947 resultados para Revolution of 1820
Em 1924, Blaise Cendrars, em meio a um projeto ambicioso de realização de um “filme de propaganda sobre o Brasil”, em parceria com Oswald de Andrade, teve a oportunidade de testemunhar a eclosão da Revolução de 1924, reprimida com violência pelo governo federal. A experiência marcou a sua imaginação e sepultou os planos de realizar um filme no Brasil, baseado em episódios da história paulista. Um dos elementos que aproximaram Oswald e Cendrars foi o desejo comum de se tornarem cineastas-cavadores
This research undertakes to provide a typology of multipolar systems. Multipolarity plays a key role in IR theory, for it is strictly associated with the history of European politics since the seventeenth century to the end of World War Two. Despite wide investigation, one can doubt the matter has received a definitive treatment. Trouble is that current studies often consider multipolarity as a one-dimensional concept. They obviously reckon that multipolarism is substantially different from other systems and deserves attention, but generally fail to distinguish between different types of multipolar systems (the few exceptions are listed in chapter one). The history of international politics tells us a different story. Multipolar power systems may share some general characteristics, but they also show a wide array of difference, and understanding this difference requires a preliminary work of classification. That is the purpose of the present study. The work is organized as follows. In chapter one, we provide a cursory review of the literature on multipolarity, with particular reference to the work of Duncan Snidal and Joseph Grieco. Then we propose a four-cell typology of multipolar systems to be tested via historical analysis. The first type, hegemony, is best represented by European international system to the time of Napoleonic France, and is discussed in chapter two. Type number two is the traditional concert of Europe, which history is detailed in chapter three. Type number three is the reversal of alliances, which closest example, the diplomatic revolution of 1756, is discussed in chapter four. Finally, chapter five is devoted to the chain-gang system, and the European politics from Bismarck’s late years to World War One represents a good illustration of how it works. In chapter six we proceed to draw a first evaluation of the main results achieved in the previous chapters, in order to see if, and to what extent, our typology serves the purpose of explaining the nature of multipolar systems.
Una stampa libera e plurale è un elemento fondante di ogni sistema democratico ed è fondamentale per la creazione di un’opinione pubblica informata e in grado di esercitare controllo e pressione sulle classi dirigenti. Dal momento della loro creazione i giornali si sono imposti come un’importantissima fonte di informazione per l’opinione pubblica. La seconda metà del Novecento, inoltre, ha conosciuto innovazioni tecnologiche che hanno portato grandi cambiamenti nel ruolo della carta stampata come veicolo di trasmissione delle notizie. Partendo dalla diffusione della televisione fino ad arrivare alla rivoluzione digitale degli anni ’90 e 2000, la velocità di creazione e di trasmissione delle informazioni è aumentata esponenzialmente, i costi di produzione e di acquisizione delle notizie sono crollati e una quantità enorme di dati, che possono fornire moltissime informazioni relative alle idee e ai contenuti proposti dai diversi autori nel corso del tempo, è ora a disposizione di lettori e ricercatori. Tuttavia, anche se grazie alla rivoluzione digitale i costi materiali dei periodici si sono notevolmente ridotti, la produzione di notizie comporta altre spese e pertanto si inserisce in un contesto di mercato, sottoposto alle logiche della domanda e dell'offerta. In questo lavoro verrà analizzato il ruolo della domanda e della non perfetta razionalità dei lettori nel mercato delle notizie, partendo dall’assunto che la differenza di opinioni dei consumatori spinge le testate a regolare l’offerta di contenuti, per venire incontro alla domanda di mercato, per verificare l’applicabilità del modello utilizzato (Mullainhatan e Shleifer, 2005) al contesto italiano. A tale scopo si è analizzato il comportamento di alcuni quotidiani nazionali in occasione di due eventi che hanno profondamente interessato l'opinione pubblica italiana: il fenomeno dei flussi migratori provenienti dalla sponda sud del Mediterraneo nel mese di ottobre 2013 e l'epidemia di influenza H1N1 del 2009.
The cybernetics revolution of the last years improved a lot our lives, having an immediate access to services and a huge amount of information over the Internet. Nowadays the user is increasingly asked to insert his sensitive information on the Internet, leaving its traces everywhere. But there are some categories of people that cannot risk to reveal their identities on the Internet. Even if born to protect U.S. intelligence communications online, nowadays Tor is the most famous low-latency network, that guarantees both anonymity and privacy of its users. The aim of this thesis project is to well understand how the Tor protocol works, not only studying its theory, but also implementing those concepts in practice, having a particular attention for security topics. In order to run a Tor private network, that emulates the real one, a virtual testing environment has been configured. This behavior allows to conduct experiments without putting at risk anonymity and privacy of real users. We used a Tor patch, that stores TLS and circuit keys, to be given as inputs to a Tor dissector for Wireshark, in order to obtain decrypted and decoded traffic. Observing clear traffic allowed us to well check the protocol outline and to have a proof of the format of each cell. Besides, these tools allowed to identify a traffic pattern, used to conduct a traffic correlation attack to passively deanonymize hidden service clients. The attacker, controlling two nodes of the Tor network, is able to link a request for a given hidden server to the client who did it, deanonymizing him. The robustness of the traffic pattern and the statistics, such as the true positive rate, and the false positive rate, of the attack are object of a potential future work.
How did Islam survive in the Soviet Union, and how did it develop since 1991? In four case studies and four longitudinal surveys, senior specialists from the area and two German junior scholars discuss the transformations of Islam in Tatarstan, Azerbaijan, Daghestan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Several chapters analyze the Bolsheviks’ attack on Islam since the 1920s. Altay Göyüşov and Il’nur Minnullin demonstrate how the Soviets first attempted to draw some groups of Muslim scholars and intellectuals to their side, in Azerbaijan and Tatarstan, respectively. In the early 1930s collectivization and outright state terror made a complete end to the Islamic infrastructure, including mosques and pious foundations, Muslim village courts (as shown by Vladimir Bobrovnikov for Dagestan), Islamic educational institutions (as documented by Aširbek Muminov for Uzbekistan), as well as the Muslim press (analyzed by Dilyara Usmanova for Tatarstan); also Sufi brotherhoods became a main target of violent repression (Šamil‘ Šixaliev, for Dagestan). Repression was followed by the establishment of a modus vivendi between state and religion in the post-war period (Muminov, Bobrovnikov, Šixaliev), and by the instrumentalization of religion for patriotic purposes in the post-Soviet Caucasus and Central Asia (Christine Hunner-Kreisel, Manja Stephan, both based on fieldwork). By the early 2000s Islam was almost everywhere back under full state control; the leading role of the state for defining „good“ and „bad“ Islam is largely taken for granted. While similar forms of state pressure in all regions thus allow us to draw an overall picture of how Islamic traditions were repressed and reanimated, the „archival revolution“ of the early 1990s provides fascinating insights into the specific developments in the individual regions, and into the adaptation strategies of the Muslim scholars and intellectuals on the spot. Still, the Soviet heritage is still very palpable; also the attempts to leapfrog the Soviet period and to link up again with the individual local Islamic traditions from before 1917, and even the negation of the Soviet experience in the form of embracing Islamic trends from abroad, are often still couched in largely Soviet mental frameworks.
Background: Since the cognitive revolution of the early 1950s, cognitions have been discussed as central components in the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses. Even though there is an extensive literature on the association between therapy-related cognitions such as irrational beliefs and psychological distress over the past 60 years, there is little meta-analytical knowledge about the nature of this association. Methods: The relationship between irrational beliefs and distress was examined based on a systematic review that included 100 independent samples, gathered in 83 primary studies, using a random-effect model. The overall effects as well as potential moderators were examined: (a) distress measure, (b) irrational belief measure, (c) irrational belief type, (d) method of assessment of distress, (e) nature of irrational beliefs, (f) time lag between irrational beliefs and distress assessment, (g) nature of stressful events, (h) sample characteristics (i.e. age, gender, income, and educational, marital, occupational and clinical status), (i) developer/validator status of the author(s), and (k) publication year and country. Results: Overall, irrational beliefs were positively associated with various types of distress, such as general distress, anxiety, depression, anger, and guilt (omnibus: r = 0.38). The following variables were significant moderators of the relationship between the intensity of irrational beliefs and the level of distress: irrational belief measure and type, stressful event, age, educational and clinical status, and developer/validator status of the author. Conclusions: Irrational beliefs and distress are moderately connected to each other; this relationship remains significant even after controlling for several potential covariates.
William Harvey's discovery of the circulation of the blood is often described as a product of the Scientific Revolution of the Seventeenth Century. Modern research has, however, shown thatHarvey followed the Aristotelian research tradition and thus tried to reveal the purpose of the organs through examination of various animals. His publication of 1628 has to be read as an argument of natural philosophy, or, more precisely, as a series of linked observations, experiments and philosophical reasonings from which the existence of circulation has to be deduced as a logical consequence. Harvey did not consider experiments as superior to philosophical reasoning nor intended he to create a new system of medicine. He believed in the vitality of the heart and the blood and rejected Francis Bacon's empirism and the mechanistic rationalism of Descartes. Harvey's contribution and originality lied less in his single observations and experiments but in the manner how he linked them with critical reasoning and how he accepted, presented and defended the ensuing radical findings.
En el presente artículo se analiza el proceso histórico-social de la revolución sandinista de 1979 haciendo foco en la huella que ésta dejó en los nicaragüenses. Nos proponemos realizar un recorrido por el proceso de la revolución sandinista nicaragüense, analizar sus antecedentes y posibles causas, así como también las consecuencias que trajo a este país centroamericano. También se analizará, someramente, el destino de la revolución con la ofensiva neoliberal en la década de los noventa. Se hará especial hincapié en la dimensión simbólica y cultural que hasta hoy conserva dicha revolución, pero sin dejar de hacer mención a las variables estructurales que condicionaron este proceso. La investigación se nutre de distintas fuentes documentales, así como de entrevistas y de una de las manifestaciones más ricas de la cultura: la música.
Desde 1861 hasta hoy, aunque con interpretaciones muy diferentes, Garibaldi es un ícono de la historia italiana y ha sido y es la opción ideal del héroe que luchó por la unificación de Italia, por la libertad de los otros pueblos, al representar siempre un modelo de personaje funcional en perspectiva pedagógica para la dimensión unitaria del país. Se desencadenó así un proceso sociológico de identificación a través de las imágenes y un registro de la memoria que ha encontrado su desarrollo en la epopeya garibaldina de la Primera Guerra Mundial y más tarde en la epopeya de la Resistencia. La leyenda garibaldina se transmitió, además, a través de la literatura, gracias a escritores como Edmundo de Amicis, a través del cual se puede apreciar el elogio del patrimonio cultural que representan los grandes escritores del pasado, como humus de la alcanzada unidad del país. Después de su muerte, la iconografía monumental intentará enviar un mensaje de unidad política de los italianos, erigiendo estatuas en las que se representan a Garibaldi y a Vittorio Emanuele, ambos a caballo, con la idea simbólica de un encuentro entre la revolución democrática de uno y el centralismo monárquico del otro.
La escena inicial de El Chorro de sangre, mientras una pareja se jura amor eterno (de manera repetitiva y mecánica), llueven sobre el escenario partes del cuerpo humano. En este trabajo pretendo demostrar que Artaud pensó esa lluvia de extremidades desde una recepción sensorial. Es decir, la estrategia del disjecta membra responde a su concepción de un teatro de los sentidos que, como lo señala en El teatro y su doble, busca provocar una “revolución del espíritu". Si el cuerpo es espacio de las luchas entre un “interior" libre y caótico, y las presiones “exteriores", sociales, la fragmentación revela la energía excedente del ser humano por sobre esos controles, la capacidad de resistencia y superación. Para expresar esa resistencia, Artaud apela a la carnavalización del cuerpo que, como lo afirma Bajtín, produce una serie de transgresiones en tanto crítica y resistencia. Así, el cuerpo desmembrado trae a la superficie los miedos y tabúes sobre la muerte, la unidad del cuerpo humano y la inviolabilidad del cadáver. Se concluye que interpretar la lluvia de extremidades humanas requiere comprender El chorro de sangre como la puesta en escena de los principios surrealistas de subversión y desmoralización y, al mismo tiempo, que el cuerpo como objeto central de la representación carnavalesca problematiza tópicos filosóficos como la percepción y la existencia del ser.
La llegada a la presidencia de Juan Perón en 1946, significó para el agro argentino la continuidad de algunas políticas desarrolladas antes de la Revolución de 1943 y profundizadas por ésta. A esas decisiones de carácter productivo y de comercialización se sumaron aquellas orientadas a la mejora de la clase trabajadora rural, sector descuidado hasta el momento. La aplicación del Estatuto del Peón Rural (1947) en un territorio de frontera productiva y ocupacional como el Chaco, en un contexto local desfavorable, despertó uno de los más agitados enfrentamientos entre las entidades Cooperativas agrícolas-en representación de sus asociados- y la Administración local encargada de su aplicación. Es objetivo de este trabajo estudiar, desde la documentación que produjeron las cooperativas y los medios gráficos locales, el conflicto que se despertó en el Chaco al momento de implementarse el Estatuto del Peón
La historiografía oficial uruguaya, articulada por la escuela tradicional de orientación nacionalista, atribuyó a la Revolución de Mayo de 1810 una dimensión subsidiaria. Su crónica es generalmente breve y está contextualizada en relatos geográficamente circunscriptos a la Banda Oriental. Este artículo pretende analizar la interpretación de los acontecimientos de Mayo de 1810 realizada por los principales articuladores de la tesis independentista clásica -Francisco Bauzá, Pablo Blanco Acevedo y Juan Pivel Devoto- e identificar el rol atribuido a la misma en el marco general del discurso nacionalista.
La llegada a la presidencia de Juan Perón en 1946, significó para el agro argentino la continuidad de algunas políticas desarrolladas antes de la Revolución de 1943 y profundizadas por ésta. A esas decisiones de carácter productivo y de comercialización se sumaron aquellas orientadas a la mejora de la clase trabajadora rural, sector descuidado hasta el momento. La aplicación del Estatuto del Peón Rural (1947) en un territorio de frontera productiva y ocupacional como el Chaco, en un contexto local desfavorable, despertó uno de los más agitados enfrentamientos entre las entidades Cooperativas agrícolas-en representación de sus asociados- y la Administración local encargada de su aplicación. Es objetivo de este trabajo estudiar, desde la documentación que produjeron las cooperativas y los medios gráficos locales, el conflicto que se despertó en el Chaco al momento de implementarse el Estatuto del Peón