870 resultados para Requirements Ambiguity
Vaatimusmäärittely on tärkeä osa ohjelmistotuotantoa. Vaatimusten jäljitettävyys on osa vaatimustenhallinta prosessia. Jäljitettävyystieto helpottaa vaatimusten hallintaa läpi koko tuotekehitys projektin. Hyvin usein vaatimusten jäljitettävyyttä ei kuitenkaan ole toteutettu ohjelmistokehitysprojekteissa. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää vaatimusten jäljitettävyyden tärkeyttä ohjelmistotuotannossa sekä kuinka jäljitettävyys voitaisiin toteuttaa ohjelmistokehitysprojekteissa. Vaatimusten jäljitettävyyttä sekä eri tekniikoita sen toteuttamiseksi on tutkittu kirjallisuuden avulla. Yrityksen vaatimusten jäljitettävyyden nykytilaa on selvitetty tutkimalla olemassa olevaa prosessimallia sekä todellisia tuotekehitysprojekteja. Tuloksena esitettiin perusteluja, miksi jäljitettävyystieto pitäisi sisällyttää ohjelmistokehitysprojekteihin sekä menetelmiä, kuinka jäljitettävyystieto voidaan toteuttaa projekteissa kustannustehokkaasti. Työssä on esitetty strategiavaihtoehto ja menetelmät jäljitettävyyden toteuttamiseksi. Pienillä korjauksilla jäljitettävyys pystytään toteuttamaan kevyellä tasolla. Suurin parannusehdotus prosessimalliin on jäljitettävyysmatriisien luominen. Matriisien avulla pystytään projekteissa toteuttamaan jäljitettävyys sekä eteen- että taaksepäin. Vaatimustenhallintatyökalu helpottaisi jäljitettävyystiedon ylläpitoa.
One stream of leadership theory suggests leaders are evaluated via inferential observer processes that compare the fit of the target to a prototype of an ideal (charismatic) leader. Attributional theories of leadership suggest that evaluations depend on knowledge of past organizational performance, which is attributed to the leader's skills. We develop a novel theory showing how inferential and attributional processes simultaneously explain top-level leader evaluation and ultimately leader retention and selection. We argue that observers will mostly rely on attributional mechanisms when performance signals clearly indicate good or poor performance outcomes. However, under conditions of attributional ambiguity (i.e., when performance signals are unclear), observers will mostly rely on inferential processes. In Study 1 we tested our theory in an unconventional context-the U.S. presidential election-and found that the two processes, due to the leader's charisma and country economic performance, interact in predicting whether a leader is selected. Using a business context and an experimental design, in Study 2 we show that CEO charisma and firm performance interact in predicting leader retention, confirming the results we found in Study 1. Our results suggest that this phenomenon is quite general and can apply to various performance domains.
The principal aim of this study is to clarify the requirements of segment reporting and compare the requirements with the actual! implementation on different business lines. The empirical part was concluded by interviewing randomly selected companies that are publicly listed on the Helsinki Exchanges. The theoretical part of the study (chapters 2 and 3) will give basic information about shifting to IAS -standards and the requirements of IAS -standards. In order to meet the principal aim, a pre-empiric research was conducted by studying the annual accounts (year 2002) of randomly selected companies that already follow the IAS -standards of reporting. The companies in the pre-empiric research consist of both domestic and foreign companies. The aim of the pre-empiric study was to give a basis for the interview process on the empiric part of the study. The study indicates that implementing segment reporting has not brought any major concerns or problems. This is due to the fact that most companies that were examined - being publicly listed companies - have traditionally had a clear division between their geographical and commercial segments, and also been obliged to give reports according to these segments. In case of changes in corporate structure, shifting on new lines of businesses or downsizing of operations, the problems in reporting according to IAS -standards, may arise. Such changes will also require changes on information systems, providing the essential information for segment reporting. According to this study, most companies choose the commercial segment as their primary segment for reporting. The pre-empiric study indicates, that most of the companies already following the IAS -standards, still have a lot of improvement to do, in order to meet all the IAS requirements.
Healthy nutrition is accepted as a cornerstone of public health strategies for reducing the risk of noncommunicable conditions such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and related morbidities. However, many research studies continue to focus on single or at most a few factors that may elicit a metabolic effect. These reductionist approaches resulted in: (1) exaggerated claims for nutrition as a cure or prevention of disease; (2) the wide use of empirically based dietary regimens, as if one fits all; and (3) frequent disappointment of consumers, patients, and healthcare providers about the real impact nutrition can make on medicine and health. Multiple factors including environment, host and microbiome genetics, social context, the chemical form of the nutrient, its (bio)availability, and chemical and metabolic interactions among nutrients all interact to result in nutrient requirement and in health outcomes. Advances in laboratory methodologies, especially in analytical and separation techniques, are making the chemical dissection of foods and their availability in physiological tissues possible in an unprecedented manner. These omics technologies have opened opportunities for extending knowledge of micronutrients and of their metabolic and endocrine roles. While these technologies are crucial, more holistic approaches to the analysis of physiology and environment, novel experimental designs, and more sophisticated computational methods are needed to advance our understanding of how nutrition influences health of individuals.
This thesis studies forming a complete solution concept for tap water systems in project business environment. The aim of the study is to find tools and means for the target company to determine the scope of their tap water solution offering and to research what kind of organizational capabilities and resources are needed to supply such system solutions. With the help of literature, the characteristics of systems selling and project business and thematics of systems integration and integrated solutions are examined, and the significance of modularity and customer requirements in the given operational environment is discussed. After this, a checklist tool for customer requirements management is developed for the tap water system along with a module allocation method. The study proposes that with the checklist and module allocation the technical specifications can be extensively and innovatively defined for the system. The tools developed are a part of a complete tap water solution concept, which suggests that integrated solutions might constitute possibilities for the company to outperform its competitors when the traditional business methods of the industry are becoming obsolete.
Although the efficacy of methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) in opioid dependence disorder has been well established, the influence of methadone pharmacokinetics in dose requirement and clinical outcome remains controversial. The aim of this study is to analyze methadone dosage in responder and nonresponder patients considering pharmacogenetic and pharmacokinetic factors that may contribute to dosage adequacy. Opioid dependence patients (meeting Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, [4th Edition] criteria) from a MMT community program were recruited. Patients were clinically assessed and blood samples were obtained to determine plasma concentrations of (R,S)-, (R) and (S)- methadone and to study allelic variants of genes encoding CYP3A5, CYP2D6, CYP2B6, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, and P-glycoprotein. Responders and nonresponders were defined by illicit opioid consumption detected in random urinalysis. The final sample consisted in 105 opioid dependent patients of Caucasian origin. Responder patients received higher doses of methadone and have been included into treatment for a longer period. No differences were found in terms of genotype frequencies between groups. Only CYP2D6 metabolizing phenotype differences were found in outcome status, methadone dose requirements, and plasma concentrations, being higher in the ultrarapid metabolizers. No other differences were found between phenotype and responder status, methadone dose requirements, neither in methadone plasma concentrations. Pharmacokinetic factors could explain some but not all differences in MMT outcome and methadone dose requirements.
One of the main industries which form the basis of Russian Economical structure is oil and gas. This industry is also playing a significant role for CIS countries. Oil and gas industry is developing intensively attracting foreign investments. This situation is providing sustainable development of machinery production for hazardous areas. Operating in oil and gas areas is always related with occurrence of explosion gas atmospheres. Machines for hazardous areas must be furnished with additional protection of different types. Explosion protection is regulated with standards according to which equipment must be manufactured. In Russia and CIS countries explosion-proof equipment must be constructed in compliance with GOST standards. To confirm that equipment is manufactured according to standards’ requirements and is safe and reliable it must undergo the approval procedure. Certification in Russia is governed by Federal Laws and legislation. Each CIS country has its own approval certificates and permissions for operating in hazardous areas.
Tutkielman tarkoituksena on osallistua liiketaloustieteelliseen keskusteluun organisaatiositoutumisesta. Pro gradu -työn tavoitteena on tunnistaa, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat etätyöntekijöiden sitoutumiseen ja minkälaisia lisähaasteita etätyöskentely luo sitoutumiselle. Tutkielman teoriaosuudessa käsitellään etätyön eri lajeja, etätyöhön siirtymisen edellytyksiä, erilaisia sitoutumismalleja sekä sitoutumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin laadullisia tutkimusmenetelmiä. Havaintoaineisto muodostuu yhdeksästä teemahaastattelusta. Haastateltavat etätyöntekijät edustavat tasaisesti kaikkia etätyönteon muotoja. Analyysimenetelmänä on käytetty teemoittelua, joka helpottaa aineiston jäsentelyä. Tutkimustulosten perusteella etätyöntekijöiden organisaatiositoutumiseen vaikuttavat eniten työn haasteellisuus, uralla etenemisen mahdollisuudet, esimiestoiminta ja työilmapiiri. Tutkimuksen mukaan etätyöskentely vaikuttaa etenkin työilmapiiriin, työnkuvan selkeyteen, työstä saatavaan palautteeseen sekä sisäiseen viestintään.
Chironomidae spatial distribution was investigated at 63 near-pristine sites in 22 catchments of the Iberian Mediterranean coast. We used partial redundancy analysis to study Chironomidae community responses to a number of environmental factors acting at several spatial scales. The percentage of variation explained by local factors (23.3%) was higher than that explained by geographical (8.5%) or regional factors(8%). Catchment area, longitude, pH, % siliceous rocks in the catchment, and altitude were the best predictors of Chironomidae assemblages. We used a k-means cluster analysis to classified sites into 3 major groups based on Chironomidae assemblages. These groups were explained mainly by longitudinal zonation and geographical position, and were defined as 1) siliceous headwater streams, 2) mid-altitude streams with small catchment areas, and 3) medium-sized calcareous streams. Distinct species assemblages with associated indicator taxa were established for each stream category using IndVal analysis. Species responses to previously identified key environmental variables were determined, and optima and tolerances were established by weighted average regression. Distinct ecological requirements were observed among genera and among species of the same genus. Some genera were restricted to headwater systems (e.g., Diamesa), whereas others (e.g., Eukiefferiella) had wider ecological preferences but with distinct distributions among congenerics. In the present period of climate change, optima and tolerances of species might be a useful tool to predict responses of different species to changes in significant environmental variables, such as temperature and hydrology.
The aim of this study was to determine the minimum conditions of wetness duration and mean temperature required for Fusarium head blight infection in wheat. The weather model developed by Zoldan (2008) was tested in field experiments for two wheat cultivars grown in 2005 (five sowing dates) and 2006 (six sowing dates) in 10 m² plots with three replicates. The disease was assessed according to head incidence (HI), spikelet incidence (SI), and the interaction between these two methods was called head blight severity (HBS). Starting at the beginning of anthesis, air temperature and head wetness duration were daily recorded with an automatic weather station. With the combination of these two factors, a weather favorability table was built for the disease occurrence. Starting on the day of flowering beginning (1 - 5% fully exserted anthers), the sum of daily values for infection favorability (SDVIF) was calculated by means of a computer program, according to Zoldan (2008) table. The initial symptoms of the disease were observed at 3.7% spikelet incidence, corresponding to 2.6 SVDFI. The infection occurs in wheat due to rainfall which results in spike wetting of > 61.4 h duration. Rainfall events forecast can help time fungicide application to control FHB. The name of this alert system is proposed as UPF-scab alert.
One of the most crucial tasks for a company offering a software product is to decide what new features should be implemented in the product’s forthcoming versions. Yet, existing studies show that this is also a task with which many companies are struggling. This problem has been claimed to be ambiguous and changing. There are better or worse solutions to the problem, but no optimal one. Furthermore, the criteria determining the success of the solution keeps changing due to continuously changing competition, technologies and market needs. This thesis seeks to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges that companies have reportedly faced in determining the requirements for their forthcoming product versions. To this end, product management related activities are explored in seven companies. Following grounded theory approach, the thesis conducts four iterations of data analysis, where each of the iterations goes beyond the previous one. The thesis results in a theory proposal intended to 1) describe the essential characteristics of organizations’ product management challenges, 2) explain the origins of the perceived challenges and 3) suggest strategies to alleviate the perceived challenges. The thesis concludes that current product management approaches are becoming inadequate to deal with challenges that have multiple and conflicting interpretations, different value orientations, unclear goals, contradictions and paradoxes. This inadequacy continues to increase until current beliefs and assumptions about the product management challenges are questioned and a new paradigm for dealing with the challenges is adopted.
Vaatimustenhallinnan alue on hyvin kompleksinen. Sen terminologia on moninaista ja samat termit voivat tarkoittaa eri asioita eri ihmisille. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on selkeyttää vaatimustenhallinnan aluetta. Se vastaa kysymyksiin kuten, mitä vaatimustenhallinta on ja miten sitä voidaan tehdä. Työ keskittyy vaatimusten analysoinnin ja validoinnin alueisiin, joten tältä osin se vastaa myös tarkempiin kysymyksiin kuten, miten koottujen vaatimusten jäljitettävyyttä, dokumentointia, analysointia ja validointia voidaan tehdä. Tämän työn kautta vaatimustenhallinta voidaan esitellä yritykselle ja sen eri osat voivat saada saman käsityksen vaatimustenhallinnasta. Tutkimus esittelee vaatimustenhallinnan prosessina, joka pitää sisällään vaatimusten jäljitettävyyden, vaatimusten dokumentoinnin, vaatimusten muutoksenhallinnan ja vaatimusmäärityksen. Vaatimusmääritys voidaan edelleen jakaa vaatimusten koostamiseen, analysointiin ja neuvotteluun sekä validointiin. Työssä esitellään geneerinen vaatimustenhallinnan prosessimalli. Mallin avulla näytetään, että vaatimustenhallinta on jatkuva prosessi, jossa kaikki aktiviteetit ovat kytköksissä toisiinsa. Näitä aktiviteettejä suoritetaan enemmän tai vähemmän samanaikaisesti. Malli esitetään geneerisessä muodossa, jotta se olisi hyödynnettävissä systeemi- ja tuotekehitys projekteissa sekä sisäisissä kehitysprojekteissa. Se kertoo, että vaatimukset tulisi jalostaa niin aikaisin, kuin mahdollista, jotta muutoksien määrä kehitystyön myöhemmissä vaiheissa voitaisiin minimoida. Jotkin muutokset eivät ole vältettävissä, joten muutoksenhallinnan tueksi tulisi kehittää jäljitettävyyskäsikirja ja jäljitettävyyskäytännöt. Vaatimustenhallintaa tarkastellaan meneillään olevassa kehitysprojektissa. Tarkastelussa tutkitaan, mitä vaatimustenhallinnan toimintatapoja sekä analysointi- ja validointimetodeja käytetään ja mitä voitaisiin tehdä vaatimustenhallinnan parantamiseksi projektissa.
This bachelor’s thesis is a part of the research project realized in the summer 2011 in Lappeenranta University of Technology. The goal of the project was to create an automation concept for controlling an electrically excited synchronous motor. This thesis concentrates on the setup and requirements specification part of the concept. The setup consists of ABB AC500 as the PLC master device, DCS800 as an exciter and ACS800 as a frequency converter. The ACS800 frequency converter uses permanent magnet synchronous machine software to control the stator’s magnetic field, the DC drive handles the excitation and the AC500 PLC master controls the communication and functionality of the system. The requirements specification briefly explains the general over-view of the concept, the use and functionality of the PLC program and the requirements needed for the whole concept and the PLC program to work as intended.