999 resultados para Re-absorption


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Purinergic stimulation of airway epithelial cells induces Cl- secretion and modulates Na+ absorption by an unknown mechanism. To gain insight into this mechanism, we used a perfused micro-Ussing chamber to assess transepithelial voltage (V-te) and amiloride-sensitive short-circuit current (Isc-Amil) in mouse trachea. Exposure to apical ATP or UTP (each 100 mumol/l) caused a large initial increase in lumen negative V-te and I-sc corresponding to a transient Cl- secretion, while basolateral application of ATP/UTP induced only a small secretory response. Luminal, but not basolateral, application of nucleotides was followed by a sustained and reversible inhibition of Isc-Amil that was independent of extracellular Ca2+ or activation of protein kinase C and was not induced by carbachol (100 mumol/l) or the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin (1 mumol/l). Removal of extracellular Cl- or exposure to 200 muM DIDS reduced UTP-mediated inhibition of Isc-Amil Substantially. The phospholipase inhibitor U73122 (10 mumol/l) and pertussis toxin (PTX 200 ng/ml) both attenuated UTP-induced Cl- secretion and inhibition of Isc-Amil. Taken together, these data imply a contribution of Cl- conductance and PTX-sensitive G proteins to nucleotide-dependent inhibition of the amiloride-sensitive Na+ current in the mouse trachea.


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This essay considers processes by which community identities are challenged by discussing the use of whiteface as an activist strategy in recent indigenous theatre in Canada and Australia. To understand whiteface, I employ Susan Gubar's notion of racechange, processes that test and even transgress racial borders. I also situate whiteface in relation to the history of blackface minstrelsy. Noting the ways these racial performances affirm the hierarchies of color and how power becomes invested in such color codings, the essay highlights indigenous employment of whiteface as a potential form of critical historiography. I then analyze how whiteface functions in two productions, Daniel David Moses's Almighty Voice and His Wife (1991) in Canada and the Queensland Theatre Company's 2000 revival of George Landen Dann's Fountains Beyond in Australia. My analysis posits that such indigenous performances of whiteface can affirm the identity of the marginalized other even as they destabilize the fixity of race and its meanings.


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Based on the hypothesis that limited receptor solubility of lipophilic compounds may result in lower observed permeability parameters, the aim of this study was to determine the in vitro human epidermal permeability coefficients and membrane retention of a series of aliphatic alcohols (C1-C10, log p -0.72 to 4.06) using two different receptor solutions (water and 4% bovine serum albumin in phosphate-buffered saline). Aqueous solutions of radiolabeled alcohols were dosed into the stratum corneum side of membranes mounted in side-by-side glass diffusion cells. Appearance of alcohol in the receptor compartment filled with either of the two solutions was monitored over a 7 h period when both stratum corneum (assessed by tape stripping) and the remaining epidermis levels of radioactivity were determined. In a separate study the degree of binding of alcohols to 4% bovine serum albumin was determined. The data showed increased receptor phase solubility in the bovine serum albumin solution and higher permeability coefficients for the more lipophilic alcohols in the series. No changes were seen in the partitioning of the alcohols from the vehicle into either the stratum corneum or tape-stripped epidermis with the two receptor phases; however, a decrease in the amount of the more lipophilic alcohols partitioning into the water receptor phase from the tape-stripped epidermis was observed. We conclude that bovine serum albumin receptor phase allows better estimation of real permeability parameters for lipophilic compounds due to its increased solubility capacity and we question whether permeability parameters for lipophilic solutes from older data sets based on aqueous receptor phases are completely reliable.


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Ultrasonic absorption in polymer gel dosimeters was investigated. An ultrasonic interferometer was used to study the frequency (f) dependence of the absorption coefficient (alpha) in a polyacrylamide gel dosimeter (PAG) in the frequency range 5-20 MHz. The frequency dependence of ultrasonic absorption deviated from that of an ideal viscous fluid. The presence of relaxation mechanisms was evidenced by the frequency dependence of alpha/f(2) and the dispersion in ultrasonic velocity. It was concluded that absorption in polymer gel dosimeters is due to a number of relaxation processes which may include polymer-solvent interactions as well as relaxation due to motion of polymer side groups. The dependence of ultrasonic absorption on absorbed dose and formulation was also investigated in polymer gel dosimeters as a function of pH and chemical composition. Changes in dosimeter pH and chemical composition resulted in a variation in ultrasonic dose response curves. The observed dependence on pH was considered to be due to pH induced modifications in the radiation yield while changes in chemical composition resulted in differences in polymerisation kinetics. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Deterioration of concrete or reinforcing steel through excessive contaminant concentration is often the result of repeated wetting and drying cycles. At each cycle, the absorption of water carries new contaminants into the unsaturated concrete. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is used with large concrete samples to observe the shape of the wetting profile during a simple one-dimensional wetting process. The absorption of water by dry concrete is modelled by a nonlinear diffusion equation with the unsaturated hydraulic diffusivity being a strongly nonlinear function of the moisture content. Exponential and power functions are used for the hydraulic diffusivity and corresponding solutions of the diffusion equation adequately predict the shape of the experimental wetting profile. The shape parameters, describing the wetting profile, vary little between different blends and are relatively insensitive to subsequent re-wetting experiments allowing universal parameters to be suggested for these concretes.


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This paper examines a particular form of online activity-weblogging, and how it has allowed for specific new forms of popular political communication in the context of the Second Gulf War. After describing the basics of weblogging, the paper discusses Western media coverage of the war and then shows how 'warbloggers' positioned themselves vis-à-vis media coverage and propaganda, creating commentaries that frequently combined media and political criticism. While bloggers of every political hue offered a range of perspectives and personal styles, some general tendencies are evident in warblogging discourse. The piece ends by questioning the significance of warblogging in terms of its potential contribution to democratic communication.


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The absorption of fluid by unsaturated, rigid porous materials may be characterized by the sorptivity. This is a simple parameter to determine and is increasingly being used as a measure of a material's resistance to exposure to fluids (especially moisture and reactive solutes) in aggressive environments. The complete isothermal absorption process is described by a nonlinear diffusion equation, with the hydraulic diffusivity being a strongly nonlinear function of the degree of saturation of the material. This diffusivity can be estimated from the sorptivity test. In a typical test the cumulative absorption is proportional to the square root of time. However, a number of researchers have observed deviation from this behaviour when the infiltrating fluid is water and there is some potential for chemo-mechanical interaction with the material. In that case the current interpretation of the test and estimation of the hydraulic diffusivity is no longer appropriate. Kuntz and Lavallee (2001) discuss the anomalous behaviour and propose a non-Darcian model as a more appropriate physical description. We present an alternative Darcian explanation and theory that retrieves the earlier advantages of the simple sorptivity test in providing parametric information about the material's hydraulic properties and allowing simple predictive formulae for the wetting profile to be generated.


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Este estudo tem por objetivo investigar de que forma o debate epistemológico da Educação Física, constituído, principalmente, a partir da década de 1980, se materializa em um currículo prescrito de formação de professores, bem como compreender as interpretações e reinterpretações que o currículo faz desse debate ao longo do tempo. O currículo prescrito analisado compreende o Projeto Pedagógico de Licenciatura, Graduação Plena em Educação Física da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Como procedimento metodológico, foi utilizada a análise documental do projeto pedagógico em questão e de documentos que auxiliaram a sua elaboração, além de entrevistas com alguns dos professores que participaram da organização do currículo na tentativa de também compreender o contexto que envolveu a sua elaboração. Perante as polaridades presentes no debate epistemológico da área, a elaboração de um documento curricular, que envolve a participação de professores com diferentes interpretações desse debate, acaba por gerar tensões e conflitos que, por sua vez, podem se materializar no currículo. Diante do entendimento do currículo como um documento que expressa um campo de lutas e de poder, resta-nos, então, a dúvida de um currículo de formação de professores em Educação Física que expresse uma única identidade epistemológica, já que as polaridades e divergências da área, não só epistemológicas, mas também políticas se fazem presentes no momento de elaboração desse documento.


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En la educación especial para autistas el método principal de la comunicación se hace con imágenes que hacen posible la comunicación entre profesores y alumnos. El gran problema de un niño autista es la enfermedad que afecta la comunicación del niño. A partir del analisis del sistema de comunicación vigente - Las cifras del Sistema de Comunicación (PEC) – se detectaron algunas inconsistencias en los símbolos utilizados, como son la falta de informidad y usabilidad visual. Así, este trabajo parte de la propuesta de cambiar, renovando el sistema. Nos proponemos a la creación de un conjunto de símbolos uniforme, coherente y convincente. Una vez que, desde el punto de vista del diseño y la ilustración, consideramos como esencial para la enseñanza del autista un establecimiento de determinada calidad en las imágenes e ilustraciones utilizadas en este universo. La investigación se centrará en el campo de la ilustración y el producto se sentará en el intento de reformular el sistema de comunicaciones implementada hoy en día, con el objetivo principal de hacer la comunicación fácil e inmediata entre los niños autistas, los profesores, padres y amigos. Es decir, buscamos la eficacia de comunicación entre el autista y los que los rodean.


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ABSTRACT Soybean cultivation is increasing rapidly in the region of Alto Vale do Itajaí, State of Santa Catarina, where there is a predominance of silt soils. The objective of this work was to evaluate the content of primary macronutrients in shoots and shoot and root vegetative growth of soybean (Glicine max L. Merrill) grown in a silt-loam soil under different compactation densities and moisture levels. A randomized block design in a 4x4 factorial arrangement was used, with four compactation densities: 1.00; 1.20; 1.40 and 1.60 Mg m-3, and four soil moisture levels: 0.130; 0.160; 0.190 and 0.220 kg kg-1 and four replications. Each pot consisted of the overlapping of three 150-mm PVC rings, where soil was maintained in the higher and lower part of the pot with a density of 1.00 Mg m-3 and in the intermediate ring, the compactation densities were increased. Values of soil density higher than 120 Mg m-3 negatively affected N, P and K uptake by soybean plants, as well as the plant mass of the shoots and roots. The higher levels of soil moisture reduced the compaction effect and promoted better absorption of P and K.


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Este artigo estuda as demandas impostas ao fazer profissional dos assistentes sociais na esfera pública dos serviços de saúde, a partir da redefinição do papel do Estado nos anos 1990. Inicialmente, discorre sobre o caráter reducionista do Estado à luz da política neoliberal implementada pelo governo brasileiro. Depois, lança um olhar sobre as políticas de saúde nos anos 1980 para explicitar as repercussões nos serviços públicos de saúde nos anos 1990. Por último, delineia as configurações e reconfigurações das demandas dirigidas ao serviço social no âmbito dos serviços públicos de saúde e aponta para a necessidade de uma leitura atenta das determinações sociais, históricas, econômicas, políticas e culturais nas expressões da questão social na saúde e, especialmente, das limitações da intervenção profissional nos processos relacionados ao binômio saúdedoença, uma vez que estão atrelados aos processos societários em nível macro.


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RESUMO: Considerando a identidade como um processo dinâmico de interacção social, afastando-nos da ideia de identidades pré-estabelecidas, ancoradas numa visão essencialista e, aproximando-nos de uma identidade profissional que se constrói através de sucessivas interacções, procurámos conhecer a identidade profissional do docente de enfermagem. Convictos de que o estudo da identidade pode oscilar entre um pólo individual e um estrutural, optámos pela dimensão biográfica como eixo estruturante deste trabalho. Efectuaram-se oito biografias a docentes integrados no conceito de perito com uma profissionalidade reflectida. Utilizámos ainda o focus group como método complementar. Constatámos que os actores deste estudo se sentem enfermeiros, embora a sua área de actuação seja a docência. Destacam a integração do ensino de enfermagem no ensino superior como determinante na mudança da sua representação social. Todos estes docentes se incluem nos grupos que apresentam um estatuto da identidade realizado ou outorgado. Das competências que devem estar presentes no docente de enfermagem, salientam-se a comunicação, actualização científica e relação, capazes de promover um ambiente que propicie as aprendizagens significativas, de internacionalização, de investigação, como um modelo de conduta a seguir, que participe na vida da organização e seja capaz de motivar o outro, mas sobretudo que seja um bom enfermeiro. ABSTRACT: Considering identity as a social dynamic integration process, departing from the concept of pre-established identities anchored in an essentialist vision, and approaching a professional identity built trough successive interaction, we aimed to know the professional identity of the nursing teacher. Believing that the identity study may oscillate between an individual and a structural pole, we have chosen the biographic dimension as the structural axis for this assignment. Eight biographies from teachers integrated in the expert with a reflective professional identity have been made. We have also used the focus group as a complementary method. We have seen that the actors of this study feel themselves as nurses although their working area is teaching. They point out the higher teaching of Nursing as a determinant in the change of their social representation. All of these teachers are included in the groups that present an identity status that has been fulfilled or attributed. From the skills that should be present in the nursing teacher, communication, scientific knowledge and relationship are indicated when these are able to provide significant learning, internationalization and research as a behaviour model to be followed regarding the life of the organization and that might incentive others, but above as a way to be a good nurse.