950 resultados para Síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida


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The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), considered today one chronic nature of the disease due to the advent of antiretroviral therapy (TARV), brings to individuals living with this disease, difficulties related to social interaction and adaptation to new physical condition and the routines imposed by the treatment. This reality has a strong impact on the lives of these people in order of overcoming them use coping strategies, Coping. In this context, the aim of this study was to characterize the epidemiological, clinical and life habits of people living with AIDS and analyze the coping strategies used with the situation of the disease, according to sociodemographic, clinical and life habits. This is a cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach. The sample consisted of 331 people registered at the clinic of the Hospital Giselda Trigueiro (HGT), located in Natal / RN, who had scheduling for outpatient medical consultation from January to August 2014. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte with the Presentation of Certificate for Ethics Assessment (CAAE), paragraph 16578613.0.0000.5537. The data of social characterization showed predominance of men (52%), young people (42%) coming from the capital (58%), mulatto (53%), single (56%), heterosexual (79%), poor (68 %). With regard to clinical aspects it has been found that most held the first HIV testing for less than five years (60%) had signs and symptoms of AIDS before the examination (90%) were hospitalized (90%) started ART for less than five years (60%) believe they have good knowledge of the disease (75%) and believe that their health has improved (92%). For lifestyle, it became clear that most do not consume alcohol (71%), do not smoke (88%) and do not use illicit drugs (92%) and never used condoms before diagnosis (62%) and only 192 (58%) use the currently codon. With regard to the reference was higher coping focused modes of emotion, although the problem solving has been the second most common. The mean scores of women, workers, religious and never abandoned the treatment were higher for all factors. Having a partner, living with family members and support in the treatment had higher average scores for various factors, coinciding in the confrontation, withdrawal and social support. As for the leisure and physical exercise also dominated the modes focused on emotion as was seen in the correlation between the time of treatment, education and family income and IEEFL factors, although with low intensity. The profile of the study population confers with national characteristics, suggesting feminization, internalization, pauperization, heterosexual, increased CD4 cell count and viral load reduction during treatment and maintaining healthy lifestyle habits. Coping strategies used were more focused on emotion. In this context, it is understood that the identification of these strategies can facilitate care planning, encouraging such persons to adapt to stressors with the situation of the disease


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The epidemic caused by HIV presents a global, dynamic and unstable phenomenon, which depends on the individual and collective human behavior. Efforts to deconstruct the stigmatized image caused by infection of AIDS are still often associated with adoption of socially unacceptable behavior to be a circumscribed the susceptibilities of vulnerable individuals and communities to infection, illness and death by HIV. This study aimed to: narrate the trajectory of life of people with AIDS more vulnerable enrolled in the Municipal Social Assistance Parnamirim / RN. It is a study of qualitative, exploratory and descriptive approach, taking oral history of life as technical and methodological framework. The colony consisted of 186 people with AIDS. The network was comprised of 13 employees of both sexes, aged between 19 and 62 years old with positive diagnosis and agreed to voluntarily participate. After approval by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (CEP / UFRN), in the opinion No. 719,926 CAAE: 30408114.5.0000.5537 on 6 June 2014 data were collected from August to September 2014. The employees signed the Informed Consent and Informed and letter of assignment. Held transcribing the interviews and later returned to respondents to retest, ie so that they confer what allowed us to carry out transcreation after consecutive readings. The reports were analyzed through Bardin content analysis. Guiding the analysis of the accounts of employees, we find three themes: Prejudice and discrimination in living with AIDS; Reacting to the diagnosis and the accession process to antiretroviral treatment; and religious coping in people with AIDS. It can be concluded in this study, that employees have shown great emotional impact after positive diagnosis for HIV / AIDS, especially with regard to social life, the family ties, work and above all to the prejudice of society. Treatment with antiretroviral drugs was seen as a motivation to regain dreams and plans for a future once uncertain, and even if it is not a cure therapy, provided the employees improved quality of life.


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The epidemic caused by HIV presents a global, dynamic and unstable phenomenon, which depends on the individual and collective human behavior. Efforts to deconstruct the stigmatized image caused by infection of AIDS are still often associated with adoption of socially unacceptable behavior to be a circumscribed the susceptibilities of vulnerable individuals and communities to infection, illness and death by HIV. This study aimed to: narrate the trajectory of life of people with AIDS more vulnerable enrolled in the Municipal Social Assistance Parnamirim / RN. It is a study of qualitative, exploratory and descriptive approach, taking oral history of life as technical and methodological framework. The colony consisted of 186 people with AIDS. The network was comprised of 13 employees of both sexes, aged between 19 and 62 years old with positive diagnosis and agreed to voluntarily participate. After approval by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (CEP / UFRN), in the opinion No. 719,926 CAAE: 30408114.5.0000.5537 on 6 June 2014 data were collected from August to September 2014. The employees signed the Informed Consent and Informed and letter of assignment. Held transcribing the interviews and later returned to respondents to retest, ie so that they confer what allowed us to carry out transcreation after consecutive readings. The reports were analyzed through Bardin content analysis. Guiding the analysis of the accounts of employees, we find three themes: Prejudice and discrimination in living with AIDS; Reacting to the diagnosis and the accession process to antiretroviral treatment; and religious coping in people with AIDS. It can be concluded in this study, that employees have shown great emotional impact after positive diagnosis for HIV / AIDS, especially with regard to social life, the family ties, work and above all to the prejudice of society. Treatment with antiretroviral drugs was seen as a motivation to regain dreams and plans for a future once uncertain, and even if it is not a cure therapy, provided the employees improved quality of life.


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In the early 1990s, a major milestone in the treatment of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome was the development of highly active combination antiretroviral therapy. The great benefit generated by the use of this therapy was prolonging the survival of the people who got this disease, since it is no longer considered fatal, becoming a chronic condition. Despite improvements generated by this therapy, there are still many difficulties to be overcome. One is the patient adherence to their treatment, bringing challenges to services and health professionals. Hence the need for early identification of nursing diagnosis Lack of Accession so that solutions are sought by the nurse with the patient and his family. With this problem, adds to the difficulty of hospital nurses in inferring that diagnosis, especially in identifying their defining characteristics. In this context, the objective was to evaluate the accuracy of clinical indicators of nursing diagnosis Lack of Adherence to antiretroviral treatment for people living with the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. The research took place in two stages. The first consists of the evaluation of the diagnostic indicators in the study; and second, the diagnostic inference performed by specialist nurses. The first step took place in a referral hospital in the treatment of infectious diseases in the Northeast of Brazil, and data were collected through an instrument for carrying out history and physical examination and analyzed for the presence or absence of the diagnostic indicators. In the second stage, the data were sent to experts, who judged the presence or absence of the diagnosis in the studied clientele. The project was submitted to the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, obtaining approval with the General Certificate for Ethics Assessment (CAAE) No 46206215.3.0000.5537. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Test were used Fisher's exact, chi-square test of Pearson and logistic regression. Since the accuracy of clinical indicators was measured by sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, likelihood ratios. As a result, we identified the presence of diagnosis Lack of Accession on 69% (n = 78) of the study patients. The defining characteristics that showed statistically significant association with the diagnosis studied were: lack of adherence behavior, complications related to development, missing scheduled appointments, failure to achieve results, and exacerbation of symptoms. The characteristic with greater sensitivity was missing scheduled appointments and the highest specificity behavior of noncompliance. The logistic regression showed as predictors for the diagnosis Lack of Accession: lack of adherence behavior, missing scheduled appointments, failure to achieve results, and exacerbation of symptoms. It was concluded that the identification of clinical indicators accurately enabled a good prediction of the nursing diagnosis Lack of Accession on people living with the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, helping nurses develop early on strategies for promoting adherence to the use of antiretrovirals.


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In the early 1990s, a major milestone in the treatment of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome was the development of highly active combination antiretroviral therapy. The great benefit generated by the use of this therapy was prolonging the survival of the people who got this disease, since it is no longer considered fatal, becoming a chronic condition. Despite improvements generated by this therapy, there are still many difficulties to be overcome. One is the patient adherence to their treatment, bringing challenges to services and health professionals. Hence the need for early identification of nursing diagnosis Lack of Accession so that solutions are sought by the nurse with the patient and his family. With this problem, adds to the difficulty of hospital nurses in inferring that diagnosis, especially in identifying their defining characteristics. In this context, the objective was to evaluate the accuracy of clinical indicators of nursing diagnosis Lack of Adherence to antiretroviral treatment for people living with the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. The research took place in two stages. The first consists of the evaluation of the diagnostic indicators in the study; and second, the diagnostic inference performed by specialist nurses. The first step took place in a referral hospital in the treatment of infectious diseases in the Northeast of Brazil, and data were collected through an instrument for carrying out history and physical examination and analyzed for the presence or absence of the diagnostic indicators. In the second stage, the data were sent to experts, who judged the presence or absence of the diagnosis in the studied clientele. The project was submitted to the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, obtaining approval with the General Certificate for Ethics Assessment (CAAE) No 46206215.3.0000.5537. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Test were used Fisher's exact, chi-square test of Pearson and logistic regression. Since the accuracy of clinical indicators was measured by sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, likelihood ratios. As a result, we identified the presence of diagnosis Lack of Accession on 69% (n = 78) of the study patients. The defining characteristics that showed statistically significant association with the diagnosis studied were: lack of adherence behavior, complications related to development, missing scheduled appointments, failure to achieve results, and exacerbation of symptoms. The characteristic with greater sensitivity was missing scheduled appointments and the highest specificity behavior of noncompliance. The logistic regression showed as predictors for the diagnosis Lack of Accession: lack of adherence behavior, missing scheduled appointments, failure to achieve results, and exacerbation of symptoms. It was concluded that the identification of clinical indicators accurately enabled a good prediction of the nursing diagnosis Lack of Accession on people living with the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, helping nurses develop early on strategies for promoting adherence to the use of antiretrovirals.


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The characteristics profile of individuals who develop AIDS in Brazil has changed over time. Among these modifications, a worrying finding is the increased incidence of AIDS in the elderly across the country. But, however, is not yet clear whether the increase in AIDS cases is sufficient to produce a change in the trend of measures in recent years in the Brazilian states, and this increase has an effect from the socioeconomic and demographic indicators. In this sense, the objective of this study is to analyze the AIDS incidence rates among the elderly in Brazil and its effect on socioeconomic and demographic inequalities in the period 2000 to 2012. This is an ecological time-series study to meet behavior of the time series of the incidence rates of AIDS in the elderly from 2000 to 2012. the rates were calculated using the secondary data from Diseases Information System Notification and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. Data were analyzed statistically to know the trends in incidence rates, by polynomial regression model and joinpoint log-linear regression model, but also the simple linear regression analysis to find the relationship of trends with variables socioeconomic and demographic. SPSS 20.0® and Joinpoint 4.1.1 programs were used. All tests were carried out considering a significance of 5%. After the analysis, in Brazil were reported 62,052 new cases of AIDS in the elderly from 2000 to 2012. During this period, a significant increase was found for males, both aged 50-59 years (APPC: 3.46 %, p <0.001), such as above 59 years (AAPC: 4.38%; p <0.001). For females, the increase was significant and has the largest increments in the time series, when compared to males in both age groups (AAPC: 4.62%, p <0.001 and AAPC: 6.53%; p <0.001) respectively. The largest increases are observed in women and in the states of North and Northeast. In the Southeast Region is observed stabilization of rates throughout the series. The reason of trends between the sexes had a significant reduction, but also an approach in both age groups of the study, reaching a ratio of 1.7 males for every female in the youngest age group. The trends were related to illiteracy rates, with increasing social inequality and the lowest human development in the Brazilian states. We conclude that in Brazil the incidence of AIDS in the elderly follows an increasing trend in individuals over 50 years. Noteworthy are the highest rates of study in women and in the states of North and Northeast. In this sense, the country needs to enhance policies towards older people with STD / AIDS, training health professionals and developing effective measures for the prevention and early diagnosis of infected people, especially in places with limited resources and high social inequality. In the long term, it is developing new studies to understand whether the measures taken were effective in reducing the trends identified in this study.


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Se realizó un estudio analítico cuasiexperimental, sin grupo control, de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre las ITS/VIH/SIDA a los estudiantes de la Facultad de Jurisprudencia de la Escuela de Derecho de la Universidad de Cuenca. Se aplicó un cuestionario con dos instrumentos de medición: antes (PRECAP s) y 3 meses después de la intervención educativa (POSTCAP s) basada en la teoría cognoscitivo-social de Albert Bandura. Resultados: se incluyeron 67 estudiantes de un universo de 353 alumnos de primer año de la Facultad de Jurisprudencia de la Escuela de Derecho de la Universidad de Cuenca. La media de edad de inicio de relaciones sexuales fue de 15,17 +- 1,16. Se obtuvo en conocimientos un promedio de 6,74 en la PRECAP s a 8,06 en la POSTCAP s. En lo que respecta a las actitudes y prácticas los resultados de los promedios fueron de 7,09 a 7,49 y de 6,28 a 6,5 respectivamente. Conclusiones: la intervención educativa si modifico los conocimientos, las actitudes y las prácticas de los estudiantes frente al VIH/SIDA. Se recomienda introducir un modulo de salud sexual y reproductiva en el currículo universitario


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Se realizó un estudio Cuasiexperimental sin grupo control en el periodo Mayo-Noviembre de 2009 para evaluar y modificar conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas frente a las ITS y VIH/SIDA en los estudiantes de la Escuela Derecho de la Universidad de Cuenca, se contó con 80 estudiantes para las PreCAPs e intervención educativa y 70 para las PosCAPs. Se aplicó un cuestionario de 29 preguntas cerradas con dos instrumentos de medición: antes y 2 meses después de la intervención educativa basada en la teoría cognoscitivosocial de Albert Bandura. El análisis estadístico se realizó mediante SPSS 15.0 y Excel Resultados: la media de edad de inicio de vida sexual fue de 16,91±2,11 años y la media de número de parejas sexuales en los 2 últimos meses 1,82±2,24. En relación a conocimientos de Condiloma, Tricomoniasis y Clamidiasis, se obtuvo modificación estadísticamente significativa


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Se realizó un estudio analítico cuasi- experimental PRECAPS Y POSTCAPS. El estudio se realizó en todos los estudiantes universitarios que conforman el Quinto Año de la Facultad de Jurisprudencia de la Universidad de Cuenca, en el año lectivo 2008- 2009. La muestra estuvo constituida por 88 estudiantes, teniendo como propósito determinar la modificación de los Conocimientos, Actitudes y Prácticas sobre ITS y SIDA, luego de realizar una Intervención Educativa basada en las Teorías del Aprendizaje Cognoscitivo Social, Aprendizaje Significativo. La información fue recolectada en el cuestionario, con la misma se elaboró la Base de Datos en el Programa SPSS 13.0 para Windows. Se realizó contraste de Hipótesis Preintervención y Postintervención por medio de la Prueba T para muestras relacionadas de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas. La escala deAutoeficacia fue analizada tomando en cuenta el nivel de Seguridad de muy Seguro o Totalmente Seguro de la misma; aplicando la Prueba Chi Cuadrado. Se aplicó además la Prueba Chi Cuadrado para el instrumento de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas. Los cuadros y gráficos se realizaron en el Programa Excel. Resultados Los promedios de los Conocimientos se incrementaron de la Preintervención (6.4) a la Postintervención (8.38), con un incremento de 1.98, las actitudes se incrementaron de la preintervención(7.63) a la postintervención(8.48), con un incremento de 0.85, y las Prácticas disminuyeron de la preintervención(4.79) a la postintervención(2.38), con un descenso de 2.41. Conclusión: La intervención educativa si modificó los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas en relación a ITS y VIH/SIDA se recomienda incluir en el currículo un módulo sobre Salud Sexual y reproductiva


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Se realizó un estudio cuasiexperimental sin grupo control de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre las Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual ITS y VIH/SIDA a los estudiantes de la Escuela de Psicología Educativa de La Universidad Estatal de la Ciudad de Cuenca. Se aplicó un cuestionario con dos instrumentos de medición: antes y 2 meses después de la intervención educativa basada en la teoría cognoscitivo-social de Albert Bandura. La muestra estuvo constituida por 77 estudiantes que a la vez constituyeron el grupo intervención y control. El 70% tienen una edad entre 19 a 23 años, con una media de 22.7años. La media de edad de inicio de las relaciones sexuales fue de 17.8 ± 4.3. El número de personas con las que tuvieron relaciones sexuales, en los 3 últimos meses fue de 1,9 ± 2.6. Se obtuvieron como resultados que el grado de conocimientos aumento de 64.90% a 69.20 %, las actitudes buenas se incrementaron de un 70.20% a 78.00%. Las prácticas disminuyeron de un 36.30 % a 35.90%; en el grupo intervenido. En el conocimiento sobre Condiloma se obtuvo un incremento significativo, al igual que sobre Herpes (p menor que 0.05). En relación al nivel de autoeficacia aumentó en negarse a tener relaciones sexuales bajo el efecto del alcohol y/o drogas (p menor que 0.05).


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Con un diseño cuasi-experimental, modalidad antes y después, se incluyó 99 estudiantes a los que se midió los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas antes de la intervención educativa y tres meses después de ella. Resultados: en los conocimientos hubo un incremento promedio de 5.67 a 7.22; las actitudes de igual manera 6.57 a 8.17; a diferencia de las prácticas no tuvieron una variación con un promedio de 4.7, en el grupo intervenido. La media de edad de inicio de las relaciones sexuales fue de 15.6 ± 2.2 años; con respecto al número de personas con las que tuvieron relaciones sexuales en los 3 últimos meses fue de 1.2 ± 0.8 en la preintervención, en la post intervención fue de 1.3 ± 0.9, lo que nos dio una diferencia de medias estadísticamente significativa (P menor que 0,05). Según la Escala de Autoeficacia para prevenir el SIDA, en todas las 27 preguntas el nivel de autoeficacia mejoró en el grupo intervenido de manera significativa. Se concluyó que la intervención educativa diseñada elevó los conocimientos, mejoró las actitudes y la autoeficacia de los estudiantes frente a las ITS/VIH/SIDA; y se dio una modificación beneficiosa en las prácticas de prevención; a diferencia de las prácticas de riesgo donde no encontramos modificación


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Se realizó un estudio cuasi experimental de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas, con la inclusión, en el pre-CAP, de 100 estudiantes a quienes se aplicó un cuestionario para medir conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre ITS; después de tres meses de una intervención educativa se midió la modificación Post-CAP a 97 estudiantes. Resultados: el promedio de edad fue de 22,1 ± 2,1 años (rango 18 a 29), con un 65% de varones y un 78% de solteros. El 91% fueron católicos, el 89% viven en la zona urbana y el promedio de edad de inicio de vida sexual activa fue de 16,6 ± 2,3. En la fase Post CAP se obtuvo un significativo aumento en los conocimientos sobre las ITS (P menor que 0,05). En las actitudes se obtuvo un significativo incremento en la recomendación a donde acudir en caso de portar una ITS (P = 0,033) y qué medidas observar en las relaciones con desconocidos (P = 0,004). En la autoeficacia para prevenir el SIDA también hubo un cambio significativo (P menor que 0,05). Conclusiones: los resultados mostraron un incremento significativo en conocimientos pero poco significativo en actitudes y en prácticas


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El presente es un estudio analítico cuasi experimental sin grupo control, con dos instrumentos de medición, antes y 3 meses después de la intervención educativa, basados en la teoría cognoscitivo-social de Albert Bandura, cuyo objetivo principal es analizar los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de los estudiantes universitarios. Fueron seleccionados 89 estudiantes de la Facultad de Psicología Educativa de la Universidad de Cuenca. Los datos fueron obtenidos por medio de la aplicación de cuestionarios, se procesaron en tablas de frecuencia y distribución porcentual por variables, utilizando la prueba de asociación de Chi cuadrado con un nivel de confianza del 95%. La edad fue de 20 y 24 años (86,5%), con una media de 23,51 años; sexo predominante el femenino (83,1%), religión católica (89,9%), en su mayoría fueron solteros (76,4%) y procedentes de la zona urbana (80,9%). Se obtuvo incremento con significancia estadística en conocimientos de condiloma de 5,6% a 26,9%; gonorrea de 82% a 93,6%; clamidias 6,7% a 24,4%; con valor de p: 0,0001; 0,024; 0,001 respectivamente, al comparar pre y pos intervención; las manifestaciones de la ITS fueron: dolor en vientre bajo, secreción, verrugas en los genitales, manchas en la piel siendo estadísticamente significativas, valor de p: 0,0001; 0,0001; 0,0001; 0,001 respectivamente. Mejoraron las actitudes sin encontrarse significancia estadística. Las prácticas no se modificaron en forma favorable.


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Se realizó un estudio cuasiexperimental de evaluación de los CAPs sobre las (ITS) y VIH/SIDA y autoeficacia para prevenir el SIDA a 79 estudiantes de la Facultad de Filosofía, escuela de Lengua y Literatura Inglesa de la Universidad Estatal de Cuenca. Utilizamos un cuestionario con dos instrumentos de medición: antes y 2 meses después de la intervención educativa basada en la teoría cognoscitivo-social de Albert Bandura, Ausubel, Vigotsky. RESULTADOS: se encontró que la edad promedio es de 18-25 años (83.5%), con un predominio del género femenino con 79.7%.El grado de conocimiento se incrementó de un 6.88% a 7.01%, las actitudes disminuyeron de un 7.27% a 6.72% y las prácticas aumentaron de 5.27% a 5.29% en el grupo intervenido y el promedio de edad de inicio de las relaciones sexuales fue de 22.6 años. CONCLUSIONES: después de este estudio constatamos que existió una modificación en los conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas de los estudiantes frente a las ITS y VIH/SIDA y de acuerdo a los conocimientos y actitudes los resultados fueron favorables sin embargo en las prácticas los resultados no fueron positivos


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Con una modalidad antes y después se realizó un estudio cuasi experimental con la inclusión de 84 estudiantes de la Escuela de Comunicación Social de la Facultad de Filosofía a quienes se aplicó en el Pre-CAP un cuestionario para medir conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre ITS y después de tres meses de una intervención educativa se midió la modificación Post-CAP. Resultados: todos respondieron el formulario Pre y Post-CAP. El promedio de edad de la muestra fue de 21,3 ± 2,2 años (18 a 23), con un 56% de mujeres y un 86,9% de solteros. El 75% fueron católicos, el 89,3% viven en la zona urbana. La edad de inicio de vida sexual activa del 70,2% del grupo fue entre 15 y 19 años de edad. Se obtuvo un significativo aumento en conocimientos sobre ITS: condiloma, herpes, sífilis, gonorrea, tricomona y clamidiasis, y sobre signos y síntomas (P menor que 0,05) aunque no sobre las vías de transmisión. En las actitudes hubo un incremento significativo en la recomendación a donde acudir en caso de portar una ITS (P = 0,002), sobre uso del preservativo (P = 0,006) y la recomendación de lavarse en caso de mantener relaciones con desconocidos (P = 0,023). En las prácticas hubo aumento significativo en conversar con la pareja (P = 0,003), disminución de relaciones en estado de embriaguez (P = 0,023) y aumento del uso del preservativo en las relaciones fortuitas (P = 0,026).