168 resultados para RecA


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dinP is an Escherichia coli gene recently identified at 5.5 min of the genetic map, whose product shows a similarity in amino acid sequence to the E. coli UmuC protein involved in DNA damage-induced mutagenesis. In this paper we show that the gene is identical to dinB, an SOS gene previously localized near the lac locus at 8 min, the function of which was shown to be required for mutagenesis of nonirradiated λ phage infecting UV-preirradiated bacterial cells (termed λUTM for λ untargeted mutagenesis). A newly constructed dinP null mutant exhibited the same defect for λUTM as observed previously with a dinB::Mu mutant, and the defect was complemented by plasmids carrying dinP as the only intact bacterial gene. Furthermore, merely increasing the dinP gene expression, without UV irradiation or any other DNA-damaging treatment, resulted in a strong enhancement of mutagenesis in F′lac plasmids; at most, 800-fold increase in the G6-to-G5 change. The enhanced mutagenesis did not depend on recA, uvrA, or umuDC. Thus, our results establish that E. coli has at least two distinct pathways for SOS-induced mutagenesis: one dependent on umuDC and the other on dinB/P.


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We have determined the structure of a DEAD box putative RNA helicase from the hyperthermophile Methanococcus jannaschii. Like other helicases, the protein contains two α/β domains, each with a recA-like topology. Unlike other helicases, the protein exists as a dimer in the crystal. Through an interaction that resembles the dimer interface of insulin, the amino-terminal domain's 7-strand β-sheet is extended to 14 strands across the two molecules. Motifs conserved in the DEAD box family cluster in the cleft between domains, and many of their functions can be deduced by mutational data and by comparison with other helicase structures. Several lines of evidence suggest that motif III Ser-Ala-Thr may be involved in binding RNA.


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Predicted highly expressed (PHX) and putative alien genes determined by codon usages are characterized in the genome of Deinococcus radiodurans (strain R1). Deinococcus radiodurans (DEIRA) can survive very high doses of ionizing radiation that are lethal to virtually all other organisms. It has been argued that DEIRA is endowed with enhanced repair systems that provide protection and stability. However, predicted expression levels of DNA repair proteins with the exception of RecA tend to be low and do not distinguish DEIRA from other prokaryotes. In this paper, the capability of DEIRA to resist extreme doses of ionizing and UV radiation is attributed to an unusually high number of PHX chaperone/degradation, protease, and detoxification genes. Explicitly, compared with all current complete prokaryotic genomes, DEIRA contains the greatest number of PHX detoxification and protease proteins. Other sources of environmental protection against severe conditions of UV radiation, desiccation, and thermal effects for DEIRA are the several S-layer (surface structure) PHX proteins. The top PHX gene of DEIRA is the multifunctional tricarboxylic acid (TCA) gene aconitase, which, apart from its role in respiration, also alerts the cell to oxidative damage.


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Alternative reproductive cycles make use of different strategies to generate different reproductive products. In Escherichia coli, recA and several other rec genes are required for the generation of recombinant genomes during Hfr conjugation. During normal asexual reproduction, many of these same genes are needed to generate clonal products from UV-irradiated cells. However, unlike conjugation, this latter process also requires the function of the nucleotide excision repair genes. Following UV irradiation, the recovery of DNA replication requires uvrA and uvrC, as well as recA, recF, and recR. The rec genes appear to be required to protect and maintain replication forks that are arrested at DNA lesions, based on the extensive degradation of the nascent DNA that occurs in their absence. The products of the recJ and recQ genes process the blocked replication forks before the resumption of replication and may affect the fidelity of the recovery process. We discuss a model in which several rec gene products process replication forks arrested by DNA damage to facilitate the repair of the blocking DNA lesions by nucleotide excision repair, thereby allowing processive replication to resume with no need for strand exchanges or recombination. The poor survival of cellular populations that depend on recombinational pathways (compared with that in their excision repair proficient counterparts) suggests that at least some of the rec genes may be designed to function together with nucleotide excision repair in a common and predominant pathway by which cells faithfully recover replication and survive following UV-induced DNA damage.


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Recombinational repair of replication forks can occur either to a crossover (XO) or noncrossover (non-XO) depending on Holliday junction resolution. Once the fork is repaired by recombination, PriA is important for restarting these forks in Escherichia coli. PriA mutants are Rec− and UV sensitive and have poor viability and 10-fold elevated basal levels of SOS expression. PriA sulB mutant cells and their nucleoids were studied by differential interference contrast and fluorescence microscopy of 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole-stained log phase cells. Two populations of cells were seen. Eighty four percent appeared like wild type, and 16% of the cells were filamented and had poorly partitioned chromosomes (Par−). To probe potential mechanisms leading to the two populations of cells, mutations were added to the priA sulB mutant. Mutating sulA or introducing lexA3 decreased, but did not eliminate filamentation or defects in partitioning. Mutating either recA or recB virtually eliminated the Par− phenotype. Filamentation in the recB mutant decreased to 3%, but increased to 28% in the recA mutant. The ability to resolve and/or branch migrate Holliday junctions also appeared crucial in the priA mutant because removing either recG or ruvC was lethal. Lastly, it was tested whether the ability to resolve chromosome dimers caused by XOs was important in a priA mutant by mutating dif and the C-terminal portion of ftsK. Mutation of dif showed no change in phenotype whereas ftsK1∷cat was lethal with priA2∷kan. A model is proposed where the PriA-independent pathway of replication restart functions at forks that have been repaired to non-XOs.


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Bacteriophage Mu replicates as a transposable element, exploiting host enzymes to promote initiation of DNA synthesis. The phage-encoded transposase MuA, assembled into an oligomeric transpososome, promotes transfer of Mu ends to target DNA, creating a fork at each end, and then remains tightly bound to both forks. In the transition to DNA synthesis, the molecular chaperone ClpX acts first to weaken the transpososome's interaction with DNA, apparently activating its function as a molecular matchmaker. This activated transpososome promotes formation of a new nucleoprotein complex (prereplisome) by yet unidentified host factors [Mu replication factors (MRFα2)], which displace the transpososome in an ATP-dependent reaction. Primosome assembly proteins PriA, PriB, DnaT, and the DnaB–DnaC complex then promote the binding of the replicative helicase DnaB on the lagging strand template of the Mu fork. PriA helicase plays an important role in opening the DNA duplex for DnaB binding, which leads to assembly of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme to form the replisome. The MRFα2 transition factors, assembled into a prereplisome, not only protect the fork from action by nonspecific host enzymes but also appear to aid in replisome assembly by helping to activate PriA's helicase activity. They consist of at least two separable components, one heat stable and the other heat labile. Although the MRFα2 components are apparently not encoded by currently known homologous recombination genes such as recA, recF, recO, and recR, they may fulfill an important function in assembling replisomes on arrested replication forks and products of homologous strand exchange.


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Rearrangements between tandem sequence homologies of various lengths are a major source of genomic change and can be deleterious to the organism. These rearrangements can result in either deletion or duplication of genetic material flanked by direct sequence repeats. Molecular genetic analysis of repetitive sequence instability in Escherichia coli has provided several clues to the underlying mechanisms of these rearrangements. We present evidence for three mechanisms of RecA-independent sequence rearrangements: simple replication slippage, sister-chromosome exchange-associated slippage, and single-strand annealing. We discuss the constraints of these mechanisms and contrast their properties with RecA-dependent homologous recombination. Replication plays a critical role in the two slipped misalignment mechanisms, and difficulties in replication appear to trigger rearrangements via all these mechanisms.


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DNA polymerase V, composed of a heterotrimer of the DNA damage-inducible UmuC and UmuD\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{2}^{^{\prime}}}}\end{equation*}\end{document} proteins, working in conjunction with RecA, single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-binding protein (SSB), β sliding clamp, and γ clamp loading complex, are responsible for most SOS lesion-targeted mutations in Escherichia coli, by catalyzing translesion synthesis (TLS). DNA polymerase II, the product of the damage-inducible polB (dinA ) gene plays a pivotal role in replication-restart, a process that bypasses DNA damage in an error-free manner. Replication-restart takes place almost immediately after the DNA is damaged (≈2 min post-UV irradiation), whereas TLS occurs after pol V is induced ≈50 min later. We discuss recent data for pol V-catalyzed TLS and pol II-catalyzed replication-restart. Specific roles during TLS for pol V and each of its accessory factors have been recently determined. Although the precise molecular mechanism of pol II-dependent replication-restart remains to be elucidated, it has recently been shown to operate in conjunction with RecFOR and PriA proteins.


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Human Dmc1 protein, a meiosis-specific homolog of Escherichia coli RecA protein, has previously been shown to promote DNA homologous pairing and strand-exchange reactions that are qualitatively similar to those of RecA protein and Rad51. Human and yeast Rad51 proteins each form a nucleoprotein filament that is very similar to the filament formed by RecA protein. However, recent studies failed to find a similar filament made by Dmc1 but showed instead that this protein forms octameric rings and stacks of rings. These observations stimulated further efforts to elucidate the mechanism by which Dmc1 promotes the recognition of homology. Dmc1, purified to a state in which nuclease and helicase activities were undetectable, promoted homologous pairing and strand exchange as measured by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). Observations on the intermediates and products, which can be distinguished by FRET assays, provided direct evidence of a three-stranded synaptic intermediate. The effects of helix stability and mismatched base pairs on the recognition of homology revealed further that human Dmc1, like human Rad51, requires the preferential breathing of A⋅T base pairs for recognition of homology. We conclude that Dmc1, like human Rad51 and E. coli RecA protein, promotes homologous pairing and strand exchange by a “synaptic pathway” involving a three-stranded nucleoprotein intermediate, rather than by a “helicase pathway” involving the separation and reannealing of DNA strands.


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In self-processing biochemical reactions, a protein or RNA molecule specifically modifies its own structure. Many such reactions are regulated in response to the needs of the cell by an interaction with another effector molecule. In the system we study here, specific cleavage of the Escherichia coli LexA repressor, LexA cleaves itself in vitro at a slow rate, but in vivo cleavage requires interaction with an activated form of RecA protein. RecA acts indirectly as a coprotease to stimulate LexA autodigestion. We describe here a new class of lexA mutants, lexA (Adg-; for autodigestion-defective) mutants, termed Adg- for brevity. Adg- mutants specifically interfered with the ability of LexA to autodigest but left intact its ability to undergo RecA-mediated cleavage. The data are consistent with a conformational model in which RecA favors a reactive conformation capable of undergoing cleavage. To our knowledge, this is the first example of a mutation in a regulated self-processing reaction that impairs the rate of self-processing without markedly affecting the stimulated reaction. Had wild-type lexA carried such a substitution, discovery of its self-processing would have been difficult; we suggest that, in other systems, a slow rate of self-processing has prevented recognition that a reaction is of this nature.


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Rad51 is a highly conserved eukaryotic homolog of the prokaryotic recombination protein RecA, which has been shown to function in both recombinational repair of DNA damage and meiotic recombination in yeast. In primary murine B cells cultured with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to stimulate heavy chain class switch recombination, Rad51 protein levels are dramatically induced. Immunofluorescent microscopy shows that anti-Rad51 antibodies stain foci that are localized within the nuclei of switching B cells. Immunohistochemical analysis of splenic sections shows that clusters of cells that stain brightly with anti-Rad51 antibodies are evident within several days after primary immunization and that Rad51 staining in vivo is confined to B cells that are switching from expression of IgM to IgG antibodies. Following switch recombination, B cells populate splenic germinal centers, where somatic hypermutation and clonal proliferation occur. Germinal center B cells are not stained by anti-Rad51 antibodies. Rad51 expression is therefore not coincident with somatic hypermutation, nor does Rad51 expression correlate simply with cell proliferation. These data suggest that Rad51, or a highly related member of the conserved RecA family, may function in class switch recombination.


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A functional methyl-directed mismatch repair pathway in Escherichia coli prevents the formation of deletions between 101-bp tandem repeats with 4% sequence divergence. Deletions between perfectly homologous repeats are unaffected. Deletion in both cases occurs independently of the homologous recombination gene, recA. Because the methyl-directed mismatch repair pathway detects and excises one strand of a mispaired duplex, an intermediate for RecA-independent deletion of tandem repeats must therefore be a heteroduplex formed between strands of each repeat. We find that MutH endonuclease, which in vivo incises specifically the newly replicated strand of DNA, and the Dam methylase, the source of this strand-discrimination, are required absolutely for the exclusion of "homeologous" (imperfectly homologous) tandem deletion. This supports the idea that the heteroduplex intermediate for deletion occurs during or shortly after DNA replication in the context of hemi-methylation. Our findings confirm a "replication slippage" model for deletion formation whereby the displacement and misalignment of the nascent strand relative to the repeated sequence in the template strand accomplishes the deletion.


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The mouse Rad51 gene is a mammalian homologue of the Escherichia coli recA and yeast RAD51 genes, both of which are involved in homologous recombination and DNA repair. To elucidate the physiological role of RAD51 protein, the gene was targeted in embryonic stem (ES) cells. Mice heterozygous for the Rad51 null mutation were intercrossed and their offspring were genotyped. There were no homozygous (Rad51-/-) pups among 148 neonates examined but a few Rad51-/- embryos were identified when examined during the early stages of embryonic development. Doubly knocked-out ES cells were not detected under conditions of selective growth. These results are interpreted to mean that RAD51 protein plays an essential role in the proliferation of cell. The homozygous Rad51 null mutation can be categorized in cell-autonomous defects. Pre-implantational lethal mutations that disrupt basic molecular functions will thus interfere with cell viability.


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Eukaryotic homologs of Escherichia coli Rec-A protein have been shown to form nucleoprotein filaments with single-stranded DNA that recognize homologous sequences in duplex DNA. Several recent reports in four widely diverse species have demonstrated the association of RecA homologs with meiotic prophase chromatin. The current immunocytological study on mouse spermatocytes and oocytes shows that a eukaryotic homolog, Rad5l, associates with a subset of chromatin sites as early as premeiotic S phase, hours before either the appearance of precursors of synaptonemal complexes or the initiation of synapsis. When homologous chromosomes do begin to pair, the Rad5l-associated sequences are sites of initial contact between homologues and of localized DNA synthesis. Distribution of Rad5l foci on the chromatin of fully synapsed bivalents at early pachynema corresponds to an R-band pattern of mitotic chromosomes. R-bands are known to be preferred sites of both synaptic initiation and recombination. The time course of appearance of Rad51 association with chromatin, its distribution, and its interaction with other Rad5l-associated sequences suggests that it plays an important role preselection of sequences and synaptic initiation.


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A single gene (mas) encodes the multifunctional enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of very long chain multiple methyl branched fatty acids called mycocerosic acids that are present only in slow-growing pathogenic mycobacteria and are thought to be important for pathogenesis. To achieve a targeted disruption of mas, an internal 2-kb segment of this gene was replaced with approximately the same size hygromycin-resistance gene (hyg), such that hyg was flanked by 4.7- and 1.4-kb segments of mas. Transformation of Mycobacterium bovis BCG with this construct in a plasmid that cannot replicate in mycobacteria yielded hygromycin-resistant transformants. Screening of 38 such transformants by PCR revealed several transformants representing homologous recombination with single crossover and one with double crossover. With primers representing the hyg termini and those representing the mycobacterial genome segments outside that used to make the transformation construct, the double-crossover mutant yielded PCR products expected from either side of hyg. Gene replacement was further confirmed by the absence of the vector and the 2-kb segment of mas replaced by hyg from the genome of the mutant. Thin-layer and radio-gas chromatographic analyses of the lipids derived from [1-14C]propionate showed that the mutant was incapable of synthesizing mycocerosic acids and mycosides. Thus, homologous recombination with double crossover was achieved in a slow-growing mycobacterium with an intron-containing RecA. The resulting mas-disrupted mutant should allow testing of the postulated roles of mycosides in pathogenesis.