869 resultados para Random walk
This paper concerns randomized leader election in synchronous distributed networks. A distributed leader election algorithm is presented for complete n-node networks that runs in O(1) rounds and (with high probability) uses only O(√ √nlog<sup>3/2</sup>n) messages to elect a unique leader (with high probability). When considering the "explicit" variant of leader election where eventually every node knows the identity of the leader, our algorithm yields the asymptotically optimal bounds of O(1) rounds and O(. n) messages. This algorithm is then extended to one solving leader election on any connected non-bipartite n-node graph G in O(τ(. G)) time and O(τ(G)n√log<sup>3/2</sup>n) messages, where τ(. G) is the mixing time of a random walk on G. The above result implies highly efficient (sublinear running time and messages) leader election algorithms for networks with small mixing times, such as expanders and hypercubes. In contrast, previous leader election algorithms had at least linear message complexity even in complete graphs. Moreover, super-linear message lower bounds are known for time-efficient deterministic leader election algorithms. Finally, we present an almost matching lower bound for randomized leader election, showing that Ω(n) messages are needed for any leader election algorithm that succeeds with probability at least 1/. e+. ε, for any small constant ε. >. 0. We view our results as a step towards understanding the randomized complexity of leader election in distributed networks.
The relationship between retention loss in single crystal PbTiO3 ferroelectric thin films and leakage currents is demonstrated by piezoresponse and conductive atomic force microscopy measurements. It was found that the polarization reversal in the absence of an electric field followed a stretched exponential behavior 1-exp[-(t/k)(d)] with exponent d>1, which is distinct from a dispersive random walk process with d <. The latter has been observed in polycrystalline films for which retention loss was associated with grain boundaries. The leakage current indicates power law scaling at short length scales, which strongly depends on the applied electric field. Additional information of the microstructure, which contributes to an explanation of the presence of leakage currents, is presented with high resolution transmission electron microscopy analysis.
Footprints in the sand: a persistent spatial impression of fishing in a mobile groundfish assemblage
Fishing is well known to curtail the size distribution of fish populations. This paper reports the discovery of small-scale spatial patterns in length appearing in several exploited species of Celtic Sea demersal 'groundfish'. These patterns match well with spatial distributions of fishing activity, estimated from vessel monitoring records taken over a period of 6 years, suggesting that this 'mobile' fish community retains a persistent impression of local-scale fishing pressure. An individual random-walk model of fish movement best matched these exploitation 'footprints' with individual movement rates set to <35 km per year. We propose that Celtic Sea groundfish may have surprisingly low movement rates for much of the year, such that fishing impact is spatially heterogeneous and related to local fishing intensity.
In this study, we introduce an original distance definition for graphs, called the Markov-inverse-F measure (MiF). This measure enables the integration of classical graph theory indices with new knowledge pertaining to structural feature extraction from semantic networks. MiF improves the conventional Jaccard and/or Simpson indices, and reconciles both the geodesic information (random walk) and co-occurrence adjustment (degree balance and distribution). We measure the effectiveness of graph-based coefficients through the application of linguistic graph information for a neural activity recorded during conceptual processing in the human brain. Specifically, the MiF distance is computed between each of the nouns used in a previous neural experiment and each of the in-between words in a subgraph derived from the Edinburgh Word Association Thesaurus of English. From the MiF-based information matrix, a machine learning model can accurately obtain a scalar parameter that specifies the degree to which each voxel in (the MRI image of) the brain is activated by each word or each principal component of the intermediate semantic features. Furthermore, correlating the voxel information with the MiF-based principal components, a new computational neurolinguistics model with a network connectivity paradigm is created. This allows two dimensions of context space to be incorporated with both semantic and neural distributional representations.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A PhD Dissertation, presented as part of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the NOVA - School of Business and Economics
A estrutura temporal das taxas de juro, também conhecida por yield curve ou curva de rendimentos define a relação entre as taxas de juros e o prazo de vencimento (ou maturidades) dos investimentos feitos. Assim, o desenvolvimento de modelos que possibilitem a obtenção de previsões precisas sobre a estrutura temporal das taxas de juro e que permitam estudar a dinâmica da evolução das taxas de juro é de crucial importância em diversas áreas de financiamento. Neste estudo investigou-se a performance de diferentes métodos de previsão para obter a estrutura temporal das taxas de juro da Zona Euro, considerando o período entre 2009 e 2015. Em termos mais específicos, foi analisada a capacidade preditiva do modelo de Nelson-Siegel & Svensson assumindo que os parâmetros resultantes da estimação da especificação paramétrica podem ser modelizados através de métodos de séries temporais univariados (modelos ARIMA, Random walk) e multivariados (modelos VAR) e Redes Neuronais Artificiais (RNA) individuais e conjuntas. Os resultados deste estudo mostram que (i) as RNA com a previsão dos parâmetros em simultâneo exibem os valores de erro mais baixos para as maturidades de curto e médio prazo (3 meses a 5 anos); (ii) As RNAs individuais são melhores para prever as taxas de juro nas maturidades compreendidas entre os 7 e os 10 anos, e que (iii) para as maturidades de longo e muito longo prazo (15 e 30 anos respetivamente) deverá ser escolhido o modelo VAR(1). Estes resultados são robustos e consistentes para todos os horizontes de previsão analisados (1,2 e 3 meses). Contudo, no período analisado nenhum dos modelos testados apresenta valores de erro inferiores aos obtidos com o modelo Random Walk.
For predicting future volatility, empirical studies find mixed results regarding two issues: (1) whether model free implied volatility has more information content than Black-Scholes model-based implied volatility; (2) whether implied volatility outperforms historical volatilities. In this thesis, we address these two issues using the Canadian financial data. First, we examine the information content and forecasting power between VIXC - a model free implied volatility, and MVX - a model-based implied volatility. The GARCH in-sample test indicates that VIXC subsumes all information that is reflected in MVX. The out-of-sample examination indicates that VIXC is superior to MVX for predicting the next 1-, 5-, 10-, and 22-trading days' realized volatility. Second, we investigate the predictive power between VIXC and alternative volatility forecasts derived from historical index prices. We find that for time horizons lesser than 10-trading days, VIXC provides more accurate forecasts. However, for longer time horizons, the historical volatilities, particularly the random walk, provide better forecasts. We conclude that VIXC cannot incorporate all information contained in historical index prices for predicting future volatility.
This paper considers various asymptotic approximations in the near-integrated firstorder autoregressive model with a non-zero initial condition. We first extend the work of Knight and Satchell (1993), who considered the random walk case with a zero initial condition, to derive the expansion of the relevant joint moment generating function in this more general framework. We also consider, as alternative approximations, the stochastic expansion of Phillips (1987c) and the continuous time approximation of Perron (1991). We assess how these alternative methods provide or not an adequate approximation to the finite-sample distribution of the least-squares estimator in a first-order autoregressive model. The results show that, when the initial condition is non-zero, Perron's (1991) continuous time approximation performs very well while the others only offer improvements when the initial condition is zero.
Dans le cadre de la recherche d’appui à la phase III du projet huile de palme rouge (HPR) au Burkina Faso, une étude de base a porté sur 150 femmes de la zone de production échantillonnées par la méthode aléatoire géographique. Leur statut en vitamine A (VA) a été évalué par HPLC et leurs apports alimentaires par un questionnaire de fréquence de consommation. Les connaissances, les perceptions, les habitudes d’utilisation et de consommation de l’HPR ont été explorées par un questionnaire pré-testé administré au domicile des participantes. Une étude comparative sur la qualité nutritionnelle, physico-chimique, microbiologique et sensorielle de 13 échantillons d’HPR de différentes provenances a été également réalisée. La prévalence de faibles rétinolémies était de 10,7% et les apports en VA provenaient à 90% des aliments d’origine végétale. Seules 5,9% des femmes productrices présentaient une faible rétinolémie, comparativement à 20,8% des femmes non-productrices d’HPR. Les échantillons d’HPR présentaient un profil satisfaisant mais quelques-uns étaient limites au plan microbiologique. En outre, aucun échantillon ne se distinguait nettement selon tous les paramètres de qualité étudiés. Cette étude démontre que les aliments d’origine végétale riches en caroténoïdes provitaminiques A, dont l’HPR qui en est la meilleure source, peuvent permettre d’avoir un statut adéquat en VA. Les risques de contamination de l’HPR au stade de la vente au détail impliquent une sensibilisation et une formation aux pratiques exemplaires de manipulation. Mots clés : Huile de palme rouge, vitamine A, diversification alimentaire, qualité, Burkina Faso.
Le sujet principal de ce mémoire est l'étude de la distribution asymptotique de la fonction f_m qui compte le nombre de diviseurs premiers distincts parmi les nombres premiers $p_1,...,p_m$. Au premier chapitre, nous présentons les sept résultats qui seront démontrés au chapitre 4. Parmi ceux-ci figurent l'analogue du théorème d'Erdos-Kac et un résultat sur les grandes déviations. Au second chapitre, nous définissons les espaces de probabilités qui serviront à calculer les probabilités asymptotiques des événements considérés, et éventuellement à calculer les densités qui leur correspondent. Le troisième chapitre est la partie centrale du mémoire. On y définit la promenade aléatoire qui, une fois normalisée, convergera vers le mouvement brownien. De là, découleront les résultats qui formeront la base des démonstrations de ceux chapitre 1.
Les méthodes de Monte Carlo par chaîne de Markov (MCMC) sont des outils très populaires pour l’échantillonnage de lois de probabilité complexes et/ou en grandes dimensions. Étant donné leur facilité d’application, ces méthodes sont largement répandues dans plusieurs communautés scientifiques et bien certainement en statistique, particulièrement en analyse bayésienne. Depuis l’apparition de la première méthode MCMC en 1953, le nombre de ces algorithmes a considérablement augmenté et ce sujet continue d’être une aire de recherche active. Un nouvel algorithme MCMC avec ajustement directionnel a été récemment développé par Bédard et al. (IJSS, 9 :2008) et certaines de ses propriétés restent partiellement méconnues. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de tenter d’établir l’impact d’un paramètre clé de cette méthode sur la performance globale de l’approche. Un second objectif est de comparer cet algorithme à d’autres méthodes MCMC plus versatiles afin de juger de sa performance de façon relative.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Ce mémoire porte sur l’étude des maxima de champs gaussiens. Plus précisément, l’étude portera sur la convergence en loi, la convergence du premier ordre et la convergence du deuxième ordre du maximum d’une collection de variables aléatoires gaussiennes. Les modèles de champs gaussiens présentés sont le modèle i.i.d., le modèle hiérarchique et le champ libre gaussien. Ces champs gaussiens diffèrent par le degré de corrélation entre les variables aléatoires. Le résultat principal de ce mémoire sera que la convergence en probabilité du premier ordre du maximum est la même pour les trois modèles. Quelques résultats de simulations seront présentés afin de corroborer les résultats théoriques obtenus.