797 resultados para SECONDARY SCHOOLS


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The educational process is characterised by multiple outcomes such as the achievement of academic results of various standards and non-academic achievements. This paper shows how data envelopment analysis (DEA) can be used to guide secondary schools to improved performance through role-model identification and target setting in a way which recognises the multi-outcome nature of the education process and reflects the relative desirability of improving individual outcomes. The approach presented in the paper draws from a DEA-based assessment of the schools of a local education authority carried out by the authors. Data from that assessment are used to illustrate the approach presented in the paper. (Key words: Data envelopment analysis, education, target setting.)


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The integration of mathematics and science in secondary schools in the 21st century continues to be an important topic of practice and research. The purpose of my research study, which builds on studies by Frykholm and Glasson (2005) and Berlin and White (2010), is to explore the potential constraints and benefits of integrating mathematics and science in Ontario secondary schools based on the perspectives of in-service and pre-service teachers with various math and/or science backgrounds. A qualitative and quantitative research design with an exploratory approach was used. The qualitative data was collected from a sample of 12 in-service teachers with various math and/or science backgrounds recruited from two school boards in Eastern Ontario. The quantitative and some qualitative data was collected from a sample of 81 pre-service teachers from the Queen’s University Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) program. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the in-service teachers while a survey and a focus group was conducted with the pre-service teachers. Once the data was collected, the qualitative data were abductively analyzed. For the quantitative data, descriptive and inferential statistics (one-way ANOVAs and Pearson Chi Square analyses) were calculated to examine perspectives of teachers regardless of teaching background and to compare groups of teachers based on teaching background. The findings of this study suggest that in-service and pre-service teachers have a positive attitude towards the integration of math and science and view it as valuable to student learning and success. The pre-service teachers viewed the integration as easy and did not express concerns to this integration. On the other hand, the in-service teachers highlighted concerns and challenges such as resources, scheduling, and time constraints. My results illustrate when teachers perceive it is valuable to integrate math and science and which aspects of the classroom benefit best from the integration. Furthermore, the results highlight barriers and possible solutions to better the integration of math and science. In addition to the benefits and constraints of integration, my results illustrate why some teachers may opt out of integrating math and science and the different strategies teachers have incorporated to integrate math and science in their classroom.


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Compulsory education laws oblige primary and secondary schools to give each pupil positive encouragement in, for example, social, emotional, cognitive, creative, and ethical respects. This is a fairly smooth process for most pupils, but it is not as easy to achieve with others. A pattern of pupil, home or family, and school variables turns out to be responsible for a long-term process that may lead to a pupil’s dropping out of education. A systemic approach will do much to introduce more clarity into the diagnosis, potential reduction and possible prevention of some persistent educational problems that express themselves in related phenomena, for example low school motivation and achievement; forced underachievement of high ability pupils; concentration of bullying and violent behaviour in and around some types of classes and schools; and drop-out percentages that are relatively constant across time. Such problems have a negative effect on pupils, teachers, parents, schools, and society alike. In this address, I would therefore like to clarify some of the systemic causes and processes that we have identified between specific educational and pupil characteristics. Both theory and practice can assist in developing, implementing, and checking better learning methods and coaching procedures, particularly for pupils at risk. This development approach will take time and require co-ordination, but it will result in much better processes and outcomes than we are used to. First, I will diagnose some systemic aspects of education that do not seem to optimise the learning processes and school careers of some types of pupils in particular. Second, I will specify cognitive, social, motivational, and self-regulative aspects of learning tasks and relate corresponding learning processes to relevant instructional and wider educational contexts. I will elaborate these theoretical notions into an educational design with systemic instructional guidelines and multilevel procedures that may improve learning processes for different types of pupils. Internet-based Information and Communication Technology, or ICT, also plays a major role here. Third, I will report on concrete developments made in prototype research and trials. The development process concerns ICT-based differentiation of learning materials and procedures, and ICT-based strategies to improve pupil development and learning. Fourth, I will focus on the experience gained in primary and secondary educational practice with respect to implementation. We can learn much from such practical experience, in particular about the conditions for developing and implementing the necessary changes in and around schools. Finally, I will propose future research. As I hope to make clear, theory-based development and implementation research can join forces with systemic innovation and differentiated assessment in educational practice, to pave the way for optimal “learning for self-regulation” for pupils, teachers, parents, schools, and society at large.


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The relationship between school belongingness and mental health functioning before and after the primary-secondary school transition has not been previously investigated in students with and without disabilities. This study used a prospective longitudinal design to test the bi-directional relationships between these constructs, by surveying 266 students with and without disabilities and their parents, 6-months before and after the transition to secondary school. Cross-lagged multi-group analyses found student perception of belongingness in the final year of primary school to contribute to change in their mental health functioning a year later. The beneficial longitudinal effects of school belongingness on subsequent mental health functioning were evident in all student subgroups; even after accounting for prior mental health scores and the cross-time stability in mental health functioning and school belongingness scores. Findings of the current study substantiate the role of school contextual influences on early adolescent mental health functioning. They highlight the importance for primary and secondary schools to assess students' school belongingness and mental health functioning and transfer these records as part of the transition process, so that appropriate scaffolds are in place to support those in need. Longer term longitudinal studies are needed to increase the understanding of the temporal sequencing between school belongingness and mental health functioning of all mainstream students.


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Despite the importance of the preservation of the historic built environment for the benefit of present and future generations, there is a lack of knowledge of the effects of architectural rehabilitation decisions on the cultural significance of historic buildings. Architectural heritage conservation literature has focused almost exclusively on providing principles and guidelines, describing intervention methodologies, and discussing predicted impacts of design on material values. This thesis argues that a focus on the actual effects is needed if the sociocultural sustainability of historic buildings significance is to be achieved. Supported by an extensive literature review and informed by personal insights from the researcher’s everyday practice, an adapted model of the Theory of Change based on Weiss (1995) was designed, providing a tool to evaluate the effects of rehabilitation on cultural significance [ERECS]. Using a selection of six recently rehabilitated historic secondary schools in Portugal (liceus), this research investigated architectural decisions and their effects on the cultural values of this building typology for education, focusing on three objectives, corresponding to three stages of interventions: understanding the existing cultural significance, identifying the design strategies applied and assessing the short-term effects of design decisions on the cultural values. Stressing the role of stakeholders in rehabilitation processes, data were collected from the buildings and architectural projects, the decision makers in the conservation process, and the school community. Although confirming that the evaluation of the effects of architectural decisions on cultural values is a complex task, the findings demonstrate that the historic liceus have historical, architectural and sociocultural values, and whilst strategies did not value social values, material cultural values were generally considered and preserved, contributing to the enhancement of intangible values. The implications of this theory-based and evidence-based research highlight the importance of evaluating actual effects for cultural heritage theory, architectural conservation practice and heritage management policy.


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This paper presents a validation study of the Perceived Social Competence in Career Scale (SCCarS). The sample included 571 adolescents, 283 girls (49.6%) and 287 boys (50.3%), aged 14 to 25 years old (ì=16.33±1.41), 10th and 11th grade students attending secondary schools in the northern, central and southern Portugal. Exploratory factor analysis indicates the presence of eight factors, with eigenvalues superior to 1.00, explaining 79.16% of the total variance of the items. Confirmatory factor analysis provided support to the factorial structure of eight factors, with adequate fit indices (X2/df=4.229, CFI= 0.909, GFI= 0.869, RMSEA= 0.079, p= 0.000). These results are consistent with the factorial structure found in previous studies carried out with Portuguese samples from 8th grade. Implications are drawn related to the need for further study of the psychometric characteristics of the SCCarS with young people from different age groups


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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OBJECTIVE: To review the effectiveness of school food and nutrition policies world wide in improving the school food environment, student's dietary intake, and decreasing overweight and obesity. METHODS: Systematic review of published and unpublished literature up to November 2007 of three categories of nutrition policy; nutrition guidelines, regulation of food and/or beverage availability, and price interventions applied in preschools, primary and secondary schools. RESULTS: 18 studies met the inclusion criteria. Most evidence of effectiveness was found for the impact of both nutrition guidelines and price interventions on intake and availability of food and drinks, with less conclusive research on product regulation. Despite the introduction of school food policies worldwide few large scale or national policies have been evaluated, and all included studies were from the USA and Europe. CONCLUSION: Some current school policies have been effective in improving the food environment and dietary intake in schools, but there is little evaluation of their impact on BMI. As schools have been proposed worldwide as a major setting for tackling childhood obesity it is essential that future policy evaluations measure the long term effectiveness of a range of school food policies in tackling both dietary intake and overweight and obesity.


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Foram analisados fatores associados ao início da vida sexual de adolescentes na Ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde, segundo sexo. Estudo realizado com amostra probabilística e representativa de 768 adolescentes, age 13-17 anos, de escolas secundárias públicas da Ilha de Santiago em 2007. A associação foi testada pelo teste de proporção, qui-quadrado de Pearson ou Fisher e regressão logística. Nos rapazes, os fatores associados ao início da vida sexual foram: idade maior que 14 anos, ser católico e consumo de bebidas alcoólicas. Para meninas: escolaridade maior que nove anos e ter parceiro afetivo-sexual. Ao contrário de outros contextos da África Subsaariana, foram constatadas taxas elevadas de uso de preservativo por adolescentes no início da vida sexual. Os adolescentes podem iniciar a vida sexual de maneira mais segura se tiverem informação, educação sexual e acesso a métodos de prevenção à gravidez e às DST. Este artigo oferece elementos para a reflexão sobre o delineamento de políticas de redução da vulnerabilidade dos jovens às DST/AIDS e sobre os limites e desafios da promoção do uso do preservativo e educação sexual, focando as relações desiguais de gênero


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This website is linked to UNESCO.org and is free to download for educational purposes. It contains a database of school science experiments and investigations in physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, geology, weather studies, agriculture projects for primary and secondary schools; and sexuality education and drugs education. It is based on a revision, updating and expansion of the "New UNESCO source book for science teaching", 1979 edition, UNESCO, Paris. It contains experiments from the "low cost" science teaching movement, simplified versions of classical experiments, experiments using locally available substances and kitchen chemicals, and environmental science. Some experiments anticipate experiments usually done in senior high school or college classes. The experiments should be "student-friendly" and "teacher-friendly" because there is no overwhelming technology. Enough theoretical background is included to remind teachers of the theoretical context of the experiment. Every experiment is based on materials listed in a modern commercial catalogue of chemicals and equipment for use by educational institutions. The procedures and safety standards are consistent with instructions issued by Education Queensland (Ministry of Education), State of Queensland, Australia.


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Adolescence is popularly understood as a transitional phase of turbulence and extremes. It is also often associated with 'trouble'. Criminal justice statistics, however, reveal that youth criminality remains a relatively rare phenomenon, less than one percent of the total adolescent population in any given year. This exceptional book is based upon a major Australian research programme to consider the key social factors impacting upon the lives of young people. A sample of 1,300 young people was divided into three major subgroups: a 'control' group, drawn from state secondary schools and closely approximating the general population; a chronically marginalized cohort representing a 'vulnerable group', and a group of offenders, most of whom were incarcerated at the time of the research.


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Analisa as representações de estudantes da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Ufes) sobre o sistema de reserva de vagas (cotas) e sobre os estudantes cotistas. Desenvolve a análise a partir dos seguintes objetivos específicos: identificar os fatores que contribuem para a formação e a reformulação das representações sociais no que diz respeito ao ser estudante universitário; verificar se existem discrepâncias nas representações de cada grupo em relação aos itens abordados; caracterizar os componentes que constituem o sentimento de pertença ao grupo estudantes universitários e compreender como se desenvolvem as relações intra e inter grupos entre os estudantes cotistas e não cotistas da Ufes. Utiliza como metodologia estudo de caso único, com múltiplas unidades de análise, posto que participaram estudantes de diferentes cursos e centros de ensino. Realiza a coleta de dados por meio de entrevista em profundidade por ser consagrada para este tipo de pesquisa. O número de entrevistados baseou-se no critério de saturação. A sistematização dos dados se deu a partir da análise de conteúdo das entrevistas utilizando a Teoria das Representações Sociais. As categorias de análise foram criadas a partir de dois aspectos, os objetivos da pesquisa e as falas dos estudantes. Observa que o acolhimento dos estudantes cotistas bem como, do sistema de reserva de vagas, se deu inicialmente por meio da comparação entre as condições de concorrência no vestibular entre estudantes oriundos de escolas públicas e particulares; que o sentimento de pertença ao grupo estudantes universitários se concretiza mais em relação aos fazeres próprios da universidade do que em relação a qualquer outra condição vivida pelos estudantes, inclusive o ser ou não cotista. Aponta para novos temas a serem discutidos e modos de esclarecer os estudantes de escolas secundárias públicas sobre seus direitos em relação ao cumprimento da Lei nº 12.711, de 2012 que estabeleceu a reserva de vagas nas Instituições de Ensino Superior públicas no Brasil.


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O ensino das teorias da origem das espécies no sistema de ensino liceal português ainda não está completamente esclarecido. Esta investigação visou contribuir para essa clarificação, ao mostrar o modo como os autores dos manuais de Ciências Naturais destinados ao ensino liceal, fizeram essa transposição, no período compreendido entre 1905 e 1959. Para tal, estudaram-se as perspectivas e as teorias da origem das espécies, os mecanismos e as provas do evolucionismo que apresentaram. Os resultados mostraram que a tipologia diversificada de mecanismos e de provas de evolução que transpuseram, evidencia que a argumentação em prol do evolucionismo continuou a dominar o discurso dos autores dos manuais desse período. Contudo, concorreram nesses manuais diversas explicações para a evolução das espécies, como o lamarckismo, o neolamarckismo, o darwinismo, o neodarwinismo, a ortogénese, o mutacionismo e o transformismo teísta. The teaching of the origin of species theories in the Portuguese secondary education hasn’t been completely clear yet. This investigation aimed to contribute to this clarification, showing the way the authors of secondary schools science textbooks, did that transposition, from 1905 to 1959. Therefore, there were studied the perspectives and the origin of species theories, the mechanisms and proves of evolutionism that they had presented. The results showed that the diverse typology of mechanisms and proves of evolution they had transposed, showed that the argumentation in favor of the evolutionism continued to domain the discourse of school textbooks authors from this period. However, there were many explanations in these textbooks for the evolution of species, such as Lamarckism, neoLamarckism, Darwinism, neoDarwinism, Orthogenesis, Mutationism and Theistic Evolutionism.


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O tema da dissertação prende-se com as consequências do alargamento da escolaridade obrigatória nas Escolas Secundárias, concretamente naquilo que se relaciona com o previsível aumento de casos de alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais decorrente desse alargamento. Este trabalho pretende conhecer o que os professores pensam sobre este tema no que se refere à sua concepção sobre inclusão e Necessidades Educativas Especiais, às suas experiências anteriores com este tipo de alunos, como encaram os professores o alargamento da escolaridade obrigatória no secundário, qual o nível de preparação que pensam ter para trabalhar com estes alunos, como encaram as adequações curriculares que serão necessárias e finalmente que tipo de necessidades pensam que podem surgir nas escolas para dar uma resposta adequada à nova situação. Para que todas as afirmações dos professores estivessem fundamentadas, fez-se uma abordagem teórica referente à evolução do ensino em Portugal e da Educação Especial numa perspectiva nacional e internacional, fazendo também um contraponto com a actualidade. Em termos metodológicos, optou-se por um estudo qualitativo, com características exploratórias e descritivas. Para a recolha de dados foi selecionada uma escola do centro de Lisboa, que se situa numa zona habitacional e de serviços. Realizaram-se seis entrevistas semi-dirigidas, construídas a partir de um guião, constituído por um conjunto de questões formuladas segundo objectivos e organizadas por temas. Para analisar os dados, foi utilizada a técnica de análise de conteúdo. A análise feita permitiu concluir que esta temática não é uma preocupação actual dos professores do ensino secundário. Apesar da aceitação genérica do conceito de inclusão, os professores sentem dificuldade na adequação de conteúdos e na adaptação do sistema de avaliação, embora todos os entrevistados tivessem experiências anteriores com alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais. Quanto às necessidades que podem surgir, os professores consideram que elas se vão relacionar sobretudo com equipamento informático, acessibilidades e formação de professores. - Abstract The subject approached in this paper relates to the consequences of the extent of mandatory school years in secondary schools, specifically with the increase in the number of students with special educational needs. Therefore it will be evaluated teacher’s opinions and ideas about the subject, how they define inclusion and special educational needs, their prior experiences with this kind of students and how they intend to face the extend of mandatory school years, their background to deal with this students, and the changes that, in school, they think would be necessary to give adequate answers to this new situation. In order to support teacher’s opinions, a theoretical approach was made, regarding the evolution of teaching and of Special Education in Portugal, in a national and international perspective, comparing it to our current reality. To achieve these goals, a qualitative research was designed, in order to obtain exploratory and descriptive data. To collect the data, a semi-structured interview was created from some preestablished guidelines, according to the objectives and organized by topics, these interviews took place in a school located in the center of Lisbon. To analyze the answers, a content analysis technique was used. The results observed allowed to conclude that this subject is not a current concern for the interviewed teachers. Despite the global acceptance of inclusion, as a concept, teachers still have some difficulties adapting contents and adapting the evaluation system, although all the teachers interviewed had prior experience with students with special educational needs. About the necessities that may emerge, teachers think they will be computer related, regarding accessibility and regarding teacher formation.