993 resultados para Risque de contagion
Hyperhomocysteinemia represents an independent risk factor for atherothrombotic disease. Physiopathological mechanisms of accelerated progression of atherosclerosis in presence of hyperhomocysteinemia are complex. Herein we report a clinical case which emphasis the importance of screening elevated homocystein in the absence of conventional risk factors in patients who suffer from premature atherosclerosis.
Cet article décrit, à l'intention des mdéecins de rpremier recours, les principes de base d'une action de secours lors d'un attentat (ou d'un accident) chimique impliquant de nombreuses victimes intoxiquées et/ou contaminées.
While the development of early psychosis intervention programs have improved outcome of such disorders, primary prevention strategies are still out of reach. The elaboration, over the last 15 years, of scales and criteria to identify populations at high risk for psychosis is a real progress, but their low specificity is still a major obstacle to their use outside of research projects. For this reason, even if "ultra high risk", subjects present with real psychiatric disorders and sometimes significant decrease in functioning level, the fact that only a small proportion will eventually develop full blown psychosis will probably lead to the rejection of a "psychosis risk syndrom" from the future DSM-V classification.
AIM: Genetic polymorphisms of the human angiotensinogen gene are frequent and may induce up to 30% increase of plasma angiotensinogen concentrations with a blood pressure increase of up to 5mmHg. Their role for the pathogenesis of human arterial hypertension remains unclear. High plasma angiotensinogen levels could increase the sensitivity to other blood pressure stressors. METHODS: Male transgenic rats with a 9-fold increase of plasma angiotensinogen concentrations and male non-transgenic rats aged 10 weeks were treated or not with NG-Nitro-L-arginine-methyl ester for 3 weeks in their drinking water (n=3/group). Systolic blood pressure and body weight were measured at baseline and at the end of the study when left ventricular weight and ventricular expression of angiotensin I-converting enzyme and procollagen Iα1 were determined (polymerase chain reaction). RESULTS: At baseline, transgenic rats had +18mmHg higher bood pressure and -8% lower body weight compared to non-transgenic rats (P<0.05) without significant changes for the vehicle groups throughout the study (P>0.05). NG-Nitro-L-arginine-methyl ester increased blood pressure, left ventricular weight and left ventricular weight indexed for body weight by +41%, +17.6% and +18.6% (P<0.05) in transgenic and +25%, +5.3% and +6.7% (P>0.05) in non-transgenic rats compared to untreated animals, respectively. Cardiac gene expression showed no differences between groups (P>0.05). CONCLUSION: Increased plasma angiotensinogen levels may sensitize to additional blood pressure stressors. Our preliminary results point towards an independent role of angiotensinogen in the pathogenesis of human hypertension and associated end-organ damage.
Les dernières recommandations américaines de l'American College of Cardiology et de l'American Heart Association proposent d'abaisser le seuil de prescription de statines pour la prévention cardiovasculaire primaire, et d'abandonner les cibles de LDL-cholestérol pour utiliser le plus souvent des statines de haute intensité. Le Groupe de travail Suisse Lipides et Athérosclérose (GSLA) pense que ces recommandations ne devraient pas être appliquées en Suisse, car elles augmenteraient très fortement le nombre de personnes à bas risque sous statines, chez qui le rapport bénéfice/risque au long cours est incertain, et pourraient diminuer l'importance du style de vie, première priorité dans la prévention cardiovasculaire primaire. En outre, l'abandon des cibles de LDL-cholestérol limite l'individualisation de la prise en charge quant au choix du type et du dosage de la statine, et pourrait diminuer l'adhérence thérapeutique. Pour ces raisons, le GSLA recommande de poursuivre avec les stratégies de prévention bien établies en Suisse et résumées dans les recommandations du GSLA 2012.
The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health's (FOPH) updated its recommendations on fat consumption in 2013. The report recommends that maximum 10% of the daily caloric intake should come from saturated fatty acids, and the total fat intake should account for 20-35%. There is no limitation to dietary cholesterol consumption. Recent studies have shown that replacing consumption of saturated fatty acids by unsaturated fatty acids is more beneficial in terms of cardiovascular prevention than a low fat diet. The purpose of this article is to review the FOPH recommendations on dietary fat as well as the current evidence about their cardiovascular benefit, and to provide a translation of these scientific recommendations into clinical advice.