1000 resultados para SABIDURIA AMAZONICA


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33 species of Chrisopini are described and illustrated, of wich 30 are recorded from the Amazon Basin. Ten new species are described in Chrisopodes(duckei, spínella, nebulosa, lineafrons, polygonica, indetata, conisetosa, breviata, mediocris, and tetifera(, and nine in Ceraesochrysa(squalidens, acutipuppis, rafaeli, reddyi, nigripes, teneuícornis, ariasi, falceifera, and michaelmuris). Neosuarus (type species collaris (Schneider), a new subgenus of Chrysopodes, also contains divisa (Walker), escomeli (Navás) porterina (Navás), and flavescens (Blanchard). Orlandsia Navás and Ancylochrysa Navás are synonymized with Chrysopodes limbata (Navás), Chrysoperla asoralis (Banks) and Suarius nesotala (Banks). A neotype is designate for Ceraeochrysa cubana (Hagen). Ceraeochrysa caligata(Banks) and scapularis (Navás) are valid species. C. gloriae Alayo is synonymized with Ceraeochrysa everes (Banks).


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As coleções de Entomolologia Sistemática do Instituto nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA) em Manaus, Brasil, no momento, contém aproximadamente 16.350 exemplares de invertebrados e vertebrados identificados, representando 330a espécies e incluindo 692 tipos que foram depositados entre 1940 e 1982 por pesquisadores e associados do Instituto Max-Planck de Limnologia em Plön, Alemanha Ocidental.


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É apresentado um estudo de Ascomycetes (XYLARIACEAE) nos Estados do Amazonas e de Mato Grosso (norte), onde foram registrados 9 gêneros, totalizando 31 espécies: Batistia annulipes Cif., Camillea bacillum(Mont., C. bilabiata Speg., C. cyclops (Mont.) Berk. & Curt., C. labellum Mont., C. leprieurii Mont., Daldinia concentrica (Bolt.) Ces. & de Not., D. eschscholzii (Ehr.) Rehm., D. gollani Henn., Hypoxylon nummularium Bull. ex Fr, Hypoxylon sp., Kretzschmaria cetrarioides(Welw. & Curr.) Sacc., K. clavus (Fr.) Sacc., K. heliscus (Mont.) Massee, K. microspora Henn., Phylacia globosa Lév., P. poculiformis(Mont., P. surinamensis (Berk. & Curt.) Dennis, P. turbinata (Berk.) Dennis, Rhopalostroma sphaerocephalum (Petch.) D. Hwksw., Thammomyces dendroidea Cooke & Massee, T. rastratus Mont., Xylaria dealbata Berk. & Curt., X feejeensis (Berk.) Fr., X. furcata Fr., X . ianthino-velutina (Mont.) Fr., X. juruensis P. Henn., X. begeliana (Lév.) FA., X. microceras(Mont.) Fr., X. polymorpha (Pers. ex Fr. ) Grev., X. scruposa (Fr) Fr., X. telfairii (Berk.) Fr. Xylaria sp.Foi elaborada uma chave para identificação dos gêneros e respectivas espécies, sendo que para cada taxon são dadas as sinonímias e algumas ilustrações dos espécimes examinados.


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This paper records 65 leaf-inhabiting sac fungi collected in Amazonas and Roraima during 1977-78 as part of Projeto Flora Amazônica. Lembosia miconiae (Ryan) Farr is a new combination.


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Apreliminary survey of Phragmobasidiomycetes from the Brazilian Amazon revealed three new species: Tremella riobrancensis Lowy, Ductifera elastica Lowy, and Dacryopinax maxidorii Lowy. Ten other species representing the families Auriculariaceae, Tremellaceae, and Dacrymycetaceae previously unreported from Acre and Amazonas were also collected.


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Taxithelium is represented in Brazil by three species. Each species is described and illustrated and its distribution in Brazil is mapped. Taxithelium planum (Brid. ) mitt. is weedy but mainly confined to the low elevations of Amazonia; T. pluripunctatum(Ren. & Card.) Buck is reported for the first time for Brazil from three localities; T. juruense (Broth.) Broth. is apparently endemic to Acre.


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Nove taxa de Octoblepharum Hedw. são relatados para o Alto Rio Negro, Amazonas, coletados em expedição realizada no período de junho a julho de 1979, quais sejam: O. albidum Hedw. var violascens C. Muell., O. ampullaceumMitt., O. cylindricum Mont., O. cocuienseMitt., O. erectifolium Mitt. ex. Williams, O. pellucidum C. Muell., O. albidum Hedw. var. albidum, O. pulvinatum (Dozy & Molk.) Mitt. e O. stramineum Mitt. As três últimas ocorreram com maior frequência. Uma chave para identificação dos táxons infragenéricos de Octoblepharum é apresentada.


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Polygonanthus amazonicus Ducke já foi incorporada em oito famílias diferentes, mas era conhecida de apenas uma árvore desde a primeira coletada em 1929. Uma excursão do projeto Flora Amazônica comprovou sua área de ocorrência, que é de pelo menos 17.500 km2 na região compreendida entre Maués e Borba no Estado do Amazonas. Seu habitat e provável meio de dispersão são descritos. o caso desta e de muitas outras espécies com escassa representação nos herbários demonstra a necessidade de se manter um intenso programa de coleta botânica para se manter uma base mais realista da distribuição de muitas espécies.


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With additional data from specimens not studied by previous workers, the confusing Simaba guianensis compex was re-analized. Simaba polyphylla is recognized as a distinct species and two subspecies of S. guianensis are maintained. Simaba polyphylla, S. guianensis ssp. guianensis, and S. guianensis ssp. ecaudata are keyed, described, and illustrated and specimens examined are cited for each. Specimens of S. guianensis ssp. ecaudata show great morphological diversity but can be separeted into three groups. Further collecting may provide information that shows these groups to be worthy of separate taxonomic status.


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The author furnishes a short note on the new concept of Sagotia racemosa and its varieties.


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Two genera, Oenocarpus and Jessenia are recognized in this complex of Neotropical palms. They are well represented in Brasil, Oenocarpus with seven species (O. distinchus, O. discolar, O. tarampabo, O. bacaba, O. macrocalyx, O. mapora and O. minor, and Jessenia with one species, J. bataua). Many of these taza are poorly know and under-represented in herbaria, both in Brazil and elsewhere. A great deal of fieldwork is needed to betther undestand the basic biology and extent of variation in the populations of these palms.


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Calyptothecium planifrons (Ren. & Par.) Argent is reported new to the Western Hemisphere based on two recent collections from Brazilian Amazonia, in Pará and Rondônia; C. planifrons was originally described from Madagascar. Forteen Other species of mosses with apparently disjunct distributions between tropical Africa and tropical America are also discussed. It is likely that mos or all of this species discussed will prove to have wider distributions in the tropics when world-wide revisions are carried out.


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This paper reports on the April-May 1983 Projeto Flora expedition to Serra do cachimbo in northcentral Brazil, a phytogeographically poorly known area near the transition between the Amazon forest and the central Brazilian planalto. The objective of this expedition was to collect botanical specimens with special emphasis on lichens. Rock outcrops are common in this area and several soil types combined with varied topography give rise to a diversity of vegetation types including Amazon caatinga, campo rupestre, gallery forest and Amazon forest. A preliminary checklist of 91 macrolichens is provided with a discussion of ecological distribution of lichens in each habitat.


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Nine species of Penicillium have been isolated from soil in the Rio Trombetas drainage. Four ot the records are new to Brazil. Distribution patterns are discussed. Other records for Penicillium in Brazil are reviewed.


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Twenty-eoght algal samples were collected in September-October, 1984, from two distinct habitats in the state of Acre, Brazil. Eleven were from the Moa River, and 17 were from a sulfur water spring which flows into the Moa River. A total of 74 species, representing 48 genera of algae, were identified from these samples. Forty-nine species were found in the Moa River and 67 in the sulfur water spring. Both coolection site had rich assemblages of cyanophycean algae, chlorophycean algae, and diatoms. Chlorophycean species dominated the algae flora at both sites, cut were more numerous at the sulfur water spring. There was also a definite difference in the relatives proportions of desmids to filamentous chlorophycean algae at the two sites.