906 resultados para Real property tax.
- Overview of negligence from the valuer’s perspective - Consideration of defences - Impact of lender conduct - Insurance obligations and impact for the valuer
Context Increasing client awareness of valuer's duty of care - Webb Resolutions Ltd v E.Surv Ltd [2012] - Provident Capital Limited v John Virtue Pty Ltd (No 2) [2012] - Including disciplinary actions: Valuers Registration Board of Qld v Conroy [2013] QCAT 688 combined with Post-GFC ‘drops’ in value!
This study analysed whether the land tenure insecurity problem has led to a decline in long-term land improvements (liming and phosphorus fertilization) under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and Nordic production conditions in European Union (EU) countries such as Finland. The results suggests that under traditional cash lease contracts, which are encouraged by the existing land leasing regulations and agricultural subsidy programs, the land tenure insecurity problem on leased land reduces land improvements that have a long pay-back period. In particular, soil pH was found to be significantly lower on land cultivated under a lease contract compared to land owned by the farmers themselves. The results also indicate that land improvements could not be reversed by land markets, because land owners would otherwise have carried out land improvements even if not farming by themselves. To reveal the causality between land tenure and land improvements, the dynamic optimisation problem was solved by a stochastic dynamic programming routine with known parameters for one-period returns and transition equations. The model parameters represented Finnish soil quality and production conditions. The decision rules were solved for alternative likelihood scenarios over the continuation of the fixed-term lease contract. The results suggest that as the probability of non-renewal of the lease contract increases, farmers quickly reduce investments in irreversible land improvements and, thereafter, yields gradually decline. The simulations highlighted the observed trends of a decline in land improvements on land parcels that are cultivated under lease contracts. Land tenure has resulted in the neglect of land improvement in Finland. This study aimed to analyze whether these challenges could be resolved by a tax policy that encourages land sales. Using Finnish data, real estate tax and a temporal relaxation on the taxation of capital gains showed some potential for the restructuring of land ownership. Potential sellers who could not be revealed by traditional logit models were identified with the latent class approach. Those landowners with an intention to sell even without a policy change were sensitive to temporal relaxation in the taxation of capital gains. In the long term, productivity and especially productivity growth are necessary conditions for the survival of farms and the food industry in Finland. Technical progress was found to drive the increase in productivity. The scale had only a moderate effect and for the whole study period (1976–2006) the effect was close to zero. Total factor productivity (TFP) increased, depending on the model, by 0.6–1.7% per year. The results demonstrated that the increase in productivity was hindered by the policy changes introduced in 1995. It is also evidenced that the increase in land leasing is connected to these policy changes. Land institutions and land tenure questions are essential in agricultural and rural policies on all levels, from local to international. Land ownership and land titles are commonly tied to fundamental political, economic and social questions. A fair resolution calls for innovative and new solutions both on national and international levels. However, this seems to be a problem when considering the application of EU regulations to member states inheriting divergent landownership structures and farming cultures. The contribution of this study is in describing the consequences of fitting EU agricultural policy to Finnish agricultural land tenure conditions and heritage.
What is a miracle and what can we know about miracles? A discussion of miracles in anglophone philosophy of religion literature since the late 1960s. The aim of this study is to systematically describe and philosophically examine the anglophone discussion on the subject of miracles since the latter half of the 1960s. The study focuses on two salient questions: firstly, what I will term the conceptual-ontological question of the extent to which we can understand miracles and, secondly, the epistemological question of what we can know about miracles. My main purpose in this study is to examine the various viewpoints that have been submitted in relation to these questions, how they have been argued and on what presuppositions these arguments have been based. In conducting the study, the most salient dimension of the various discussions was found to relate to epistemological questions. In this regard, there was a notable confrontation between those scholars who accept miracles and those who are sceptical of them. On the conceptual-ontological side I recognised several different ways of expressing the concept of miracle . I systematised the discussion by demonstrating the philosophical boundaries between these various opinions. The first and main boundary was related to ontological knowledge. On one side of this boundary I placed the views which were based on realism and objectivism. The proponents of this view assumed that miraculousness is a real property of a miraculous event regardless of how we can perceive it. On the other side I put the views which tried to define miraculousness in terms of subjectivity, contextuality and epistemicity. Another essential boundary which shed light on the conceptual-ontological discussion was drawn in relation to two main views of nature. The realistic-particularistic view regards nature as a certain part of reality. The adherents of this presupposition postulate a supernatural sphere alongside nature. Alternatively, the nominalist-universalist view understands nature without this kind of division. Nature is understood as the entire and infinite universe; the whole of reality. Other, less important boundaries which shed light on the conceptual-ontological discussion were noted in relation to views regarding the laws of nature, for example. I recognised that the most important differences between the epistemological approaches were in the different views of justification, rationality, truth and science. The epistemological discussion was divided into two sides, distinguished by their differing assumptions in relation to the need for evidence. Adherents of the first (and noticeably smaller) group did not see any epistemological need to reach a universal and common opinion about miracles. I discovered that these kinds of views, which I called non-objectivist, had subjectivist and so-called collectivist views of justification and a contextualist view of rationality. The second (and larger) group was mainly interested in discerning the grounds upon which to establish an objective and conclusive common view in relation to the epistemology of miracles. I called this kind of discussion an objectivist discussion and this kind of approach an evidentialist approach. Most of the evidentialists tried to defend miracles and the others attempted to offer evidence against miracles. Amongst both sides, there were many different variations according to emphasis and assumption over how they saw the possibilities to prove their own view. The common characteristic in all forms of evidentialism was a commitment to an objectivist notion of rationality and a universalistic notion of justification. Most evidentialists put their confidence in science in one way or another. Only a couple of philosophers represented the most moderate version of evidentialism; they tried to remove themselves from the apparent controversy and contextualised the different opinions in order to make some critical comments on them. I called this kind of approach a contextualising form of evidentialism. In the final part of the epistemological chapter, I examined the discussion about the evidential value of miracles, but nothing substantially new was discovered concerning the epistemological views of the authors.
China’s urbanization and industrialization are occupying farmland in large amounts, which is strongly driven by land finance regime. This is due to the intensified regional/local competition for manufacturing investment opportunities that push local governments to expropriate farmland at low prices while lease land at high market value to property developers. The additional revenue obtained in this way, termed financial increment in land values, can drive local economic growth, and provide associated infrastructure and other public services. At the same time, however, a floating population of large numbers of inadequately compensated land-lost farmers, although unable to become citizens, have to migrate into the urban areas for work, causing overheated employment and housing markets, with rocketing unaffordable housing prices. This, together with various micro factors relating to the party/state’s promotion/evaluation system play an essential role leading to some serious economic, environment and social consequences, e.g., on migrant welfare, the displacement of peasants and the loss of land resources that requires immediate attention. Our question is: whether such type of urbanization is sustainable? What are the mechanisms behind such a phenomenal urbanization process? From the perspective of institutionalism, this paper aims to investigate the institutional background of the urban growth dilemma and solutions in urban China and to introduce further an inter-regional game theoretical framework to indicate why the present urbanization pattern is unsustainable. Looking forward to 2030, paradigm policy changes are made from the triple consideration of floating population, social security and urban environmental pressures. This involves: (1) changing land increment based finance regime into land stock finance system; (2) the citizenization of migrant workers with affordable housing, and; (3) creating a more enlightened local government officer appraisal system to better take into account societal issues such as welfare and beyond.
The study seeks to find out whether the real burden of the personal taxation has increased or decreased. In order to determine this, we investigate how the same real income has been taxed in different years. Whenever the taxes for the same real income for a given year are higher than for the base year, the real tax burden has increased. If they are lower, the real tax burden has decreased. The study thus seeks to estimate how changes in the tax regulations affect the real tax burden. It should be kept in mind that the progression in the central government income tax schedule ensures that a real change in income will bring about a change in the tax ration. In case of inflation when the tax schedules are kept nominally the same will also increase the real tax burden. In calculations of the study it is assumed that the real income remains constant, so that we can get an unbiased measure of the effects of governmental actions in real terms. The main factors influencing the amount of income taxes an individual must pay are as follows: - Gross income (income subject to central and local government taxes). - Deductions from gross income and taxes calculated according to tax schedules. - The central government income tax schedule (progressive income taxation). - The rates for the local taxes and for social security payments (proportional taxation). In the study we investigate how much a certain group of taxpayers would have paid in taxes according to the actual tax regulations prevailing indifferent years if the income were kept constant in real terms. Other factors affecting tax liability are kept strictly unchanged (as constants). The resulting taxes, expressed in fixed prices, are then compared to the taxes levied in the base year (hypothetical taxation). The question we are addressing is thus how much taxes a certain group of taxpayers with the same socioeconomic characteristics would have paid on the same real income according to the actual tax regulations prevailing in different years. This has been suggested as the main way to measure real changes in taxation, although there are several alternative measures with essentially the same aim. Next an aggregate indicator of changes in income tax rates is constructed. It is designed to show how much the taxation of income has increased or reduced from one year to next year on average. The main question remains: How aggregation over all income levels should be performed? In order to determine the average real changes in the tax scales the difference functions (difference between actual and hypothetical taxation functions) were aggregated using taxable income as weights. Besides the difference functions, the relative changes in real taxes can be used as indicators of change. In this case the ratio between the taxes computed according to the new and the old situation indicates whether the taxation has become heavier or easier. The relative changes in tax scales can be described in a way similar to that used in describing the cost of living, or by means of price indices. For example, we can use Laspeyres´ price index formula for computing the ratio between taxes determined by the new tax scales and the old tax scales. The formula answers the question: How much more or less will be paid in taxes according to the new tax scales than according to the old ones when the real income situation corresponds to the old situation. In real terms the central government tax burden experienced a steady decline from its high post-war level up until the mid-1950s. The real tax burden then drifted upwards until the mid-1970s. The real level of taxation in 1975 was twice that of 1961. In the 1980s there was a steady phase due to the inflation corrections of tax schedules. In 1989 the tax schedule fell drastically and from the mid-1990s tax schedules have decreased the real tax burden significantly. Local tax rates have risen continuously from 10 percent in 1948 to nearly 19 percent in 2008. Deductions have lowered the real tax burden especially in recent years. Aggregate figures indicate how the tax ratio for the same real income has changed over the years according to the prevailing tax regulations. We call the tax ratio calculated in this manner the real income tax ratio. A change in the real income tax ratio depicts an increase or decrease in the real tax burden. The real income tax ratio declined after the war for some years. In the beginning of the 1960s it nearly doubled to mid-1970. From mid-1990s the real income tax ratio has fallen about 35 %.
A pesquisa proposta pretende esclarecer os pontos obscuros e controvertidos do artigo 1228, 4 e 5 do Código Civil, tendo por finalidade a busca da efetividade de tal dispositivo legal, que possui, na sua essência, o reconhecimento do direito fundamental de moradia e, ainda, tutela o direito ao trabalho. O dispositivo em questão rompe com o paradigma da posse como mera sentinela avançada do direito de propriedade e reconhece a defesa da posse autônoma exercida por aqueles que realmente cumprem com a sua função social. A partir do preenchimento dos requisitos previstos na lei, concede-se a legitimação da posse aos possuidores e, com o pagamento da indenização ao proprietário, converte-se a posse em direito de propriedade. Dessa forma, o instituto visa não apenas à regularização fundiária de áreas urbanas ou rurais, mas, principalmente, à efetividade dos direitos fundamentais de moradia e trabalho, que dão substância ao principio norteador de qualquer sociedade civilizada: o princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana. Assim sendo, na busca pela efetividade do dispositivo, o estudo tem ainda como finalidade desenvolver a natureza jurídica específica do instituto, reconhecendo-o como um modo autônomo de aquisição onerosa do direito de propriedade, não se equiparando a formas de desapropriação ou de usucapião do direito de propriedade.
O presente estudo procura estabelecer critérios para orientar as decisões sobre conflitos surgidos entre os verdadeiros proprietários de imóveis e terceiros de boa-fé. A partir da evolução do conceito de propriedade, do individualismo liberal da era moderna ao feixe de direitos, deveres e poderes jurídicos de uma relação jurídica complexa nos dias atuais, destaca-se a importância do registro de imóveis e da publicidade que lhe é inerente para a segurança das transações imobiliárias e a proteção de interesses individuais e coletivos. Considerando a prevalência dos valores existenciais sobre os patrimoniais e tendo por referência o princípio supremo da dignidade da pessoa humana, são sugeridos, como critérios de ponderação, a posse e a função social da propriedade, a boa-fé, a usucapião e a teoria da aparência. Examina-se, assim, a possibilidade de flexibilizar a norma que faculta ao proprietário o direito de reivindicar o imóvel independentemente da boa-fé do terceiro adquirente, se o registro for cancelado, discutindo-se ainda as soluções encontradas pela doutrina e pela jurisprudência para o problema proposto.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Solicitadoria
This article provides time series data on the medieval market in freehold land, including the changing social composition of freeholders, level of market activity, size and complexity of landholdings, and shifts in the market value of land. These are subjects hitherto largely ignored due, in part, to the disparate nature of the evidence. It argues that feet of fines, despite archival limitations, if employed with care and an understanding of the underlying changes in the common law of real property, are capable of providing quantifiable evidence spanning hundreds of years and comparable across large areas of England.
Subject: Real property. Other related subjects: Personal property. Trusts Keywords: Bank accounts; Documents of title; Donatio mortis causa; Electronic documents; Legal charges; Registered land; Shares Legislation: Land Registration Act 2002 (c.9) Cases: Sen v Headley [1991] Ch. 425; Guardian, April 23, 1991 (CA (Civ Div)); Duffield v Elwes 4 E.R. 959 (KB); Birch v Treasury Solicitor [1951] Ch. 298 (CA)
O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o impacto do Programa de Modernização da Administração Tributária e da Gestão dos Setores Sociais Básicos (PMAT), gerido pelo Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES), na arrecadação tributária dos Municípios, no período de 1999 a 2011. Para tanto, utilizamos um modelo econométrico de dados em painel com estimador de efeitos fixos. As variáveis dependentes são os logs da arrecadação de ISSQN e IPTU, as variáveis explicativas são os desembolsos do BNDES e o PIB municipal desagregado. Realizamos regressões com dummies de tratamento e com o log dos desembolsos. Além realizar regressões com toda a amostra disponível, delimitamos a amostra do grupo de controle em dois subgrupos para tentar eliminar efeitos de tendências entre entidades. A primeira delimitação foi utilizar a amostra que realizou consultas ao banco de fomento e não obteve sucesso. A segunda delimitação foi a de municípios que possuem proximidade geográfica daqueles comtemplados pelo financiamento. Os resultados encontrados demonstram não haver significância estatística entre desembolsos realizados pelo BNDES e a trajetória da arrecadação dos tributos em análise na maior parte dos modelos utilizados. Apenas nas regressões com dados da amostra que realizou consulta ao BNDES, obteve-se significância estatística, ao nível de 5% para o tributo IPTU, no efeito acumulado ao longo do tempo.
This work has as main objetive to analyze fiscal/tax collection of municipalities after the political-administrative decentralization in Brazil and its new role in this scenario, bringing up the competition for Decasa Sugar and Alcohol between the municipalities of Caiuá and Maraba Paulista in the context of expansion sugarcane cultivation in the Presidente Prudente Geographic Micro Region. The analysis has considered the geographic scales, in order to highlight the power relations on local/regional territory, determined by the Agroenergy Policy Guidelines in Brazil (2006-2011). The two municipalities have from the point of view economic dynamics, irrelevence, proven through the São Paulo Index of Social Responsibility (IPRS), maximizing the importance of the constitutional transfers, such as Participation Fund of Municipalities (FPM). Given this situation, we analyze the four taxes raised by the experts as the most impactful for municipal tax collection before the presence of sugarcane activity: the Territorial Urban Property Tax (IPTU), the Tax on Services of any Nature (ISSQN), the Tax Vehicles owned Motor (IPVA) and the Operations tax on the Circulation of Goods and on Transport Services Rendered Interstate and Intermunicipal (ICMS). It was verified, that only the ISSQN can be seen as an indicator increase in fiscal/tax collection before the presence sugarcane activity...
Irrigation is vital to the economic activity of the west-central Great Plains. The crops grown, the distribution of center-pivot irrigation systems, and the basic transportation infrastructure is the same in northwest Kansas, northeast Colorado, and southwest Nebraska. But buyers of agricultural land face a different price for irrigated cropland in each of the states, even when the production characteristics of the land are similar. After accounting for factors like productivity and local property tax differences, we argue that it is the difference in water marketing rights between the three states that explains the price difference. The link between land values and water marketing rights is statistically developed by using Ordinary Least Squared (OLS) regression techniques. After adjusting for differences in property taxes, the analysis reveals that the implicit value of full water-marketing rights in the region is approximately $1,026 per acre. This valuation is within the range of estimates provided by other comparable studies across the country.
Il territorio italiano presenta una grandissima ricchezza nel campo dei Beni Culturali, sia mobili che immobili; si tratta di un patrimonio di grande importanza che va gestito e tutelato nel migliore dei modi e con strumenti adeguati, anche in relazione ai problemi ad esso legati in termini di manutenzione e di salvaguardia dai fattori di rischio a cui può essere esposto. Per una buona conoscenza del Patrimonio Culturale, è fondamentale un’acquisizione preliminare di informazioni condotte in modo sistematico e unitario, che siano diffuse ed organiche, ma anche utili ad una valutazione preventiva e ad una successiva programmazione degli interventi di restauro di tipo conservativo. In questo ambito, l'impiego delle tecniche e tecnologie geomatiche nel campo dei Beni Culturali, può fornire un valido contributo, che va dalla catalogazione e documentazione del bene culturale al suo controllo e monitoraggio. Oggigiorno il crescente sviluppo di nuove tecnologie digitali, accompagnato dai notevoli passi avanti compiuti dalle discipline della geomatica (in primo luogo topografiche e fotogrammetriche), rende possibile una efficace integrazione tra varie tecniche, favorita anche dalla diffusione di soluzioni per l’interscambio dati e per la comunicazione tra differenti dispositivi. Lo studio oggetto della presente tesi si propone, di approfondire gli aspetti legati all’uso delle tecniche e tecnologie della Geomatica, per mettere in risalto le condizioni di un bene ed il suo stato di degrado. Per la gestione e la salvaguardia di un bene culturale , si presenta il SIT Carta del Rischio che evidenzia le pericolosità legate al patrimonio, e come esse sommate alla vulnerabilità di un singolo bene, contribuiscano all’individuazione del grado di rischio. di approfondire gli aspetti legati all’uso delle tecniche e tecnologie delle Geomatica, per mettere in risalto le condizioni di un bene ed il suo stato di degrado.