999 resultados para Rwanda (1994)


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The purpose of this report is to record key events/data and to outline the activities of the NRA Central Area Fisheries Function during 1994. The Rivers looked at include the Ribble, Lune, Hodder and Wyre. The issues that the report looks at includes Hydrological and meterological data, catch data for salmon and sea trout, fish kills, and fish stocking. It also lists the Micro-tag returns for 1994 and the six key objectives that the Central Area Fisheries Function has set itself for 1995. The report uses a range of different graphs and tables to display their data.


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The microtagging programme began in 1987 using hatchery reared salmon originating from the rivers Caldew and Hodder and subsequently included the Lune (1988) and Ribble (1989). Microtagging of sea trout began in 1991 for the Lune and in 1993 for the Hodder. The report explores the NRA North west salmonid microtagging programme looking at methods, results and recommendations. The report provides salmon microtagging data and returns from 1987 to 1994.


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The Pond Dynamics/Aquaculture Collaborative Research Support Program (PDA/CRSP) is a global research network to generate basic science that may be used to advance aquaculture development. One of a family of research programs funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the CRSP focuses on improving the efficiency of aquaculture systems. The PDA/CRSP began work in 1982 in Thailand, and subsequently in the Philippines, Honduras, the US and, until recently, Rwanda. At all the sites, the goal is the same: to identify constraints to aquaculture production, and to design responses that are environmentally and culturally appropriate. The research network's global experiment has focused on tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), although some sites have devoted attention to marine shrimp and other locally significant species. Impact of the network's investigations with tilapia is examined in this article.


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This is the Cheshire Meres 1994 November surveys report produced by the National Rivers Authority in 1995. The report focuses on some of Cheshire meres, which were showing evidence of increasing eutrophication, commonly due to anthropogenic inputs. Concern for the deterioration of the water quality of still waters has been translated by incorporating these priorities into the NRA North West Regional Environmental Strategy for Stillwaters. The meres were also being investigated as possible polluted waters under the EC Nitrate Directive. The ultimate aim is to formulate lakes management options in order to help preserve North West still waters and minimise future restoration programmes. For such pro-active work to be carried out, sufficient background data must be available. It should then be possible to fully assess the current status of these lakes, identify seasonal trends and detect significant point/diffuse pollution inputs. These surveys were the first of a series, and it was intended to repeat similar surveys in Summer and Autumn 1995, and include a further 20 meres.


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This is the Salmonid & Freshwater Fisheries Statistics for England & Wales 1994 produced by the National Rivers Authority (NRA) in 1995. This report is focused on the maintenance, improvement and development of fisheries of England and Wales. This report is the sixth compilation of salmon and migratory trout catch statistics for England and Wales produced by the National Rivers Authority. For the years 1983-88, these statistics were published by the Ministry o f Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF), Directorate of Fisheries Research in their Data Report Series. The 1994 data have been presented in a broadly similar format to those of 1993.This report makes a general review of different catches: Northumbria, Yorkshire, Anglian, Thames, Southern, Wessex, South West, Severn-Trent, Welsh and North West.


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This is the report on the strategic stock assessment survey of the Colton Beck catchment in 1994 with particular reference to salmonids in Colton Beck, River Ea, River Gilpin and Rusland Pool. This report forms one part of the third year of a triennial survey programme for the South West Cumbria and South Cumbria catchments. It was produced by the National Rivers Authority in 1994. Colton Beck had excellent densities of sea trout (Salmo trutta) and a small population of salmon (Salmo salar) in its lowest reaches. The total productivity was very good throughout the catchment. Stocking of sea trout fry in 1993 has enhanced the population with survivors through to parr probably adding to the scoring of double class A at two sites in the survey in 1994. Stocking was not undertaken in 1994, but the population appears to be maintaining itself at a very high level.


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This is the report on the strategic fisheries stock assessment survey of the River Winster 1995 together with a coarse fish survey in 1994 and reference to the 1995 drought, produced by the Environment Agency North West in 1996. Salmonid production within the Winster catchment was dominated by trout although good densities of salmon juveniles were found on some main river sites. Despite suffering drought conditions for much of 1995, only salmon fry production appeared to have been affected. Coarse fish populations once found in the lower reaches of the Winster appear to have declined to very low levels with no fish sampled. This may be partly due to broken tidal gates allowing saline intrusion. It seems that the lower river was suited to the development of a recreational coarse fishery, now that the gates have been repaired. This report completes the strategic stock assessment surveys planned for the period 1992-1995. It represents the last major catchment that was surveyed to determine the current status of fisheries in the South and South West Cumbria areas.


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