981 resultados para SINGLE-MOLECULE-MAGNET


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Phenomena that can be observed for a large number of molecules may not be understood if it is not possible to observe the events on the single-molecule level. We measured the fluorescence lifetimes of individual tetramethylrhodamine molecules, linked to an 18-mer deoxyribonucleotide sequence specific for M13 DNA, by time-resolved, single-photon counting in a confocal fluorescence microscope during Brownian motion in solution. When many molecules were observed, a biexponential fluorescence decay was observed with equal amplitudes. However, on the single-molecule level, the fraction of one of the amplitudes spanned from 0 to unity for a collection of single-molecule detections. Further analysis by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy made on many molecules revealed a process that obeys a stretched exponential relaxation law. These facts, combined with previous evidence of the quenching effect of guanosine on rhodamines, indicate that the tetramethylrhodamine molecule senses conformational transitions as it associates and dissociates to a guanosine-rich area. Thus, our results reveal conformational transitions in a single molecule in solution under conditions that are relevant for biological processes.


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The simplicity of single-molecule junctions based on direct bonding of a small molecule between two metallic electrodes makes them an ideal system for the study of fundamental questions related to molecular electronics. Here we study the conductance properties of six different types of molecules by suspending individual molecules between Pt electrodes. All the molecular junctions show a typical conductance of about 1G0 which is ascribed to the dominant role of the Pt contacts. However, despite the metalliclike conductivity, the individual molecular signature is well expressed by the effect of molecular vibrations in the inelastic contribution to the conductance.


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Recent years have shown steady progress towards molecular electronics, in which molecules form basic components such as switches, diodes and electronic mixers. Often, a scanning tunnelling microscope is used to address an individual molecule, although this arrangement does not provide long-term stability. Therefore, metal–molecule–metal links using break-junction devices have also been explored; however, it is difficult to establish unambiguously that a single molecule forms the contact. Here we show that a single hydrogen molecule can form a stable bridge between platinum electrodes. In contrast to results for organic molecules, the bridge has a nearly perfect conductance of one quantum unit, carried by a single channel. The hydrogen bridge represents a simple test system in which to understand fundamental transport properties of single-molecule devices.


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The fluorescence of single molecules coupled to a thermal bath is studied both experimentally and theoretically. The effect of different fluctuations on the coherence properties of resonance fluorescence is considered first. Coherence is measured in an interference experiment where a single molecule is used as a light source. A standard approach based on the optical Bloch equations apparently provides quite an accurate description of the interference experiment. Systems with long correlation times (where spectra are time dependent on any timescale) are considered next. It is shown that intensity-time-frequency correlation spectroscopy, which provides both high signal-to-noise ratio and high time resolution, is very suitable for such a case. The Bloch equations are further tested in an experiment where the shape of an excitation spectral line of a single molecule is accurately measured over six orders of magnitude of the exciting laser power. Significant deviations from the predictions of the Bloch equations are found. The role of critical parameters-the correlation time of the bath, the Rabi oscillation period, and the coupling constant between the bath and the molecule-is discussed. The paper also includes a short general introduction to the methodology of single-molecule studies.


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Organismal development, homeostasis, and pathology are rooted in inherently probabilistic events. From gene expression to cellular differentiation, rates and likelihoods shape the form and function of biology. Processes ranging from growth to cancer homeostasis to reprogramming of stem cells all require transitions between distinct phenotypic states, and these occur at defined rates. Therefore, measuring the fidelity and dynamics with which such transitions occur is central to understanding natural biological phenomena and is critical for therapeutic interventions.

While these processes may produce robust population-level behaviors, decisions are made by individual cells. In certain circumstances, these minuscule computing units effectively roll dice to determine their fate. And while the 'omics' era has provided vast amounts of data on what these populations are doing en masse, the behaviors of the underlying units of these processes get washed out in averages.

Therefore, in order to understand the behavior of a sample of cells, it is critical to reveal how its underlying components, or mixture of cells in distinct states, each contribute to the overall phenotype. As such, we must first define what states exist in the population, determine what controls the stability of these states, and measure in high dimensionality the dynamics with which these cells transition between states.

To address a specific example of this general problem, we investigate the heterogeneity and dynamics of mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs). While a number of reports have identified particular genes in ES cells that switch between 'high' and 'low' metastable expression states in culture, it remains unclear how levels of many of these regulators combine to form states in transcriptional space. Using a method called single molecule mRNA fluorescent in situ hybridization (smFISH), we quantitatively measure and fit distributions of core pluripotency regulators in single cells, identifying a wide range of variabilities between genes, but each explained by a simple model of bursty transcription. From this data, we also observed that strongly bimodal genes appear to be co-expressed, effectively limiting the occupancy of transcriptional space to two primary states across genes studied here. However, these states also appear punctuated by the conditional expression of the most highly variable genes, potentially defining smaller substates of pluripotency.

Having defined the transcriptional states, we next asked what might control their stability or persistence. Surprisingly, we found that DNA methylation, a mark normally associated with irreversible developmental progression, was itself differentially regulated between these two primary states. Furthermore, both acute or chronic inhibition of DNA methyltransferase activity led to reduced heterogeneity among the population, suggesting that metastability can be modulated by this strong epigenetic mark.

Finally, because understanding the dynamics of state transitions is fundamental to a variety of biological problems, we sought to develop a high-throughput method for the identification of cellular trajectories without the need for cell-line engineering. We achieved this by combining cell-lineage information gathered from time-lapse microscopy with endpoint smFISH for measurements of final expression states. Applying a simple mathematical framework to these lineage-tree associated expression states enables the inference of dynamic transitions. We apply our novel approach in order to infer temporal sequences of events, quantitative switching rates, and network topology among a set of ESC states.

Taken together, we identify distinct expression states in ES cells, gain fundamental insight into how a strong epigenetic modifier enforces the stability of these states, and develop and apply a new method for the identification of cellular trajectories using scalable in situ readouts of cellular state.


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A major challenge in modern photonics and nano-optics is the diffraction limit of light which does not allow field localisation into regions with dimensions smaller than half the wavelength. Localisation of light into nanoscale regions (beyond its diffraction limit) has applications ranging from the design of optical sensors and measurement techniques with resolutions as high as a few nanometres, to the effective delivery of optical energy into targeted nanoscale regions such as quantum dots, nano-electronic and nano-optical devices. This field has become a major research direction over the last decade. The use of strongly localised surface plasmons in metallic nanostructures is one of the most promising approaches to overcome this problem. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to investigate the linear and non-linear propagation of surface plasmons in metallic nanostructures. This thesis will focus on two main areas of plasmonic research –– plasmon nanofocusing and plasmon nanoguiding. Plasmon nanofocusing – The main aim of plasmon nanofocusing research is to focus plasmon energy into nanoscale regions using metallic nanostructures and at the same time achieve strong local field enhancement. Various structures for nanofocusing purposes have been proposed and analysed such as sharp metal wedges, tapered metal films on dielectric substrates, tapered metal rods, and dielectric V-grooves in metals. However, a number of important practical issues related to nanofocusing in these structures still remain unclear. Therefore, one of the main aims of this thesis is to address two of the most important of issues which are the coupling efficiency and heating effects of surface plasmons in metallic nanostructures. The method of analysis developed throughout this thesis is a general treatment that can be applied to a diversity of nanofocusing structures, with results shown here for the specific case of sharp metal wedges. Based on the geometrical optics approximation, it is demonstrated that the coupling efficiency from plasmons generated with a metal grating into the nanofocused symmetric or quasi-symmetric modes may vary between ~50% to ~100% depending on the structural parameters. Optimal conditions for nanofocusing with the view to minimise coupling and dissipative losses are also determined and discussed. It is shown that the temperature near the tip of a metal wedge heated by nanosecond plasmonic pulses can increase by several hundred degrees Celsius. This temperature increase is expected to lead to nonlinear effects, self-influence of the focused plasmon, and ultimately self-destruction of the metal tip. This thesis also investigates a different type of nanofocusing structure which consists of a tapered high-index dielectric layer resting on a metal surface. It is shown that the nanofocusing mechanism that occurs in this structure is somewhat different from other structures that have been considered thus far. For example, the surface plasmon experiences significant backreflection and mode transformation at a cut-off thickness. In addition, the reflected plasmon shows negative refraction properties that have not been observed in other nanofocusing structures considered to date. Plasmon nanoguiding – Guiding surface plasmons using metallic nanostructures is important for the development of highly integrated optical components and circuits which are expected to have a superior performance compared to their electronicbased counterparts. A number of different plasmonic waveguides have been considered over the last decade including the recently considered gap and trench plasmon waveguides. The gap and trench plasmon waveguides have proven to be difficult to fabricate. Therefore, this thesis will propose and analyse four different modified gap and trench plasmon waveguides that are expected to be easier to fabricate, and at the same time acquire improved propagation characteristics of the guided mode. In particular, it is demonstrated that the guided modes are significantly screened by the extended metal at the bottom of the structure. This is important for the design of highly integrated optics as it provides the opportunity to place two waveguides close together without significant cross-talk. This thesis also investigates the use of plasmonic nanowires to construct a Fabry-Pérot resonator/interferometer. It is shown that the resonance effect can be achieved with the appropriate resonator length and gap width. Typical quality factors of the Fabry- Pérot cavity are determined and explained in terms of radiative and dissipative losses. The possibility of using a nanowire resonator for the design of plasmonic filters with close to ~100% transmission is also demonstrated. It is expected that the results obtained in this thesis will play a vital role in the development of high resolution near field microscopy and spectroscopy, new measurement techniques and devices for single molecule detection, highly integrated optical devices, and nanobiotechnology devices for diagnostics of living cells.


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A photochemical strategy enabling λ-orthogonal reactions is introduced to construct macromolecular architectures and to encode variable functional groups with site-selective precision into a single molecule by the choice of wavelength. λ-Orthogonal pericyclic reactions proceed independently of one another by the selection of functional groups that absorb light of specific wavelengths. The power of the new concept is shown by a one-pot reaction of equimolar quantities of maleimide with two polymers carrying different maleimide-reactive endgroups, that is, a photoactive diene (photoenol) and a nitrile imine (tetrazole). Under selective irradiation at λ=310–350 nm, any maleimide (or activated ene) end-capped compound reacts exclusively with the photoenol functional polymer. After complete conversion of the photoenol, subsequent irradiation at λ=270–310 nm activates the reaction of the tetrazole group with functional enes. The versatility of the approach is shown by λ-orthogonal click reactions of complex maleimides, functional enes, and polymers to the central polymer scaffold.


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The imaging and characterization of single-molecule reaction events is essential to both extending our basic understanding of chemistry and applying this understanding to challenges at the frontiers of technology, for example, in nanoelectronics. Specifically, understanding the behavior of individual molecules can elucidate processes critical to the controlled synthesis of materials for applications in multiple nanoscale technologies. Here, we report the synthesis of an important semiconducting organic molecule through an unprecedented reaction observed with submolecular resolution by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) under ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) conditions. Our images reveal a sulfur abstraction and cyclization reaction that converts tetrathienoanthracene precursors into pentacene on the Ni(111) surface. The identity of the final reaction product was confirmed by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS). This reaction has no known literature analogue, and highlights the power of local-probe techniques for exploring new chemical pathways.


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Synthetically useful N-Fmoc amino-alkyl isothiocyanates have been described, starting from protected amino acids. These compounds have been synthesized in excellent yields by thiocarbonylation of the monoprotected 1,2-diamines with CS2/TEA/p-TsCl, isolated as stable solids, and completely characterized. The procedure has been extended to the synthesis of amino alkyl isothiocyanates from Boc- and Z-protected amino acids as well. The utility of these isothiocyanates for peptidomimetics synthesis has been demonstrated by employing them in the preparation of a series of dithioureidopeptide esters. Boc-Gly-OH and Boc-Phe-OH derived isothiocyanates 9a and 9c have been obtained as single crystals and their structures solved through X-ray diffraction. They belong to the orthorhombic crystal system, and have a single molecule in the asymmetric unit (Z′ = 1). 9a crystallizes in the centrosymmetric space group Pbca, while 9c crystallizes in the noncentrosymmetric space group P212121.


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Regulated transcription controls the diversity, developmental pathways and spatial organization of the hundreds of cell types that make up a mammal. Using single-molecule cDNA sequencing, we mapped transcription start sites (TSSs) and their usage in human and mouse primary cells, cell lines and tissues to produce a comprehensive overview of mammalian gene expression across the human body. We find that few genes are truly 'housekeeping', whereas many mammalian promoters are composite entities composed of several closely separated TSSs, with independent cell-type-specific expression profiles. TSSs specific to different cell types evolve at different rates, whereas promoters of broadly expressed genes are the most conserved. Promoter-based expression analysis reveals key transcription factors defining cell states and links them to binding-site motifs. The functions of identified novel transcripts can be predicted by coexpression and sample ontology enrichment analyses. The functional annotation of the mammalian genome 5 (FANTOM5) project provides comprehensive expression profiles and functional annotation of mammalian cell-type-specific transcriptomes with wide applications in biomedical research.


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Molecular motors are proteins that convert chemical energy into mechanical work. The viral packaging ATPase P4 is a hexameric molecular motor that translocates RNA into preformed viral capsids. P4 belongs to the ubiquitous class of hexameric helicases. Although its structure is known, the mechanism of RNA translocation remains elusive. Here we present a detailed kinetic study of nucleotide binding, hydrolysis, and product release by P4. We propose a stochastic-sequential cooperative model to describe the coordination of ATP hydrolysis within the hexamer. In this model the apparent cooperativity is a result of hydrolysis stimulation by ATP and RNA binding to neighboring subunits rather than cooperative nucleotide binding. Simultaneous interaction of neighboring subunits with RNA makes the otherwise random hydrolysis sequential and processive. Further, we use hydrogen/deuterium exchange detected by high resolution mass spectrometry to visualize P4 conformational dynamics during the catalytic cycle. Concerted changes of exchange kinetics reveal a cooperative unit that dynamically links ATP binding sites and the central RNA binding channel. The cooperative unit is compatible with the structure-based model in which translocation is effected by conformational changes of a limited protein region. Deuterium labeling also discloses the transition state associated with RNA loading which proceeds via opening of the hexameric ring. Hydrogen/deuterium exchange is further used to delineate the interactions of the P4 hexamer with the viral procapsid. P4 associates with the procapsid via its C-terminal face. The interactions stabilize subunit interfaces within the hexamer. The conformation of the virus-bound hexamer is more stable than the hexamer in solution, which is prone to spontaneous ring openings. We propose that the stabilization within the viral capsid increases the packaging processivity and confers selectivity during RNA loading. Finally, we use single molecule techniques to characterize P4 translocation along RNA. While the P4 hexamer encloses RNA topologically within the central channel, it diffuses randomly along the RNA. In the presence of ATP, unidirectional net movement is discernible in addition to the stochastic motion. The diffusion is hindered by activation energy barriers that depend on the nucleotide binding state. The results suggest that P4 employs an electrostatic clutch instead of cycling through stable, discrete, RNA binding states during translocation. Conformational changes coupled to ATP hydrolysis modify the electrostatic potential inside the central channel, which in turn biases RNA motion in one direction. Implications of the P4 model for other hexameric molecular motors are discussed.


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It is known that DNA-binding proteins can slide along the DNA helix while searching for specific binding sites, but their path of motion remains obscure. Do these proteins undergo simple one-dimensional (1D) translational diffusion, or do they rotate to maintain a specific orientation with respect to the DNA helix? We measured 1D diffusion constants as a function of protein size while maintaining the DNA-protein interface. Using bootstrap analysis of single-molecule diffusion data, we compared the results to theoretical predictions for pure translational motion and rotation-coupled sliding along the DNA. The data indicate that DNA-binding proteins undergo rotation-coupled sliding along the DNA helix and can be described by a model of diffusion along the DNA helix on a rugged free-energy landscape. A similar analysis including the 1D diffusion constants of eight proteins of varying size shows that rotation-coupled sliding is a general phenomenon. The average free-energy barrier for sliding along the DNA was 1.1 +/- 0.2 k(B)T. Such small barriers facilitate rapid search for binding sites.


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Importance of the field: The shift in focus from ligand based design approaches to target based discovery over the last two to three decades has been a major milestone in drug discovery research. Currently, it is witnessing another major paradigm shift by leaning towards the holistic systems based approaches rather the reductionist single molecule based methods. The effect of this new trend is likely to be felt strongly in terms of new strategies for therapeutic intervention, new targets individually and in combinations, and design of specific and safer drugs. Computational modeling and simulation form important constituents of new-age biology because they are essential to comprehend the large-scale data generated by high-throughput experiments and to generate hypotheses, which are typically iterated with experimental validation. Areas covered in this review: This review focuses on the repertoire of systems-level computational approaches currently available for target identification. The review starts with a discussion on levels of abstraction of biological systems and describes different modeling methodologies that are available for this purpose. The review then focuses on how such modeling and simulations can be applied for drug target discovery. Finally, it discusses methods for studying other important issues such as understanding targetability, identifying target combinations and predicting drug resistance, and considering them during the target identification stage itself. What the reader will gain: The reader will get an account of the various approaches for target discovery and the need for systems approaches, followed by an overview of the different modeling and simulation approaches that have been developed. An idea of the promise and limitations of the various approaches and perspectives for future development will also be obtained. Take home message: Systems thinking has now come of age enabling a `bird's eye view' of the biological systems under study, at the same time allowing us to `zoom in', where necessary, for a detailed description of individual components. A number of different methods available for computational modeling and simulation of biological systems can be used effectively for drug target discovery.


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Experimental charge density distributions in two known conformational polymorphs (orange and yellow) of coumarin 314 dye are analyzed based on multipole modeling of X-ray diffraction data collected at 100 K. The experimental results are compared with the charge densities derived from multipole modeling of theoretical structure factors obtained from periodic quantum calculation with density functional theory (DFT) method and B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level of theory. The presence of disorder at the carbonyl oxygen atom of ethoxycarbonyl group in the yellow form, which was not identified earlier, is addressed here. The investigationof intermolecular interactions, based on Hirshfeld surface analysis and topological properties via quantum theory of atoms in molecule and total electrostatic interaction energies, revealed significant differences between the polymorphs. The differences of electrostatic nature in these two polymorphic forms were unveiled via construction of three-dimensional deformation electrostatic potential maps plotted over the molecular surfaces. The lattice energies evaluated from ab initio calculations on the two polymorphic forms indicate that the yellow form is likely to be the most favorable thermodynamically. The dipole moments derived from experimental and theoretical charge densities and also from Lorentz tensor approach are compared with the single-molecule dipole moments. In each case, the differences of dipole moments between the polymorphs are identified.


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Recent single molecule experiments have suggested the existence of a photochemical funnel in the photophysics of conjugated polymers, like poly[2-methoxy-5-(2'-ethylhexyl)oxy-1,4-phenylenevinylene] (MEH-PPV). The funnel is believed to be a consequence of the presence of conformational or chemical defects along the polymer chain and efficient non-radiative energy transfer among different chromophore segments. Here we address the effect of the excitation energy dynamics on the photophysics of PPV. The PPV chain is modeled as a polymer with the length distribution of chromophores given either by a Gaussian or by a Poisson distribution. We observe that the Poisson distribution of the segment lengths explains the photophysics of PPV better than the Gaussian distribution. A recently proposed version of an extended particle-in-a-box' model is used to calculate the exciton energies and the transition dipole moments of the chromophores, and a master equation to describe the excitation energy transfer among different chromophores. The rate of energy transfer is assumed to be given here, as a first approximation, by the well-known Forster expression. The observed excitation population dynamics confirms the photochemical funneling of excitation energy from shorter to longer chromophores of the polymer chain. The time scale of spectral shift and energy transfer for our model polymer, with realistic values of optical parameters, is in the range of 200-300 ps. We find that the excitation energy may not always migrate towards the longest chromophore segments in the polymer chain as the efficiency of energy transfer between chromophores depends on the separation distance between the two and their relative orientation.