951 resultados para Romance languages
Traditional popular poetry follows a certain culture and has a literary canon that is very different from written poetry by educated authors. Among the elements that distinguish this poetry and that emphasize the continual presence of symbolism, which is manifested in the connotative reading of the texts, is a symbolism that refers to eroticism and to the romantic relationships of men. In these folk songs nature acquires a distinct meaning of love, for example by means of the presence of the olive as a frequent motif in Andalusian, Hispanic and European songs.
As an output of the HERA Travelling Texts project, created with the aim of uncovering the realities of women’s literary culture on the fringes of Europe during the long nineteenth century, this study was conceptualised to find out more about the networks of women writers in Spain around 1900, using the digitised corpuses of contemporaneous periodicals as the primary source material. Each chapter of the study centres on a particular periodical, which is used as the starting point for the community of writers and readers, both real and imagined. This thesis looks at the realities of the literary culture for creative women in the late nineteenth century-early twentieth century, exploring the strategies used by women (and men) to support each other in their literary endeavours, how they took inspiration and courage from each other, how they promoted their own names, and how they were received by wider society. The study will also focus on the transnational nature of this literary culture, looking at how women of different nations influenced each other’s work, with a view to understanding more about how cultural change takes place. Finally, this thesis hopes to persuade the reader that the periodical is a rich and under-utilised resource for discovering more about the lives of women writers and their network of relationships.
Kanadalainen kirjailija L. M. (Ludy Maud) Montgomery (1874-1942) tunnetaan parhaiten lasten ja nuorten kirjallisuudestaan, erityisesti Anne of Green Gables -romaanistaan (suom. Annan nuoruusvuodet). Graduni tutkii kuitenkin Montgomeryn vähemmän tunnettua omaelämäkerrallista tuotantoa, hänen päiväkirjojaan, jotka on julkaistu viidessä osassa (1985-2004). Keskityn romanssin kuvaukseen Montgomeryn päiväkirjojen ensimmäisessä osassa ja tutkin, millaisia tekstuaalisia persoonia (personas) kertoja luo autobiografisessa prosessissa. Tähän narratiiviseen prosessiin vaikuttavat erityisesti päiväkirjan yleisö tai lukijat (audience), samoin kuin fiktiiviset esikuvat ja fiktiivisesti kirjoittaminen (fictionalisation) sekä kysymys päiväkirjan kertovasta ja kerrotusta minästä (narrated and narrating I). Romanssi on pääosassa Montgomeryn päiväkirjojen ensimmäisessä julkaistussa osassa, joka kuvaa hänen teini- ja varhaisaikuisuusvuosiaan. Väitän, että vaikka päiväkirjateksti saattaa vaikuttaa rehelliseltä ja todenmukaiselta kuvaukselta elämästä, varsinkin Montgomeryn tapauksessa kyseessä on silti läpikotaisin editoitu ja muokattu teksti, jota päiväkirjan tekijä hallitsee rautaisella otteella ja joka käyttää hyväkseen fiktiivisiä keinoja. Aineistonani käytän sekä Montgomeryn julkaistuja että julkaisemattomia päiväkirjoja, joita säilytetään University of Guelphin arkistoissa, Kanadan Ontariossa. Päiväkirjat ovat moneen kertaan sekä Montgomeryn että julkaistujen päiväkirjojen editoijien muokkaamia, joten niiden tutkiminen lähilukemalla (close-reading) ja eri versioita vertaillen on erityisen tärkeää. Teorian osalta keskityn lähinnä Pohjois-Amerikassa kirjoitettuun autobiografia- ja (naisten) päiväkirjatutkimukseen. Väitän gradussani, että Montgomeryn kuvaus heteroseksuaalisesta romanssista välttää tarjoamasta lukijalle romanssijuonen tyypillistä katharsista. Montgomeryn romanttiset persoonat ovat yllättävän epäromanttisia ja ristiriidassa keskenään. Romantiikan traditiolle tyypillistä kieltä ja personifikaatiota käytetään joko korostetun liioitellusti tai humoristisesti ja parodioiden.
Arthur's refusal to begin feasting before he has seen a marvel or heard a tale of adventure is a recurring motif in medieval romance. Previous comment on this ritual has suggested that the source for such a taboo on eating may be found in earlier narratives in the Celtic languages. This paper argues that, although the ritual almost certainly originates in pre-chivalric society, romance authors adapted and developed it to reflect the courtly-chivalric preoccupations of their own world. Arthur's ritual gesture may be seen as a means of containing and controlling both interior moral threats and exterior physical peril, and is intimately connected to the courtly conception of the feast. This study draws on the evidence of religious writing and courtesy manuals and explores some highly-developed treatments of the motif in romance in order to suggest that literary engagements with Arthur's refusal to eat have much to say about contemporary ideas of ritual and reality as mediated through the symbolically-charged arena of the medieval feast.
This article is the first full examination of the Irish translation of the popular and influential medieval romance "Octavian". I argue that the source for this Irish translation was an insular version of the romance, probably in Middle English. I show how the Irish translator incorporated material from another romance, "Fierabras", in order to introduce the characters of Charlemagne and his vassals into the story. This is the only version of "Octavian" that gives the text a Carolingian setting. I also demonstrate that the version of the romance from which the Irish translation was produced differed in significant ways from any of the surviving versions in other languages. I suggest that the Irish translation provides our only witness to a lost variant version of "Octavian" and, as such, extends our knowledge of the corpus of insular romance in the Middle Ages.
Annotated bibliography of romance from medieval England. It focuses on medieval romances in various languages written in England or translated into English before 1500.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Abstract of the Eyrbiggiasaga; being the early annals of that district of Iecland lying around the promontory called Snæfells, by W. S. [i.e. Sir Walter Scott] Glossary, by R. Jamieson.
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) is a challenging area that is attracting growing attention from the software industry and the research community. A landscape of languages and techniques for EAI has emerged and is continuously being enriched with new proposals from different software vendors and coalitions. However, little or no effort has been dedicated to systematically evaluate and compare these languages and techniques. The work reported in this paper is a first step in this direction. It presents an in-depth analysis of a language, namely the Business Modeling Language, specifically developed for EAI. The framework used for this analysis is based on a number of workflow and communication patterns. This framework provides a basis for evaluating the advantages and drawbacks of EAI languages with respect to recurrent problems and situations.