951 resultados para Receptor Expression


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Although regulation of CXCR3 and CCR4 is related to Th1 and Th2 differentiation, respectively, many CXCR3(+) and CCR4(+) cells do not express IFN-gamma and/or IL-4, suggesting that the chemokine receptor genes might be inducible by mechanisms that are lineage-independent. We investigated the regulation of CXCR3 versus IFNG, and CCR4 versus IL4 in human CD4(+) T cells by analyzing modifications of histone H3. In naive cord-blood cells, under nonpolarizing conditions not inducing IL4, CCR4 was induced to high levels without many of the activation-associated changes in promoter histone H3 found for both IL4 and CCR4 in Th2 cells. Importantly, CCR4 expression was stable in Th2 cells, but fell in nonpolarized cells after the cells were rested; this decline could be reversed by increasing histone acetylation using sodium butyrate. Patterns of histone H3 modifications in CXCR3(+) CCR4(-) and CXCR3(-) CCR4(+) CD4(+) T-cell subsets from adult blood matched those in cells cultured under polarizing conditions in vitro. Our data show that high-level lineage-independent induction of CCR4 can occur following T-cell activation without accessibility-associated changes in histone H3, but that without such changes expression is transient rather than persistent.


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Background. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are an attractive source for generation of cells with beta-cell properties. Previous studies have demonstrated the ability of prolactin to induce an increase in beta-cell mass and maturation, which suggests beneficial effects of its use in MSC differentiation protocols. Objective. To evaluate the expression of endocrine differentiation markers in rat MSCs treated in vitro with prolactin. Methods. Mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow of Wistar rats were isolated, expanded, and characterized. Differentiation of MSCs was induced in medium containing 23 mmol/L of glucose, and nicotinamide, 2-mercaptoethanol, and exendin-4, in the presence or absence of 500 ng/mL of rat recombinant prolactin. Expression of endocrine markers and prolactin receptor genes was evaluated using real-time polymerase chain reaction, and compared between culture stages and presence vs absence of prolactin in the culture medium. Expression of insulin, somatostatin, glucagon, and pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1 was also evaluated at immunofluorescence microscopy. Results. Isolated cells were mostly MSCs, as confirmed at fluorescent-activated cell sorting and cytochemistry. Pax6, Ngn-3, Isl1, NeuroD1, Nkx2.2, and Nkx6.1 exhibited varied expression during culture stages. The long form of the prolactin receptor messenger RNA was induced in prolactin-treated cultures (P < .05). The somatostatin gene was induced in early stages of differentiation (P < .05), and its expression was induced by prolactin, as confirmed using immunofluorescence. Conclusion. Culture of rat bone marrow MSCs in differentiation medium induces expression of pancreatic endocrine-specific genes, and somatostatin and prolactin receptor expression was also induced by prolactin.


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Lipopolysaccharides from gram-negative bacteria are amongst the most common causative agents of acute lung injury, which is characterized by an inflammatory response, with cellular infiltration and the release of mediators/cytokines. There is evidence that bradykinin plays a role in lung inflammation in asthma but in other types of lung inflammation its role is less clear. In the present study we evaluated the role of the bradykinin B(1) receptor in acute lung injury caused by lipopolysaccharide inhalation and the mechanisms behind bradykinin actions participating in the inflammatory response. We found that in C57BI/6 mice, the bradykinin B(1) receptor expression was up-regulated 24 h after lipopolysaccharide inhalation. At this time, the number of cells and protein concentration were significantly increased in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and the mice developed airway hyperreactivity to methacholine. In addition, there was an increased expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-1 beta and interferon-gamma and chemokines (monocytes chemotactic protein-1 and KC) in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and in the lung tissue. We then treated the mice with a bradykinin B, receptor antagonist, R-954 (Ac-Orn-[Oic(2), alpha-MePhe(5), D-beta Nal(7), Ile(8)]desArg(9)-bradykinin), 30 min after lipopolysaccharide administration. We observed that this treatment prevented the airway hyperreactivity as well as the increased cellular infiltration and protein content in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Moreover, R-954 inhibited the expression of cytokines/chemokines. These results implicate bradykinin, acting through B(1) receptor, in the development of acute lung injury caused by lipopolysaccharide inhalation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Neural differentiation has been extensively studied in vitro in a model termed neurospheres, which consists of aggregates of neural progenitor cells. Previous studies suggest that they have a great potential for the treatment of neurological disorders. One of the major challenges for scientists is to control cell fate and develop ideal culture conditions for neurosphere expansion in vitro, without altering their features. Similar to human neural progenitors, rat neurospheres cultured in the absence of epidermal and fibroblast growth factors for a short period increased the levels of beta-3 tubulin and decreased the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein and nestin, compared to neurospheres cultured in the presence of these factors. In this work, we show that rat neurospheres cultured in suspension under mitogen-free condition presented significant higher expression of P2X2 and P2X6 receptor subunits, when compared to cells cultured in the presence of growth factors, suggesting a direct relationship between P2X2/6 receptor expression and induction of neuronal differentiation in mitogen-free cultured rat neurospheres.


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The Hypertrophic Heart Rat (HHR) displays spontaneous cardiomyocyte hypertrophy in association with an apparent reduction in myocyte number in adulthood. This suggests the possibility of reduced hyperplasia or increased apoptosis during early cardiac development. The angiotensin AT1 and AT2 receptor subtypes have been implicated in both cellular growth and apoptosis, but the precise mechanisms are unclear. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between cardiac AngII receptor expression levels and neonatal cardiomyocyte growth and apoptotic responses in the HHR compared with the Normal Heart Rat (NHR) control strain. Cardiac tissues were freshly harvested from male HHR and NHR at several developmental stages (p2 and 4, 6, 8, 12wks). HHR cardiac weight indices were considerably smaller than NHR at day 2 (4.330.19 vs 5.010.08 mg/g), but ‘caught-up’ to NHR by 4 weeks (5.100.15 vs 5.160.11 mg/g). By 12 weeks, HHR hearts were 27% larger than NHR. Tissue AT1A and AT2 mRNA expression levels were quantified by real-time RT-PCR. Relative to NHR, HHR neonatal hearts exhibited a 4.6-fold higher AT2/AT1 mRNA expression ratio. Cultured neonatal cardiomyocytes were infected with AT1A and/or AT2 receptor-expressing adenoviruses to achieve a physiological level of receptor expression (150 fmol receptor protein/mg total cell protein). In addition, to emulate receptor expression in neonatal HHR hearts, cells were co-infected with AT1A and AT2 receptors at a 4:1 ratio. Apoptosis incidence was studied by morphological analysis after 72 hours exposure to 0.1 M AngII. When infected with the AT1A receptor alone, a higher proportion of HHR myocytes appeared apoptotic than NHR (22.7 4.1% vs 1.1 0.6%, P 0.001). This implies that intrinsic differences predispose HHR cells to accentuated AT1-mediated apoptosis. Interestingly, the bax-1/bcl-2 mRNA expression ratio was significantly higher (50%) in HHR neonatal hearts. When cells were co-infected with AT1A and AT2 receptors, evidence of apoptosis in HHR cells virtually disappeared (0.4 0.1%). These findings suggest a novel capacity of AT2 receptors to counteract accentuated AT1A receptor-induced apoptosis in the HHR in early cardiac growth.


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Dietary deficiency of ω-3 fatty acids (ω-3 DEF) produces hypertension in later life. This study examined the effect of ω-3 DEF on blood pressure and hypothalamic gene expression in young rats, before the development of hypertension, and in older rats following the onset of hypertension. Animals were fed experimental diets that were deficient in ω-3 fatty acids, sufficient in short-chain ω-3 fatty acids or sufficient in short- and long-chain ω-3 fatty acids, from the prenatal period until 10 or 36 weeks-of-age. There was no difference in blood pressure between groups at 10 weeks-of-age; however, at 36 weeks-of-age ω-3 DEF animals were hypertensive in relation to sufficient groups. At 10 weeks, expression of angiotensin-II1A receptors and dopamine D3 receptors were significantly increased in the hypothalamic tissue of ω-3 DEF animals. In contrast, at 36 weeks, α2a and β1 adrenergic receptor expression was significantly reduced in the ω-3 DEF group. Brain docosahexaenoic acid was significantly lower in ω-3 DEF group compared with sufficient groups. This study demonstrates that dietary ω-3 DEF causes changes both in the expression of key genes involved in central blood pressure regulation and in blood pressure. The data may indicate that hypertension resulting from ω-3 DEF is mediated by the central adrenergic system.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The inflammatory response is a protective process of the body to counteract xenobiotic penetration and injury, although in disease this response can become deregulated. There are endogenous biochemical pathways that operate in the host to keep inflammation under control. Here we demonstrate that the counter-regulator annexin 1 (AnxA1) is critical for controlling experimental endotoxemia. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) markedly activated the AnxA1 gene in epithelial cells, neutrophils, and peritoneal, mesenteric, and alveolar macrophages-cell types known to function in experimental endotoxemia. Administration of LPS to AnxA1-deficient mice produced a toxic response characterized by organ injury and lethality within 48 hours, a phenotype rescued by exogenous application of low doses of the protein. In the absence of AnxA1, LPS generated a deregulated cellular and cytokine response with a marked degree of leukocyte adhesion in the microcirculation. Analysis of LPS receptor expression in AnxA1-null macrophages indicated an aberrant expression of Toll-like receptor 4. In conclusion, this study has detailed cellular and biochemical alterations associated with AnxA1 gene deletion and highlighted the impact of this protective circuit for the correct functioning of the homeostatic response to sublethal doses of LPS. Copyright © American Society for Investigative Pathology.


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Objectives: To examine the effects of triiodothyronine (T3), 17β-estradiol (E2), and tamoxifen (TAM) on transforming growth factor (TGF)-α gene expression in primary breast cancer cell cultures and interactions between the different treatments. Methods and results: Patients included in the study (no.=12) had been newly diagnosed with breast cancer. Fresh human breast carcinoma tissue was cut into 0.3-mm slices. These slices were placed in six 35-mm dishes on 2-ml organ culture medium. Dishes received the following treatments: dish 1: ethanol; dish 2: T3; dish 3: T3+TAM; dish 4: TAM; dish 5: E2; dish 6: E2+TAM. TGF-α mRNA content was normalized to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase mRNA levels. All tissues included in this study were positive for estrogen receptor (ER) and thyroid hormone receptor expression. Treatment with T3 for 48 h significantly increased TGF-α mRNA levels compared to controls (15-fold), and concomitant treatment with TAM reduced expression to 3.4-fold compared to controls. When only TAM was added to the culture medium, TGF-α mRNA expression increased 5.3-fold, significantly higher than with all other treatment modalities. Conclusion: We demonstrate that TGF-α mRNA expression is more efficiently upregulated by T3 than E2. Concomitant treatment with TAM had a mitigating effect on the T3 effect, while E2 induced TGF-α upregulation. Our findings show some similarities between primary culture and breast cancer cell lines, but also some important differences: a) induction of TGF-α, a mitogenic protein, by TAM; b) a differential effect of TAM that may depend on relative expression of ER α and β; and c) supraphysiological doses of T3 may induce mitogenic signals in breast cancer tissue under conditions of low circulating E2. ©2008, Editrice Kurtis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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To assess the importance of the leucine residues in positions 262 and 265 of the angiotensin AT, receptor for signaling pathways and receptor expression and regulation, we compared the properties of CHO cells transfected with the wild type or the L262D or L265D receptor point mutants. It was found that the two mutants significantly increased the basal intracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) formation in an agonist-independent mode. The morphology transformation of CHO cells was correlated with the increased cAMP formation, since forskolin, a direct activator of adenylate cyclase mimicked this effect on WT-expressing CHO cells. DNA synthesis was found to be inhibited in these cell lines, indicating that cAMP may also have determined the inhibitory effect on cell growth, in addition to the cell transformation from a tumorigenic to a non-tumorigenic phenotype. However a role for an increased Ca2(+) influx induced by the mutants in non-stimulated cells cannot be ruled out since this ion also was shown to cause transformed cells to regain the morphology and growth regulation. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Prokineticin receptors (PROKR) are G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) that regulate diverse biological processes, including olfactory bulb neurogenesis and GnRH neuronal migration. Mutations in PROKR2 have been described in patients with varying degrees of GnRH deficiency and are located in diverse functional domains of the receptor. Our goal was to determine whether variants in the first intracellular loop (ICL1) of PROKR2 (R80C, R85C, and R85H) identified in patients with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism interfere with receptor function and to elucidate the mechanisms of these effects. Because of structural homology among GPCR, clarification of the role of ICL1 in PROKR2 activity may contribute to a better understanding of this domain across other GPCR. The effects of the ICL1 PROKR2 mutations on activation of signal transduction pathways, ligand binding, and receptor expression were evaluated. Our results indicated that the R85C and R85H PROKR2 mutations interfere only modestly with receptor function, whereas the R80C PROKR2 mutation leads to a marked reduction in receptor activity. Cotransfection of wild-type (WT) and R80C PROKR2 showed that the R80C mutant could exert a dominant negative effect on WT PROKR2 in vitro by interfering with WT receptor expression. In summary, we have shown the importance of Arg80 in ICL1 for PROKR2 expression and demonstrate that R80C PROKR2 exerts a dominant negative effect on WT PROKR2. (Molecular Endocrinology 26: 1417-1427, 2012)


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Aims Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive breast cancers are aggressive neoplasms associated with a variable response to systemic therapies. Therefore, the identification of biomarkers to better characterise this heterogeneity would improve treatment efficacy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of androgen receptor (AR) and oestrogen receptor (ER) on clinicopathological features in a series of HER2-positive breast carcinomas. Methods A total of 104 carcinomas were selected and reviewed. Immunohistochemical studies for ER, progesterone receptor and Ki-67 were analysed on tumour whole histological sections. AR expression was analysed on samples represented on tissue microarrays. According to steroid receptor expression, cases were classified into three groups: AR positive/ER positive (48 cases), AR positive/ER negative (41 cases) and AR negative/ER negative (13 cases). Results AR-positive tumours corresponded to 89 (85.6%) of 104 carcinomas. AR-positive carcinomas were associated with a higher frequency of ER and progesterone receptor co-expression and lower proliferative activity determined by the expression of Ki-67. AR-negative carcinomas were more often high grade. The group of AR-positive/ER-negative carcinomas was associated with the highest frequency of apocrine morphological features. The group of AR-negative/ER-negative carcinomas was associated with the highest proliferative activity and the highest frequency of high histological and nuclear grade. The lowest frequency of high-grade tumours and the lowest proliferative activity were seen among tumours with expression of both receptors. Conclusions These results suggest that co-expression of AR and ER can provide a protective effect based on phenotypical presentation of HER2-positive carcinomas. Furthermore, lack of both steroid hormone receptors characterises the most aggressive phenotype.