958 resultados para Risks distribution criteria
Os Planos de Segurança da Água surgem com a necessidade de aumentar a segurança da água de abastecimento, superando a monitorização de conformidade de “fim de linha”, permitindo aumentar a confiança do consumidor na qualidade da água que lhe é fornecida. Esta nova abordagem recorre a uma metodologia de gestão baseada na identificação e no controlo de riscos em pontos críticos de um sistema de abastecimento, em complemento do controlo realizado através da monitorização da conformidade da água entregue aos consumidores. O Plano de Segurança da Água (PSA) encontra-se implementado no Sistema Regional do Carvoeiro (SRC) desde o ano de 2009. O SRC é um sistema de abastecimento de água em alta, sendo constituído por conjunto de infraestruturas de captação, tratamento, transporte e armazenamento de água desde a sua origem, localizada no rio Vouga, em Carvoeiro, até aos municípios integrados na Associação de Municípios do Carvoeiro-Vouga. Atendendo à obra de expansão do SRC, tornou-se imperativo efetuar uma revisão ao PSA, sendo este o objetivo primordial do trabalho de estágio desenvolvido na empresa Águas do Vouga S.A, concessionária responsável pela gestão do SRC. Para a prossecução deste objetivo, o trabalho desenvolvido envolveu os seguintes passos metodológicos: identificação das operações aplicadas no SRC; identificação de perigos e eventos perigosos em todos os órgãos constituintes do sistema; avaliação de riscos; identificação de pontos críticos de controlo; identificação de pontos de monitorização e medidas preventivas; elaboração do plano de monitorização, incluindo, procedimentos de controlo operacional em condições normais de funcionamento e em caso de desvio; validação deste plano. Deste trabalho resultou a identificação de 166 eventos perigosos, 17 tipologias de perigos, 3 pontos de controlo crítico e 17 pontos de monitorização. Os pontos de controlo crítico foram identificados nos processos de tratamento da ETA do Carvoeiro. O primeiro foi localizado na etapa de filtração com areia, antracite e zeólitos correspondendo aos perigos com metais (Fe e Mn), outros compostos químicos perigosos, partículas, turvação, matéria orgânica e alumínio. O segundo ponto foi identificado na etapa de filtração com filtros de carvão ativado granular relativo ao aparecimento de sabor e cianotoxinas. O terceiro ponto de controlo crítico foi encontrado na etapa de desinfeção referente aos microrganismos patogénicos. Os pontos de monitorização foram localizados ao longo do sistema em situações onde não se dispõem de nenhuma medida de controlo para eliminar o perigo e antes e após os pontos de controlo crítico. O plano de monitorização foi desenvolvido para estes pontos, embora os limites e procedimentos definidos devam ser alvo de revisão após a conclusão da obra de expansão do sistema. A validação da revisão do plano foi iniciada, mas cingiu-se apenas na avaliação preliminar de riscos, prévia ao início de operação da ETA do Carvoeiro. Para além da revisão deste plano, foram realizadas outras tarefas, nomeadamente uma análise à qualidade da água fornecida e distribuída pelo sistema, a elaboração do plano PCQA para o ano de 2016, a configuração da plataforma de gestão operacional NAVIATM e a revisão do Manual de Gestão da Águas do Vouga relativo ao processo de qualidade na captação, tratamento e distribuição e ao processo de qualidade na gestão do PSA.
The system grounding method option has a direct influence on the overall performance of the entire medium voltage network as well as on the ground fault current magnitude. For any kind of grounding systems: ungrounded system, solidly and low impedance grounded and resonant grounded, we can find advantages and disadvantages. A thorough study is necessary to choose the most appropriate grounding protection system. The power distribution utilities justify their choices based on economic and technical criteria, according to the specific characteristics of each distribution network. In this paper we present a medium voltage Portuguese substation case study and a study of neutral system with Petersen coil, isolated neutral and impedance grounded.
The present study is an attempt at assessing the level of consistency in the orthographic systems of selected sixteenth and seventeenth-century printers and at tracing the influence that normative writings could have potentially exerted on them. The approach taken here draws upon the philological tradition of examining and comparing several texts written in the same language, but produced at different times. The study discusses the orthography of the editions of The Schoole of Vertue, a manual of good conduct for children, published between 1557 and 1687. The orthographic variables taken into account fall into two criteria: the distribution and functional load of the selected graphemes and the indication of vowel length.
An automated on-line SPE-LC-MS/MS method was developed for the quantitation of multiple classes of antibiotics in environmental waters. High sensitivity in the low ng/L range was accomplished by using large volume injections with 10-mL of sample. Positive confirmation of analytes was achieved using two selected reaction monitoring (SRM) transitions per antibiotic and quantitation was performed using an internal standard approach. Samples were extracted using online solid phase extraction, then using column switching technique; extracted samples were immediately passed through liquid chromatography and analyzed by tandem mass spectrometry. The total run time per each sample was 20 min. The statistically calculated method detection limits for various environmental samples were between 1.2 and 63 ng/L. Furthermore, the method was validated in terms of precision, accuracy and linearity. The developed analytical methodology was used to measure the occurrence of antibiotics in reclaimed waters (n=56), surface waters (n=53), ground waters (n=8) and drinking waters (n=54) collected from different parts of South Florida. In reclaimed waters, the most frequently detected antibiotics were nalidixic acid, erythromycin, clarithromycin, azithromycin trimethoprim, sulfamethoxazole and ofloxacin (19.3-604.9 ng/L). Detection of antibiotics in reclaimed waters indicates that they can’t be completely removed by conventional wastewater treatment process. Furthermore, the average mass loads of antibiotics released into the local environment through reclaimed water were estimated as 0.248 Kg/day. Among the surface waters samples, Miami River (reaching up to 580 ng/L) and Black Creek canal (up to 124 ng/L) showed highest concentrations of antibiotics. No traces of antibiotics were found in ground waters. On the other hand, erythromycin (monitored as anhydro erythromycin) was detected in 82% of the drinking water samples (n.d-66 ng/L). The developed approach is suitable for both research and monitoring applications. Major metabolites of antibiotics in reclaimed wates were identified and quantified using high resolution benchtop Q-Exactive orbitrap mass spectrometer. A phase I metabolite of erythromycin was tentatively identified in full scan based on accurate mass measurement. Using extracted ion chromatogram (XIC), high resolution data-dependent MS/MS spectra and metabolic profiling software the metabolite was identified as desmethyl anhydro erythromycin with molecular formula C36H63NO12 and m/z 702.4423. The molar concentration of the metabolite to erythromycin was in the order of 13 %. To my knowledge, this is the first known report on this metabolite in reclaimed water. Another compound acetyl-sulfamethoxazole, a phase II metabolite of sulfamethoxazole was also identified in reclaimed water and mole fraction of the metabolite represent 36 %, of the cumulative sulfamethoxazole concentration. The results were illustrating the importance to include metabolites also in the routine analysis to obtain a mass balance for better understanding of the occurrence, fate and distribution of antibiotics in the environment. Finally, all the antibiotics detected in reclaimed and surface waters were investigated to assess the potential risk to the aquatic organisms. The surface water antibiotic concentrations that represented the real time exposure conditions revealed that the macrolide antibiotics, erythromycin, clarithromycin and tylosin along with quinolone antibiotic, ciprofloxacin were suspected to induce high toxicity to aquatic biota. Preliminary results showing that, among the antibiotic groups tested, macrolides posed the highest ecological threat, and therefore, they may need to be further evaluated with, long-term exposure studies considering bioaccumulation factors and more number of species selected. Overall, the occurrence of antibiotics in aquatic environment is posing an ecological health concern.
Hazardous materials are substances that, if not regulated, can pose a threat to human populations and their environmental health, safety or property when transported in commerce. About 1.5 million tons of hazardous material shipments are transported by truck in the US annually, with a steady increase of approximately 5% per year. The objective of this study was to develop a routing tool for hazardous material transport in order to facilitate reduced environmental impacts and less transportation difficulties, yet would also find paths that were still compelling for the shipping carriers as a matter of trucking cost. The study started with identification of inhalation hazard impact zones and explosion protective areas around the location of hypothetical hazardous material releases, considering different parameters (i.e., chemicals characteristics, release quantities, atmospheric condition, etc.). Results showed that depending on the quantity of release, chemical, and atmospheric stability (a function of wind speed, meteorology, sky cover, time and location of accidents, etc.) the consequence of these incidents can differ. The study was extended by selection of other evaluation criteria for further investigation because health risk as an evaluation criterion would not be the only concern in selection of routes. Transportation difficulties (i.e., road blockage and congestion) were incorporated as important factor due to their indirect impact/cost on the users of transportation networks. Trucking costs were also considered as one of the primary criteria in selection of hazardous material paths; otherwise the suggested routes would have not been convincing for the shipping companies. The last but not least criterion was proximity of public places to the routes. The approach evolved from a simple framework to a complicated and efficient GIS-based tool able to investigate transportation networks of any given study area, and capable of generating best routing options for cargos. The suggested tool uses a multi-criteria-decision-making method, which considers the priorities of the decision makers in choosing the cargo routes. Comparison of the routing options based on each criterion and also the overall suitableness of the path in regards to all the criteria (using a multi-criteria-decision-making method) showed that using similar tools as the one proposed by this study can provide decision makers insights in the area of hazardous material transport. This tool shows the probable consequences of considering each path in a very easily understandable way; in the formats of maps and tables, which makes the tradeoffs of costs and risks considerably simpler, as in some cases slightly compromising on trucking cost may drastically decrease the probable health risk and/or traffic difficulties. This will not only be rewarding to the community by making cities safer places to live, but also can be beneficial to shipping companies by allowing them to advertise as environmental friendly conveyors.
We measured the distribution in absolute magnitude - circular velocity space for a well-defined sample of 199 rotating galaxies of the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area Survey (CALIFA) using their stellar kinematics. Our aim in this analysis is to avoid subjective selection criteria and to take volume and large-scale structure factors into account. Using stellar velocity fields instead of gas emission line kinematics allows including rapidly rotating early-type galaxies. Our initial sample contains 277 galaxies with available stellar velocity fields and growth curve r-band photometry. After rejecting 51 velocity fields that could not be modelled because of the low number of bins, foreground contamination, or significant interaction, we performed Markov chain Monte Carlo modelling of the velocity fields, from which we obtained the rotation curve and kinematic parameters and their realistic uncertainties. We performed an extinction correction and calculated the circular velocity v_circ accounting for the pressure support of a given galaxy. The resulting galaxy distribution on the M-r - v(circ) plane was then modelled as a mixture of two distinct populations, allowing robust and reproducible rejection of outliers, a significant fraction of which are slow rotators. The selection effects are understood well enough that we were able to correct for the incompleteness of the sample. The 199 galaxies were weighted by volume and large-scale structure factors, which enabled us to fit a volume-corrected Tully-Fisher relation (TFR). More importantly, we also provide the volume-corrected distribution of galaxies in the M_r - v_circ plane, which can be compared with cosmological simulations. The joint distribution of the luminosity and circular velocity space densities, representative over the range of -20 > M_r > -22 mag, can place more stringent constraints on the galaxy formation and evolution scenarios than linear TFR fit parameters or the luminosity function alone.
La experiencia en la gestión de cuencas, en particular en su aspecto hídrico-social, indica que el problema surge por causalidad recíproca de distintos factores biológicos y socioeconómicos, ligados a una gestión del desarrollo, que por lo común, no atiende los riesgos que crea. La gestión efectiva de los recursos hídricos y bióticos involucrados suele ignorar el conflicto que. en términos sociales, traen consigo los usos no sustentables. Por tanto, una gestión alternativa exige un enfoque integral, que busque relacionar valores sociales (no únicamente económicos) con criterios ecológicos y con otros parámetros diversos.La integral idad de la gestión de cuencas depende de que las decisiones estén sujetas tanto a sistemas de planificación territorial, con la perspectiva abierta sobre los ecosistemas boscosos (protección de cuencas, control de erosión, ciclo del carbono, recreación, etc.) como a sistemas interdependientes de preferencias o toma de decisiones sociales.Lo anterior no se puede evaluar eficientemente con las técnicas convencionales de valoración, ni con las herramientas de la economía ambiental y de recursos naturales para países en desarrollo. Si bien esas técnicas son útiles en la administración de algunos recursos estratégicos. no son suficientes cuando se trata de valorar ambientes donde se debe enfrentar limitaciones en términos de indeterminación, incertidumbre, indivisibilidad, racionalidades sujetas a decisiones colectivas e individuales o a cuestiones de distribución socioecológica.El diseño metodológico aquí presentado ha permitido identificar los diferentes actores involucrados, describiendo, al mismo tiempo, los problemas de gestión que enfrentan y ha pennitido delimitar los conflictos sociales y mostrar diferentes posibilidades para su solución por medio de compromisos, cooperación y diálogo entre las panes, dando oportunidad que emergieran soluciones para el manejo integral de la subcuenca del no Viruta.Abstract:The experience in the administration of basins, in particular in their social-hydric aspect, it indicates that thc problem anses for reciprocal causation of different biological and socioeconomic factors, bound toan administration of dic development thai in general doesn’t assist dic risks thai shelhe believes. The effectivc administration of the hydrics resources and involved biotic usually ignore dic conflict that, in social terms. she/he brings 1 gel the non sustainablc uses. Therefore. an alternative administration demands an integral focus thai looks for to relate social values (nol only economic) to ecological approaches and other diverse parameters.The composedly of dic basin administration depends thai the decisions are subject to systems of territorial planning. with dic open perspective on the wooded ecosystems (basin protection, erosion control. cycle of the carbon. recreation, etc.) as much as Lo intcrdcpendeni systems of preferences or taking of social decisions.The above-mentioned you can nol evaluate efficiendy with the conventional techniques of valuacion, neithcr with the tools of the environmental economy and of natural resources for countries in development. Although those techniques are useful in ihe administration of sorne strategic resources. they are fol enough when it is to value atmospheres where it should be faced limitations in indetermination terms. uncertainty, indivisibility, rationalities subject to collecuve and individual decisions. or to questions of partner-ecological distribution.The mcthodological design here prescnted it has allowcd lo ideniify. the different involved actors, describing, al the same time, dic administration problems that face and it has allowed to define the social contlicts and to show different possibilities for dic their solution through comrnitments, cooperation and dialogue arnong dic paris. giving opportunity thai solutions emerged for the integral handling of the Vinila river basin.
Background There is evidence that certain mutations in the double-strand break repair pathway ataxia-telangiectasia mutated gene act in a dominant-negative manner to increase the risk of breast cancer. There are also some reports to suggest that the amino acid substitution variants T2119C Ser707Pro and C3161G Pro1054Arg may be associated with breast cancer risk. We investigate the breast cancer risk associated with these two nonconservative amino acid substitution variants using a large Australian population-based case–control study. Methods The polymorphisms were genotyped in more than 1300 cases and 600 controls using 5' exonuclease assays. Case–control analyses and genotype distributions were compared by logistic regression. Results The 2119C variant was rare, occurring at frequencies of 1.4 and 1.3% in cases and controls, respectively (P = 0.8). There was no difference in genotype distribution between cases and controls (P = 0.8), and the TC genotype was not associated with increased risk of breast cancer (adjusted odds ratio = 1.08, 95% confidence interval = 0.59–1.97, P = 0.8). Similarly, the 3161G variant was no more common in cases than in controls (2.9% versus 2.2%, P = 0.2), there was no difference in genotype distribution between cases and controls (P = 0.1), and the CG genotype was not associated with an increased risk of breast cancer (adjusted odds ratio = 1.30, 95% confidence interval = 0.85–1.98, P = 0.2). This lack of evidence for an association persisted within groups defined by the family history of breast cancer or by age. Conclusion The 2119C and 3161G amino acid substitution variants are not associated with moderate or high risks of breast cancer in Australian women.