805 resultados para Reconstructive dosimetry
Objectives The first objective of this study was to evaluate the radiological impact on relatives and the environment because of outpatient treatment of differentiated thyroid carcinoma with 3.7 and 5.55 GBq of ((131)I)NaI. The second objective was to determine, analyze, and evaluate whole-body radiation dose to caregivers, the production of contaminated solid waste, and the potentiality of radiation dose and surface contamination existing inside patients` households. Methods Twenty patients were treated on an outpatient basis, taking into consideration their acceptable living conditions, interests, and willingness to comply with medical and radiation-safety guidelines. The caregivers themselves, as well as the potentiality of the radiation dose inside patients` residences, were monitored with a thermo-luminescence dosimeter. Surface contamination and contaminated solid wastes were identified and measured by using a Geiger-Muller detector. Results and discussion Twenty-six monitored individuals received accumulated effective radiation doses of less than 1.0 mSv, and only one 2.8 mSv, throughout the 7 days of measurement. The maximum registered value for the potential of radiation dose inside all living areas was 1.30 mSv. The monitored surface contamination inside patients` dwellings showed a mean value of 4.2 Bq/cm(2) for all surfaces found to be contaminated. A total of 2.5l of contaminated solid waste was generated by the patients with 3.33 MBq of all estimated activity. Conclusion This study revealed that the treatment of differentiated thyroid carcinoma with 3.7 and 5.55 GBq of ((131)I)NaI, on an outpatient basis, can be safe when overseen by qualified professionals and with an adapted radiation-protection guideline. Even considering the radioiodine activity level and the dosimetric methodology applied here, negligible human exposure and a nonmeasurable radiological impact to the human environment were found. Nucl Med Commun 30:533-541 (C) 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
The present study was carried out to investigate the cytogenetic effects of therapeutic exposure to radioiodine preceded by rhTSH in an animal model. Three groups of Wistar rats (n = 6) were used: one group was treated only with I-131 (11.1 MBq/animal); the other two groups received rhTSH (1.2 mu g/rat of either Thyrogen or rhTSH-IPEN, respectively) 24 h before administration of radioiodine. The percentage of lymphocytes with chromosome aberrations and the average number of aberrations and of dicentrics per cell were determined on blood samples collected 24 h, 7 and 30 days after administration of I-131. The data show that the treatment with radioiodine alone or associated with rhTSH resulted in a greater quantity of chromosome alterations in relation to basal values after 24 h, with a gradual decline after 7 and 30 days of treatment. An increase in chromosome alterations was also seen after rhTSH treatment alone. Neither of the treatments, i.e., with I-131 alone or associated with hormone, resulted in an aneugenic effect or influenced the kinetics of cellular proliferation in rat blood lymphocytes. There was no significant difference between the cytogenetic effects of Thyrogen and rhTSH-IPEN treatment. These data suggest that the treatment with radioiodine, associated or not with rhTSH, affects to a limited extent a relatively small number of cells although the occurrence of late stochastic effects could not be discarded.
The aim of this study was to confirm that the radiation doses received by attendants who manually restrain infants during fluoroscopic procedures are low. Doses to the hands and neck of three radiologists and three nurses performing or assisting at all the fluoroscopic procedures in a children's hospital were measured for 1 month using thermoluminescent dosemeters. All fluoroscopy on children at this hospital is performed without an antiscatter grid. Total doses for the neck ranged from 20 to 50 mu Sv per week and for hands from 40 to 210 mu Sv per week. These doses were shared by the three radiologists and the three nurses. Individual doses received per staff member are very small when compared with the doses received by interventional radiology staff. Doses received by staff in this study were of the order of 5% of the limit advised by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (NHMRC) for radiation workers. Nurses received larger doses than radiologists and steps will be taken to reduce this dose further.
Background: A follow-up study was undertaken of all Western Australian women who had a new diagnosis of boast cancer during 1989. The aims were to determine survival, frequency of recurrence and quality of life (QoL) of Western Australian women 5 years after a diagnosis of breast cancer; to determine reasons for choice ol rejection of reconstructive surgery in those women treated by mastectomy, and to determine if the choice of lumpectomy or mastectomy affects subsequent QoL. Methods: The vital status as at Ist June 1994 of all 692 women who had a new diagnosis of breast cancer in 1989 was ascertained by electronic linkage to official mortality registrations. A subsample of 215 survivors who had originally been treated by the nine surgeons who had managed 20 or more cases each was sent a reply-paid postal questionnaire asking about follow-up treatment since diagnosis, recurrence of disease, current QoL and attitudes to, and use of, reconstructive surgery. Results: The overall survival rate at 5 years was 80.8% (85.9% and 78.8% for Stage I and II, respectively). Cumulative mortality was 35% lower among the third of patients treated by the nine most active surgeons (14% vs 22%, P < 0.02), but this may be subject to referral bias. The subsample was representative of all surviving cases except for being an average of 2.7 years younger at diagnosis (mean ages 55.2 and 57.9 years). The response rate of the subsample to the postal questionnaire was 78%. Of women who had had a mastectomy. 40% had considered having a reconstruction, but only nine (78%) had undergone this operation. Median QoL on the Rosser scale (maximum = 1.0) was 0.9. QoL was worse for the 23% of patients with a recurrence of breast cancer. Patients treated by breast-conserving surgery showed a trend toward a better QoL compared with those treated by mastectomy. Conclusion: At 5 years after the diagnosis of breast cancer, one in five women had died and an estimated one in four of the survivors had recurrent disease. Quality of life in the remaining patients, half of whom had undergone adjuvant treatment, was very good. These are important baseline data against which to judge the impact of mammographic screening.
Purpose: The objective of this pilot study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of 5% imiquimod cream in the treatment of periocular basal cell carcinoma (BCC) through the analysis of a case series. Methods: Eight subjects with primary nodular BCC of the eyelid were recruited. Treatment lasted 10 to 16 weeks. The average follow-up time was 11.7 months. Results: Of a total of 10 lesions, 80% resolved clinically and histologically and have remained asymptomatic since. Conclusion: Imiquimod cream 5% was shown to be an attractive alternative to surgical treatment of periocular BCC. Future studies with larger samples and longer follow-up periods are expected to provide more accurate information on the efficacy and safety of the drug.
Background: Although various techniques have been used for breast conservation surgery reconstruction, there are few studies describing a logical approach to reconstruction of these defects. The objectives of this study were to establish a classification system for partial breast defects and to develop a reconstructive algorithm. Methods: The authors reviewed a 7-year experience with 209 immediate breast conservation surgery reconstructions. Mean follow-up was 31 months. Type I defects include tissue resection in smaller breasts (bra size A/B), including type IA, which involves minimal defects that do not cause distortion; type III, which involves moderate defects that cause moderate distortion; and type IC, which involves large defects that cause significant deformities. Type II includes tissue resection in medium-sized breasts with or without ptosis (bra size C), and type III includes tissue resection in large breasts with ptosis (bra size D). Results: Eighteen percent of patients presented type I, where a lateral thoracodorsal flap and a latissimus dorsi flap were performed in 68 percent. Forty-five percent presented type II defects, where bilateral mastopexy was performed in 52 percent. Thirty-seven percent of patients presented type III distortion, where bilateral reduction mammaplasty was performed in 67 percent. Thirty-five percent of patients presented complications, and most were minor. Conclusions: An algorithm based on breast size in relation to tumor location and extension of resection can be followed to determine the best approach to reconstruction. The authors` results have demonstrated that the complications were similar to those in other clinical series. Success depends on patient selection, coordinated planning with the oncologic surgeon, and careful intraoperative management.
Objective: To evaluate the gain in strength and range of motion after modified Steindler surgery of the elbow in patients with lesions of the upper trunk of the brachial plexus. Method: From 1998 to 2007, eleven patients with traumatic closed upper trunk lesion of the brachial plexus were studied. All the patients had development of at least 1 year of injury and degree of strength of elbow flexion ranging from M1 to M3. The patients underwent Steindler surgery with at least 6 months of follow-up. Pre- and post-operative assessments were carried out to determine gain in muscle strength, range of motion of the elbow, and DASH scale score. Results: Of the eleven patients studied, nine (82%) achieved a level of strength equal to or greater than M3 (MRC) with good functional recovery. Two (18%) reached strength level M2 (MRC). We observed that the patients had an average postoperative gain in range of motion of the elbow of 43.45 degrees. The average elbow flexion after surgery was 88 degrees. There was an improvement in elbow function, as demonstrated in the DASH Scale, in 81% of the patients studied. Conclusion: Modified Steindler surgery was effective in the treatment of patients with injuries of the upper trunk of the brachial plexus, with statistically significant gains in range of motion. In all the cases studied, there was some degree of gain in strength and range of elbow flexion, the gain being correlated with the initial muscle strength. Level of Evidence: Level II, prospective clinical trial.
Purpose: Several attempts to determine the transit time of a high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy unit have been reported in the literature with controversial results. The determination of the source speed is necessary to accurately calculate the transient dose in brachytherapy treatments. In these studies, only the average speed of the source was measured as a parameter for transit dose calculation, which does not account for the realistic movement of the source, and is therefore inaccurate for numerical simulations. The purpose of this work is to report the implementation and technical design of an optical fiber based detector to directly measure the instantaneous speed profile of a (192)Ir source in a Nucletron HDR brachytherapy unit. Methods: To accomplish this task, we have developed a setup that uses the Cerenkov light induced in optical fibers as a detection signal for the radiation source moving inside the HDR catheter. As the (192)Ir source travels between two optical fibers with known distance, the threshold of the induced signals are used to extract the transit time and thus the velocity. The high resolution of the detector enables the measurement of the transit time at short separation distance of the fibers, providing the instantaneous speed. Results: Accurate and high resolution speed profiles of the 192Ir radiation source traveling from the safe to the end of the catheter and between dwell positions are presented. The maximum and minimum velocities of the source were found to be 52.0 +/- 1.0 and 17.3 +/- 1:2 cm/s. The authors demonstrate that the radiation source follows a uniformly accelerated linear motion with acceleration of vertical bar a vertical bar = 113 cm/s(2). In addition, the authors compare the average speed measured using the optical fiber detector to those obtained in the literature, showing deviation up to 265%. Conclusions: To the best of the authors` knowledge, the authors directly measured for the first time the instantaneous speed profile of a radiation source in a HDR brachytherapy unit traveling from the unit safe to the end of the catheter and between interdwell distances. The method is feasible and accurate to implement on quality assurance tests and provides a unique database for efficient computational simulations of the transient dose. (C) 2010 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. [DOI: 10.1118/1.3483780]
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of the opaque layer firing temperature and mechanical and thermal cycling on the flexural strength of a ceramic fused to commercial cobalt-chromium alloy (Co-Cr). The hypotheses were that higher opaque layer temperatures increase the metal/ceramic bond strength and that aging reduces the bond strength. Materials and Methods: Metallic frameworks (25 x 3 x 0.5 mm(3); ISO 9693) (N = 60) were cast in Co-Cr and airborne-particle abraded (Al(2)O(3): 150 mu m) at the central area of the frameworks (8 x 3 mm(2)) and divided into three groups (N = 20), according to the opaque layer firing temperature: Gr1 (control)-900 degrees C; Gr2-950 degrees C; Gr3-1000 degrees C. The opaque ceramic (Opaque, Vita Zahnfabrick, Bad Sackingen, Germany) was applied, and the glass ceramic (Vita Omega 900, Vita Zahnfabrick) was fired onto it (thickness: 1 mm). While half the specimens from each group were randomly tested without aging (water storage: 37 degrees C/24 hours), the other half were mechanically loaded (20,000 cycles; 50 N load; distilled water at 37 degrees C) and thermocycled (3000 cycles; 5 degrees C to 55 degrees C, dwell time: 30 seconds). After the flexural strength test, failure types were noted. The data were analyzed using 2-way ANOVA and Tukey`s test (alpha = 0.05). Results: Gr2 (19.41 +/- 5.5 N) and Gr3 (20.6 +/- 5 N) presented higher values than Gr1 (13.3 +/- 1.6 N) (p = 0.001). Mechanical and thermal cycling did not significantly influence the mean flexural strength values (p > 0.05). Increasing the opaque layer firing temperature improved the flexural bond strength values (p < 0.05). The hypotheses were partially accepted. Conclusion: Increasing of the opaque layer firing temperature improved the flexural bond strength between ceramic fused to Co-Cr alloy.
Photodynamic therapy requires a photosensitizer, oxygen, and activating light. For acne, pilosebaceous units are ""target"" structures. Porphyrins are synthesized in vivo from 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), particularly in pilosebaceous units. Different photosensitizers and drug delivery methods have been reported for acne treatment. There are a variety of porphyrin precursors with different pharmacokinetic properties. Among them, ALA and methyl-ester of ALA (MAT.) are available for possible off-label treatment of acne vulgaris. In addition, various light sources, light dosimetry, drug incubation time, and pre- and posttreatment care also change efficacy and side effects. None of these variables has been optimized for acne treatment, but a number of clinical trials provide helpful guidance. In this paper, we critically analyze clinical trials, case reports, and series of cases published through 2009. (J Am Acad Dermatol 2010;63:195-211.)
P>Background There is good evidence for the use of compression for some clinical indications but little is known about dosimetry in compression. Objective The aim of this work was to evaluate whether or not the use of compression stockings during part of the day would help in the reduction of evening oedema in patients with clinical, epidemiological, anatomical and physiopathological (CEAP) classifications C0 and C1. Methods The effects of elastic compression stockings on volumetric variations during the working day were evaluated for the legs of two men and 18 women (40 legs). The inclusion criterion was classification as C0 (10 legs) or C1 (30 legs) according to the CEAP criteria. Participants used three-quarter-length elastic compression stockings (20-30 mmHg) on three consecutive days for the entire day or only for the morning or they did not use the stockings at all. Volumetry using the water displacement technique was performed in the morning and in the evening. When the patients wore the stockings only during the morning, volumetry was also performed at 13:00 h. Results Significant increases in volume were observed for both legs when stockings were not used compared with the use of stockings in the morning only. After removing the stockings, both legs had significant increases in volume in the afternoon. However, use for half the day was better than not using the stockings at all. Conclusions The use of elastic compression stockings can reduce volumetric variations during working hours, with the use of stockings for the entire day being better than for just half the day.
Essential blepharospasm is an idiopathic disorder that consists of spontaneous, spasmodic, and involuntary eyelid closure in the absence of ocular disease. Some patients develop an inability to open their eyelids in the absence of orbicularis spasms. These patients have essential blepharospasm combined with apraxia of eyelid opening. Botulinum toxin injections are the treatment of choice for blepharospasm but results may be insufficient, especially in cases associated with apraxia. Apraxia can be treated surgically by levator aponeurosis advancement, frontalis suspension, and upper myectomy. The authors report the first browlift using polypropylene suture to manage eyelid apraxia associated with blepharospasm as an alternative and minimally invasive procedure.
Purpose: To evaluate the use of orbital polyacrylamide gel injection for the correction of anophthalmic enophthalmos. Methods: Noncontrolled clinical trial of 21 patients (14 with ocular implants, 5 with phthisis bulbi, and 2 with dermis-fat graft). Orbital CT was performed to estimate the volume of polyacrylamide gel needed to restore orbital volume. Polyacrylamide gel was injected using a 22-gauge (30 x 0.7 min) needle transcutaneously inserted in the lateral third of the lower eyelid, directed to the orbital muscle cone. A second injection was administered 15 days later. if necessary. CT was repeated 30 days after the last procedure. Exophthalmometry was performed before Bind 90 days after file procedure. Results: The mean total volume injected per orbit was 2.4 +/- 0.7 ml (range 1-3.5 ml). The volume of the enophthalmic orbit increased front 26.9 +/- 5.0 ml to 29.3 +/- 4.9 ml (p < 0.001). The mean difference in exophthalmometry readings was 3.3 +/- 1.6 mm (range, 1.5-8.0 mm) before the procedure and 1.0 +/- 0.9 mm (range, 0.0-3.0 mm) after 3 months (p < 0.001). Adjustment of the ocular prosthesis or fabrication of a new one was necessary in 11 patients (52.4%), and the mean volume of the ocular prosthesis was reduced front 2.0 +/- 0.6 ml to 1.6 +/- 0.6 ml (p = 0.003). All patients were satisfied with the aesthetic results. No serious adverse events were observed. The initial results were maintained 1 year after the procedure. Conclusions: Polyacrylamide gel injection in the orbital space effectively reduces enophthalmos in ocular prosthesis wearers.
Objectives: To characterize the epidemiology of urogenital tuberculosis worldwide and to compare the features of patients from developing countries to those from developed countries. Methods: A comprehensive search of articles published up to April 2008 using a combination of the terms `tuberculosis`, `genitourinary`, `renal` and `urogenital` was performed. Results: Urogenital tuberculosis affects more men than women (2:1), with a mean age of 40.7 years (range 5-90). In 26.9% of cases there is a non-functioning unilateral kidney and in 7.4%, renal failure. Patients from developing countries are more likely to have a delayed diagnosis with a higher frequency of renal failure, unilateral non-functioning kidney, ablative surgery and contracted bladder. Conclusions: Urogenital tuberculosis is a worldwide disease with more destructive behavior in developing countries where urgent strategies for early detection are particularly warranted.
The absence of an eyebrow, either partial or total, has been observed in patients with craniofacial clefts, such as the Tessier 9 to 13 cleft. Several techniques have been used to improve the appearance of the region, such as island scalp flaps and scalp strip grafting, with limited or marginally satisfactory aesthetic results. The authors report 2 patients with craniofacial clefts in whom a novel technique combining 2 separate surgical approaches, micrografting and tattooing, was used. The use of micrografting with single or double hair units, properly angulated, produces natural-looking and satisfactory results with a minimum of morbidity. Excellent volume and appearance of the eyebrow may be achieved in a single session using this technique. Tattooing performed subsequently over the microimplanted hairs provides the illusion of greater density to the eyebrow, resulting in an appearance closer to normal.