880 resultados para Reversal of sex
BACKGROUND: Reducing the complexity of major depressive disorder by symptom-based subtypes constitutes the basis of more specific treatments. To date, few studies have empirically derived symptom subtypes separated by sex, although the impact of sex has been widely accepted in depression research. METHODS: The community-based sample included 373 males and 443 females from the Zurich Program for Sustainable Development of Mental Health Services (ZInEP) manifesting depressive symptoms in the past 12 months. Latent Class Analysis (LCA) was performed separately by sex to extract sex-related depression subtypes. The subtypes were characterized by psychosocial characteristics. RESULTS: Three similar subtypes were found in both sexes: a severe typical subtype (males: 22.8%; females: 35.7%), a severe atypical subtype (males: 17.4%; females: 22.6%), and a moderate subtype (males: 25.2%; females: 41.8%). In males, two additional subgroups were identified: a severe irritable/angry-rejection sensitive (IARS) subtype (30%) comprising the largest group, and a small psychomotor retarded subtype (4%). Males belonging to the severe typical subtype exhibited the lowest masculine gender role orientation, while females of the typical subtype showed more anxiety disorders. The severe atypical subtype was associated with eating disorders in both sexes and with alcohol/drug abuse/dependence in females. In contrast, alcohol/drug abuse/dependence was associated with the severe IARS subtype in males. LIMITATIONS:The study had a cross-sectional design, allowing for no causal inferences. CONCLUSIONS:This study contributes to a better understanding of sex-related depression subtypes, which can be well distinguished on the basis of symptom profiles. This provides the base for future research investigating the etiopathogenesis and effective treatment of the heterogeneous depression disorder.
Cardiomyopathy is a frequent complication in propionic acidemia. It is mostly rapidly fatal and independent of the metabolic control or medical intervention. Here, we present the reversal of a severe cardiomyopathy after liver transplantation in a patient with propionic acidemia and the long-term stability after ten years. Liver transplantation in patients with propionic acidemia may be considered a valid and long-lasting treatment when cardiomyopathy is progressive and unresponsive to medical therapy.
This thesis project focused on understanding the basic process controlling cell proliferation in sex-steroid hormone dependent cancers. The availability of inculture models using cloned cell lines offers the greatest advantage for studying the control of this event. Incubation of cloned sex-hormone sensitive cells in medium containing increasing concentrations of sex-hormone stripped serum, results in a dose dependent growth inhibition; this inhibition is reversed by the addition of physiological concentrations of steroid hormones. The mechanisms explaining this phenomenon are not yet fully understood, but different theories propose the existence in serum of a sex hormone binding protein with growth inhibitory properties. We were able to identify a protein that specifically binds sex hormones in rat and horse serum with affinities 10-fold lower to the ones observed with the classic sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG) in humans. Purification of this protein on a large scale Lowed a more detailed analysis. The putative sex-hormone binding protein has an apparent molecular weight of 386 KDa. SDS-PAGE with commassie staining of the purified product, displayed a pattern non-characteristic of SMG, but all bands cross-reacted with a commercial anti-SMG antibody in western analysis. Titrations of the purified product on cell proliferation assays using sex-hormone dependent lines, resulted in a dose dependent growth inhibition. This inhibition was reversed by the addition of sex hormones. Our results indicate that we have identified and purified a sex-hormone binding protein in serum with characteristics similar to SHBG and with cell growth inhibitory properties. ^
Biological speciation ultimately results in prezygotic isolation—the inability of incipient species to mate with one another–but little is understood about the selection pressures and genetic changes that generate this outcome. The genus Chlamydomonas comprises numerous species of unicellular green algae, including numerous geographic isolates of the species C. reinhardtii. This diverse collection has allowed us to analyze the evolution of two sex-related genes: the mid gene of C. reinhardtii, which determines whether a gamete is mating-type plus or minus, and the fus1 gene, which dictates a cell surface glycoprotein utilized by C. reinhardtii plus gametes to recognize minus gametes. Low stringency Southern analyses failed to detect any fus1 homologs in other Chlamydomonas species and detected only one mid homolog, documenting that both genes have diverged extensively during the evolution of the lineage. The one mid homolog was found in C. incerta, the species in culture that is most closely related to C. reinhardtii. Its mid gene carries numerous nonsynonymous and synonymous codon changes compared with the C. reinhardtii mid gene. In contrast, very high sequence conservation of both the mid and fus1 sequences is found in natural isolates of C. reinhardtii, indicating that the genes are not free to drift within a species but do diverge dramatically between species. Striking divergence of sex determination and mate recognition genes also has been encountered in a number of other eukaryotic phyla, suggesting that unique, and as yet unidentified, selection pressures act on these classes of genes during the speciation process.
Immunological unresponsiveness established by the elimination or anergy of self-reactive lymphocyte clones is of importance to immunization against tumor-associated antigens. In this study, we have investigated induction of immunity against the human MUC1 carcinoma-associated antigen in MUC1 transgenic mice unresponsive to MUC1 antigen. Immunization of adult MUC1 transgenic mice with irradiated MUC1-positive tumor cells was unsuccessful in reversing unresponsiveness to MUC1. By contrast, fusions of dendritic cells with MUC1-positive tumor cells induced cellular and humoral immunity against MUC1. Immunization with the dendritic cell fusions that express MUC1 resulted in the rejection of established metastases and no apparent autoimmunity against normal tissues. These findings demonstrate that unresponsiveness to the MUC1 tumor-associated antigen is reversible by immunization with heterokaryons of dendritic cells and MUC1-positive carcinoma cells.
The role of acid secretion in regulating short-term changes in growth rate and wall extensibility was investigated in emerging first leaves of intact, water-stressed maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings. A novel approach was used to measure leaf responses to injection of water or solutions containing potential regulators of growth. Both leaf elongation and wall extensibility, as measured with a whole-plant creep extensiometer, increased dramatically within minutes of injecting water, 0.5 mm phosphate, or strong (50 mm) buffer solutions with pH ≤ 5.0 into the cell-elongation zone of water-stressed leaves. In contrast, injecting buffer solutions at pH ≥ 5.5 inhibited these fast responses. Solutions containing 0.5 mm orthovanadate or erythrosin B to inhibit wall acidification by plasma membrane H+-ATPases were also inhibitory. Thus, cell wall extensibility and leaf growth in water-stressed plants remained inhibited, despite the increased availability of (injected) water when accompanying increases in acid-induced wall loosening were prevented. However, growth was stimulated when pH 4.5 buffers were included with the vanadate injections. These findings suggest that increasing the availability of water to expanding cells in water-stressed leaves signals rapid increases in outward proton pumping by plasma membrane H+-ATPases. Resultant increases in cell wall extensibility participate in the regulation of water uptake, cell expansion, and leaf growth.
In ciliate protists, sex involves the temporary joining of two cells of compatible mating type, followed by meiosis and exchange of gametic nuclei between conjugants. Reproduction is by asexual binary fission following conjugation. For the many ciliates with fixed multiple mating types, frequency-dependent sex-ratio theory predicts equal frequencies of mating types, if sex is common in nature. Here, we report that in natural populations of Tetrahymena thermophila sexually immature cells, indicative of recent conjugation, are found from spring through fall. In addition, the seven mating types occur in approximately equal frequencies, and these frequencies appear to be maintained by interaction between complex, multiple mat alleles and environmental conditions during conjugation. Such genotype-environment interaction determining mating type frequency is rare among ciliates.
People’s health and well-being may be determined by the interaction of endogenous and external rhythms. Late chronotypes should become anxious because of the demand to perform tasks in a society oriented preferentially to morning work. In this study, we examined the relationship between morningness and anxiety in 559 adults (age range 40–63 years) from rural environments who completed morningness–eveningness and anxiety measures. Results indicated a negative correlation between morningness and anxiety in women, but not in men, suggesting the relevance of gender-related variables. When demographic characteristics were considered, women’s anxiety was predicted by low educational level and eveningness, whereas men’s anxiety was predicted by being single, having children, being unemployed, and eveningness. Some hypotheses of gender-related social roles are postulated as a possible explanation of the results.
The magnetization reversal of two-dimensional arrays of parallel ferromagnetic Fe nanowires embedded in nanoporous alumina templates has been studied. By combining bulk magnetization measurements (superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry) with field-dependent magnetic force microscopy (MFM), we have been able to decompose the macroscopic hysteresis loop in terms of the irreversible magnetic responses of individual nanowires. The latter are found to behave as monodomain ferromagnetic needles, with hysteresis loops displaced (asymmetric) as a consequence of the strong dipolar interactions between them. The application of field-dependent MFM provides a microscopic method to obtain the hysteresis curve of the array, by simply registering the fraction of up and down magnetized wires as a function of applied field. The observed deviations from the rectangular shape of the macroscopic hysteresis loop of the array can be ascribed to the spatial variation of the dipolar field through the inhomogeneously filled membrane. The system studied proves to be an excellent example of the two-dimensional classical Preisach model, well known from the field of hysteresis modeling and micromagnetism.
A simple change in the polarity of the solvent allows both enantiomers of substituted succinimides to be obtained in the enantioselective conjugate addition reaction of aldehydes, mainly α,α-disubstituted, to maleimides catalysed by chiral carbamate-monoprotected trans-cyclohexane-1,2-diamines. Using a single enantiomer of the organocatalyst, both enantiomers of the resulting Michael adducts are obtained in high yields by simply changing the reaction solvent from aqueous DMF (up to 84 % ee) to chloroform (up to 86 % ee). Theoretical calculations are used to explain this uncommon reversal of the enantioselectivity; two transition state orientations of different polarities are differently favoured in polar or nonpolar solvents.
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"May 1980."