977 resultados para Regional growth
El Lago Chad ha sido durante varias décadas, una fuente de supervivencia económica para millones de personas que habitan en cuatro Estados a saber; Nigeria, Níger, Chad y Camerún. No obstante, el cambio climático, el aumento acelerado de la población, la explotación insostenible y la mala regulación de los Estados ribereños han sido los principales factores que han dado lugar, en la última década, a la dramática reducción del nivel del Lago Chad. Teniendo en cuenta que los Estados aledaños al Lago, se encuentran inmersos en una Interdependencia Compleja, este nuevo contexto, ha tenido un impacto directo en la región, debido a que ha agravado otras variables económicas, sociales, ambientales y políticas, dejando un ambiente de inseguridad regional. De esta manera, la reducción de la Cuenca del Lago Chad representa una amenaza compartida que vincula estrechamente a Nigeria, Níger, Chad y Camerún, lo que permite vislumbrar la existencia de un Subcomplejo de Seguridad Regional.
La Unión Europea es una institución sui generis, es un proceso avanzado desde lo estructural y necesita hacer frente a las amenazas que cuestionan su existencia, es por eso que ha demandado a los Estados concesiones políticas para potenciar su crecimiento.
Un gran número de reconocidas ciudades en el mundo han llegado a niveles excepcionalesde desarrollo económico y social apalancadas por innovaciones de punta. Para laregión de Poitou-Charentes, en Francia, la presencia del parque de atracciones Futuroscopeen la ciudad de Poitiers se ha convertido en una importante atracción turística que actualmente propone una incógnita: ¿es esta infraestructura suficiente para considerar elGrand Technopole de Poitiers como un exitoso cluster de alta tecnología?Para conseguir las condiciones que permitan consolidar este cluster de alta tecnología, laregión debe tener la posibilidad de articular, gestionar y gobernar agresivas estrategias deinnovación.Con base en los resultados de un estudio sobre varias ciudades innovadoras de todo elmundo, se identificaron mecanismos básicos que permiten romper con los paradigmas convencionales del crecimiento, por medio de innovaciones revolucionarias que permitentener rendimientos de clase mundial, una marca de prestigio global y el estatus de polo éxitosode innovación tecnológica. Los resultados obtenidos muestran las características delos tecnopolos existentes, que deben de potencializarse para conseguir un posicionamiento de clase mundial para la región.
The review of the terms used as keywords in three journals (published in Mexico and Chile) and the Brazilian meetings of regional and urban research are used to analyze the trends in housing research. Their dynamics are interpreted in the light of the general changes identified for urban and regional research, synthesized by other authors as the emergence of new research topics and agents of urban change (civil society, participation, environment, gender) and the process of globalization (in its facets of productive restructuration, job flexibility, social exclusion) as a general framework of analysis. It is found that the central themes of research in housing relate primarily to government action in housing. New concerns, such as citizen participation, the environment or gender are linked to these actions as normative elements to the evaluation of programs or policies, but not as autonomous fields of study of the housing.In addition to this central concern, a significant growth of academic production and ome indication of the internationalization of research are mentioned
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar en qué medida la estrategia de liderazgo regional de la India ha sido impulsada a través de los programas y proyectos de cooperación sur-sur ofrecidos por este país en el periodo de 2003-2012. De igual forma se pretende indagar sobre el papel histórico que ha jugado la India en el establecimiento y posterior evolución de esta nueva forma de cooperación que ha sido vista por la mayoría de los académicos como un complemento de la cooperación norte-sur, y que responde a una serie de intereses particulares. En este caso en particular, la cooperación sur-sur ha sido utilizada por India como una herramienta para incrementar sus capacidades de poder que le permitan consolidarse como líder regional.
The relative stability of aggregate labor's share constitutes one of the great macroeconomic ratios. However, relative stability at the aggregate level masks the unbalanced nature of industry labor's shares – the Kuznets stylized facts underlie those of Kaldor. We present a two-sector – one labor-only and the other using both capital and labor – model of unbalanced economic development with induced innovation that can rationalize these phenomena as well as several other empirical regularities of actual economies. Specifically, the model features (i) one sector ("goods" production) becoming increasingly capital-intensive over time; (ii) an increasing relative price and share in total output of the labor-only sector ("services"); and (iii) diverging sectoral labor's shares despite (iii) an aggregate labor's share that converges from above to a value between 0 and unity. Furthermore, the model (iv) supports either a neoclassical steadystate or long-run endogenous growth, giving it the potential to account for a wide range of real world development experiences.
- Market Outlook Global Observations Regulatory Environment Product Strategies Africa Regional Perspective - Strategy vs. Tactics - Final Thoughts
We run a standard income convergence analysis for the last decade and confirm an already established finding in the growth economics literature. EU countries are converging. Regions in Europe are also converging. But, within countries, regional disparities are on the rise. At the same time, there is probably no reason for EU Cohesion Policy to be concerned with what happens inside countries. Ultimately, our data shows that national governments redistribute well across regions, whether they are fiscally centralised or decentralised. It is difficult to establish if Structural and Cohesion Funds play any role in recent growth convergence patterns in Europe. Generally, macroeconomic simulations produce better results than empirical tests. It is thus possible that Structural Funds do not fully realise their potential either because they are not efficiently allocated or are badly managed or are used for the wrong investments, or a combination of all three. The approach to assess the effectiveness of EU funds should be consistent with the rationale behind the post-1988 EU Cohesion Policy. Standard income convergence analysis is certainly not sufficient and should be accompanied by an assessment of the changes in the efficiency of the capital stock in the recipient countries or regions as well as by a more qualitative assessment. EU funds for competitiveness and employment should be allocated by looking at each region’s capital efficiency to maximise growth generating effects or on a pure competitive.
A regional study of the prediction of extratropical cyclones by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) has been performed. An objective feature-tracking method has been used to identify and track the cyclones along the forecast trajectories. Forecast error statistics have then been produced for the position, intensity, and propagation speed of the storms. In previous work, data limitations meant it was only possible to present the diagnostics for the entire Northern Hemisphere (NH) or Southern Hemisphere. A larger data sample has allowed the diagnostics to be computed separately for smaller regions around the globe and has made it possible to explore the regional differences in the prediction of storms by the EPS. Results show that in the NH there is a larger ensemble mean error in the position of storms over the Atlantic Ocean. Further analysis revealed that this is mainly due to errors in the prediction of storm propagation speed rather than in direction. Forecast storms propagate too slowly in all regions, but the bias is about 2 times as large in the NH Atlantic region. The results show that storm intensity is generally overpredicted over the ocean and underpredicted over the land and that the absolute error in intensity is larger over the ocean than over the land. In the NH, large errors occur in the prediction of the intensity of storms that originate as tropical cyclones but then move into the extratropics. The ensemble is underdispersive for the intensity of cyclones (i.e., the spread is smaller than the mean error) in all regions. The spatial patterns of the ensemble mean error and ensemble spread are very different for the intensity of cyclones. Spatial distributions of the ensemble mean error suggest that large errors occur during the growth phase of storm development, but this is not indicated by the spatial distributions of the ensemble spread. In the NH there are further differences. First, the large errors in the prediction of the intensity of cyclones that originate in the tropics are not indicated by the spread. Second, the ensemble mean error is larger over the Pacific Ocean than over the Atlantic, whereas the opposite is true for the spread. The use of a storm-tracking approach, to both weather forecasters and developers of forecast systems, is also discussed.
Expanding national services sectors and global competition aggravate current and perceived future market pressures on traditional manufacturing industries. These perceptions of change have provoked a growing intensification of geo-political discourses on technological innovation and ‘learning’, and calls for competency in design among other professional skills. However, these political discourses on innovation and learning have paralleled public concerns with the apparent ‘growth pains’ from factory closures and subsequent increases in unemployment, and its debilitating social and economic implications for local and regional development. In this respect the following investigation sets out to conceptualize change through the complementary and differing perceptions of industry and regional actors’ experiences or narratives, linking these perceptions to their structure-determined spheres of agent-environment interactivity. It aims to determine whether agents’ differing perceptions of industry transformation can have a role in the legitimization of their interests in, and in sustaining their organizational influence over the process of industry-regional transformation. It argues that industry and regional agent perceptions are among the cognitive aspects of agent-environment interactivity that permeate agency. It stresses agents’ ability to reason and manipulate their work environments to preserve their self-regulating interests in, and task representative influence over the multi-jurisdictional space of industry-regional transformation. The contributions of this investigation suggest that agents’ varied perceptions of industry and regional change inform or compete for influence over the redirection of regional, industry and business strategies. This claim offers a greater appreciation for the reflexive and complex institutional dimensions of industry planning and development, and the political responsibility to socially just forms of regional development. It positions the outcomes of this investigation at the nexus of intensifying geo-political discourses on the efficiency and equity of territorial development in Europe.
The relevance of regional policy for less favoured regions (LFRs) reveals itself when policy-makers must reconcile competitiveness with social cohesion through the adaptation of competition or innovation policies. The vast literature in this area generally builds on an overarching concept of ‘social capital’ as the necessary relational infrastructure for collective action diversification and policy integration, in a context much influenced by a dynamic of industrial change and a necessary balance between the creation and diffusion of ‘knowledge’ through learning. This relational infrastructure or ‘social capital’ is centred on people’s willingness to cooperate and ‘envision’ futures as a result of “social organization, such as networks, norms and trust that facilitate action and cooperation for mutual benefit” (Putnam, 1993: 35). Advocates of this interpretation of ‘social capital’ have adopted the ‘new growth’ thinking behind ‘systems of innovation’ and ‘competence building’, arguing that networks have the potential to make both public administration and markets more effective as well as ‘learning’ trajectories more inclusive of the development of society as a whole. This essay aims to better understand the role of ‘social capital’ in the production and reproduction of uneven regional development patterns, and to critically assess the limits of a ‘systems concept’ and an institution-centred approach to comparative studies of regional innovation. These aims are discussed in light of the following two assertions: i) learning behaviour, from an economic point of view, has its determinants, and ii) the positive economic outcomes of ‘social capital’ cannot be taken as a given. It is suggested that an agent-centred approach to comparative research best addresses the ‘learning’ determinants and the consequences of social networks on regional development patterns. A brief discussion of the current debate on innovation surveys has been provided to illustrate this point.
SMEs are widely recognized as an important driving force of economic growth, yet, their uptake of ICT is still very low. Tosupport SMEs ICT adoption and to foster regional development, in 2000, the Lisbon Strategy on the Information Society andKnowledge-based economy created a vision for 2010 towards the creation of the European Digital Business Ecosystems(DBE). This paper is positioned within that context and reports upon a project involving 6000 SMEs whose aim was tosupport ICT adoption and to encourage SME networks through the creation of a Regional Business Portal. The papere xplores factors affecting the regional SMEs participating in the DBE. An in-depth longitudinal case study approach was adopted and multiple sources of evidence were used. Many factors affecting SMEs progression to DBE were identified:including people and organization, environmental, diffusion networks, technological, regional and time factors
A divulgação dos primeiros blocos de resultados do Censo Demográfico de 2000 traz importantes oportunidades de constatação sobre os padrões de evolução e distribuição demográfica brasileira nos anos 90. Nesse sentido, ao tratar do comportamento reprodutivo, destaca a continuidade do declínio dos níveis de fecundidade, associando-o a mudanças na organização econômica e espacial. Quanto á mortalidade, ressalta-se sua queda sistemática nas últimas décadas. Por último, em relação ás migrações e redistribuição espacial da população, enfatizam -se as alterações nos fluxos migratórios recentes, a desaceleração do crescimento de algumas regiões metropolitanas e áreas do Sudeste , enquanto aumentam relativamente a retenção populacional no Nordeste e o deslocamento para o Norte e para o Centro-Oeste.
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar o impacto das concentrações regionais no desempenho organizacional das empresas brasileiras com ênfase no setor serviços. Com o intuito de atingir este objetivo realizou-se uma comparação entre o desempenho organizacional das firmas localizadas em áreas de concentração geográficas e aquelas situadas fora destas áreas. Além disso, procurou-se contrastar o efeito da concentração regional sobre o desempenho das empresas de serviços com as empresas do setor industrial. A revisão literária evidenciou a existência de vantagens para empresas concentradas regionalmente, o que levou à principal hipótese deste trabalho, de que tais vantagens ocasionariam melhor desempenho das firmas. Desta forma, buscou-se averiguar a existência de uma relação entre o desempenho organizacional e a localização geográfica das empresas de serviços regionalmente concentradas. O trabalho de identificação das concentrações regionais foi realizado adaptando-se os critérios utilizados no setor industrial para o setor serviços, a partir dos dados de número de estabelecimentos e de funcionários, obtidos através da base dados da Relação Anual de Informações Sociais (RAIS). O desempenho organizacional foi mensurado por dois indicadores: lucratividade e o crescimento de vendas. A fonte de dados de desempenho utilizada foi a base de microdados das seguintes pesquisas do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE): Pesquisa Industrial Anual (PIA) e Pesquisa Anual de Serviços (PAS). A amostra utilizada incluiu 78.789 observações de prestadoras de serviços e 22.460 observações de empresas do setor industrial, entre 2001 e 2005. Os resultados foram produzidos por meio da aplicação dos modelos hierárquicos ou modelos multiníveis. Os resultados revelaram um efeito positivo sobre o crescimento das empresas situadas em áreas de concentração regional (tanto do setor serviços quanto da indústria), porém não foram encontradas evidências de maior lucratividade das mesmas. As conclusões deste trabalho contribuem para a tomada de decisão dos gestores, ao avaliar se deverão ou não situar seu empreendimento em uma área de concentração regional. Além de apresentar implicações para as políticas públicas, pois a constatação de um efeito positivo sobre o crescimento das firmas em determinadas concentrações pode direcionar políticas de incentivo, com o objetivo de estimular a formação de tais concentrações em determinadas localidades para desenvolvimento regional.