664 resultados para Riemann invariants
Pseudoscalar measures of electronic chirality for molecular systems are derived using the spectral moment theory applied to the frequency-dependent rotational susceptibility. In this scheme a one-electron chirality operator κ^ naturally emerges as a quantum counterpart of the triple scalar product, involving velocity, acceleration and second acceleration. Averaging κ^ over an electronic state vector gives rise to an additive chirality invariant (κ-index), considered as a quantitative measure of chirality. A simple computational technique for quick calculation of the κ-index is developed and various structural classes (cyclic hydrocarbons, cage-shaped systems, etc.) are studied. Reasonable behaviour of the chirality index is demonstrated. The chirality changes during the β-turn formation in Leu-Enkephalin is presented as a useful example of the chirality analysis for conformational transitions.
We define Picard cycles on each smooth three-sheeted Galois cover C of the Riemann sphere. The moduli space of all these algebraic curves is a nice Shimura surface, namely a symmetric quotient of the projective plane uniformized by the complex two-dimensional unit ball. We show that all Picard cycles on C form a simple orbit of the Picard modular group of Eisenstein numbers. The proof uses a special surface classification in connection with the uniformization of a classical Picard-Fuchs system. It yields an explicit symplectic representation of the braid groups (coloured or not) of four strings.
On the Riemann-Liouville Fractional q-Integral Operator Involving a Basic Analogue of Fox H-Function
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 33D60, 26A33, 33C60
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35A15, 44A15, 26A33
Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33
Mathematics Subject Classification: 42A38, 42C40, 33D15, 33D60
AMS Subject Classification 2010: 11M26, 33C45, 42A38.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 16R10, 16R30.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 20F55, 13F20; Secondary 14L30.
Riemann’s memoir is devoted to the function π(x) defined as the number of prime numbers less or equal to the real and positive number x. This is really the fact, but the “main role” in it is played by the already mentioned zeta-function.
Real-time systems are usually modelled with timed automata and real-time requirements relating to the state durations of the system are often specifiable using Linear Duration Invariants, which is a decidable subclass of Duration Calculus formulas. Various algorithms have been developed to check timed automata or real-time automata for linear duration invariants, but each needs complicated preprocessing and exponential calculation. To the best of our knowledge, these algorithms have not been implemented. In this paper, we present an approximate model checking technique based on a genetic algorithm to check real-time automata for linear durration invariants in reasonable times. Genetic algorithm is a good optimization method when a problem needs massive computation and it works particularly well in our case because the fitness function which is derived from the linear duration invariant is linear. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): D.2.4, C.3.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35Q15, 31A25, 37K10, 35Q58.
Le th eor eme de Riemann-Roch originale a rme que pour tout morphisme propre f : Y ! X entre vari et es quasi-projectifs lisses sur un corps, et tout el ement a 2 K0(Y ) du groupe de Grothendieck des br es vectoriels on a ch(f!(a)) = f {u100000}Td(Tf ) ch(a) (cf. [BS58]). Ici ch est le caract ere de Chern, Td(Tf ) est la classe de Todd du br e tangent relative et f et f! sont les images directes de l'anneau de Chow et K0 respectivement. Apr es, Baum, Fulton et MacPherson ont d emontr e en [BFM75] le th eor eme de Riemann-Roch pour des morphismes localement intersection compl ete entre des sch emas alg ebriques (sch emas s epar es et localement de type ni sur un corps) projectifs et singuli eres. En [FG83] Fulton et Gillet ont d emontr e le th eor eme sans hypoth eses projectifs. L'extension a la th eorie K sup erieure pour des sch emas r eguli eres sur une base fut d emontr e par Gillet en [Gil81]. Le th eor eme de Riemann-Roch qu'il prouve est pour des morphismes projectifs entre des sch emas lisses et quasi-projectifs. Donc, dans le cas des sch emas sur un corps, le r esultat de Gillet n'inclus pas le th eor eme de [BFM75]. La plus grande g en eralisation du th eor eme de Riemann-Roch que je connais est [D eg14] et [HS15], o u D eglise et Holmstrom-Scholbach obtiennent ind ependamment le th eor eme de Riemann- Roch pour la K-th eorie sup erieure et les morphismes projectifs lic entre sch emas r eguli eres sur une base noetherienne de dimension nie... NOTA 520 8 El teorema de Riemann-Roch original de Grothendieck a rma que para todo mor smo propio f : Y ! X, entre variedades irreducibles quasiproyectivas lisas sobre un cuerpo, y todo elemento a 2 K0(Y ) del grupo de Grothendieck de brados vectoriales se satisface la relaci on ch(f!(a)) = f {u100000}Td(Tf ) ch(a) (cf. [BS58]). Recu erdese que ch denota el car acter de Chern, Td(Tf ) la clase de Todd del brado tangente relativo y f y f! las im agenes directas en el anillo de Chow y K0 respectivamente. M as tarde Baum, Fulton MacPherson probaron en [BFM75] el teorema de Riemann-Roch para mor smos localmente intersecci on completa entre esquemas algebraicos (es decir, esquemas separados localmente de tipo nito sobre cuerpo) proyectivos singulares. En [FG83] Fulton y Gillet probaron el teorema sin hip otesis proyectivas. La notable extensi on a la teor a K superior para esquemas regulares sobre una base fue probada por Gillet en [Gil81]. El teorema de Riemann-Roch all probado es para mor smos proyectivos entre esquemas lisos quasiproyectivos. Sin embargo, obs ervese que en el caso de esquemas sobre cuerpo el resultado de Gillet no recupera el teorema de [BFM75]. La mayor generalizaci on del teorema de Riemann-Roch que yo conozco es [D eg14] y [HS15] donde D eglise y Holmstrom-Scholbach obtuvieron independientemente el teorema de Riemann-Roch para teor a K superior y mor smos proyectivos lic entre esquemas regulares sobre una base noetheriana nito dimensional...
10 pages, 5 figures, conference or other essential info Acknowledgments LK and JCS were supported by Blue Brain Project. P.D. and R.L. were supported in part by the Blue Brain Project and by the start-up grant of KH. Partial support for P.D. has been provided by the Advanced Grant of the European Research Council GUDHI (Geometric Understanding in Higher Dimensions). MS was supported by the SNF NCCR ”Synapsy”.
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