节剂,为五大植物激素之一,具有重要的生物学功能。目前利用赤霉素突变体研究生物合成途径和信号转导已经成为热点。 GA 20-氧化酶是GA生物合成中的一类关键酶,它位于GA合成途径的中心位置。本研究根据烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)GA 20-氧化酶基因序列,设计2对分别含有特定酶切位点的特异引物,以烟草基因组DNA为模板,扩增目的基因(约250 bp)片段。将正、反向目的片段分别插入中间载体的内含子两侧,再经BamH I和Sac I双酶切回收约700 bp的目的片段,插入到双元载体质粒p2355中,成功构建了含GA 20-氧化酶基因片段反向重复序列的植物表达载体p23700。分别将p2355质粒和p23700质粒导入根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)EHA105中并转化烟草叶片细胞,经卡那霉素选择培养,PCR及GUS组织染色鉴定,获得转基因烟草植株。以EHA105-p2355转化的烟草,获得41株转基因植株,均没有矮化表型;而以EHA105-p23700转化的烟草,获得转基因植株14株,其中具有矮化表型的烟草10株,表明反向重复序列转录产物能形成发夹RNA(hpRNA),产生小分子干扰RNA(small interferring RNA,简称siRNA),干扰目的基因的表达。 赤霉素含量测定表明矮化植株中赤霉素合成途径的最终产物GA3总含量明显低于野生型烟草植株。荧光定量PCR结果表明,矮化转基因烟草的GA 20-氧化酶基因表达量受到明显抑制,表达量明显低于野生型对照。同时对上游内根-贝壳杉合成酶(Ent-kaurene synthase,KS)基因,下游的GA-3β羟化酶基因进行了RT-PCR分析,结果显示上游基因的表达没有规律性变化,而下游基因表达量亦降低。上述结果表明,GA 20-氧化酶基因的表达被有效地干扰了,表达受到抑制,从而影响植株体内GA3的合成,影响植株的生长发育,导致植株矮化。并推测,GA 20-氧化酶基因受到抑制,可能影响下游基因的表达。并且通过干旱胁迫测试,发现矮化植株相对于野生型植株及不含干扰片段的转基因植株,对干旱的耐受力有了很大的提高,具有更强的耐受力。 研究结果为进一步进行相关研究奠定基础。 Gibberellin(GA) is an efficient plant growth regulator. As one of five major plant hormones, it plays an important biological function. Using GA mutant for investigating biosynthetic pathways and signal transduction has become high lights. GA 20-oxidase is a crucial enzyme involved in gibberellin biosynthesis. According to tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) GA 20-oxidase enzyme gene sequence and based on binary vector p2355, we constructed a plant expression vector p23700, which habors an inverted repeat DNA fragment of GA 20-oxidase gene drivered by Cauliflower mosaic virus promtor (CaMV 35Sp). Binary plasmid p2355 had no inverted repeat DNA fragment of GA 20-oxidase gene. The vector p2355 and p23700 were introduced into Agrobacterium tumefaciens EHA105 and tobacco leaf transformation was conducted. After selected by kanamycin and characterized by PCR and GUS hischemical reaction, transsgenic plants were obtained. Fourtheen transgenic plants, which were transformed by EHA105-p23700, were obtained. Among them, 10 were dwarf mutants. However, 41 transgenic plants with the same normal phenotype as wild type,which were transformed by EHA105-p2355, were obtained. Analysis of Gibberellin contents showed that it was lower in dwarf mutants than in normal phenotype plants. Moreover, comparing to normal phenotype plants including wild type and transgenic plants with no interference fragment, the drought tolerance of dwarf plants have greatly increased. And their proline content increased obviously after drought test. Fluorescence quantitative real time PCR (RT-PCR) showed that GA 20-oxidase gene expression was significantly inhibited in dwarf transgenic tobacco. Meanwhile, the expression of the upstream gene ent-kaurene synthase (KS) gene and downstream gene GA-3β hydroxylase gene was also detected by RT-PCR. The results presented that KS gene expression had no regular change while GA-3β hydroxylase gene expression reduced. It implied that inhibiting GA 20-oxidase gene probably reduce the expression of downstream genes. The results showed that the transcriptional products of the foreign inverted repeat fragment can form hairpin RNA (hpRNA) to induce RNAi. It presented that GA 20-oxidase gene expression was effectively interfered, resulting in reducing GA3 synthesis and inhibiting plant growth and development, then dwarf plants were produced. However, the dwarf plants had higher tolerance of drought.


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探讨了肿瘤细胞中survivin的表达对高线性能量转移(LET)射线辐射敏感性的影响.根据Gen Bank提供的survivin序列,合成特异性survivin-siRNA寡核苷酸,转染人肝癌HepG2细胞,抑制survivin的表达.发现siRNA转染后诱导了HepG2细胞G2/M期阻滞,增加了自发性和辐射诱导的细胞凋亡.在高线性能量转移(LET)碳离子辐照后,siRNA转染细胞的克隆存活率明显下降.这些结果表明survivin表达是HepG2细胞产生对高LET射线辐射抗性的关键因素.


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The influence of survivin expression on the radiosensitivity of tumor cells to high linear energy transfer (LET) radiation is investigated. Survivin-specific short-interfering RNA (siRNA) oligonucleotides were synthesized based on the survivin sequence provided by GenBank. Human hepatoma HepG2 cells were transfected with survivin-specific siRNA to inhibit its expressions. It was found that the transfection with surviving-specific siRNA increased the levels of G2/M arrest and the apoptotic rates induced by radiation in HepG2 cells. After exposure to high-LET carbon ions, a reduced clonogenic survival effect was observed in the cells treated with siRNA. These results show that survivin plays a key role in mediating the radioresistance of cells to high-LET radiation.


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放射治疗是肿瘤三大治疗手段之一(手术治疗、放疗、化疗),如何提高肿瘤细胞的放射敏感性一直是科研人员关注的研究方向。电离辐射导致细胞死亡的主要方式是细胞凋亡,然而肿瘤细胞内往往细胞凋亡信号通路异常,降低了治疗效果。其中细胞内高水平表达的细胞凋亡抑制蛋白(Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein,IAP)抑制了caspase分子的活性,而caspase分子正是细胞凋亡的执行分子。因此科学家们通过各种手段尤其是RNA干涉的方法以抑制肿瘤细胞内细胞凋亡抑制蛋白的表达及蛋白活性来达到提高肿瘤治疗效果的目的。 Survivin是凋亡抑制蛋白家族的一员,该蛋白在大多数恶性肿瘤中高表达,而在正常组织中检测不到,因此具有组织特异性。Survivin参与肿瘤细胞分化并抑制肿瘤细胞凋亡,它的高表达被证明与很多恶性肿瘤对放射治疗中产生的辐射抗性相关。本文主要研究了不同LET射线辐照下人肝癌HepG2细胞 survivin的表达及其表达对重离子诱导的生物学效应的影响。首先,我们使用不同LET的碳离子束和X射线辐照HepG2细胞,采用标准克隆形成法确定其辐射敏感性,利用流式细胞技术(FCM)检测辐射后细胞周期分布,RT-PCR和western blotting检测survivin的表达。结果显示,人肝HepG2癌细胞经不同LET射线照射,survivin表达是不同的。与低LET的X射线相比,高LET碳离子诱导的细胞损伤和周期阻滞更明显,从而诱导了更强烈的survivin表达。 接着,根据Genbank提供的survivin序列,合成特异性survivin-siRNA寡核苷酸,转染HepG2细胞,抑制survivin的表达。我们发现siRNA转染后诱导了细胞G2/M期阻滞,增加了自发性和辐射诱导的细胞凋亡。在碳离子辐照后,siRNA细胞克隆存活率明显下降。这些结果显示survivin表达是细胞产生高LET辐射抗性的关键因素。最后,我们初步探讨了在细胞凋亡过程中,survivin基因的作用机制。发现抑制survivin表达,对离子束辐射诱导的Bcl-2和Bax表达没有明显的影响。Survivin表达直接抑制了caspase-3和-9的活性,从而抑制了细胞凋亡。以上的实验结果表明:不同LET射线辐照细胞后survivin出现差异表达,与X射线相比,高LET重离子诱导的HepG2细胞中survivin表达更明显,以survivin为靶基因的siRNA技术应用于HepG2细胞,可以极大提高该细胞对重离子辐射的敏感性。本论文研究为临床应用重离子束治疗癌症提供了非常有用的基础数据,同时也为重离子束放射治疗联合基因治疗提供了新的思路


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Cyclin A(2) plays critical role in DNA replication, transcription, and cell cycle regulation. Its overexpression has been detected and related to many types of cancers including leukemia, suggesting that suppression of cyclin A(2) would be an attractive strategy to prevent tumor progression. Herein, we apply functionalized single wall carbon nanotubes (f-SWNTs) to carry small interfering RNA (siRNA) into K562 cells and determine whether inhibition of cyclin A(2) would be a potential therapeutic target for chronic myelogenous leukemia.


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Background The application of polyethylenimine (PEI) in gene delivery has been severely limited by significant cytotoxicity that results from a nondegradable methylene backbone and high cationic charge density. It is therefore necessary to develop novel biodegradable PEI derivates for low-toxic, highly efficient gene delivery.Methods A series of novel cationic copolymers with various charge density were designed and synthesized by grafting different kinds of oligoethylenimine (OEI) onto a determinate multi-armed poly(L-glutamic acid) backbone. The molecular structures of multi-armed poly(L-glutamic acid)-graft-OEI (MP-g-OEI) copolymers were characterized using nuclear magnetic resonance, viscosimetry and gel permeation chromatography. Moreover, the MP-g-OEI/DNA complexes were measured by a gel retardation assay, dynamic light scattering and atomic force microscopy to determine DNA binding ability, particle size, zeta potential, complex formation and shape, respectively. MP-g-OEI copolymers were also evaluated in Chinese hamster ovary and human embryonic kidney-293 cells for their cytotoxicity and transfection efficiency.


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MicroRNAs (miRNA) that are around 22 nucleotides long non-protein-coding RNAs, play key regulatory roles in plants. Recent research findings show that miRNAs are involved in plant defense and viral offense systems. Advances in understanding the mechanism of miRNA biogenesis and evolution are useful for elucidating the complicated roles they play in viral infection networks. In this paper a brief summary of evolution of plant anti-virus defense is given and the function of miRNAs involved in plant-virus competition is highlighted. It is believed that miRNAs have several advantages over homology-dependent and siRNA-mediated gene silencing when they are applied biotechnologically to promote plant anti-virus defense. miRNA-mediated anti-virus pathway is an ancient mechanism with a promising future. However, using miRNAs as a powerful anti-virus tool will be better realized only if miRNA genomics and functions in plant viral infection are fully understood.


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The thymidylate synthase (TS), an important target for many anticancer drugs, has been cloned from different species. But the cDNA property and function of TS in zebrafish are not well documented. In order to use zebrafish as an animal model for screening novel anticancer agents, we isolated TS cDNA from zebrafish and compared its sequence with those from other species. The open reading frame (ORF) of zebrafish TS cDNA sequence was 954 nucleotides, encoding a 318-amino acid protein with a calculated molecular mass of 36.15 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequence of zebrafish TS was similar to those from other organisms, including rat, mouse and humans. The zebrafish TS protein was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. The purified zebrafish TS showed maximal activity at 28 degrees C with similar K-m value to human TS. Western immunoblot assay confirmed that TS was expressed in all the developmental stages of zebrafish with a high level of expression at the 1-4 cell stages. To study the function of TS in zebrafish embryo development, a short hairpin RNA (shRNA) expression vector, pSilencer 4.1-CMV/TS, was constructed which targeted the protein-coding region of zebrafish TS mRNA. Significant change in the development of tail and epiboly was found in zebrafish embryos microinjected pSilencer4.1-CMV/TS siRNA expression vector.


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血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor, VEGF)是一种多功能的细胞因子,其主要作用是促进血管内皮细胞增殖和增加血管通透性,是肿瘤及正常组织血管生成的中心调控因素,以VEGF为靶点的肿瘤血管靶向性治疗成为近几年肿瘤治疗的新途径。RNAi是近年来新发展的一项反向遗传学技术,是一种研究基因功能的有力工具。斑马鱼作为一种重要的模式生物,被广泛用于胚胎的分子发育机制、疾病模型的构建以及药物筛选等研究中。然而在斑马鱼中运用RNAi技术进行基因功能研究是一个相对较新的领域,研究资料较少,并且目前进行的斑马鱼RNAi实验中,siRNA大都是通过化学方法或体外转录合成的。体外合成的siRNA在进入体内后会被降解而无法达到持久阻抑基因表达的目的。因此本研究旨在探讨VEGF特异性siRNA表达载体对斑马鱼VEGF基因的沉默作用,通过分析表型及相关细胞因子的变化,阐明VEGF对斑马鱼胚胎血管生成的影响及作用机制。 研究通过计算机辅助设计软件,针对斑马鱼VEGF mRNA不同位点设计合成了4段含siRNA特异序列的DNA单链,经退火,克隆入pSilencer 4.1-CMV neo载体CMV启动子下游,构建了重组质粒pS1-VEGF、pS2-VEGF、pS3-VEGF及pS4-VEGF。 通过显微注射的方法将载体导入1-2细胞期斑马鱼体内,于胚胎发育的48 h采用RT-PCR的方法检测VEGF基因的表达量,研究不同干扰序列对VEGF基因表达的干涉作用。结果显示,针对不同位点的表达载体对VEGF基因表达的抑制效率有显著差异。它们对VEGF mRNA的抑制率分别为80.5%,42.8%,12.5%,40.7%。通过筛选我们得到了一条具有高效抑制作用的载体pS1-VEGF,该载体的相应序列靶向斑马鱼两个主要异构体VEGF165和VEGF121的共有外显子序列。 形态学检测结果显示,注射了pS1-VEGF的胚胎出现了心包膜水肿、血流速度减慢、循环红细胞堆积等症状。定量碱性磷酸酶染色显示,注射pS1-VEGF能够抑制斑马鱼胚胎新生血管的形成,当注射剂量为0.4 ng时,血管生成的抑制率为31.8%。NBT/BCIP血管染色显示,注射该载体后72 h,50%的斑马鱼肠下静脉、节间血管以及其它血管的发育受到不同程度的抑制。随着注射剂量的加大,血管发育受抑制的情况也随之加重,当注射剂量为1 ng时,只有心脏、头部及卵黄有血液循环。对干扰效果的特异性进行了研究,结果表明pS1-VEGF对斑马鱼内源基因胸苷酸合成酶(thymidylate synthase, TS)基因的表达没有明显的抑制作用。针对TS基因的shRNA表达载体及与斑马鱼没有同源性的对照载体对VEGF基因表达也没有明显的抑制作用。浓度梯度实验表明在0-1.2 ng的范围内干扰效果具有剂量依赖性。 以胚胎整体原位杂交的方法检测质粒对VEGF基因受体NRP1基因表达的影响,发现VEGF特异性shRNA表达载体能够引起NRP1基因表达的降低,说明斑马鱼中VEGF所介导的血管生成作用至少在部分上是依赖于NRP通路所调节的。 本研究工作为进一步研究斑马鱼基因功能、VEGF调控网络提供了一个快速、有效的手段,为阐明斑马鱼的血管生成机制提供了新的资料,为采用RNAi技术,以VEGF为靶点,以斑马鱼为模型对肿瘤进行基因治疗研究奠定了基础。


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The Gastro-Intestinal (GI) tract is a unique region in the body. Our innate immune system retains a fine homeostatic balance between avoiding inappropriate inflammatory responses against the myriad commensal microbes residing in the gut while also remaining active enough to prevent invasive pathogenic attack. The intestinal epithelium represents the frontline of this interface. It has long been known to act as a physical barrier preventing the lumenal bacteria of the gastro-intestinal tract from activating an inflammatory immune response in the immune cells of the underlying mucosa. However, in recent years, an appreciation has grown surrounding the role played by the intestinal epithelium in regulating innate immune responses, both in the prevention of infection and in maintaining a homeostatic environment through modulation of innate immune signalling systems. The aim of this thesis was to identify novel innate immune mechanisms regulating inflammation in the GI tract. To achieve this aim, we chose several aspects of regulatory mechanisms utilised in this region by the innate immune system. We identified several commensal strains of bacteria expressing proteins containing signalling domains used by Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs) of the innate immune system. Three such bacterial proteins were studied for their potentially subversive roles in host innate immune signalling as a means of regulating homeostasis in the GI tract. We also examined differential responses to PRR activation depending on their sub-cellular localisation. This was investigated based on reports that apical Toll-Like Receptor (TLR) 9 activation resulted in abrogation of inflammatory responses mediated by other TLRs in Intestinal Epithelial Cells (IECs) such as basolateral TLR4 activation. Using the well-studied invasive intra-cellular pathogen Listeria monocytogenes as a model for infection, we also used a PRR siRNA library screening technique to identify novel PRRs used by IECs in both inhibition and activation of inflammatory responses. Many of the PRRs identified in this screen were previously believed not to be expressed in IECs. Furthermore, the same study has led to the identification of the previously uncharacterised TLR10 as a functional inflammatory receptor of IECs. Further analysis revealed a similar role in macrophages where it was shown to respond to intracellular and motile pathogens such as Gram-positive L.monocytogenes and Gram negative Salmonella typhimurium. TLR10 expression in IECs was predominantly intracellular. This is likely in order to avoid inappropriate inflammatory activation through the recognition of commensal microbial antigens on the apical cell surface of IECs. Moreover, these results have revealed a more complex network of innate immune signalling mechanisms involved in both activating and inhibiting inflammatory responses in IECs than was previously believed. This contribution to our understanding of innate immune regulation in this region has several direct and indirect benefits. The identification of several novel PRRs involved in activating and inhibiting inflammation in the GI tract may be used as novel therapeutic targets in the treatment of disease; both for inducing tolerance and reducing inflammation, or indeed, as targets for adjuvant activation in the development of oral vaccines against pathogenic attack.


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Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) is a myeloproliferative disorder characterised by increased proliferation of haematopoietic stem cells. CML results following generation of the chimeric protein Bcr-Abl, a constitutively active tyrosine kinase which induces oncogenesis in part by promoting increased cell survival and proliferation. Since the development of Bcr-Abl-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) there has been a substantial improvement in the clinical treatment of CML. Unfortunately, residual disease and the development of TKI resistance has become an ever growing concern, resulting in the need for a greater understanding of the disease in order to develop new treatment strategies. Interestingly, constitutive expression of the Bcr-Abl in CML is known to produce elevated levels of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) which are known to influence a variety of cellular processes. Previous studies have demonstrated that NADPH oxidase (Nox) activity contributes to intracellular-ROS levels in Bcr-Abl-positive cells, enhancing survival signalling. The objective of this study was to elucidate how Nox protein activity was influenced downstream of Bcr-Abl while examining how Nox-derived ROS influenced CML disease phenotype to identify the potential in targeting these proteins to improve CML treatment. These studies demonstrated that inhibition of Bcr-Abl signalling, led to a significant reduction in ROS levels which was concurrent with the GSK-3dependent, post-translational down-regulation of the small membrane-bound protein p22phox, an essential component of the Nox complex. siRNA knockdown of p22phox identified it to have a significant role in cellular proliferation and cell viability, demonstrating the importance of Nox protein activity in CML disease phenotype. Furthermore, removal of p22phox was demonstrated to make cells significantly more susceptible to Bcr-Abl-specific TKI treatment, while pharmacological silencing of Nox activity in combination with TKIs was demonstrated to produce substantial, synergistic increases in cell death through augmentation of apoptosis, demonstrating the therapeutic potential of targeting Nox proteins in combination with Bcr-Abl inhibition.


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Poor oxygenation (hypoxia) is a common characteristic of human solid tumours, and is associated with cell survival, metastasis and resistance to radio- and chemotherapies. Hypoxia-induced stabilisation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) leads to changes in expression of various genes associated with growth, vascularisation and metabolism. However whether HIF-1α plays a causal role in promoting hypoxic resistance to antitumour therapies remains unclear. In this study we used pharmacological and genetic methods to investigate the HIF-1α contribution to radio- and chemoresistance in four cancer cell lines derived from cervical, breast, prostate and melanoma human tumours. Under normoxia or hypoxia (<0.2% or 0.5% oxygen) the cells were exposed to either a standard irradiation dose (6.2 Gy) or chemotherapeutic drug (cisplatin), and subsequent cell proliferation (after 7 days) was measured in terms of resazurin reduction. Oxygen-dependent radio- and chemosensitivity was evident in all wild type whereas it was reduced or abolished in HIF-1α (siRNA) knockdown cells. The effects of HIF-1α-modulating drugs (EDHB, CoCl2, deferoxamine to stabilise and R59949 to destabilise it) reflected both HIF-1α-dependent and independent mechanisms. Collectively the data show that HIF-1α played a causal role in our in vitro model of hypoxia-induced radioresistance whereas its contribution to oxygendependent sensitivity to cisplatin was less clear-cut. Although this behavior is likely to be conditioned by further biological and physical factors operating in vivo, it is consistent with the hypothesis that interventions directed at HIF-1α may improve the clinical effectiveness of tumour treatments.


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Internal tandem duplication of FMS-like receptor tyrosine kinase (FLT3-ITD) has been associated with an aggressive AML phenotype. FLT3-ITD expressing cell lines have been shown to generate increased levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and DNA double strand breaks (dsbs). However, the molecular basis of how FLT3-ITD-driven ROS leads to the aggressive form of AML is not clearly understood. Herein, we observe that the majority of H2O2 in FLT3-ITD-expressing MV4-11 cells colocalises to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Furthermore, ER localisation of ROS in MV4-11 cells corresponds to the localisation of p22phox, a small membrane-bound subunit of NOX complex. Furthermore, we show that 32D cells, a myeloblast-like cell line transfected with FLT3-ITD, possess higher steady protein levels of p22phox than their wild type FLT3 (FLT3-WT)-expressing counterparts. Moreover, the inhibition of FLT3-ITD, using various FLT3 tyrosine kinase inhibitors, uniformly results in a posttranslational downregulation of p22phox. We also show that depletion of NOX2 and NOX4 and p22phox, but not NOX1 proteins causes a reduction in endogenous H2O2 levels. We show that genomic instability induced by FLT3-ITD leads to an increase in nuclear levels of H2O2. The presence of H2O2 in the nucleus is largely reduced by inhibition of FLT3-ITD or NOX. Furthermore, similar results are also observed following siRNA knockdowns of p22phox or NOX4. We demonstrate that 32D cells transfected with FLT3-ITD have a higher level of DNA damage than 32D cells transfected with FLT3-WT. Additionally, inhibition of FLT3-ITD, p22phox and NOX knockdowns decrease the number of DNA dsbs. In summary, this study presents a novel mechanism of genomic instability generation in FLT3-ITD-expressing AML cells, whereby FLT3-ITD activates NOX complexes by stabilising p22phox. This in turn leads to elevated generation of ROS and DNA damage in these cells.