992 resultados para Radiometric fractions


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A radiometric zircon age of 285.4 +/- 8.6 Ma (IDTIMS U-Pb) is reported from a tonstein layer interbedded with coal seams in the Faxinal coalfield, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Calibration of palynostratigraphic data with the absolute age shows that the coal depositional interval in the southern Parana Basin is constrained to the Sakmarian. Consequently, the basal Gondwana sequence in the southern part of the basin should lie at the Carboniferous-Permian boundary, not within the Sakmarian as previously considered. The new results are significant for correlations between the Parana Basin and the Argentinian Paganzo Basin (302 +/- 6 Ma and 288 +/- 7 Ma) and with the Karoo Basin, specifically with the top of the Dwyka Tillite (302 +/- 3 Ma and 299.2 +/- 3.2 Ma) and the lowermost Ecca Group (288 +/- 3 Ma and 289.6 +/- 3.8 Ma). The evidence signifies widespread latest Carboniferous volcanic activity in western Gondwana. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The results of geological mapping, chemical analysis and radiometric dating of metabasic rocks of Betara Formation, and mapping and dating of those present in the Betara basement nucleus together with mylonitic granodiorite and syenogranite are reported here. U-Pb analysis of bulk zircon fractions from the metabasic rocks of the basement nucleus yielded a Statherian age of 1790 +/- 22 Ma, while the metabasic rocks from the upper part of the Betara Formation yielded a Calymmian age between 1500 and 1450 Ma. This age is a minimum for the deposition of the Betara Formation. The older metabasic rocks are associated with post-tectonic, possibly anorogenic syenogranite, while the younger ones are gabbro or very porphyritic ankaramite whose REE patterns are consistent with crystallization from an N-MORB parent magma. The observations and data point to the probable events associated with extensional processes of the end of Paleoproterozoic and early Mesoproterozoic. Similar registers of Statherian (1.80-1.75 Ga) and Calymmian (1.50-1.45 Ga) extensional events are recorded in other parts of the South American and African continents. The Neoproterozoic witnessed the formation and junction of the tectonic slices which formed the Apiai domain during the assemblage of western Gondwana. (C) 2010 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Let L be a function field over the rationals and let D denote the skew field of fractions of L[t; sigma], the skew polynomial ring in t, over L, with automorphism sigma. We prove that the multiplicative group D(x) of D contains a free noncyclic subgroup.


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Urban particulate matter (UPM) contributes to lung cancer incidence. Here, we have studied the mutagenic activity and DNA adduct-forming ability of fractionated UPM extractable organic matter (EOM). UPM was collected with a high-volume sampler in June 2004 at two sites, one at street level adjacent to a roadway and the other inside a park within the urban area of the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. UPM was extracted using dichloromethane, and the resulting EOM was separated by HPLC to obtain PAH, nitro-PAH, and oxy-PAH fractions which were tested for mutagenicity with the Salmonella strains TA98 and YG1041 with and without S9 metabolic activation. The PAH fraction from both sites showed negligible mutagenic activity in both strains. The highest mutagenic activity was found for the nitro-PAH fraction using YG1041 without metabolic activation; however, results were comparable for both sites. The nitro-PAH and oxy-PAH fractions were incubated with calf thymus DNA under reductive conditions appropriate for the activation of nitro aromatic compounds, then DNA adduct patterns and levels were determined with thin-layer chromatography (TLC) (32)p-postlabeling method using two enrichment procedures-nuclease PI digestion and butanol extraction. Reductively activated fractions from both sites produced diagonal radioactive zones (DRZ) of putative aromatic DNA adducts on thin layer plates with both enrichment procedures. No such DRZ were observed in control experiments using fractions from unexposed filters or from incubations without activating system. Total adduct levels produced by the nitro-PAH fractions were similar for both sites ranging from 30 to 45 adducts per 10(8) normal nucleotides. In contrast, the DNA binding of reductively activated oxy-PAH fractions was three times higher and the adduct pattern consisted of multiple discrete spots along the diagonal line on the thin layer plates. However, DNA adduct levels were not significantly different between the sampling sites. Both samples presented the same levels of mutagenic activity. The response in the Salmonella assay was typical of nitroaromatics. Although, more mutagenic activity was related to the nitro-PAH fraction in the Salmonella assay, the oxy-PAH fractions showed the highest DNA adduct levels. More studies are needed to elucidate the nature of the genotoxicants occurring in Sao Paulo atmospheric samples. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The difficulty of preparing monodisperse lignin fractions on a large scale is a limiting factor in many applications. The present paper addresses this problem by examining the properties and size-exclusion behavior of lignin isolated by the acetosolv pulping process from post-extraction crushed sugarcane bagasse. The isolated lignin was subjected to a solvent pretreatment, followed by preparative gel permeation chromatography fractionation. The fractions were analyzed by high-performance size-exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) and these samples showed a great decrease in polydispersity, compared to the original acetosolv lignin. Several fractions of very low polydispersity, close to unity, were employed as calibration curve standards in HPSEC analysis. This original analytical approach allowed calibration with these lignin fractions to be compared with the polystyrene standards that are universally employed for lignin molecular mass determination. This led to a noteworthy result, namely that the lignin fractions and polystyrene standards showed very similar behavior over a large range of molecular masses in a typical HPSEC analysis of acetosolv lignin. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The acid hydrolysis of cellulose with crystalline and amorphous fractions is analyzed on the basis of autocatalytic model with a positive feedback of acid production from the degraded biopolymer. In the condition of low acid rate production compared with hydrolysis rate, both fraction of cellulose decrease exponentially with linear and cubic time dependence, and the normalized number of scissions per cellulose chain follows a sigmoid behavior with reaction time. The model predicts that self generated acidic compounds from cellulose accelerate the degradation of the biopolymer. However, if the acidic compounds produced are volatile species, then their release under low pressure will reduce the global rate of degradation of cellulose toward its intrinsic rate value determined by the residual acid catalyst present in the starting material.


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Dagens kombisolvärmesystem för enfamiljshus har i storleksordningen 10 m2 solfångare och kan täcka i runda tal 10 ? 30 % av det årliga värmebehovet. Ökar man solfångarytan för att öka solvärmetäckningsgraden uppstår det vanligtvis en överproduktion av värme sommartid viket kan orsaka problem i form av termisk utmattning av material, att material förstörs eller att säkerhetsventiler utlöses med driftsstopp som följd. Vidare förkortas glykolens livslängd radikalt och detta kan ge följdskador såsom korrosion, beläggningar i rören och t o m igensättning av systemet. Ett sätt att undvika problemen med överhettning i solvärmesystem med hög täckningsgrad är att använda lastanpassade solfångare. Med detta menas solfångare som har en verkningsgrad som är beroende av solhöjden och varierar över året. Verkningsgraden är hög när värmelasten är hög (vanligtvis sen höst, vinter och tidig vår) medan verkningsgraden är låg då värmelasten är låg (vanligtvis sen vår, sommar och tidig höst). I denna rapport visas att det är möjligt att bygga lastanpassade solfångarsystem med hög täckningsgrad för enfamiljshus med solfångarytor som täcker hela villatak (>= 40 m2), utan att den termiska påfrestningen på systemet blir större än för vanliga solvärmesystem med 10 m2 plana solfångare. Detta kan göras med samma systemkomponenter som finns i system med plana solfångare. De lastanpassade solfångarna levererar ungefär samma energimängd per m2 som plana solfångare, men de bör kunna bli billigare, på grund av lägre materialkostnad. Det finns även en potential att konstruera lastanpassade solvärmesystem med begränsad stagnationstemperatur, vilket kan möjliggöra användandet av billigare material. En och samma solfångartyp är lämplig för såväl stora som små system och för olika takvinklar. I rapporten redovisas optimerade solfångargeometrier för lastanpassade solvärmesystem, geometrier och optiska egenskaper för praktiskt möjliga solfångare samt beräkningar av förväntat årsutbyte, stagnationstemperaturer, stagnationstider och kostnader. Testresultat för två prototyper av lastanpassade solfångare presenteras. Optimeringsalgoritmer för design av optiken för lastanpassade solfångare i system samt ett ray-tracingverktyg och snabba men ändå tillräckligt noggranna simuleringsverktyg har utvecklats.


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Background and objectives The digestion rate of proteins and subsequent absorption of amino acids can independently modulate protein metabolism. The objective of the present study was to examine the blood amino acid response to whey protein isolate (WPI), β-lactoglobulin-enriched WPI, hydrolysed WPI and a flavour-identical control.

Methods Eight healthy adults (four female, four male) were recruited (mean±standard error of the mean: age, 27.0±0.76 years; body mass index, 23.2±0.8 kg/cm2) and after an overnight fast consumed 500 ml of each drink, each containing 25g protein, in a cross-over design. Blood was taken at rest and then every 15 min for 2 h post ingestion.

Results Ingesting the β-lactoglobulin-enriched WPI drink resulted in significantly greater plasma leucine concentrations at 45-120 min and significantly greater branched-chain amino acid concentrations at 60-105 min post ingestion compared with hydrolysed WPI. No differences were observed between WPI and β-lactoglobulin-enriched WPI, and all protein drinks resulted in elevated blood amino acids compared with flavour-identical control.

Conclusions In conclusion, whole proteins resulted in a more rapid absorption of leucine and branched-chain amino acid into the blood compared with the hydrolysed molecular form of whey protein.


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Fractions are different from other numbers: they need new ways of working - right? No. That’s a recipe for relying on unexplainable rote rules. Fraction calculations are sensibly based in properly understood whole-number operations. If we really know how to multiply and divide (and add and subtract) whole-numbers, doing the same kinds of things with fractions will be easy, and memorable. But how does this fit with VELS and Progression Points? What is the Fraction Curriculum, and how could we teach it?


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We screened seaweed species from Atlantic Canada for antidiabetic activity by testing extracts for α-glucosidase inhibitory effect and glucose uptake stimulatory activity. An aqueous ethanolic extract of Ascophyllum nodosum was found to be active in both assays, inhibiting rat intestinal α-glucosidase (IC50 = 77 μg/mL) and stimulating basal glucose uptake into 3T3-L1 adipocytes during a 20-minute incubation by about 3-fold (at 400 μg/mL extract). Bioassay-guided fractionation of the A. nodosum extract showed that α-glucosidase inhibition was associated with polyphenolic components in the extract. These polyphenolics, along with other constituents appeared to be responsible for the stimulatory activity on glucose uptake. However, attempts to further concentrate this activity through fractionation techniques were unsuccessful. A crude polyphenol extract (PPE), an enriched polyphenolic fraction (PPE-F1) and a polysaccharide extract (PSE) were prepared from commercial A. nodosum powder and administered to streptozotocin-diabetic mice for up to 4-weeks by daily gavage at 200 mg/kg body mass. PPE and PPE-F1 improved fasting serum glucose level in diabetic mice; however, the effect was only statistically significant at day 14. In addition, PPE-F1 was shown to blunt the rise in blood glucose after an oral sucrose tolerance test in diabetic mice. Mice treated with PPE and PPE-F1 had decreased blood total cholesterol and glycated serum protein levels compared with untreated diabetic mice, whereas PPE also normalized the reduction in liver glycogen level that occurred in diabetic animals. All 3 A. nodosum preparations improved blood antioxidant capacity.

On a établit une recherche d’un produit anti-diabétique, parmi les algues locales de la région Atlantique du Canada, en examinant la capacité d’un effet inhibiteur de l’enzyme α-glucosidase et une stimulation de l’incorporation cellulaire du glucose. Un extrait éthanol-aqueux de Ascophyllum nodosum nous a donné une activité positive chez les deux essais, une inhibition de l’α-glucosidase provenant de l’intestin du rat (IC50 = 77 μg/mL) et puis une stimulation triple, à une concentration de 400 μg/mL, de l’incorporation du glucose dans les adipocytes 3T3-L1 durant une période de 20 minutes. L’extrait de A. nodosum a été divisé, guidé par les résultats biologiques, et a ainsi démontré la présence d’éléments polyphénoliques associé à l’inhibition de l’α-glucosidase. Ces éléments polyphénoliques ainsi que d’autres semblent être responsables de l’incorporation stimulée du glucose. Il a été impossible de raffiner cette activité lors d’une division des composants. Un extrait brut polyphénolique (PPE), un extrait enrichi polyphénolique (PPE-F1) et puis un extrait polysaccharide (PSE) furent préparés d’une poudre commerciale de A. nodosum et utilisés dans une étude utilisant des souris, rendues diabétiques par injections de streptozotocin, traitées par un gavage journalier de l’extrait 200 mg/kg du poids corporel durant une période de 4 semaines. Le taux du glucose sanguin à jeun des souris fut moins élevé en présence des extraits qu’en leurs absence. Cependant, l’effet était seulement significatif au jour 14. Les résultats étant toutefois variables. En plus, lors d’un essai oral de la tolérance au sucrose chez la souris diabétique, l’extrait PPE-F1 a empêché l’augmentation du taux du glucose sanguin. Les extraits PPE et PPE-F1 ont réduit le taux de cholestérol sanguin et les niveaux de glycation des protéines en comparaison de ces niveaux en absence des extraits tandis que l’extrait PPE a présenté une réduction du niveau de glycogène du foie chez les souris diabétiques. Les trois extraits de A. nodosum ont tous amélioré la capacité antioxidante du sang.


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Australian sweet lupin kernal fibre addition to foods in the diet beneficially modified serum lipids and the food products palatability was not reduced after repeated consumption. Australian sweet lupin kernal flour addition to white bread lowered the glycaemic index and did not reduce palatability, but increased the insulinaemic index.


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Multiplication, division and fractions are 'hotspots' for students in the middle years with many students experiencing difficulty with these concepts (Siemon, Virgona & Cornielle, 2001). Arrays effectively model multiplication and help children develop multiplicative thinking and learn multiplication facts (Young-Loveridge, 2005). In this article we show how an open-ended array problem enabled a Grade 5/6 student to think about the relationship between multiplication, division and fractions. In the article we describe the project and 'hot spot' mathematical tasks that we used and provide some background on multiplicative thinking before presenting the case and a commentary (Western Melbourne Roundtable, 1997) of one student's exploration. This case was documented whilst we were working on a collaborative project with a team of upper primary teachers and a group of pre-service teachers at a local primary school.