763 resultados para Rural Community Perceptions
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O objetivo desta dissertação consiste no estudo das dinâmicas e inter-relações entre colônias do Oriente e Potiritá no contexto do Projeto Bauxita de Paragominas. Partindo deste prisma o estudo se concentra nas comunidades no entorno do Platô Miltonia Três, onde se concentra a exploração de Bauxita levando em consideração a área do mineroduto que abrange o município de Paragominas. Neste estudo é abordado a inter-relação da empresa privada, no âmbito da exploração mineral, representada pela VALE - através do Projeto bauxita de Paragominas, com o poder local consubstanciado pela gestão municipal (prefeitura), e destes com as comunidades. Para efeito de analise utilizou-se a pesquisa qualitativa e o método etnográfico valendo-se de técnicas como o roteiro de entrevista dentre outras, visando apreender os meandros da participação e o significado das inter-relações. Consideraram-se as categorias conflito, poder e participação das comunidades rurais no sentido de apreender o seu significado no contexto estudado. Essas análises permitiram compreender como ocorre a capacidade de intervenção das mesmas, face aos problemas sociais que os atingem, suas reivindicações, e seus anseios. Conclui-se que a participação como cidadãos e o acesso a informação geram responsabilidades e os torna responsáveis e capazes de transformar a realidade. Em especial uma transformação coerente com projetos sociais que os favoreçam.
Estudos sobre processos identitários têm tido grande visibilidade em trabalhos desenvolvidos em várias áreas do conhecimento (Psicologia, Antropologia, Ciências Sociais, Psicanálise etc.). Esses estudos referem-se ao vínculo entre as pessoas e aglutinam temas importantes, tais como: os mecanismos das identificações e a gestão dos laços sociais. Escolhemos pesquisar um acontecimento extremamente atual, porque nos permite dar visibilidade a situações até él..'ltagônicas relativas às experiências identitárias. Com a promulgação da Constituição Federal de 1988, algumas comunidades negras rurais, foram remetidas, efetivamente, a uma situação singular: para obter os benefícios da Lei, que prevê a titulação das terras ocupadas por remanescentes dos antigos quilombos, seria necessária uma "identidade quilombola". Esta situação produz algumas questões: como aceder a uma "identidade"? Que reverberações isso provoca? Optamos por pesquisar a comunidade negra rural de Abacatal (PA), já reconhecida como quilombola desde 1999, com o intuito de pôr à vista algumas vicissitudes dos processos identitários aí implicados. Entrevistamos 12 moradores da comunidade, 5 homens e 7 mulheres, entre 27 e 68 anos, lá residentes há pelo menos 13 anos, ou seja, todos participantes do processo de titulação das terras. Ao final, foi possível destacar: a) as identificações que foram evocadas e remetidas aos antepassados escravos ou ao mito de origem da comunidade (que conta a história da união entre um conde e sua escrava); b) os benefícios que tiveram os moradores com a auto-identificação como quilombolas; c) os vários sentidos de ser "negro qui lombo Ia", dentre os quais, não se reconhecer quilombola quando isto significa ser "negro fugido". Concluímos que esses processos identitários, vividos nesta comunidade e por cada um de nós, pemitindo-nos a denominação de humanos, é, como afirma Costa (2000), o que nos mantêm vivos e nos dá gosto de viver.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In this paper, we propose the socio-scientific issues (SSI) as an effective part of the curriculum of the ideals of the STSE movement in education. Furthermore, we have developed in a secondary school, in a rural community in the state of São Paulo, activities of continuing education for teachers in the discussions of SSI in the classroom. To understand and reflect on the situations resulting from these practices, we considered the participant research and the content analysis from the audio records of the weekly meetings between the teachers of this school and graduate students from a nearby university.Given this,we could understand how these issues should be part of people's lives, teachers must present motivation for the work, they need information,exposition of the arguments involved, mustrelate content and curricula, but, all this,aiming at the necessary critics of the aspects that can make this an instrumentalized practice. At the end of this clipping of our doctoral research, we were able to consider evidences on how teachers were inserted in the training process, with their involvement in the discussions and practices with the ISS.
The study is intended to portray the experiment of mechanical engineering course academicians’ that work on health and labor security field, at the project “Primary Training of Operation and Operational Security of Agricultural Machines”, by practical and theoretical content for workers of a rural community, aiming operational security orientation on their work activities.
Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS
Since the introduction of the rope-pump in Nicaragua in the 1990s, the dependence on wells in rural areas has grown steadily. However, little or no attention is paid to rope-pump well performance after installation. Due to financial restraints, groundwater resource monitoring using conventional testing methods is too costly and out of reach of rural municipalities. Nonetheless, there is widespread agreement that without a way to quantify the changes in well performance over time, prioritizing regulatory actions is impossible. A manual pumping test method is presented, which at a fraction of the cost of a conventional pumping test, measures the specific capacity of rope-pump wells. The method requires only sight modifcations to the well and reasonable limitations on well useage prior to testing. The pumping test was performed a minimum of 33 times in three wells over an eight-month period in a small rural community in Chontales, Nicaragua. Data was used to measure seasonal variations in specific well capacity for three rope-pump wells completed in fractured crystalline basalt. Data collected from the tests were analyzed using four methods (equilibrium approximation, time-drawdown during pumping, time-drawdown during recovery, and time-drawdown during late-time recovery) to determine the best data-analyzing method. One conventional pumping test was performed to aid in evaluating the manual method. The equilibrim approximation can be performed while in the field with only a calculator and is the most technologically appropriate method for analyzing data. Results from this method overestimate specific capacity by 41% when compared to results from the conventional pumping test. The other analyes methods, requiring more sophisticated tools and higher-level interpretation skills, yielded results that agree to within 14% (pumping phase), 31% (recovery phase) and 133% (late-time recovery) of the conventional test productivity value. The wide variability in accuracy results principally from difficulties in achieving equilibrated pumping level and casing storage effects in the puping/recovery data. Decreases in well productivity resulting from naturally occuring seasonal water-table drops varied from insignificant in two wells to 80% in the third. Despite practical and theoretical limitations on the method, the collected data may be useful for municipal institutions to track changes in well behavior, eventually developing a database for planning future ground water development projects. Furthermore, the data could improve well-users’ abilities to self regulate well usage without expensive aquifer characterization.
The current study evaluates the effectiveness of an intensive home-based treatment program, Families First, on the behaviors of children and adolescents suffering from mental disorders and being at risk for out-ofi home placement. The sample included 85 youngsters and their families from a semi-rural community. The Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents-Revised (DICA-R) was administered to the children, and the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) was completed by a parent at pretreatment and posttreatment. The families participated in a 4-6 week, intensive home intervention where crisis intervention, social support services, and needed psychological services were offered. The results indicated that both externalizing and internalizing behavior problems in youngsters with different diagnoses of mental disorders were significantly reduced at posttreatment as indicated by their CBCL scores. Furthermore, youngsters with a diagnosis of Oppositional Defiant Disorder seemed to benefit the most, as evidenced by the improved scores on most subscales of the CBCL. Youngsters with mood disorders and conduct disorders seemed to benefit in their most deficient areas, internalizing behavior problems and delinquent behaviors, respectively. Finally, after participating in Families First, more than half of the youngsters in the sample were able to stay home with their families
Entire issue (large pdf file) Articles include: Behavior Problems of Maltreated Children Receiving In-Home Child Welfare Services. Ferol Mennen, William Meezan, Gino Aisenberg, and Jacquelyn McCroskey Measuring Consumer Satisfaction in Family Preservation Services: Identifying Instrument Domains. Stephen A. Kapp and Rebecca H Vela Intensive In-Home Family-Based Services: Reactions from Consumers and Providers Elaine Walton, and Alfred C. Dodini Coordination of Family Preservation Services in a Rural Community: A Case Study. Richard Freer and Kathleen Wells The Effectiveness of Court Mandated Intervention Versus Voluntary Services in Child Protective Services: Abbreviated Version. Loring Jones, Irene Becker, and Krista F alk
Background. The purpose of this study was to describe the risk factors and demographics of persons with salmonellosis and shigellosis and to investigate both seasonal and spatial variations in the occurrence of these infections in Texas from 2000 to 2004, utilizing time series analyses and the geographic information system digital mapping methods. ^ Methods. Spatial Analysis: MapInfo software was used to map the distribution of age-adjusted rates of reported shigellosis and salmonellosis in Texas from 2000–2004 by zip codes. Census data on above or below poverty level, household income, highest level of educational attainment, race, ethnicity, and urban/rural community status was obtained from the 2000 Decennial Census for each zip code. The zip codes with the upper 10% and lower 10% were compared using t-tests and logistic regression to determine whether there were any potential risk factors. ^ Temporal analysis. Seasonal patterns in the prevalence of infections in Texas from 2000 to 2003 were determined by performing time-series analysis on the numbers of cases of salmonellosis and shigellosis. A linear regression was also performed to assess for trends in the incidence of each disease, along with auto-correlation and multi-component cosinor analysis. ^ Results. Spatial analysis: Analysis by general linear model showed a significant association between infection rates and age, with young children aged less than 5 and those aged 5–9 years having increased risk of infection for both disease conditions. The data demonstrated that those populations with high percentages of people who attained a higher than high school education were less likely to be represented in zip codes with high rates of shigellosis. However, for salmonellosis, logistic regression models indicated that when compared to populations with high percentages of non-high school graduates, having a high school diploma or equivalent increased the odds of having a high rate of infection. ^ Temporal analysis. For shigellosis, multi-component cosinor analyses were used to determine the approximated cosine curve which represented a statistically significant representation of the time series data for all age groups by sex. The shigellosis results show 2 peaks, with a major peak occurring in June and a secondary peak appearing around October. Salmonellosis results showed a single peak and trough in all age groups with the peak occurring in August and the trough occurring in February. ^ Conclusion. The results from this study can be used by public health agencies to determine the timing of public health awareness programs and interventions in order to prevent salmonellosis and shigellosis from occurring. Because young children depend on adults for their meals, it is important to increase the awareness of day-care workers and new parents about modes of transmission and hygienic methods of food preparation and storage. ^