173 resultados para Recipe
Purpose Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plants based on parabolic troughs utilize auxiliary fuels (usually natural gas) to facilitate start-up operations, avoid freezing of HTF and increase power output. This practice has a significant effect on the environmental performance of the technology. The aim of this paper is to quantify the sustainability of CSP and to analyse how this is affected by hybridisation with different natural gas (NG) inputs. Methods A complete Life Cycle (LC) inventory was gathered for a commercial wet-cooled 50 MWe CSP plant based on parabolic troughs. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to evaluate the environmental performance of the plant operating with different NG inputs (between 0 and 35% of gross electricity generation). ReCiPe Europe (H) was used as LCA methodology. CML 2 baseline 2000 World and ReCiPe Europe E were used for comparative purposes. Cumulative Energy Demands (CED) and Energy Payback Times (EPT) were also determined for each scenario. Results and discussion Operation of CSP using solar energy only produced the following environmental profile: climate change 26.6 kg CO2 eq/KWh, human toxicity 13.1 kg 1,4-DB eq/KWh, marine ecotoxicity 276 g 1,4-DB eq/KWh, natural land transformation 0.005 m2/KWh, eutrophication 10.1 g P eq/KWh, acidification 166 g SO2 eq/KWh. Most of these impacts are associated with extraction of raw materials and manufacturing of plant components. The utilization NG transformed the environmental profile of the technology, placing increasing weight on impacts related to its operation and maintenance. Significantly higher impacts were observed on categories like climate change (311 kg CO2 eq/MWh when using 35 % NG), natural land transformation, terrestrial acidification and fossil depletion. Despite its fossil nature, the use of NG had a beneficial effect on other impact categories (human and marine toxicity, freshwater eutrophication and natural land transformation) due to the higher electricity output achieved. The overall environmental performance of CSP significantly deteriorated with the use of NG (single score 3.52 pt in solar only operation compared to 36.1 pt when using 35 % NG). Other sustainability parameters like EPT and CED also increased substantially as a result of higher NG inputs. Quasilinear second-degree polynomial relationships were calculated between various environmental performance parameters and NG contributions. Conclusions Energy input from auxiliary NG determines the environmental profile of the CSP plant. Aggregated analysis shows a deleterious effect on the overall environmental performance of the technology as a result of NG utilization. This is due primarily to higher impacts on environmental categories like climate change, natural land transformation, fossil fuel depletion and terrestrial acidification. NG may be used in a more sustainable and cost-effective manner in combined cycle power plants, which achieve higher energy conversion efficiencies.
Este proyecto tiene como intención llevar a cabo el desarrollo de una aplicación basada en tecnologías Web utilizando Spring Framework, una infraestructura de código abierto para la plataforma Java. Se realizará primero un estudio teórico sobre las características de Spring para luego poder implementar una aplicación utilizando dicha tecnología como ejemplo práctico. La primera parte constará de un análisis sobre las características más significativas de Spring, recogiendo de esta forma información sobre todos los componentes del framework necesarios para desarrollar una aplicación genérica. El objetivo es descubrir y analizar cómo Spring facilita la implementación de un proyecto con arquitectura MVC y cómo permite integrar seguridad, internacionalización y otros conceptos de forma transparente. La segunda parte, el desarrollo de la aplicación web, sirve como demostración práctica de cómo utilizar los conocimientos recogidos sobre Spring. Se desarrollará una aplicación que gestiona un recetario generado por una comunidad de usuarios. La aplicación contiene un registro de usuarios que deberán autenticarse para poder ver sus datos personales y modificarlos si lo desean. Dependiendo del tipo de usuarios, tendrán acceso a distintas zonas de la aplicación y tendrán un rango distinto de acciones disponibles. Las acciones principales son la visualización de recetas, la creación de recetas, la modificación o eliminación de recetas propias y la modificación o eliminación de recetas de los demás usuarios. Las recetas constarán de un nombre, una descripción, una fotografía del resultado, tiempos estimados, dificultad estimada, una lista de ingredientes y sus cantidades y finalmente una serie de pasos con fotografías demostrativas si se desea añadir. Los administradores, un tipo específico de usuarios, podrán acceder a una lista de usuarios para monitorizarlos, modificarlos o añadir y quitarles permisos. ABSTRACT The purpose of this project is the development of an application based on Web technologies with the use of Spring Framework, an open-source application framework for the Java platform. A theoretical study on the characteristics of Spring will be performed first, followed by the implementation of an application using said technology to show as object lesson. The first part consists of an analysis of the most significant features of Spring, thus collecting information on all components of the framework necessary to develop a generic app. The goal is to discover and analyze how Spring helps develop a project based on a MVC architecture and how it allows seamless integration of security, internationalization and other concepts. The second part, the development of the web application, serves as a practical demonstration of how to use the knowledge gleaned about Spring. An application will be developed to manage a cookbook generated by a community of users. The application has a set of users who have to authenticate themselves to be able to see their personal data and modify it if they wish to do so. Depending on the user type, the user will be able to access different parts of the application and will have a different set of possible actions. The main possible actions are: creation recipes, modification or deletion of owned recipes and the modification and deletion of any recipe. The recipes consist its name, a description, a photograph, estimated times and difficulties, a list of ingredients along with their quantities and lastly a series of steps to follow along with demonstrative photographs if desired; and other information such as categories or difficulties. The administrators, a specific type of users, will have access to a list of users where they can monitor them, modify them or grant and remove privileges.
PURPOSE The decision-making process plays a key role in organizations. Every decision-making process produces a final choice that may or may not prompt action. Recurrently, decision makers find themselves in the dichotomous question of following a traditional sequence decision-making process where the output of a decision is used as the input of the next stage of the decision, or following a joint decision-making approach where several decisions are taken simultaneously. The implication of the decision-making process will impact different players of the organization. The choice of the decision- making approach becomes difficult to find, even with the current literature and practitioners’ knowledge. The pursuit of better ways for making decisions has been a common goal for academics and practitioners. Management scientists use different techniques and approaches to improve different types of decisions. The purpose of this decision is to use the available resources as well as possible (data and techniques) to achieve the objectives of the organization. The developing and applying of models and concepts may be helpful to solve managerial problems faced every day in different companies. As a result of this research different decision models are presented to contribute to the body of knowledge of management science. The first models are focused on the manufacturing industry and the second part of the models on the health care industry. Despite these models being case specific, they serve the purpose of exemplifying that different approaches to the problems and could provide interesting results. Unfortunately, there is no universal recipe that could be applied to all the problems. Furthermore, the same model could deliver good results with certain data and bad results for other data. A framework to analyse the data before selecting the model to be used is presented and tested in the models developed to exemplify the ideas. METHODOLOGY As the first step of the research a systematic literature review on the joint decision is presented, as are the different opinions and suggestions of different scholars. For the next stage of the thesis, the decision-making process of more than 50 companies was analysed in companies from different sectors in the production planning area at the Job Shop level. The data was obtained using surveys and face-to-face interviews. The following part of the research into the decision-making process was held in two application fields that are highly relevant for our society; manufacturing and health care. The first step was to study the interactions and develop a mathematical model for the replenishment of the car assembly where the problem of “Vehicle routing problem and Inventory” were combined. The next step was to add the scheduling or car production (car sequencing) decision and use some metaheuristics such as ant colony and genetic algorithms to measure if the behaviour is kept up with different case size problems. A similar approach is presented in a production of semiconductors and aviation parts, where a hoist has to change from one station to another to deal with the work, and a jobs schedule has to be done. However, for this problem simulation was used for experimentation. In parallel, the scheduling of operating rooms was studied. Surgeries were allocated to surgeons and the scheduling of operating rooms was analysed. The first part of the research was done in a Teaching hospital, and for the second part the interaction of uncertainty was added. Once the previous problem had been analysed a general framework to characterize the instance was built. In the final chapter a general conclusion is presented. FINDINGS AND PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS The first part of the contributions is an update of the decision-making literature review. Also an analysis of the possible savings resulting from a change in the decision process is made. Then, the results of the survey, which present a lack of consistency between what the managers believe and the reality of the integration of their decisions. In the next stage of the thesis, a contribution to the body of knowledge of the operation research, with the joint solution of the replenishment, sequencing and inventory problem in the assembly line is made, together with a parallel work with the operating rooms scheduling where different solutions approaches are presented. In addition to the contribution of the solving methods, with the use of different techniques, the main contribution is the framework that is proposed to pre-evaluate the problem before thinking of the techniques to solve it. However, there is no straightforward answer as to whether it is better to have joint or sequential solutions. Following the proposed framework with the evaluation of factors such as the flexibility of the answer, the number of actors, and the tightness of the data, give us important hints as to the most suitable direction to take to tackle the problem. RESEARCH LIMITATIONS AND AVENUES FOR FUTURE RESEARCH In the first part of the work it was really complicated to calculate the possible savings of different projects, since in many papers these quantities are not reported or the impact is based on non-quantifiable benefits. The other issue is the confidentiality of many projects where the data cannot be presented. For the car assembly line problem more computational power would allow us to solve bigger instances. For the operation research problem there was a lack of historical data to perform a parallel analysis in the teaching hospital. In order to keep testing the decision framework it is necessary to keep applying more case studies in order to generalize the results and make them more evident and less ambiguous. The health care field offers great opportunities since despite the recent awareness of the need to improve the decision-making process there are many opportunities to improve. Another big difference with the automotive industry is that the last improvements are not spread among all the actors. Therefore, in the future this research will focus more on the collaboration between academia and the health care sector.
Simplified models of the protein-folding process have led to valuable insights into the generic properties of the folding of heteropolymers. On the basis of theoretical arguments, Shakhnovich and Gutin [(1993) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90, 7195-7199] have proposed a specific method to generate folding sequences for one of these. Here we present a model of folding in heteropolymers that is comparable in simplicity but different in spirit to the one studied by Shakhnovich and Gutin. In our model, the proposed recipe for constructing folding sequence fails. We find that, as a rule, the construction of folding sequences is impossible to achieve by looking at the native conformation only. Rather, competing conformations have to be taken into account too. An evolutionary algorithm that generates folding sequences by optimizing both stability of the native state and folding time is described. Remarkably, this algorithm produces, among others, sequences that fold reproducibly to metastable states.
No Brasil, o sistema de saúde é composto por duas estruturas: pública, representada pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e privada suplementar, composta por 1.268 operadoras de planos de saúde, supervisionadas pela Agência Nacional de Saúde (ANS). No entanto, as operadoras têm sido consideradas ineficientes tanto na geração de resultados financeiros quanto na prestação de serviços aos beneficiários, destacando-se a necessidade e relevância para a saúde pública ao se buscar avaliar o seu desempenho sob essas perspectivas. O objetivo do trabalho foi, para um mesmo nível de eficiência na prestação de serviços, identificar as práticas administrativas que diferenciam as operadoras de planos de saúde (OPS) financeiramente sustentáveis. Para tanto, inicialmente foi aplicada a técnica da Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA) no intuito de identificar operadoras eficientes em transformar inputs em outputs e, a partir dos escores obtidos, selecionar duas OPS de nível de serviços semelhantes e desempenho financeiro opostos para que fossem comparadas por meio de um estudo de múltiplos casos. A análise quantitativa indicou que as OPS de medicina de grupo apresentaram maior eficiência do que as demais modalidades. Já o estudo de múltiplos casos identificou que a gestão de políticas de crédito, de captação e aplicação de recursos, o planejamento tributário, a adoção de políticas de promoção e prevenção à saúde, as formas de remuneração dos médicos e a estratégia de composição de receitas diferenciaram a OPS de melhor desempenho.
Esta pesquisa investiga o contexto social do desenvolvimento da produção científica contábil brasileira, defendendo a tese de que os agentes, no decorrer do processo de divulgação de suas investigações, estão priorizando aspectos produtivistas e quantitativos e, consequentemente, deixando em segundo plano a preocupação qualitativa e epistemológica [vigilância crítica] de tal produção. Fundamentado na Teoria de Campos de Pierre Bourdieu, este estudo busca relacionar a socialização acadêmica, o habitus dos agentes imbricados no campo, a distribuição do capital científico na área contábil e as características epistemológicas das publicações científicas da área, para obtenção das evidências sobre a problemática levantada. Trata-se de um levantamento operacionalizado por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, com uma amostra de 9 respondentes e estudo documental, com uma amostra de 43 artigos. Os dados foram analisados com emprego da técnica de análise de conteúdo. Apoiando-se em Bourdieu (2004, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013) foram encontradas evidências de que as teorias, conceitos, metodologias, técnicas e demais escolhas realizadas pelos pesquisadores da área contábil, na maioria das vezes, não passam de manobras estratégicas que visam conquistar, reforçar, assegurar ou derrubar o monopólio da autoridade científica, visando a obtenção de maior poder simbólico no campo. Com relação ao habitus dos agentes pertencentes ao campo científico contábil, constatou-se uma tendência ao produtivismo em consequência das determinações dos órgãos reguladores da pesquisa em contabilidade (CAPES) e das lutas simbólicas travadas no campo para obtenção da autoridade científica. No tocante à socialização acadêmica, reforçou-se a presença de condutas produtivistas, por meio dos programas de pós-graduação stricto sensu, que repassam aos agentes as regras do jogo científico, doutrinando-os na maneira de publicar grande quantidade de comunicações em pouco tempo e com menos custos. As análises epistemológicas puderam triangular os dois últimos constructos, a fim de lhes dar validade, e evidenciaram uma preferência por temáticas que envolvem a contabilidade destinada aos usuários externos e procedimentos contábeis destinados ao mercado financeiro, privilegiando a utilização de dados secundários, por meio de pesquisas documentais. Em termos metodológicos, constatou-se a presença unânime de estudos positivistas, com alguns aspectos empiristas, mostrando uma ausência de inovação em termos de pesquisas norteadas por abordagens metodológicas alternativas e utilização de modelos econométricos para explicar a realidade observada sem teoria para embasar e explicar esses modelos. Por fim, a distribuição do capital simbólico no campo, mostrou que individualmente nenhum agente desponta com maior capital científico, mas, institucionalmente, a FEA/USP ocupa essa posição de destaque. Por conseguinte, pôde-se concluir que o campo científico contábil permanece estagnado e sem grandes modificações teóricas, pelo fato do produtivismo e das lutas simbólicas no interior do campo; fatos esses que, de certa maneira, motivaram a criação de uma espécie de \"receita mágica para publicar\" ou \"formato ideal\" legitimado, institucionalizado e difícil de ser modificado, a não ser que ocorra uma revolução científica que mude o paradigma existente
Introducción: Analizar la calidad de las páginas web de los servicios de catering en el ámbito escolar y su contenido en educación alimentaria, y tener una primera experiencia con la herramienta de evaluación EDALCAT. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal. La población de estudio son páginas web de empresas de catering encargadas de la gestión de los comedores escolares. La muestra se obtuvo utilizando el buscador Google y un Ranking de las principales empresas de catering por facturación, escogiendo aquellas que tenían página web. Para la prueba piloto se seleccionaron diez páginas web según proximidad geográfica a la ciudad de Alicante y nivel de facturación. Para la evaluación de los sitios web se diseñó un cuestionario (EDALCAT), compuesto de un primer bloque de predictores de calidad con 19 variables de fiabilidad, diseño y navegación; y de un segundo bloque de contenidos específicos de educación alimentaria con 19 variables de contenido y actividades educativas. Resultados: Se han obtenido resultados positivos en 31 de las 38 variables del cuestionario, excepto en los ítems: “Buscador”, “Idioma” (40%) y “Ayuda” (10%) del bloque predictores de calidad y en los ítems: “Talleres”, “Recetario”, “Web alimentación-nutrición” (40%) y “Ejemplos” (30%) del bloque de contenidos específicos de educación alimentaria. Todas las páginas web evaluadas superan valores del 50% de cumplimiento de criterios de calidad y de contenidos mínimos en educación alimentaria, y sólo una de ellas, incumple el nivel de actividad mínimo establecido. Conclusiones: Los predictores de calidad y los contenidos específicos en educación alimentaria dieron buenos resultados en todas las páginas web evaluadas. La mayoría de ellas obtuvieron una alta puntuación en su valoración, y en su análisis individual por bloques. Tras el estudio piloto el cuestionario se ha modificado y se obtiene el EDALCAT definitivo. En líneas generales EDALCAT parece ser adecuado para evaluar la calidad de las páginas web de servicios de catering y su contenido en educación alimentaria, sin embargo el presente estudio no puede considerarse como validación del mismo.
In this work, we propose a new methodology for the large scale optimization and process integration of complex chemical processes that have been simulated using modular chemical process simulators. Units with significant numerical noise or large CPU times are substituted by surrogate models based on Kriging interpolation. Using a degree of freedom analysis, some of those units can be aggregated into a single unit to reduce the complexity of the resulting model. As a result, we solve a hybrid simulation-optimization model formed by units in the original flowsheet, Kriging models, and explicit equations. We present a case study of the optimization of a sour water stripping plant in which we simultaneously consider economics, heat integration and environmental impact using the ReCiPe indicator, which incorporates the recent advances made in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The optimization strategy guarantees the convergence to a local optimum inside the tolerance of the numerical noise.
The leather-bound notebook contains academic texts copied by Obadiah Ayer while he was a student at Harvard, and after his graduation in 1710. There is a general index to the included texts at the end of the volume.
Oblong notebook recording payments by William Bridge to various parties in Chelmsford, Tyngsborough, Groton and Dunstable, in Middlesex County, Massachusetts in the early 19th century. Bridge also records legal duties such as serving writs, and activities such as making hay and slaughtering livestock for or with other individuals which may indicate debt and payment. Elsewhere he records the birthdates of himself and his siblings and the deaths of his parents. Also included is a recipe to cure an ailing horse.
Willard discusses President Willard’s son Sheafe, who he has been tutoring, explains his education and argues for well-rounded studies. He also mentions that Doctor Aaron Dexter, a lecturer on chemistry, gave him a recipe for paint “which I enclose [separately] in this letter,” as well as a recipe for mortar. He explains that his vacation plans are to teach at a school in Groton for eighteen dollars a month, and asks for a loan from his parents to pay a bill.
Contains instructions for preparing and administering medicine for adults and children, and generalized uses for certain ingredients, written by Dr. Francis Kittredge. Preparations include ointment for scurvy, bone ointment, nerve ointments, procedures to soothe a sore mouth and to stop excessive bleeding, and treatment to kill worms. The materials used to prepare bone ointment include fresh butter, hog fat, chamomile, garlic, and night shade, among other ingredients. The recipe for “simple nerve ointment” instructs the preparer to simmer half a pint of neet foot oil, a pint of rum, and one jell of oil of turpentine over a “gentle fire.” Kittredge writes that oil of St. John’s Wort is effective in treating swelling of the legs, for cold and aches, and for burning and scalds, while oil of Elderflower is indicated for belly aches. The manuscript is housed in a binding created by the Harvard Medical School library. Tipped into the binding is one letter from Frederick O. West, M.D., Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, that accompanied his donation of the Kittredge receipt book to the library in 1919. There is also one letter of unknown provenance enclosed with the receipt book, which contains an inventory of the estate of Antipas Brigham, of Grafton, Massachusetts, signed by Worcester County Judge Joseph Wilder on 7 November 1749. It is unclear if this letter has any connection to Frederick O. West or Francis Kittredge.
There has been a tremendous increase in our knowledge of hum motor performance over the last few decades. Our theoretical understanding of how an individual learns to move is sophisticated and complex. It is difficult however to relate much of this information in practical terms to physical educators, coaches, and therapists concerned with the learning of motor skills (Shumway-Cook & Woolcott, 1995). Much of our knowledge stems from lab testing which often appears to bear little relation to real-life situations. This lack of ecological validity has slowed the flow of information from the theorists and researchers to the practitioners. This paper is concerned with taking some small aspects of motor learning theory, unifying them, and presenting them in a usable fashion. The intention is not to present a recipe for teaching motor skills, but to present a framework from which solutions can be found. If motor performance research has taught us anything, it is that every individual and situation presents unique challenges. By increasing our ability to conceptualize the learning situation we should be able to develop more flexible and adaptive responses to the challege of teaching motor skills. The model presented here allows a teacher, coach, or therapist to use readily available observations and known characteristics about a motor task and to conceptualize them in a manner which allows them to make appropriate teaching/learning decisions.
When they look at Internet policy, EU policymakers seem mesmerised, if not bewitched, by the word ‘neutrality’. Originally confined to the infrastructure layer, today the neutrality rhetoric is being expanded to multi-sided platforms such as search engines and more generally online intermediaries. Policies for search neutrality and platform neutrality are invoked to pursue a variety of policy objectives, encompassing competition, consumer protection, privacy and media pluralism. This paper analyses this emerging debate and comes to a number of conclusions. First, mandating net neutrality at the infrastructure layer might have some merit, but it certainly would not make the Internet neutral. Second, since most of the objectives initially associated with network neutrality cannot be realistically achieved by such a rule, the case for network neutrality legislation would have to stand on different grounds. Third, the fact that the Internet is not neutral is mostly a good thing for end users, who benefit from intermediaries that provide them with a selection of the over-abundant information available on the Web. Fourth, search neutrality and platform neutrality are fundamentally flawed principles that contradict the economics of the Internet. Fifth, neutrality is a very poor and ineffective recipe for media pluralism, and as such should not be invoked as the basis of future media policy. All these conclusions have important consequences for the debate on the future EU policy for the Digital Single Market.
Includes English and Italian recipes; some recipes include wine or liquor as an ingredient. Sample recipes: Stuffed oysters, Almond drop cakes, Ravioli.