998 resultados para SAENZ PEÑA, LUIS


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Cerca de Jaca, en las paredes del monasterio de San Juan de la Peña vive un endemismo,Petrocoptis hispanica, que se vio amenazado con motivo de unas obras de restauración que sehicieron hace bastantes años. Entonces, la intervención del instituto Pirenaico de Ecología con el Dr.Montserrat a la cabeza permitieron conservar buena parte de la población, aunque si visitas elmonasterio todavía puede verse la parte de la fachada que fue limpiada.


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Contrary to what Felipe Pedrell indicates, the second Ave maris stella in his Victoria's collected works (vol. V, 1908, pp. 100-3, n° 33) doesn't appear in the collection published in 1600 in Madrid by the composer, nor in any other of the musician's books. In the 1600 edition, Victoria reissues the two first verses (plainchant followed by polyphony) of the Ave maris stella published in 1576 and then again in 1581. The earliest source of the problematic Ave maris stella is Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Musik-Abteilung, 2 Mus. pr. 23 handschriftlicher Beiband, dating from the third quarter oft he seventeenth century. This source is a manuscrit that runs as an appendix to the 1581 edition of Victoria's hymns. No attributions are given in the manuscript. The first attributions of the piece to Victoria arise in the nineteenth century, in manuscripts copied by Johann Michael Hauber, Johann Caspar Aiblinger, August Baumgartner and Carl Proske, and preserved in Munich and Regensburg. Proske pubished the piece in his Musica divina in 1859 (Annus primus, vol. III, pp. 419-24). The most probable hypothesis ist that Pedrell had knowledge of the second Ave maris stella, under the spanish composer's name, via Proske's Musica divina. In all likelihood the piece is not by Victoria, not least because the composer has never written odd polyphonic verses of hymns. In his Studies in the Music of Tomás Luis de Victoria (2001), Eugene Casjen Cramer relies on the supposed authenticity of the work to ascribe the others pieces of Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Musik-Abteilung, 2 Mus. pr. 23 handschriftlicher Beiband to the composer. These attributions should therefore be refuted.


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Enhanced brain apoptosis (neurons and glia) may be involved in major depression (MD) and schizophrenia (SZ), mainly through the activation of the intrinsic (mitochondrial) apoptotic pathway. In the extrinsic death pathway, pro-apoptotic Fas-associated death domain (FADD) adaptor and its non-apoptotic p-Ser194 FADD form have critical roles interacting with other death regulators such as phosphoprotein enriched in astrocytes of 15kDa (PEA-15) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK). The basal status of FADD (protein and messenger RNA (mRNA)) and the effects of psychotropic drugs (detected in blood/urine samples) were first assessed in postmortem prefrontal cortex of MD and SZ subjects (including a non-MD/SZ suicide group). In MD, p-FADD, but not total FADD (and mRNA), was increased (26%, n=24; all MD subjects) as well as p-FADD/FADD ratio (a pro-survival marker) in antidepressant-free MD subjects (50%, n=10). In contrast, cortical FADD (and mRNA), p-FADD, and p-FADD/FADD were not altered in SZ brains (n=21) regardless of antipsychotic medications (except enhanced mRNA in treated subjects). Similar negative results were quantified in the non-MD/SZ suicide group. In MD, the regulation of multifunctional PEA-15 (i.e., p-Ser116 PEA-15 blocks pro-apoptotic FADD and PEA-15 prevents pro-survival ERK action) and the modulation of p-ERK1/2 were also investigated. Cortical p-PEA-15 was not changed whereas PEA-15 was increased mainly in antidepressant-treated subjects (16-20%). Interestingly, cortical p-ERK1/2/ERK1/2 ratio was reduced (33%) in antidepressant-free when compared to antidepressant-treated MD subjects. The neurochemical adaptations of brain FADD (increased p-FADD and pro-survival p-FADD/FADD ratio), as well as its interaction with PEA-15, could play a major role to counteract the known activation of the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway in MD.


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Recent studies on coffee (Coffea arabica L.) cultivation in agroforestry systems in Southern Brazil have shown the potential of partial shading to improve management of this crop. The objective of this work was to evaluate microclimatic conditions and their effects on coffee production of plants shaded with pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) in comparison to unshaded ones, from May 2001 to August 2002 in Londrina, State of Paraná, Brazil. The appraised microclimatic characteristics were: global radiation, photosynthetic and radiation balance; air, leaf and soil temperatures; and soil humidity. Shading caused significant reduction in incident global solar radiation, photosynthetically active radiation and net radiation, and attenuated maximum leaf, air and soil temperatures, during the day. Shade also reduced the rate of cooling of night air and leaf temperatures, especially during nights with radiative frost. Soil moisture at 0-10 cm depth was higher under shade. The shaded coffee plants produced larger cherries due to slower maturation, resulting in larger bean size. Nevertheless, plants under shade emitted less plagiotropic branches, with smaller number of nodes per branch, and fewer nodes with fruits, resulting in a large reduction in coffee production. These results show the need to find an optimal tree density and management that do not compromise coffee production and protect against extreme temperatures.


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In this project we present some background data about José Luis Sampedro and his works to point out the main reasons why we should translate them. We then offer a translation proposal for some selected chapters of the book La sonrisa etrusca in order to suggest a hypothetical translation job.


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Cernuda tradujo a Hölderlin sin saber alemán, sin ser traductor. La obra de Hölderlin apenas era conocida y casi no había sido editada en lengua española. ¿Cómo lo hizo? ¿Realmente influyó la obra del poeta alemán en su poesía, como él lo afirmaba? He aquí una aproximación a estas cuestiones


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The natural formation of the bioactive C17-polyacetylenes (−)-(R)-panaxynol and panaxydol was analyzed by 13C-labeling experiments. For this purpose, plants of Panax ginseng were supplied with 13CO2 under field conditions or, alternatively, sterile root cultures of P. ginseng were supplemented with [U-13C6]glucose. The polyynes were isolated from the labeled roots or hairy root cultures, respectively, and analyzed by quantitative NMR spectroscopy. The same mixtures of eight doubly 13C-labeled isotopologues and one single labeled isotopologue were observed in the C17-polyacetylenes obtained from the two experiments. The polyketide-type labeling pattern is in line with the biosynthetic origin of the compounds via decarboxylation of fatty acids, probably of crepenynic acid. The 13C-study now provides experimental evidence for the biosynthesis of panaxynol and related polyacetylenes in P. ginseng under in planta conditions as well as in root cultures. The data also show that 13CO2 experiments under field conditions are useful to elucidate the biosynthetic pathways of metabolites, including those from roots.


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Podeu consultar la Setena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/43352


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Contrairement à l'opinion formulée dans la littérature, les motets de Victoria sont majoritairement homophoniques. Cette prééminence se manifeste notamment dans le premier livre de motets du compositeur (Venise, 1572), qui comporte plus de la moitié des pièces qu'il a laissées dans le genre. Dans cette publication, 58% de l'ensemble des sections qui composent les motets sont homophoniques. En outre, plus le nombre de voix des pièces est élevé (5, 6 et 8 voix, par opposition aux motets à 4 voix), plus l'homophonie est utilisée. Cependant, les débuts des motets sont majoritairement imitatifs. Deux types de sections homophoniques jouent un rôle de poids. Le premier fait intervenir des sous-sections basées sur le même sujet dans une combinatoire répétition/variation. Dans les motets à 6, une opposition de registre aigu/grave renforce le procédé. Le second type voit se succéder des sous-sections nouvelles qui reposent sur des unités textuelles non répétées. Les sections homophoniques déploient une grande variété d'écriture, qui va de l'extrême « simplicité » à une complexité marquée. L'immédiate succession de sections bien différenciées constitue un marqueur formel fort. L'écriture, quel que soit le degré de complexité, repose régulièrement sur des modèles de progression intervallique. Si l'homophonie est prépondérante, son utilisation conjointe avec l'imitation reste primordiale dans la conception du motet qu'a le compositeur. Ces deux facteurs participent de la « modernité » des pièces. Ils répondent aux préoccupations humanistes des érudits de la musique, à qui le recueil est destiné et appartiennent de ce fait à la musica reservata.


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Resumen:El objetivo de este trabajo fue utilizar el metaanálisis para estudiar los resultados productivos de ovejas y cabras de ordeño, alimentadas con aceites y semillas ricas en ácidos grasos insaturados. Se utilizaron 22 experimentos con ovejas (63 tratamientos) y 21 con cabras (76 tratamientos). El consumo medio de grasa extra fue de 83,6±33,6 g por día en ovejas y 73,4±38,7 g por día en cabras. En ovejas, la grasa extra no afectó al consumo de materia seca, pero aumentó la producción de grasa (de 91,4 a 98,8 g por día) y redujo el contenido proteico (de 5,41 a 5,24%) de la leche. No hubo diferencias en el extracto quesero. En cabras, la inclusión de grasa en la dieta redujo el consumo de materia seca (de 2,13 a 2,08 kg por día) y aumentó el porcentaje de grasa láctea (de 4,11 a 4,43%) y el extracto quesero (de 7,41 a 7,76%). La respuesta productiva de ovejas y cabras al consumo de dietas ricas en ácidos grasos insaturados es diferente. Sin embargo, el valor comercial de la leche no se ve afectado, debido a la ausencia de efectos negativos sobre el extracto quesero en ambas especies.


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Mitjançant tecnologia JEE, farem una aplicació web segura (https) que ens permetrà gestionar una penya de persones que juga als sortejos de la Primitiva i l'Euromilió. Per una banda, les persones que s'hagin donat d'alta podran, mitjançant pagament previ, escollir amb quin o quins grups de la penya volen participar i gestionar la seva part privada. Per l'altra banda, l'administrador de la web disposarà d'un conjunt de menús que li permetran realitzar la gestió i el manteniment dels penyistes i de les participacions de la penya en els diferents sortejos en què es participi.


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Humanist writers were multifaceted and thcir writings eclectic, delving into a wide range of fields of enquiry Many issues wcre raised and addressed, pursued ur abandoned, uftcn unsystematically. ‘[his hetcrogeneity has frequently lcd tu the neglect of specific facets of authurs who have gained renuwn in uthcr fzelds. ‘[his 1 believe tu be the case fur Richard Mulcaster and Juan Luis Vives, whuse contribution tu language Éhcory has been eclipsed by their rclatively mudem views un educatiun. ‘[heir views un language merit mure attention, if not fur their originality as such, at least fur te testimony they pruvide uf a periud in transition. ‘[he work uf these authors show 1mw views un language evolved thruughout te periud mié convey a sense uf its dynamic character. Profoundly cunservative attitudes coexist with progressive unes and, tliough ruoted in the past, thcy strain tuwards a new vision uf the nature and functioning uf language in human sucicty.