993 resultados para Rose Macaulay


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Roses are widely used in landscaping. One of the most important fitossanitary problems of this ornamental plant in gardens is the fitonematodes, especially Meloidogyne hapla, which is the most important one in colder climate regions. This work had the objective of study the resistance of nine rose rootstocks (Rosa multiflora 'Paulista', R. multiflora 'Japanese', R. multiflora 'Iowa', R. multiflora 'Kopman's', R. indica × multiflora, R. indica 'Mayor', R. sp. 'Natual Brier', R. manetti and R. canina 'Inermis') to Meloidogyne hapla nematode. Ten replications of each rootstock were used. The roots, collected in a commercial area of cut roses, visually had galls there were isolated and identified. The inoculum of M. hapla was previously produced in rose and tomatoes seedlings under greenhouse conditions. The plants were harvested ninety days after inoculation. The roots were washed and the number of eggs and juveniles recuperated in the root system of each plant was estimated by the Final Population (FP), and the Reproductive Factor (RF) was calculated. The rootstocks with RF<1 values were considered resistant, and the ones with RF>1, susceptible. Rosa manetti and Rosa sp. 'Natual Brier' rootstocks showed the lowest values for RF, indicating that, although they are susceptible, they provide the lowest nematode reproduction. Based on the RF values, it was concluded that all the rose rootstocks evaluated were susceptible to M. hapla nematode.


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Candida albicans is an opportunistic yeast that can cause oral candidosis through the formation of a biofilm, an important virulence factor that compromises the action of antifungal agents. The objective of this study was to compare the effect of rose bengal (RB)- and eosin Y (EY)-mediated photodynamic inactivation (PDI) using a green light-emitting diode (LED; 532 ± 10 nm) on planktonic cells and biofilms of C. albicans (ATCC 18804). Planktonic cultures were treated with photosensitizers at concentrations ranging from 0.78 to 400 μM, and biofilms were treated with 200 μM of photosensitizers. The number of colony-forming unit per milliliter (CFU/mL) was compared by analysis of variance and Tukey's test (P ≤ 0.05). After treatment, one biofilm specimen of the control and PDI groups were examined by scanning electron microscopy. The photosensitizers (6.25, 25, 50, 200, and 400 μM of EY, and 6.25 μM of RB or higher) significantly reduced the number of CFU/mL in the PDI groups when compared to the control group. With respect to biofilm formation, RB- and EY-mediated PDI promoted reductions of 0.22 log10 and 0.45 log10, respectively. Scanning electron microscopy showed that the two photosensitizers reduced fungal structures. In conclusion, EY- and RB-mediated PDI using LED irradiation significantly reduced C. albicans planktonic cells and biofilms. © 2013 Springer-Verlag London.


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS


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Gray mold caused by Botrytis cinerea is considered the major disease of greenhouse grown flowers. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of gibberellic acid (GA3), ozone, and 1-MCP, applied on postharvest, on the gray mold control in 'Avant Garde' rose. Rose flowers were artificially inoculated with B. cinerea (104 conidia ml-1) and non-inoculated. After treatments, roses were stored under room conditions (20±2°C/80±5% RH) and checked for gray mold incidence and severity. Spraying of GA3 at 25, 50, and 75 mg L-1 on non-inoculated roses reduced the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) of gray mold incidence in 41, 40 and 54%, respectively. Continuous application of ozone at 2.7 ppm reduced 14-folds B. cinerea sporulation. On the other hand, 1-MCP did not control gray mould in rose. These results showed that GA3 sprays and ozone contribute to postharvest control of gray mold in cut rose and can be utilized on integrated disease management.


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Rose-ringed parakeets (Psittacula krameri) have become widely established outside their native range through accidental or deliberate release. Potential economic impacts on agriculture, conservation concerns, and mixed public opinion regarding the species have highlighted the need to develop effective but humane management options. Fertility control might provide such a solution if a safe and environmentally benign contraceptive was available. The chemical 20,25-diazacholesterol dihydrochloride (diazacon) has previously been used to reduce reproductive output in avian species through reduction of blood cholesterol and cholesterol-dependent reproductive hormones. We orally dosed captive rose-ringed parakeets with a solution of either 9 mg/kg or 18 mg/kg of diazacon for up to 10 days and found that a dose of 18 mg/kg for 10 days temporarily reduced blood cholesterol levels with no adverse side effects. We evaluated this dose level in a captive population in semi-natural conditions during the 2008 breeding season and found a significant decrease in fertility. We concluded that diazacon has potential for fertility control in this species if a suitable formulation and delivery system is developed for free-living populations.


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Topics covered are: Cohen Macaulay modules, zero-dimensional rings, one-dimensional rings, hypersurfaces of finite Cohen-Macaulay type, complete and henselian rings, Krull-Remak-Schmidt, Canonical modules and duality, AR sequences and quivers, two-dimensional rings, ascent and descent of finite Cohen Macaulay type, bounded Cohen Macaulay type.


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Background: Stable angina pectoris is a serious condition with few epidemiological studies in Brazil. Objective: To validate the short-version of the Rose angina questionnaire in Brazilian Portuguese for its implementation in surveys and longitudinal studies. Methods: A total of 116 consecutive patients from an outpatient clinic without prior myocardial infarction and/or coronary revascularization were enrolled for application of three questions of the Rose angina questionnaire addressing chest pain after exertion. We used the treadmill test as the gold standard with the Ellestad protocol. Results: The short-version of the Rose angina questionnaire of the 116 subjects submitted to the exercise treadmill test disclosed 89.7% of accuracy, 25% of sensitivity, 92.0% of specificity, 10.0% of positive predictive value, 97.2% of negative predictive value, and 3.1 of positive likelihood ratio and 0.82 of negative likelihood ratio. Conclusion: The Portuguese version with three items of the Rose angina questionnaire is suitable for epidemiological purposes. (Arq Bras Cardiol 2012; 99(5): 1056-1059)


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FUNDAMENTO: A angina pectoris estável é uma condição grave com poucos estudos epidemiológicos no Brasil. OBJETIVO: Validar a versão curta do questionário Rose de angina em português do Brasil para seu uso em pesquisas e estudos longitudinais. MÉTODOS: Foi recrutado um total de 116 pacientes consecutivos de uma clínica ambulatorial sem histórico de infarto do miocárdio e/ou revascularização coronariana para a aplicação de três questões do questionário Rose, abordando dor no peito após esforço. Utilizamos como padrão-ouro o teste em esteira ergométrica com o protocolo Ellestad. RESULTADOS: A versão curta do questionário Rose de angina dos 116 indivíduos submetidos ao teste de esforço em esteira ergométrica mostrou 89,7% de acurácia, 25% de sensibilidade, 92% de especificidade, 10% de valor preditivo positivo, 97,2% de valor preditivo negativo e 3,1 de razão de probabilidade positiva e 0,82 de razão de probabilidade negativa. CONCLUSÃO: A versão em português com os três itens do questionário Rose de angina é adequada para objetivos epidemiológicos.


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Background: Over the last 15 years, efforts to detect psychoses early in their prodromal states have greatly progressed; meanwhile, ultra-high risk (UHR) criteria have been the subject of such consensus that parts of them have been proposed for inclusion in DSM-5 in terms of an attenuated psychosis syndrome. However, it is frequently unacknowledged that the definitions and operationalizations of UHR-related at-risk criteria, including the relevant attenuated psychotic symptoms, vary considerably across centers and time and, thus, between prediction studies. Methods: These variations in UHR criteria are described and discussed with reference to the rates of transition to psychosis, their prevalence in the general population and the proposed new operationalization of the attenuated psychosis syndrome. Results: A comparison of samples recruited according to different UHR operationalizations reveals differences in the distribution of UHR criteria and transition rates as well as in the prevalence rates of at-risk criteria in the general population. Conclusion: The evidence base for the introduction of such a new syndrome is weaker than the number of studies using supposedly equal UHR criteria would at first suggest. Thus, studies comparing the effects of different (sub-)criteria not only on transition rates and outcomes but also on other important aspects, such as neurocognitive performance and brain imaging results, are necessary. Meanwhile, the preliminary attenuated psychosis syndrome in DSM-5 should not follow an altogether new definition but, rather, the currently most reliable UHR definition, which must still demonstrate its reliability and validity outside specialized psychiatric services.