899 resultados para Response surface methodology (RSM)


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This study examines a matrix of synthetic water samples designed to include conditions that favour brominated disinfection by-product (Br-DBP) formation, in order to provide predictive models suitable for high Br-DBP forming waters such as salinity-impacted waters. Br-DBPs are known to be more toxic than their chlorinated analogues, in general, and their formation may be favoured by routine water treatment practices such as coagulation/flocculation under specific conditions; therefore, circumstances surrounding their formation must be understood. The chosen factors were bromide concentration, mineral alkalinity, bromide to dissolved organic carbon (Br/DOC) ratio and Suwannee River natural organic matter concentration. The relationships between these parameters and DBP formation were evaluated by response surface modelling of data generated using a face-centred central composite experimental design. Predictive models for ten brominated and/or chlorinated DBPs are presented, as well as models for total trihalomethanes (tTHMs) and total dihaloacetonitriles (tDHANs), and bromide substitution factors for the THMs and DHANs classes. The relationships described revealed that increasing alkalinity and increasing Br/DOC ratio were associated with increasing bromination of THMs and DHANs, suggesting that DOC lowering treatment methods that do not also remove bromide such as enhanced coagulation may create optimal conditions for Br-DBP formation in waters in which bromide is present.


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Using polynomial regression and response surface analysis to examine the non-linearity between variables, this study demonstrates that better analytical nuances are required to investigate the relationships between constructs when the underlying theories suggest non-linearity. By utilising the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), Ettlie’s adoption stages as well as employing data gathered from 162 owners of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), our findings reveal that subjective norms and attitude have differing influences upon behavioural intention in both the evaluation and trial stages of the adoption.


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In the present study, results of reliability analyses of four selected rehabilitated earth dam sections, i.e., Chang, Tapar, Rudramata, and Kaswati, under pseudostatic loading conditions, are presented. Using the response surface methodology, in combination with first order reliability method and numerical analysis, the reliability index (beta) values are obtained and results are interpreted in conjunction with conventional factor of safety values. The influence of considering variability in the input soil shear strength parameters, horizontal seismic coefficient (alpha(h)), and location of reservoir full level on the stability assessment of the earth dam sections is discussed in the probabilistic framework. A comparison of results with those obtained from other method of reliability analysis, viz., Monte Carlo simulations combined with limit equilibrium approach, provided a basis for discussing the stability of earth dams in probabilistic terms, and the results of the analysis suggest that the considered earth dam sections are reliable and are expected to perform satisfactorily.


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Tutkimuksen kirjallisuuskatsauksessa keskityttiin jäätelöpuikkoihin, erilaisiin suklaakuorrutteisiin ja elintarvikkeiden kuorruttamiseen suklaalla. Lisäksi kirjallisuuskatsauksessa perehdyttiin suklaan koostumukseen, nestemäisen suklaan virtausominaisuuksiin ja koostumuksen ja virtausominaisuuksien välisiin vuorovaikutuksiin. Kokeellisessa osassa tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten maitosuklaakuorrutteen rasvapitoisuuden, emulgointiainepitoisuuden ja kuorrutteen lämpötilanvaihtelut vaikuttavat kuorrutteen viskositeettiin, myötöjännitykseen, jähmettymisaikaan ja jäätelöpuikon päälle jäävän kuorrutteen määrään. Erityisesti pyrittiin selvittämään, miten jäätelöpuikon päälle jäävän kuorrutteen määrää saadaan säädeltyä kuorrutteen rasvapitoisuutta, emulgointiainepitoisuutta ja lämpötilaa muuttamalla. Tutkimuksen koeasetelma tehtiin Box-Behnken-mallilla. Selittäviksi muuttujiksi tutkimukseen valittiin kuorrutteen rasvan määrä, emulgointiaineen määrä ja kuorrutteen lämpötila jäätelöpuikkoja kuorrutettaessa. Vastemuuttujina oli kuorrutteen jähmettymisaika, viskositeetti, myötöjännitys ja jäätelöpuikon päälle jäävän kuorrutteen määrä. Tulokset käsiteltiin regressioanalyysin avulla. Muuttujien välisiä vuorovaikutuksia tutkittiin vastepintamallilla. Vastemuuttujien välisiä korrelaatioita tutkittaessa käytettiin Pearsonin korrelaatiokerrointa. Kuorrutteen rasvan määrän lisääntyminen vähensi tilastollisesti merkitsevästi jäätelöpuikon päälle jäävän kuorrutteen määrää, kuorrutteen jähmettymisaikaa, viskositeettia ja myötöjännitystä. Emulgointiaineen määrän lisääminen kuorrutteessa pienensi kuorrutteen määrää jäätelöpuikon päällä, kuorrutteen jähmettymisaikaa ja kuorrutteen myötöjännitystä. Kuorrutteen lämpötilan lisääminen jäätelöpuikkoja kuorrutettaessa pienensi kuorrutteen määrää ja viskositeettia. Kuorrutteen jähmettymisaika sen sijaan piteni lämpötilaa lisättäessä. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan sanoa, että jäätelöpuikkoja kastettaessa suklaakuorrutteen lämpötila, rasvan määrä ja lesitiinin määrä vaikuttivat jäätelöpuikon päälle jäävän kuorrutteen määrään. Vastepintamallinnuksen käyttö soveltui hyvin suklaakuorrutteen määrän tutkimiseen. Sen avulla saatiin selvitettyä, miten jäätelöpuikon päälle jäävän kuorrutteen määrää saadaan säädeltyä muuttamalla kuorrutteen emulgointiainepitoisuutta, rasvapitoisuutta ja lämpötilaa.


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In the analysis and design of municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills, there are many uncertainties associated with the properties of MSW during and after MSW placement. Several studies are performed involving different laboratory and field tests to understand the complex behavior and properties of MSW, and based on these studies, different models are proposed for the analysis of time dependent settlement response of MSW. For the analysis of MSW settlement, it is very important to account for the variability of model parameters that reflect different processes such as primary compression under loading, mechanical creep and biodegradation. In this paper, regression equations based on response surface method (RSM) are used to represent the complex behavior of MSW using a newly developed constitutive model. An approach to assess landfill capacities and develop landfill closure plans based on prediction of landfill settlements is proposed. The variability associated with model parameters relating to primary compression, mechanical creep and biodegradation are used to examine their influence on MSW settlement using reliability analysis framework and influence of various parameters on the settlement of MSW are estimated through sensitivity analysis. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Dry sliding wear behavior of epoxy matrix syntactic foams filled with 20, 40 and 60 wt% fly ash cenosphere is reported based on response surface methodology. Empirical models are constructed and validated based on analysis of variance. Results show that syntactic foams have higher wear resistance than the matrix resin. Among the parameters studied, the applied normal load (F) had a prominent effect on wear rate, specific wear rate (w(s)) and coefficient of friction (mu). With increasing F, the wear rate increased, whereas ws and mu decreased. With increase in filler content, the wear rate and w(s) decreased, while the mu increased. With increase in sliding velocity as well as sliding distance, the wear rate and ws show decreasing trends. Microscopy revealed broken cenospheres forming debris and extensive deformation marks on the wear surface. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nos últimos anos, a busca por fontes de energia renováveis e o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias para a produção de biocombustíveis têm sido objeto de intensa investigação. O biodiesel é um combustível biodegradável, derivado de fontes renováveis e é obtido em escala industrial principalmente através da reação de transesterificação de óleos vegetais e/ou gorduras animais com metanol na presença de catalisadores homogêneos, como NaOH. Entretanto, a utilização de catalisadores heterogêneos tem sido sugerida por diversos autores, por apresentar vantagens como a eliminação dos problemas de separação e purificação dos produtos obtidos. No presente trabalho foi investigada a produção de biodiesel a partir da transesterificação do óleo de soja com metanol utilizando óxidos mistos de Zn e Al como catalisadores sólidos básicos. A influência das variáveis: temperatura, concentração de catalisador e relação molar metanol/óleo de soja na produção de biodiesel foi avaliada. Os catalisadores preparados apresentaram predominantemente sítios básicos e foram ativos frente à reação estudada, sendo os resultados mais promissores apresentados pelo óxido misto com relação molar Al/(Al+Zn)=0,50, obtido por tratamento térmico à 450C, que apresentou rendimentos em ésteres metílicos de até 98,5% sob condições específicas. A metodologia da superfície de resposta foi utilizada visando estabelecer as condições ótimas para maximizar o rendimento em ésteres metílicos, tendo sido encontradas a temperatura de 165oC e a concentração de catalisador de 5,8% m/m em relação massa de óleo, no caso da relação molar metanol/óleo de soja limitada em 15. Essa limitação teve como objetivo garantir um processo viável em escala comercial


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A identificação de danos estruturais é uma questão de fundamental importância na engenharia, visto que uma estrutura está sujeita a processos de deterioração e a ocorrência de danos durante a sua vida útil. A presença de danos compromete o desempenho e a integridade estrutural, podendo colocar vidas humanas em risco e resultam em perdas econômicas consideráveis. Técnicas de identificação de danos estruturais e monitoramento de estruturas fundamentadas no ajuste de um Modelo de Elementos Finitos (MEF) são constantes na literatura especializada. No entanto, a obtenção de um problema geralmente mal posto e o elevado custo computacional, inerente a essas técnicas, limitam ou até mesmo inviabilizam a sua aplicabilidade em estruturas que demandam um modelo de ordem elevada. Para contornar essas dificuldades, na formulação do problema de identificação de danos, pode-se utilizar o Modelo de Superfície de Reposta (MSR) em substituição a um MEF da estrutura. No presente trabalho, a identificação de danos estruturais considera o ajuste de um MSR da estrutura, objetivando-se a minimização de uma função de erro definida a partir das frequências naturais experimentais e das correspondentes frequências previstas pelo MSR. Estuda-se o problema de identificação de danos estruturais em uma viga de Euler-Bernoulli simplesmente apoiada, considerando as frequências naturais na formulação do problema inverso. O comportamento de uma viga de Euler-Bernoulli simplesmente apoiada na presença de danos é analisado, com intuito de se verificar as regiões onde a identificação dos mesmos pode apresentar maior dificuldade. No processo de identificação de danos, do presente trabalho, são avaliados os tipos de superfícies de resposta, após uma escolha apropriada do tipo de superfície de resposta a ser utilizado, determina-se a superfície de resposta considerando os dados experimentais selecionados a partir do projeto ótimo de experimentos. A utilização do método Evolução Diferencial (ED) no problema inverso de identificação de danos é considerado inerente aos resultados numéricos obtidos, a estratégia adotada mostrou-se capaz de localizar e quantificar os danos com elevada acurácia, mostrando a potencialidade do modelo de identificação de danos proposto.


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Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD can be used as a powerful tool supporting engineers throughout the steps of the design. The combination of CFD with response surface methodology can play an important role in such cases. During the conceptual engineering design phase, a quick response is always a matter of urgency. During this phase even a sketch of the geometrical model is rare. Therefore, the utilisation of typical response surface developed for congested and confined environment rather than CFD can be an important tool to help the decision making process, when the geometrical model is not available, provided that similarities can be considered when taking into account the characteristic of the geometry in which the response surface was developed. The present work investigates how three different types of response surfaces behave when predicting overpressure in accidental scenarios based on CFD input. First order, partial second order and complete second order polynomial expressions are investigated. The predicted results are compared with CFD findings for a classical offshore experiment conducted by British Gas on behalf of Mobil and good agreement is observed for higher order response surfaces. The higher order response surface calculations are also compared with CFD calculations for a typical offshore module and good agreement is also observed. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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Enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose was highly complex because of the unclear enzymatic mechanism and many factors that affect the heterogeneous system. Therefore, it is difficult to build a theoretical model to study cellulose hydrolysis by cellulase. Artificial neural network (ANN) was used to simulate and predict this enzymatic reaction and compared with the response surface model (RSM). The independent variables were cellulase amount X-1, substrate concentration X-2, and reaction time X-3, and the response variables were reducing sugar concentration Y-1 and transformation rate of the raw material Y-2. The experimental results showed that ANN was much more suitable for studying the kinetics of the enzymatic hydrolysis than RSM. During the simulation process, relative errors produced by the ANN model were apparently smaller than that by RSM except one and the central experimental points. During the prediction process, values produced by the ANN model were much closer to the experimental values than that produced by RSM. These showed that ANN is a persuasive tool that can be used for studying the kinetics of cellulose hydrolysis catalyzed by cellulase.


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The feasibility of biodiesel production from tung oil was investigated. The esterification reaction of the free fatty acids of tung oil was performed using Amberlyst-15. Optimal molar ratio of methanol to oil was determined to be 7.5:1, and Amberlyst-15 was 20.8wt% of oil by response surface methodology. Under these reaction conditions, the acid value of tung oil was reduced to 0.72mg KOH/g. In the range of the molar equivalents of methanol to oil under 5, the esterification was strongly affected by the amount of methanol but not the catalyst. When the molar ratio of methanol to oil was 4.1:1 and Amberlyst-15 was 29.8wt% of the oil, the acid value decreased to 0.85mg KOH/g. After the transesterification reaction of pretreated tung oil, the purity of tung biodiesel was 90.2wt%. The high viscosity of crude tung oil decreased to 9.8mm(2)/s at 40 degrees C. Because of the presence of eleostearic acid, which is a main component of tung oil, the oxidation stability as determined by the Rancimat method was very low, 0.5h, but the cold filter plugging point, -11 degrees C, was good. The distillation process did not improve the fatty acid methyl ester content and the viscosity.


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As a kind of waste collected from restaurants, trap grease is a chemically challenging feedstock for biodiesel production for its high free fatty acid (FFA) content. A central composite design was used to evaluate the effect of methanol quantity, acid concentration and reaction time on the synthesis of biodiesel from the trap grease with 50% free fatty acid, while the reaction temperature was selected at 95 degrees C. Using response surface methodology, a quadratic polynomial equation was obtained for ester content by multiple regression analysis. Verification experiments confirmed the validity of the predicted model. To achieve the highest ester content of crude biodiesel (89.67%), the critical values of the three variables were 35.00 (methanol-to-oil molar ratio), 11.27 wt% (catalyst concentration based on trap grease) and 4.59 h (reaction time). The crude biodiesel could be purified by a second distillation to meet the requirement of biodiesel specification of Korea.


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The influence of process variables (pea starch, guar gum and glycerol) on the viscosity (V), solubility (SOL), moisture content (MC), transparency (TR), Hunter parameters (L, a, and b), total color difference (ΔE), yellowness index (YI), and whiteness index (WI) of the pea starch based edible films was studied using three factors with three level Box–Behnken response surface design. The individual linear effect of pea starch, guar and glycerol was significant (p < 0.05) on all the responses. However, a value was only significantly (p < 0.05) affected by pea starch and guar gum in a positive and negative linear term, respectively. The effect of interaction of starch × glycerol was also significant (p < 0.05) on TR of edible films. Interaction between independent variables starch × guar gum had a significant impact on the b and YI values. The quadratic regression coefficient of pea starch showed a significant effect (p < 0.05) on V, MC, L, b, ΔE, YI, and WI; glycerol level on ΔE and WI; and guar gum on ΔE and SOL value. The results were analyzed by Pareto analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the second order polynomial models were developed from the experimental design with reliable and satisfactory fit with the corresponding experimental data and high coefficient of determination (R2) values (>0.93). Three-dimensional response surface plots were established to investigate the relationship between process variables and the responses. The optimized conditions with the goal of maximizing TR and minimizing SOL, YI and MC were 2.5 g pea starch, 25% glycerol and 0.3 g guar gum. Results revealed that pea starch/guar gum edible films with appropriate physical and optical characteristics can be effectively produced and successfully applied in the food packaging industry.


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A common problem faced by fire safety engineers in the field of evacuation analysis concerns the optimal design of an arbitrarily complex structure in order to minimise evacuation times. How does the engineer determine the best solution? In this study we introduce the concept of numerical optimisation techniques to address this problem. The study makes user of the buildingEXODUS evacuation model coupled with classical optimisation theory including Design of Experiments (DoE) and Response Surface Models (RSM). We demonstrate the technique using a relatively simple problem of determining the optimal location for a single exit in a square room.


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An environment friendly arsenic removal technique from contaminated soil with high iron content has been studied. A natural surfactant extracted from soapnut fruit, phosphate solution and their mixture was used separately as extractants. The mixture was most effective in desorbing arsenic, attaining above 70 % efficiency in the pH range of 4–5. Desorption kinetics followed Elovich model. Micellar solubilization by soapnut and arsenic exchange mechanism by phosphate are the probable mechanisms behind arsenic desorption. Sequential extraction reveals that the mixed soapnut–phosphate system is effective in desorbing arsenic associated with amphoteric–Fe-oxide forms. No chemical change to the wash solutions was observed by Fourier transform-infrared spectra. Soil:solution ratio, surfactant and phosphate concentrations were found to affect the arsenic desorption process. Addition of phosphate boosted the performance of soapnut solution considerably. Response surface methodology approach predicted up to 80 % desorption of arsenic from soil when treated with a mixture of ≈1.5 % soapnut, ≈100 mM phosphate at a soil:solution ratio of 1:30.