174 resultados para Refugia


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In Lake Nabugabo, Uganda, a small satellite of the equatorial Lake Victoria, approximately 50% of the indigenous fish species disappeared from the open waters subsequent to establishment of the introduced predatory Nile perch (Lates niloticus). However, several of these species persisted in wetland refugia. Over the past decade, Nile perch in Lake Nabugabo have been intensively fished. Herein we report a resurgence of some indigenous species in open waters. In a multiyear study, we used annual transects in inshore and offshore waters of exposed (no wetland) and wetland habitats to document the pattern of resurgence. In 1995, haplochromine cichlids were largely confined to inshore areas, particularly wetland ecotones, and were rare in Nile perch stomachs, as were most other indigenous species. By 2000 haplochromine cichlids were abundant in inshore and offshore areas of both exposed and wetland transects. Several indigenous noncichlids also reappeared in the main lake, including three of the four original mormyrid species. Between 1995 and 1999, there was a dramatic increase in the proportion of haplochromines in the diet of Nile perch. When haplochromines were rare (1995), Nile perch switched from an invertebrate-dominated diet to piscivory at a large size (30 cm total length). In 2000, however, Nile perch were strongly piscivorous by 5–10 cm total length. The pattern of faunal loss and recovery in Lake Nabugabo demonstrates the importance of refugia in providing the seeds of resurgence and provides a model with which to understand some changes in Lake Victoria.


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Understanding how the environment influences patterns of diversity is vital for effective conservation management, especially in a changing global climate. While assemblage structure and species richness patterns are often correlated with current environmental factors, historical influences may also be considerable, especially for taxa with poor dispersal abilities. Mountain-top regions throughout tropical rainforests can act as important refugia for taxa characterised by low dispersal capacities such as flightless ground beetles (Carabidae), an ecologically significant predatory group. We surveyed flightless ground beetles along elevational gradients in five different subregions within the Australian Wet Tropics World Heritage Area to investigate (1) whether the diversity and composition of flightless ground beetles are elevationally stratified, and, if so, (2) what environmental factors (other than elevation per se) are associated with these patterns. Generalised linear models and model averaging techniques were used to relate patterns of diversity to environmental factors. Unlike most taxonomic groups, flightless ground beetles increased in species richness and abundance with elevation. Additionally, each subregion consisted of distinct assemblages containing a high level of regional endemic species. Species richness was most strongly positively associated with the historical climatic conditions and negatively associated with severity of recent disturbance (treefalls) and current climatic conditions. Assemblage composition was associated with latitude and current and historical climatic conditions. Our results suggest that distributional patterns of flightless ground beetles are not only likely to be associated with factors that change with elevation (current climatic conditions), but also factors that are independent of elevation (recent disturbance and historical climatic conditions). Variation in historical vegetation stability explained both species richness and assemblage composition patterns, probably reflecting the significance of upland refugia at a geographic time scale. These findings are important for conservation management as upland habitats are under threat from climate change.


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The moist evergreen Afromontane forest of SW Ethiopia has become extremely fragmented and most remnants are intensively managed for cultivation of coffee (Coffea arabica). We investigated the distributions of epiphytic orchids in shade trees and their understory in forests with contrasting management intensity to determine biodiversity losses associated with coffee cultivation and to determine the capacity of coffee shrubs to act as refugia for orchid species. We studied epiphytic orchids in managed forests and natural forests and recorded orchid diversity and abundance in different tree zones of 339 trees and in the understory. Coffee management was associated with a downward shift of orchid species as orchid species were occurring in significantly lower tree zones in managed forest. The number of shrubs in the understory of managed forest was not higher than in natural forests, yet orchid abundance was higher in the understory of managed forests. Local extinctions of epiphytic orchids and species losses in the outer tree zones (a contraction of habitat) in managed forests are most likely driven by losses of large, complex-structured climax trees, and changes in microclimate, respectively. Coffee shrubs and their shade trees in managed forests are shown here to be a suitable habitat for only a limited set of orchid species. As farmers continue to convert natural forest into managed forest for coffee cultivation, further losses of habitat quality and collateral declines in regional epiphytic orchid diversity can be expected. Therefore, the conservation of epiphytic orchid diversity, as well as other components of diversity of the coffee forests, must primarily rely on avoiding coffee management intensification in the remaining natural forest. Convincing farmers to keep forest-climax trees in their coffee forest and to tolerate orchids on their coffee shrubs may also contribute to a more favorable conservation status of orchids in Ethiopian coffee agroecosystems.


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Future atmospheric CO2 levels will most likely have complex consequences for marine organisms, particulary photosynthetic calcifying organisms. Corallina officinalis L. is an erect calcifying macroalga found in the inter- and subtidal regions of temperate rocky coastlines and provides important substrate and refugia for marine meiofauna. The main goal of the current study was to determine the physiological responses of C. officinalis to increased CO2 concentrations expected to occur within the next century and beyond. Our results show that growth and production of inorganic material decreased under high CO2 levels, while carbonic anhydrase activity was stimulated and negatively correlated to algal inorganic content. Photosynthetic efficiency based on oxygen evolution was also negatively affected by increased CO2. The results of this study indicate that C. officinalis may become less competitive under future CO2 levels, which could result in structural changes in future temperate intertidal communities.


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Studies on the impact of historical, current and future global change require very high-resolution climate data (less or equal 1km) as a basis for modelled responses, meaning that data from digital climate models generally require substantial rescaling. Another shortcoming of available datasets on past climate is that the effects of sea level rise and fall are not considered. Without such information, the study of glacial refugia or early Holocene plant and animal migration are incomplete if not impossible. Sea level at the last glacial maximum (LGM) was approximately 125m lower, creating substantial additional terrestrial area for which no current baseline data exist. Here, we introduce the development of a novel, gridded climate dataset for LGM that is both very high resolution (1km) and extends to the LGM sea and land mask. We developed two methods to extend current terrestrial precipitation and temperature data to areas between the current and LGM coastlines. The absolute interpolation error is less than 1°C and 0.5 °C for 98.9% and 87.8% of all pixels for the first two 1 arc degree distance zones. We use the change factor method with these newly assembled baseline data to downscale five global circulation models of LGM climate to a resolution of 1km for Europe. As additional variables we calculate 19 'bioclimatic' variables, which are often used in climate change impact studies on biological diversity. The new LGM climate maps are well suited for analysing refugia and migration during Holocene warming following the LGM.


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Corals are acclimatized to populate dynamic habitats that neighbour coral reefs. Habitats such as seagrass beds exhibit broad diel changes in temperature and pH that routinely expose corals to conditions predicted for reefs over the next 50-100 years. However, whether such acclimatization effectively enhances physiological tolerance to, and hence provides refuge against, future climate scenarios remains unknown. Also, whether corals living in low-variance habitats can tolerate present-day high-variance conditions remains untested. We experimentally examined how pH and temperature predicted for the year 2100 affects the growth and physiology of two dominant Caribbean corals (Acropora palmata and Porites astreoides) native to habitats with intrinsically low (outer-reef terrace, LV) and/or high (neighbouring seagrass, HV) environmental variance. Under present-day temperature and pH, growth and metabolic rates (calcification, respiration and photosynthesis) were unchanged for HV versus LV populations. Superimposing future climate scenarios onto the HV and LV conditions did not result in any enhanced tolerance to colonies native to HV. Calcification rates were always lower for elevated temperature and/or reduced pH. Together, these results suggest that seagrass habitats may not serve as refugia against climate change if the magnitude of future temperature and pH changes is equivalent to neighbouring reef habitats.


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Un estudiante arquitecto disimula su espíritu burgués bajo una apariencia de vagabundo y enmascara su cinismo bajo la convención de la ironía. SIMULACRO Una joven arquitectura americana de California se revuelca complacida en el culto a la cabaña de madera y a la falsa granja de cubierta retorcida y pintoresca. Una arquitectura internacional politizada busca en el neorrealismo el sentido tan masoquista de la miseria del buen gusto y de la anécdota irrelevante para calmar su conciencia extraviada. Una arquitectura italiana de investigación se refugia en los más increíbles revivals de las épocas más alejadas; transformando alegremente la moda antigua en vieja decoración, influenciando al mundo y justificando su postura de anticuario con el intento vano de elevarla no solo al nivel de una tendencia más, sino al de escuela de arquitectura. SIMULACRO Una arquitectura tradicional cansada, que intenta su revitalización, disfrazándose bajo la etimología neodecorativa de “brutalismo”. Una arquitectura falaz que corrompe los lugares de placer con su exotismo y su folclore de bazar. Una arquitectura indiferente que esconde su falta de pasión bajo la coartada moderna del muro cortina y bajo la máscara de la técnica.


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La cuenca del Duero constituye un vasto territorio ibérico cuyo paisaje se encuentra actualmente muy alterado por la mano del hombre y es prácticamente imposible localizar alguna manifestación de su cubierta vegetal natural. Aunque la historia de la vegetación en los sectores central y oriental es relativamente bien conocida, en su mitad occidental los registros paleoecológicos estudiados hasta la fecha son prácticamente inexistentes. Esto hace que se desconozca la respuesta de la vegetación a las diferentes oscilaciones climáticas que se han producido desde el Último Máximo Glaciar, cuál fue el impacto de las diferentes culturas sobre el medio, cuándo se produjo una alteración profunda de la vegetación natural y cuál ha sido la historia de los incendios. Este último aspecto, el papel e importancia de los incendios, reviste un especial interés en la península Ibérica dada su situación geográfica y climática dentro de la cuenca Mediterránea, donde el fuego es un factor ecológico de primer nivel. Las distintas técnicas paleoecológicas son las más adecuadas para abordar todas estas preguntas. De este modo, los avatares de la vegetación a través del tiempo se han reconstruido mediante el análisis polínico y de macrofósiles, el impacto humano se ha trazado utilizando indicadores polínicos ligados a actividades antrópicas y esporas de hongos coprófilos, estudiándose los incendios a partir del registro de partículas microscópicas de carbón. La alta resolución temporal y taxonómica alcanzada en estos análisis, así como la amplia superficie abarcada con los yacimientos estudiados, hacen que la información obtenida sea altamente detallada y complete el conocimiento que se tiene sobre la cuenca del Duero. El Tardiglaciar se registra por primera vez en la Meseta Norte Ibérica en la secuencia de Ayoó de Vidriales, donde una vegetación esteparia prácticamente desarbolada domina durante los periodos fríos. Durante el interestadial Bølling/Allerød la expansión forestal (pinos, abedules) fue muy leve y tardía y fue interrumpida bruscamente por el Dryas Reciente. Al final del Dryas Reciente o al inicio del Holoceno se produjo una acusada y rápida expansión de los bosques. Esta dinámica sugiere que no hubo refugios glaciares importantes en esta zona de la Meseta durante el “Mystery Interval”, aparentemente el periodo más frío y seco. Los incendios fueron muy escasos, aumentando de forma muy brusca al inicio del Holoceno por el aumento de biomasa y las condiciones relativamente cálidas y secas. A partir de los registros de Ayoó y El Maíllo se consolida la importancia del gradiente oceanicidad-continentalidad en el Sistema Central y la Meseta Norte, que se manifiesta principalmente en la dominancia más prolongada de los pinares hacia el interior. Además, otra de las principales contribuciones de la presente tesis es proporcionar evidencia sobre la sucesión de distintos tipos de bosques en el noroeste de la Meseta, precisando el marco temporal en el que suceden. Así, se ha constatado que hubo un máximo desarrollo del bosque caducifolio durante el Holoceno medio en Ayoó de Vidriales y una baja incidencia del fuego que sugieren que el clima fue más húmedo que en el Holoceno inicial. El estudio de macrofósiles leñosos ha permitido detectar procesos que con el análisis polínico habrían pasado desapercibidos, como la persistencia hasta el Holoceno final de Pinus sylvestris en la sierra del Teleno y la sustitución de P. sylvestris por P. pinaster en la sierra de Francia durante el Holoceno inicial. También el estudio de los carbones procedentes de los arenales de Tierra de Pinares han proporcionado la prueba definitiva de la naturalidad de los pinares de P. pinaster. El impacto humano se detecta temprano en las secuencias del oeste de la cuenca del Duero, durante el Neolítico, aunque ha sido mucho más acusado desde la Edad del Hierro (ca 2700-2500 años cal BP). Para la detección del impacto humano temprano ha sido clave el análisis de esporas de hongos coprófilos, cuyo análisis fue incorporado en la secuencia de Ayoó de Vidriales. Una de sus principales consecuencias fue el establecimiento de comunidades de matorral (brezales, piornales) sobre amplias extensiones del occidente de la cuenca del Duero, vinculado al recrudecimiento de los regímenes de incendios. A pesar de que los incendios han sido ecológicamente importantes desde el inicio del Holoceno, los cambios introducidos por el hombre en sus regímenes sobrepasaron la resiliencia de los bosques originales, lo cual condujo a su sustitución sostenida por matorrales. ABSTRACT The Duero Basin constitutes a vast Iberian territory which is currently strongly disturbed due to human activities, so it is very difficult to find any remnant of the natural vegetation. Vegetation history for the eastern and western sectors of the Basin is relatively well-known but, in contrast, there is an almost complete lack of palaeoecological record in the western area. Consequently, there exists a profound ignorance about vegetation responses to the climatic oscillations occurred since the Last Glacial Maximum, the environmental impact of the different cultures, when a severe disturbance of the natural vegetation took place and fire history. The last question, the role and importance of fire, has a special interest in the Iberian Peninsula due to its geographic and climatic framework, the Mediterranean Basin, where fire is a major ecological factor. The diverse palaeoecological techmiques are the most suitable tools to address all these questions. Thus, vegetation shifts through time have been reconstructed using pollen and macrofossil analyses, human impact has been tracked by means of anthropogenic pollen indicators and dung fungal spores, while fire history has been studied from the quantification of microscopic charcoal particles. The high taxonomic and time resolution attained along with the extensive surface covered by the studied sites provide detailed information very useful to complete the knowledge on landscape dynamics in the Duero Basin. The Lateglacial is recorded for the first time in the Northern Iberian Plateau in the sequence from Ayoó de Vidriales, showing that almost treeless steppic vegetation dominated during the cold periods. Tree expansion (pines, birches) was late and slight during the Bølling/Allerød interstadial and was sharply interrupted by the Younger Dryas (YD) climatic reversal. By the end of the YD or the onset of the Holocene, a rapid forest expansion occurred. This forest dynamics suggests an absence of important glacial refugia for trees in this area of the Plateau during the Mystery Interval, apparently the coldest and driest period. Fires were fairly rare, increasing abruptly at the beginning of the Holocene due to the relatively warm and dry climate and the accumulation of biomass. The records from Ayoó and El Maíllo reinforce the role of the oceanicity-continentality gradient in the vegetation history of the Iberian Central Range and the Iberian Northern Plateau, reflected mainly in the longer dominance of pine forests towards inland areas. Further, another important contribution of this PhD Thesis is providing evidence on the succession of different forest types in the northestern fringe of the Plateau, specifying the chronological framework. A maximum of deciduous forest development and low fire activity have been detected in Ayoó de Vidriales during the mid-Holocene, suggesting that climate was wetter than in the early Holocene. The study of woody macrofossils has allowed detecting processes which would have remained unnoticed using pollen analysis alone, such as the persistence of Pinus sylvestris until the late Holocene in the Teleno Mountains and the early Holocene replacement of P. sylvestris with P. pinaster in the sierra de Francia range. The study of macroscopic charcoal fragments from palaeosols of the Tierra de Pinares has also provided the definitive proof of naturalness for the P. pinaster stands gorwing over this area at present. Early human impact, during the Neolithic, has been detected in the sequences from the western sector of the Duero Basin, although human disturbance has been more severe from the Iron Age onwards (ca 2700-2500 cal yr BP). The analysis of coprophilous fungi incorporated in the sequence of Ayoó de Vidriales has played a key role in recognizing that early human impact. One of the main consequences of human disturbance was the establishment of shrubland communities (heaths, brooms) over huge areas of the western Duero Basin, linked to severe and/or frequent fires. Despite fires has been ecologically important since the onset of the Holocene, human-induced changes in fire regimes have exceeded the resilience of original forests leading to a sustained replacement with shrublands.


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Vivimos en las escuelas de ayer una vida de ciencia ficción. La tecnología se ha superpuesto a unos escenarios vigentes desde ha ce siglos, ocultando una realidad, que se ve superada por la cotidianidad . Lo habitual, como extremo de la ignorancia, se refugia en la seguridad que garantiza la cercanía de las cosas, las personas y las acciones, tergiversando la memoria. La supresión d e lo habitual puede ser un momento poderoso en el conocimiento y es posible mediante el extrañamiento . Es necesario definir nuevas reglas del juego, trasgrediendo todas las leyes creadas para controlar las formas y las personas. Es necesario rastrear y vis ibilizar todos los mecanismos ocultos destinados a trasmitir aquellos contenidos cuyo fin es perpetuar un sistema de valores incompatible con la dignidad y la justicia para todos los se res que habitamos en este mundo ( currículum oculto ). La asignatura “pa isaje de mujer” pretende colonizar el territorio de lo habitual – donde todos somos culpables - intentando fabricar un atlas de género mediante la cartografía de todas las representaciones existentes en las distintas esferas de la cotidianidad, para pode r coronar la cima del grado cero


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Early in the development of plant evolutionary biology, genetic drift, fluctuations in population size, and isolation were identified as critical processes that affect the course of evolution in plant species. Attempts to assess these processes in natural populations became possible only with the development of neutral genetic markers in the 1960s. More recently, the application of historically ordered neutral molecular variation (within the conceptual framework of coalescent theory) has allowed a reevaluation of these microevolutionary processes. Gene genealogies trace the evolutionary relationships among haplotypes (alleles) with populations. Processes such as selection, fluctuation in population size, and population substructuring affect the geographical and genealogical relationships among these alleles. Therefore, examination of these genealogical data can provide insights into the evolutionary history of a species. For example, studies of Arabidopsis thaliana have suggested that this species underwent rapid expansion, with populations showing little genetic differentiation. The new discipline of phylogeography examines the distribution of allele genealogies in an explicit geographical context. Phylogeographic studies of plants have documented the recolonization of European tree species from refugia subsequent to Pleistocene glaciation, and such studies have been instructive in understanding the origin and domestication of the crop cassava. Currently, several technical limitations hinder the widespread application of a genealogical approach to plant evolutionary studies. However, as these technical issues are solved, a genealogical approach holds great promise for understanding these previously elusive processes in plant evolution.


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We report experimental results of near-surface winter temperatures along and adjacent to the channel bed of a High Arctic river on Melville Island, Canada. Temperature loggers 5cm below the ground surface in areas where the terrain suggests varying snow accumulation patterns revealed that the maximum winter difference between air and near-surface temperatures ranged from 0 to +30°C during the winter of 2012–13, and that shallow near-surface freezing conditions were delayed for up to 21 days in some locations. Cooling to -10°C was delayed for up to 117 days. Modelled temperature at the top of permafrost indicates that permafrost at locations with thick snow can be up to 8°C warmer than those with thin snow. This thermal evidence for an ameliorated surface environment indicates the potential for substantial extended microbial and biogeochemical cycling during early winter. Rapid thaw of the bed during initiation of snowmelt in spring also indicates a high degree of hydrological connectivity. Therefore, snow-filled channels may contribute to biogeochemical and aquatic cycling in High Arctic rivers.


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Tropical scleractinian corals are particularly vulnerable to global warming as elevated sea surface temperatures (SST) disrupt the delicate balance between the coral host and their algal endosymbionts, leading to symbiont expulsion, mass bleaching and mortality. While satellite sensing of SST has proven a good predictor of coral bleaching at the regional scale, there are large deviations in bleaching severity and mortality on the local scale, which are only poorly understood. Here, we show that internal waves play a major role in explaining local coral bleaching and mortality patterns in the Andaman Sea. In spite of a severe region-wide SST anomaly in May 2010, frequent upslope intrusions of cold sub-pycnocline waters due to breaking large amplitude internal waves (LAIW) alleviated heating and mitigated coral bleaching and mortality in shallow LAIW-exposed waters. In LAIW-sheltered waters, by contrast, bleaching susceptible species suffered severe bleaching and total mortality. These findings suggest that LAIW, which are ubiquitous in tropical stratified waters, benefit coral reefs during thermal stress and provide local refugia for bleaching susceptible corals. The swash zones of LAIW may thus be important, so far overlooked, conservation areas for the maintainance of coral diversity in a warming climate. The consideration of LAIW can significantly improve coral bleaching predictions and can provide a valuable tool for coral reef conservation and management.


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The landscape of the Australian Wet Tropics can be described as islands of montane rainforest Surrounded by warmer or more xeric habitats. Historical glaciation cycles have caused expansion and contraction of these rainforest islands leading to consistent patterns of genetic divergence within species of vertebrates. To explore whether this dynamic history has promoted speciation in endemic and diverse groups Of insects, we used a combination of mtDNA sequencing and morphological characters to estimate relationships and the tempo of divergence among Australian representatives of the dung beetle genus Temnoplectron. This phylogenetic hypothesis shares a number of well-supported clades with a previously published phylogenetic hypothesis based on morphological data. though statistical support for several nodes is weak. Sister species relationships well-supported in both tree topologies. and a tree obtained by combining the two data sets. suggest that speciation has mostly been allopatric. We identify a number of speciation barriers, which coincide with phylogeographic breaks found in vertebrate species. Large sequence divergences between species emphasize that speciation events are ancient (pre-Pleistocene). The flightless, rainforest species appear to have speciated rapidly. but also in the distant past. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This study aimed to identify potential factors responsible for geographically structured morphological variation within the widespread Australian frogs Limnodynastes tasmaniensis Gunther and L. peronii Dumeril & Bibron. There was support for James's rule, and both latitude and present climate explained large amounts of the variation in body size and shape (particularly in L. peronii). There was also some support for the influence of several biogeographical barriers. Finally, both species were sexually dimorphic for body size and the degree of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) varied geographically. Climate was an important explanation for SSD variation in L. peronii, while latitude was most important for L. tasmaniensis. Geographical variations in sexual selection via male-male physical competition and climate-related resources are suggested as potential explanations for SSD variation in L. peronii. (C) 2004 The Linnean Society of London.


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Phylogeographic analyses of the fauna of the Australian wet tropics rainforest have provided strong evidence for long-term isolation of populations among allopatric refugia, yet typically there is no corresponding divergence in morphology. This system provides an opportunity to examine the consequences of geographic isolation, independent of morphological divergence, and thus to assess the broader significance of historical subdivisions revealed through mitochondrial DNA phylogeography. We have located and characterized a zone of secondary contact between two long isolated (mtDNA divergence > 15%) lineages of the skink Carlia rubrigularis using one mitochondrial and eight nuclear (two intron, six microsatellite) markers. This revealed a remarkably narrow (width < 3 km) hybrid zone with substantial linkage disequilibrium and strong deficits of heterozygotes at two of three nuclear loci with diagnostic alleles. Cline centers were coincident across loci. Using a novel form of likelihood analysis, we were unable to distinguish between sigmoidal and stepped cline shapes except at one nuclear locus for which the latter was inferred. Given estimated dispersal rates of 90-133 m x gen(-1/2) and assuming equilibrium, the observed cline widths suggest effective selection against heterozygotes of at least 22-49% and possibly as high as 70%. These observations reveal substantial postmating isolation, although the absence of consistent deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium at diagnostic loci suggests that there is little accompanying premating isolation. The tight geographic correspondence between transitions in mtDNA and those for nuclear genes and corresponding evidence for selection against hybrids indicates that these morphologically cryptic phylogroups could be considered as incipient species. Nonetheless, we caution against the use of mtDNA phylogeography as a sole criterion for defining species boundaries.