992 resultados para SEED DISPERSAL


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The release of genetically modified plants is governed by regulations that aim to provide an assessment of potential impact on the environment. One of the most important components of this risk assessment is an evaluation of the probability of gene flow. In this review, we provide an overview of the current literature on gene flow from transgenic plants, providing a framework of issues for those considering the release of a transgenic plant into the environment. For some plants gene flow from transgenic crops is well documented, and this information is discussed in detail in this review. Mechanisms of gene flow vary from plant species to plant species and range from the possibility of asexual propagation, short- or long-distance pollen dispersal mediated by insects or wind and seed dispersal. Volunteer populations of transgenic plants may occur where seed is inadvertently spread during harvest or commercial distribution. If there are wild populations related to the transgenic crop then hybridization and eventually introgression in the wild may occur, as it has for herbicide resistant transgenic oilseed rape (Brassica napus). Tools to measure the amount of gene flow, experimental data measuring the distance of pollen dispersal, and experiments measuring hybridization and seed survivability are discussed in this review. The various methods that have been proposed to prevent gene flow from genetically modified plants are also described. The current "transgenic traits'! in the major crops confer resistance to herbicides and certain insects. Such traits could confer a selective advantage (an increase in fitness) in wild plant populations in some circumstances, were gene flow to occur. However, there is ample evidence that gene flow from crops to related wild species occurred before the development of transgenic crops and this should be taken into account in the risk assessment process.


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A major current challenge in evolutionary biology is to understand how networks of interacting species shape the coevolutionary process. We combined a model for trait evolution with data for twenty plant-animal assemblages to explore coevolution in mutualistic networks. The results revealed three fundamental aspects of coevolution in species-rich mutualisms. First, coevolution shapes species traits throughout mutualistic networks by speeding up the overall rate of evolution. Second, coevolution results in higher trait complementarity in interacting partners and trait convergence in species in the same trophic level. Third, convergence is higher in the presence of super-generalists, which are species that interact with multiple groups of species. We predict that worldwide shifts in the occurrence of super-generalists will alter how coevolution shapes webs of interacting species. Introduced species such as honeybees will favour trait convergence in invaded communities, whereas the loss of large frugivores will lead to increased trait dissimilarity in tropical ecosystems.


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The Atlantic Rain Forest, an important biodiversity hot spot, has faced severe habitat loss since the last century which has resulted in a highly fragmented landscape with a large number of small forest patches (<100 ha). For conservation planning it is essential to understand how current and future forest regeneration depends on ecological processes, fragment size and the connection to the regional seed pool. We have investigated the following questions by applying the forest growth simulation model FORMIND to the situation of the Atlantic Forest in the state of Sao Paulo, SE Brazil: (1) which set of parameters describing the local regeneration and level of density regulation can reproduce the biomass distribution and stem density of an old growth forest in a reserve? (2) Which additional processes apart from those describing the dynamics of an old growth forest, drive forest succession of small isolated fragments? (3) Which role does external seed input play during succession? Therefore, more than 300 tree species have been classified into nine plant functional types (PFTs), which are characterized by maximum potential height and shade tolerance. We differentiate between two seed dispersal modes: (i) local dispersal, i.e. all seedlings originated from fertile trees within the simulated area and (ii) external seed rain. Local seed dispersal has been parameterized following the pattern oriented approach, using biomass estimates of old growth forest. We have found that moderate density regulation is essential to achieve coexistence for a broad range of regeneration parameters. Considering the expected uncertainty and variability in the regeneration processes it is important that the forest dynamics are robust to variations in the regeneration parameters. Furthermore, edge effects such as increased mortality at the border and external seed rain have been necessary to reproduce the patterns for small isolated fragments. Overall, simulated biomass is much lower in the fragments compared to the continuous forest, whereas shade tolerant species are affected most strongly by fragmentation. Our simulations can supplement empirical studies by extrapolating local knowledge on edge effects of fragments to larger temporal and spatial scales. In particular our results show the importance of external seed rain and therefore highlight the importance of structural connectivity between regenerating fragments and mature forest stands. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The feeding habits of the maned wolf were studied in southeast Brazil to understand its response towards changes in the environment and in relation to its prey. By occurrence, miscellaneous fruits, small mammals and wolf`s fruit were the most consumed items. Armadillos, small mammals and wolf`s fruit ( Solanum lycocarpum) provided most of the ingested biomass. While wolf`s fruit and small mammals were mainly consumed in the dry season, other miscellaneous fruits were taken mostly in the wet season. There was selectivity in the predation on some small mammal species. The maned wolf`s diet followed patterns similar to those found in more pristine areas.


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Land use leads to massive habitat destruction and fragmentation in tropical forests. Despite its global dimensions the effects of fragmentation on ecosystem dynamics are not well understood due to the complexity of the problem. We present a simulation analysis performed by the individual-based model FORMIND. The model was applied to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, one of the world`s biodiversity hot spots, at the Plateau of Sao Paulo. This study investigates the long-term effects of fragmentation processes on structure and dynamics of different sized remnant tropical forest fragments (1-100 ha) at community and plant functional type (PFT) level. We disentangle the interplay of single effects of different key fragmentation processes (edge mortality, increased mortality of large trees, local seed loss and external seed rain) using simulation experiments in a full factorial design. Our analysis reveals that particularly small forest fragments below 25 ha suffer substantial structural changes, biomass and biodiversity loss in the long term. At community level biomass is reduced up to 60%. Two thirds of the mid- and late-successional species groups, especially shade-tolerant (late successional climax) species groups are prone of extinction in small fragments. The shade-tolerant species groups were most strongly affected; its tree number was reduced more than 60% mainly by increased edge mortality. This process proved to be the most powerful of those investigated, explaining alone more than 80% of the changes observed for this group. External seed rain was able to compensate approximately 30% of the observed fragmentation effects for shade-tolerant species. Our results suggest that tropical forest fragments will suffer strong structural changes in the long term, leading to tree species impoverishment. They may reach a new equilibrium with a substantially reduced subset of the initial species pool, and are driven towards an earlier successional state. The natural regeneration potential of a landscape scattered with forest fragments appears to be limited, as external seed rain is not able to fully compensate for the observed fragmentation-induced changes. Our findings suggest basic recommendations for the management of fragmented tropical forest landscapes. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We studied the potential contribution of frugivorous bats to the reestablishment of vegetational diversity in a restored area. We analysed the diets of the bat species and the differences between them in the consumption of fruits of autochtonous and allochthonous species. Planted (autochtonous) species were the basis of diets, especially Solanum mauritianum and Cecropia pachystachya, whereas for allochthonous species we found that Piperaceae to be of particular importance. Carollia perspicillata was the main seed disperser for allochthonous species, and potentially the most important bat in the promotion of vegetation diversity in the study area. Our results suggest that frugivorous bats are especially important in the reestablishment of vegetation in disturbed areas, and that restorarion efforts should focus on the planting of different zoochorous species that would guarantee a high year-round fruit production, thereby facilitating natural plant reestablishment by frugivorous bats in regenerating areas. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Seed dispersal is now regularly analyzed using spatially explicit models, relying in part on frugivore gut passage times to produce model outputs. In determining species-specific gut passage times, there is a trade-off in sample size between minimizing collection effort and maintaining statistical reliability. Here we demonstrate that a two-parameter lognormal parametric distribution reliably fits empirical gut passage time distributions and is easily parameterized using relatively small data sets of approximately 30 defecations. We suggest this approach as a statistically reliable substitute for larger empirical gut passage data sets in seed dispersal modeling, and also as a way of using published gut passage data sets to parameterize new models.


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The purpose of this study was to assess farmers’ attitudes, as well as perceptions and knowledge that shape those attitudes, toward the ecological role of vertebrates inhabiting shaded-coffee farms. We also aimed to determine whether differences existed among two groups of farmers: one that had attended environmental education workshops, and one that had not. We conducted 36 oral interviews of farmers in the region of Cuetzalan, Mexico. All farmers were members of an important regional cooperative, Tosepan Titataniske. In general, farmers’ attitudes towards birds were positive. Snakes were perceived as useful but dangerous animals. Attitudes towards nonflying mammals were mostly indifferent. Bats were poorly understood and badly perceived. Seed dispersal was perceived as an important ecological function performed by animals. Pollination was also perceived as important, but to a lesser degree. Knowledge about ecological functions was high for seed dispersal, and low for pollination. We found a positive correlation between attendance of educational workshops and the presence of “environmentally-friendly” attitudes, perceptions, and knowledge. However, a cause-effect relationship could not be clearly established. We suggest that environmental education programs include the objective of increasing the knowledge of people about the ecological functions played by different groups of animals that live in agroecosystems. Particular efforts should be directed toward improving the way in which certain non-charismatic groups of animals, such as bats, are perceived.


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Ecological processes such as plant–animal interactions have a critical role in shaping the structure and function of ecosystems, but little is known of how such processes are modified by changes in landscape structure. We investigated the effect of landscape change on mistletoe parasitism in fragmented agricultural environments by surveying mistletoes on eucalypt host trees in 24 landscapes, each 100 km2 in size, in south-eastern Australia. Landscapes were selected to represent a gradient in extent (from 60% to 2% cover) and spatial pattern of remnant wooded vegetation. Mistletoes were surveyed at 15 sites in each landscape, stratified to sample five types of wooded elements in proportion to their relative cover. The incidence per landscape of box mistletoe (Amyema miquelii), the most common species, was best explained by the extent of wooded cover (non-linear relationship) and mean annual rainfall. Higher incidence occurred in landscapes with intermediate levels of cover (15–30%) and higher rainfall (>500 mm). Importantly, a marked non-linear decline in the incidence of A. miquelii in low-cover landscapes implies a disproportionate loss of this species in remaining wooded vegetation, greater than that attributable to decreasing forest cover. The most likely mechanism is the effect of landscape change on the mistletoebird (Dicaeum hirundinaceum), the primary seed-dispersal vector for A. miquelii. Our results are consistent with observations that habitat fragmentation initially enhances mistletoe occurrence in agricultural environments; but in this region, when wooded vegetation fell below a threshold of ~15% landscape cover, the incidence of A. miquelii declined precipitously. Conservation management will benefit from greater understanding of the components of landscape structure that most influence ecological processes, such as mistletoe parasitism and other plant–animal mutualisms, and the critical stages in such relationships. This will facilitate action before critical thresholds are crossed and cascading effects extend to other aspects of ecosystem function.


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Arboreal marsupials play an essential role in ecosystem function including regulating insect and plant populations, facilitating pollen and seed dispersal and acting as a prey source for higher-order carnivores in Australian environments. Primarily, research has focused on their biology, ecology and response to disturbance in forested and urban environments. We used presence-only species distribution modelling to understand the relationship between occurrences of arboreal marsupials and eco-geographical variables, and to infer habitat suitability across an urban gradient. We used post-proportional analysis to determine whether increasing urbanization affected potential habitat for arboreal marsupials. The key eco-geographical variables that influenced disturbance intolerant species and those with moderate tolerance to disturbance were natural features such as tree cover and proximity to rivers and to riparian vegetation, whereas variables for disturbance tolerant species were anthropogenic-based (e.g., road density) but also included some natural characteristics such as proximity to riparian vegetation, elevation and tree cover. Arboreal marsupial diversity was subject to substantial change along the gradient, with potential habitat for disturbance-tolerant marsupials distributed across the complete gradient and potential habitat for less tolerant species being restricted to the natural portion of the gradient. This resulted in highly-urbanized environments being inhabited by a few generalist arboreal marsupial species. Increasing urbanization therefore leads to functional simplification of arboreal marsupial assemblages, thus impacting on the ecosystem services they provide.


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Round-leaf Pomaderris Pomaderris vacciniifolia F. Muell. ex Reissek (Rhamnaceae) is a Victorian endemic shrub listed as threatened under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 and critically endangeredunder the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. A review of the available literature for P. vacciniifolia indicated most information is anecdotal or found in unpublished works. Better understanding of the ecology of P. vacciniifolia may help explain why it is vulnerable, and enhance future management. Future research should focus towards better understanding of P. vacciniifolia habitat, reproductive ecology, seed dispersal mechanisms and competitive ability and how these compare with more common sympatric congeners, to determine whether any differences could explain the relative success of these species. Targeted searches for this species on public and private land are warranted to reveal additional populations and fully appreciate the distribution of this species. (The Victorian Naturalist 131 (2) 2014, 44-51).


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito dos estádios de colheita e do repouso pós-colheita dos frutos na qualidade de sementes de mamoneira (Ricinus communis L.) cultivar AL Guarany 2002. Foram avaliadas 9 épocas de colheita dos racemos, dos 30 até 142 dias após a antese (DAA), em intervalos de 14 dias e quatro condições de repouso: sem e com repouso de sete dias de sementes extraídas (nuas), de frutos e de frutos presos ao racemo. Foram avaliados a cor de frutos e de sementes; o teor de água, a massa seca, as porcentagens de germinação e de vigor das sementes (primeira contagem de germinação, índice de velocidade de emergência e condutividade elétrica). Sementes com máxima qualidade fisiológica e massa seca foram obtidas de frutos colhidos aos 86 DAA. A colheita pode ser realizada até os 128 DAA sem redução da germinação, mas com prejuízos devido à queda dos frutos, dispersão das sementes aos 100 dias e reduções do vigor. O repouso permitiu a antecipação da colheita para 72 DAA sem prejuízos à germinação e massa seca, mas com reduções de vigor. A cor dos frutos, das sementes e o teor de água das sementes são parâmetros eficientes para a identificação do ponto de colheita, principalmente se usados conjuntamente.


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O trabalho foi desenvolvido em Botucatu, SP, e teve por objetivo determinar o momento de ocorrência do máximo potencial de germinação durante a maturação das sementes de canafístula, relacionando-a com a secagem dos frutos. Cinco árvores, em final de floração, tiveram 15 inflorescências etiquetadas em 06/02/ 2002. As colheitas, realizadas semanalmente, foram iniciadas na quinta semana após a etiquetagem (35 DAE) e finalizaram quando ocorreu o início da dispersão dos frutos (98 DAE), totalizando 10 colheitas. Os frutos das cinco plantas foram colhidos e avaliados separadamente. em cada colheita, os frutos foram divididos em duas porções: uma teve as sementes extraídas (sementes frescas), e a outra foi posta para secar em ambiente natural de laboratório para, então, se extraírem as sementes (sementes secas). Determinaram-se o teor de água e a massa seca de 100 sementes frescas e 100 secas. Os testes de germinação das sementes, frescas e secas, foram realizados com e sem escarificação. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, considerando-se a árvore e o bloco. A maior capacidade germinativa das sementes foi atingida após a ocorrência do máximo acúmulo de massa. O máximo potencial de germinação, detectado nas sementes escarificadas, foi observado no início da dispersão, quando predominavam sementes duras. A maturação, a germinação e a instalação da dormência em semente imatura foram antecipadas com a sua secagem no interior do fruto separado da planta-mãe.


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Vriesea minarum is a rupiculous bromeliad species, with naturally fragmented populations, restricted to the Iron Quadrangle, Minas Gerais, Brazil. It is a threatened species, which is suffering from habitat loss due to the growth of cities and mining activities. The knowledge of genetic variability in plant populations is one of the main branches of conservation genetics, linking genetic data to conservation strategies while the knowledge about plant reproductive biology can aid in understanding key aspects of their life story, as well as in the comprehension of their distribution and survival strategies. Thus, the study of diversity, richness, and genetic structure, as well as the reproductive biology of populations of V. minarum can contribute to the development of conservation actions. Chapter 1 presents the transferability of 14 microsatellite loci for V. minarum. Among the results of this chapter, we highlight the successful transferability of 10 microsatellite loci described for other species of Bromeliaceae, all of which are polymorphic. In Chapter 2, we present the genetic analyses of 12 populations of V. minarum that are distributed throughout the Iron Quadrangle. We used the 10 microsatellite loci tested in Chapter 1. The results show a low population structuring (Fst = 0.088), but with different values of genetic richness (mean = 2.566) and gene diversity (mean = 0.635) for all populations; and a high inbreeding coefficient (Gis = 0.376). These may be the result of pollinators action and/or efficient seed dispersal, thus allowing a high connectivity among populations of naturally fragmented outcrops. The reproductive biology and floral morphology of a population of V. minarum, located in the Parque Estadual da Serra do Rola-Moça, are studied in Chapter 3. This reserve is the only public environmental protection area where the species occurs. As a result of field experiments and observations, we found that the species has its flowering period from January to March, with flowers that last for two days and that it has a mixed pollination syndrome. It is primarily alogamous, but also has the capacity to be self-ferilized. It is expected that data obtained in chapters 1, 2 and 3 serve as basis for other studies with species from the ferruginous rocky fields, since until now, to our knowledge, there are no other survey of endemic species from the Iron Quadrangle, seeking to merge the genetic knowledge, with the data of the reproductive biology, with the ultimate aim of biodiversity conservation. Considering the great habitat loss for the species by mining, it becomes crucial to analyze the creation of new protected areas for its conservation


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Previous tests with essential oils from ripe chiropterochoric fruits suggested they can be used to attract and capture fruit-eating bats inside forest remnants. Here we evaluated the efficiency of these oils to attract frugivorous bats to open areas. We performed field tests with artificial fruits impregnated with essential oils of the genera Piper or Ficus that were attached to two groups of mist-nets set 50 m outside the border of a forest remnant. One group of artificial fruits received the corresponding oil isolated through hydrodistillation and the other received water only. Fruits with oils attracted significantly more fruit-eating bats, especially Artibeus lituratus that regularly crosses open habitats to reach other forest remnants. The highly significant attraction of A. lituratus by the oil of Piper was unexpected, since this bat is a specialist on Ficus fruits. We hypothesize that in habitats with no fruit available it is possible to attract frugivorous bats with the odor of several ripe fruit species. Furthermore, we verified that almost half of the individuals captured defecated seeds, indicating that the oils also attract recently fed bats, even when their preferred food is available nearby. This technique potentially may increase seed rain at specific locations, being particularly promising to restoration projects.