160 resultados para Rope.
Twenty production blasts in two open pit mines were monitored, in rocks with medium to very high strength. Three different blasting agents (ANFO, watergel and emulsion blend) were used, with powder factors ranging between 0.88 and 1.45 kg/m3. Excavators were front loaders and rope shovels. Mechanical properties of the rock, blasting characteristics and mucking rates were carefully measured. A model for the calculation of the productivity of excavators is developed thereof, in which the production rate results as a product of an ideal, maximum, productivity rate times an operating efficiency. The maximum rate is a function of the dipper capacity and the efficiency is a function of rock density, strength, and explosive energy concentration in the rock. The model is statistically significant and explains up to 92 % of the variance of the production rate measurements.
The pendular motion of a giant censer (O Botafumeiro) that hangs in the transept of the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, and is cyclically pumped by men who pull at the supporting rope, is analyzed. Maximum angular amplitude attainable, and number of cycles and time needed to attain it, are calculated; the results agree with observed values (~ 82°, ~ 17 cycles, ~ 80 seconds) to the few percent accuracy of both the analysis and the observations and parameter measurements. The energy gain in a pumping cycle is obtained for an arbitrary pumping procedure to two orders in the small fractional change of pendular length; the relevance of the ratio (characteristic radial acceleration during pumping)/g to the gain is discussed- Effects due to rope mass, air drag on both Censer and rope, and the fact that the Censer is not a point mass, are considered. If the pumping cycle is inverted once the maximum amplitude has been attained, the Censer could be swiftly brought to rest, avoiding the usual violent stop. Historically recorded accidents, rope shape, and the influence of relevant parameters on the motion are discussed.
Twenty production blasts in two open pit mines were monitored, in rocks with medium to very high strength. Three different blasting agents (ANFO, watergel and emulsion blend) were used, with powder factors ranging between 0.88 and 1.45 kg/m3 . Excavators were front loaders and rope shovels. Mechanical properties of the rock, blasting characteristics and mucking rates were carefully measured. A model for the calculation of the productivity of excavators is developed thereof, in which the production rate results as a product of an ideal, maximum, productivity rate times an operating efficiency. The maximum rate is a function of the dipper capacity and the efficiency is a function of rock density, strength, and explosive energy concentration in the rock. The model is statistically significant and explains up to 92 % of the variance of the production rate measurements. RESUMEN Se han analizado veinte voladuras de producción en dos minas a cielo abierto, en rocas con resistencia entre media y muy alta. Se usaron tres agentes de voladura diferentes (ANFO, hidrogel y emulsión mezcla), con consumos específicos entre 0.88 y 1.45 kg/m3 . Las excavadoras eran cargadoras frontales y palas de cables. Se midió cuidadosamente las propiedades de la roca, las características de las voladuras y las velocidades de carga, a partir de las cuales se desarrolla un modelo para el cálculo de la productividad de las excavadoras en el que ésta es función de una productividad máxima o ideal multiplicada por una eficacia operativa. La producción máxima es función de la capacidad del cazo y la eficiencia es función de la densidad y resistencia de la roca, y de la concentración energética del explosivo en la roca. El modelo tiene significación estadística y explica un 92 % de la varianza de las medidas de velocidad.
Fuller explicitly connects his career with a childhood full of experiences marked by a merger between the biological and the cultural, constituting a major source of imagery, handled over his whole life. Childhood mobile games like the rope, kyte, swing, wheel, or balloon, all characterized by their dynamic condition, serve as narrative vehicles and provide a context to relate childhood, science and architectural design through an universal approach. We pose three elementary cathegories, in order to trace a genealogy of primary technical objects which operate under tension and mobility principles. Rescued experiences, notions and attitudes from Fuller?s childhood memories, refer to the experience of tension which, in clear contrast with traditional structural methods, which perpetuate the Euclidean, the stable, the massive and the compressive, promote multipolar, dynamic en the ephimeral.
Debido a la escasez de estudios de análisis en pelota valenciana, hemos centrado este estudio en este deporte. El objetivo de estudio ha sido analizar y cuantificar los tipos de golpeos, y comparar los mismos entre las posiciones de juego de resto y medio. Para ello se han llevado a cabo el análisis de 6 partidas de la XIX Liga Profesional de «escala i corda» 2009-2010, y en concreto de 12 jugadores, utilizando el software de análisis Sports Code v.8.5.2. Los resultados nos indican diferencias significativas (p<0.05) entre los golpeos efectuados por el jugador resto y el jugador medio en el rebote y rebote a golpe de mano derecha e izquierda y caída de escalera de mano derecha; siendo estos prácticamente realizados únicamente por los jugadores de la posición resto. Al mismo tiempo encontramos datos que nos evidencian por otra banda golpeos utilizados principalmente por jugadores medios, estas han sido el golpeo de volea, el bote de brazo, el calbote, la palma, y el manró todos ellos de mano derecha. Como conclusión del estudio, hemos obtenido que dependiendo de la posición de juego los jugadores utilizan unos tipos de golpeo u otros. Por tanto, afirmamos, que el análisis del alto rendimiento en escala i corda desde los avances de las tecnologías, nos aporta una valiosa información para establecer patrones de entrenamiento específicos.
Los sistemas anticaída se establecen en UNE-EN-363 para evitar o retener caídas de personas sin que las fuerzas de retención causen daños relevantes. Constituyen el último recurso para prevención de caídas tras considerar otras medidas. Este artículo analiza las variables que afectan al comportamiento del sistema: altura de caída, longitud de cuerda de retención, rigidez y amortiguamiento del material de retención, y peso del operario. A tal fin, el fenómeno ha sido simulado con modelos dinámicos de elementos finitos mediante una cuerda elástica y un lastre rígido. Ello permite obtener valores verosímiles de las máximas fuerzas sobre el accidentado y el sistema durante el impacto. Los resultados demuestran el papel fundamental de la proporción entre altura de caída y longitud de cuerda (factor de caída), más determinante que la propia altura de caída. Las elevadas fuerzas máximas obtenidas indican la necesidad de incluir en el modelo absorbedores de energía elastoplásticos, en futuras investigaciones, con el fin de disminuir el impacto a valores razonables.
[Vols. 4-6] are called "Series IV-VI."
Includes bibliographical references.
Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms [n.d.] (American culture series, Reel 202.2)
This paper examines 116 articles related to sexual and reproductive health translated into English from the Khmer press from April 1997 to February 2004. These excerpts were found in The Mirror, a publication of the non-governmental organisation Open Forum of Cambodia, which collates Grid reviews all issues of the Khmer press on a weekly basis. Five major themes were identified: the politics of women's health, government regulation and control, the sex industry in Cambodia, rape, and the HIV epidemic. Discourse analysis of these articles in the context of other sources and experience allows a gendered exploration of the reporting of sexual and reproductive health and rights issues in Cambodia by the Khmer print media. The reports explore the contested political empowerment of women in this strongly hierarchical society, and the mechanisms used to regulate and control sexual activity. The expanding sex industry and associated sexual trafficking ore reported, together with the corruption of legal structures designed to regulate health systems and protect women and children from sexual exploitation and rope. The growing problem of AIDS and successes in reducing HIV transmission through the collaboration of sex workers in the 100% condom use policy is documented, and the tensions implicit in G Cultural representation of women that both protects and constrains women ore explored. (C) 2004 Reproductive Health Matters. All rights reserved.
Protein-protein interactions are central to all biological processes. The creation of small molecules that can structurally mimic the fundamental units of protein architecture (helices, strands, turns, and their combinations) could potentially be used to reproduce important bioactive protein surfaces and interfere in biological processes. Although this field is still in relative infancy, substantial progress is being made in creating small molecules that can mimic these individual secondary structural elements of proteins. However the generation of compounds that can reproduce larger protein surfaces, composed of multiple structural elements of proteins, has proven to be much more challenging. This presentation will describe some densely functionalised small molecules that do constrain multiple peptide motifs in defined structures such as loop bundles, helix bundles, strand and sheet bundles. An example of a helix bundle that undergoes conformational changes to a beta sheet bundle and aggregates into multi-micron length peptide nanofibre 'rope' will be described.
The Blue Highway is a collection of eleven literary short stories and ten miniatures that depict men in trouble, searching for a code to live by. The miniatures are repressed memories, appearing suddenly like the tips of ice bergs and act as stepping stones (tension bridges) between the larger works. The stories begin at the end with "Time Out", the story of Frank, a down and out homeless vet at the end of his rope. Then we begin the journey along "The Blue Highway" with Danny and his gang of teenage bandits, taking themselves to Disney World to see if they can recapture their lost dream. On our journey we will meet Mark, the ex-killer, an old Cuban fisherman who will not give up his honor, a young man on a way to a war who discovers a fantastic treasure, a soldier on his way home again, two MP's who nearly kill the wrong man, we will spend a night on an African savannah with wild hyenas and finally, meet a grandfather who discovers the one gift which might save his family. The same gift which might save Frank as well. ^