707 resultados para Race and Education
This paper provides an outline about the basic ideas of the capability approach. It will be argued that the capability approach is able to provide an appropriate approach in order to evaluate educational and social human services. As an egalitarian approach to social justice, the capability approach has particular strengths when issues concerning the actual life-conduct of tangible human beings come to the fore. In particular educational aspects of welfare and well-being might thus be well grounded on the Aristotelian reasoning of the capability approach. The paper focuses on the potentially fruitful relations of the capability approach and the philosophy and practice of ‘just’ education referring to the idea of the autonomy of life-practice.
Social work has seen increased intellectual interest in sexuality. However, little attention has been paid to the relevance of everyday sexuality for professional practice or how this might be integrated within existing social work curricula. This paper proposes that knowledge about everyday sexuality is vital to social workers as they deal with a variety of clients faced with the increasing complexities brought about by late-modernity. Additionally, it is argued that this knowledge base is congruent with the ethical and political dimensions of the profession. The PLISSIT model is presented as a possible pedagogical framework for social work education in this area.
Simbrain is a visually-oriented framework for building and analyzing neural networks. It emphasizes the analysis of networks which control agents embedded in virtual environments, and visualization of the structures which occur in the high dimensional state spaces of these networks. The program was originally intended to facilitate analysis of representational processes in embodied agents, however it is also well suited to teaching neural networks concepts to a broader audience than is traditional for neural networks courses. Simbrain was used to teach a course at a new university, UC Merced, in its inaugural year. Experiences from the course and sample lessons are provided.
Race and discourse analysis: Building a dialogue in health service research and health care settings
Using a framework for discourse analysis developed by Van Dijk, the investigator will pinpoint the pathological forms of discourse on race, defined as 'race talk' in three professional domains: health services research, public health provider organizations, and literature on multiculturalism. Attention will then turn to developing an analytical strategy for building more meaningful dialogue on race. The retrieval of potential resources for dialogue will be drawn from the third domain. Analysis will focus on enhancing the prospects of converting 'race talk' into dialogue. This will be accomplished by characterizing the normative preconditions as formal procedural requirements for dialogue and then supplementing these conditions with others related specifically to race. From here, the practical implications of combining procedural requirements and resources in each of the domains will be considered. Finally, the author will attempt to determine how these selected resources might be employed to transform 'race talk' in practice and lay the groundwork for a dialogue of understanding. ^
by Maurice Fishberg
Objective. The main aim of our study is to assess the effect of hypertension on the decline in cognitive impairment among Alzheimer’s patients. Methods. We analyzed the data of AD patients enrolled in Baylor ADMDC in a prospective study design. We divided AD patients into two groups based on the definition of hypertension. We described a decline in cognitive impairment as a change of 5 points in mini-mental state examination score (MMSE) from the baseline visit. Results. Independent of covariates, AD patients with hypertension did not exhibit a significant decline in cognitive impairment after adjustment of covariates, age, race and education (Hazard Ratio (HR) = 1.07, p value 0.58, 95% confidence interval 0.84-1.39) than AD patients without hypertension. In addition, AD patients with hypertension did not experience decline in cognitive impairment sooner than AD patients without hypertension. (P value 0.83). Conclusions . Hypertension is not associated with cognitive impairment over time among patients with Alzheimer’s disease enrolled in Baylor ADMDC after other potential confounders were taken into account. These findings should not be interpreted as a basis for discouraging appropriate medical treatment of hypertension in AD patients. Greater efforts should be made to improve the recognition of hypertension as a modifiable risk factor for decline in cognitive impairment in AD population. ^
This descriptive study assesses the current status of mental illness in Bendel State of Nigeria to determine its implications for mental health policy and education. It is a study of the demographic characteristics of psychiatric patients in the only two modern western psychiatric facilities in Bendel State, the various treatment modalities utilized for mental illness, and the people's choice of therapeutic measures for mental illness in Bendel State.^ This study investigated ten aspects of mental illness in Bendel State (1) An increase of the prevalence of mental illness (psychiatric disorder) in Bendel State. (2) Unaided, unguided, and uncared for mentally ill people roaming about Bendel State. (3) Pluralistic Treatment Modalities for mentally ill patients in Bendel State. (4) Traditional Healers treating more mentally ill patients than the modern western psychiatric hospitals. (5) Inadequate modern western psychiatric facilities in Bendel State. (6) Controversy between Traditional Health and modern western trained doctors over the issue of possible cooperation between traditional and modern western medicine. (7) Evidence of mental illness in all ethnic groups in Bendel State. (8) More scientifically based and better organized modern western psychiatric hospitals than the traditional healing centers. (9) Traditional healers' level of approach with patients, and accessibility to patients' families compared with the modern western trained doctors. (10) An urgent need for an official action to institute a comprehensive mental health policy that will provide an optimum care for the mentally ill in Bendel State, and in Nigeria in general.^ Of the eight popular treatment modalities generally used in Bendel State for mental illness, 54% of the non-patient population sampled preferred the use of traditional healing, 26.5% preferred the use of modern western treatment, and 19.5% preferred religious healers.^ The investigator concluded at this time not to recommend the integration of Traditional Healing and modern western medicine in Nigeria. Rather, improvement of the existing modern western psychiatric facilities and a proposal to establish facilities to enable traditional healing and modern western medicine to exist side by side were highly recommended. ^
Context: Black women are reported to have a higher prevalence of uterine fibroids, and a threefold higher incidence rate and relative risk for clinical uterine fibroid development as compared to women of other races. Uterine fibroid research has reported that black women experience greater uterine fibroid morbidity and disproportionate uterine fibroid disease burden. With increased interest in understanding uterine fibroid development, and race being a critical component of uterine fibroid assessment, it is imperative that the methods used to determine the race of research participants is defined and the operational definition of the use of race as a variable is reported for methodological guidance, and to enable the research community to compare statistical data and replicate studies. ^ Objectives: To systematically review and evaluate the methods used to assess race and racial disparities in uterine fibroid research. ^ Data Sources: Databases searched for this review include: OVID Medline, NML PubMed, Ebscohost Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Plus with Full Text, and Elsevier Scopus. ^ Review Methods: Articles published in English were retrieved from data sources between January 2011 and March 2011. Broad search terms, uterine fibroids and race, were employed to retrieve a comprehensive list of citations for review screening. The initial database yield included 947 articles, after duplicate extraction 485 articles remained. In addition, 771 bibliographic citations were reviewed to identify additional articles not found through the primary database search, of which 17 new articles were included. In the first screening, 502 titles and abstracts were screened against eligibility questions to determine citations of exclusion and to retrieve full text articles for review. In the second screening, 197 full texted articles were screened against eligibility questions to determine whether or not they met full inclusion/exclusion criteria. ^ Results: 100 articles met inclusion criteria and were used in the results of this systematic review. The evidence suggested that black women have a higher prevalence of uterine fibroids when compared to white women. None of the 14 studies reporting data on prevalence reported an operational definition or conceptual framework for the use of race. There were a limited number of studies reporting on the prevalence of risk factors among racial subgroups. Of the 3 studies, 2 studies reported prevalence of risk factors lower for black women than other races, which was contrary to hypothesis. And, of the three studies reporting on prevalence of risk factors among racial subgroups, none of them reported a conceptual framework for the use of race. ^ Conclusion: In the 100 uterine fibroid studies included in this review over half, 66%, reported a specific objective to assess and recruit study participants based upon their race and/or ethnicity, but most, 51%, failed to report a method of determining the actual race of the participants, and far fewer, 4% (only four South American studies), reported a conceptual framework and/or operational definition of race as a variable. However, most, 95%, of all studies reported race-based health outcomes. The inadequate methodological guidance on the use of race in uterine fibroid studies, purporting to assess race and racial disparities, may be a primary reason that uterine fibroid research continues to report racial disparities, but fails to understand the high prevalence and increased exposures among African-American women. A standardized method of assessing race throughout uterine fibroid research would appear to be helpful in elucidating what race is actually measuring, and the risk of exposures for that measurement. ^
En América Latina la injerencia de los organismos internacionales en la política nacional constituye un fenómeno que no se puede soslayar. Se trata de una cuestión candente en el contexto actual y remite a la presencia creciente en los países de la región de una serie de papers, documentos, boletines que, generados en el seno de dichas entidades, señalan desafíos presentes y futuros que deberá atender América Latina. En el campo educativo, marcan las orientaciones de política para la región y representan discursos sobre la educación que es menester analizar críticamente. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar una serie de ideas, recomendaciones y retóricas político-pedagógicas de los Organismos Internacionales respecto de la denominada calidad de la educación en América Latina con la intención de poner de manifiesto su productividad discursiva en tanto su incidencia está ligada a significantes que operan ordenando las disputas político-discursivas del campo educativo
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo describir la experiencia de implementación y desarrollo del Portal de revistas de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata a fin de que pueda ser aprovechada por todos aquellos que emprendan iniciativas de características similares. Para ello, se realiza en primer lugar un repaso por la trayectoria de la Facultad respecto a la edición de revistas científicas y la labor bibliotecaria para contribuir a su visualización. En segundo orden, se exponen las tareas llevadas adelante por la Prosecretaría de Gestión Editorial y Difusión (PGEyD) de la Facultad para concretar la puesta en marcha del portal. Se hace especial referencia a la personalización del software, a la metodología utilizada para la carga masiva de información en el sistema (usuarios y números retrospectivos) y a los procedimientos que permiten la inclusión en repositorio institucional y en el catálogo web de todos los contenidos del portal de manera semi-automática. Luego, se hace alusión al trabajo que se está realizando en relación al soporte y a la capacitación de los editores. Se exponen, después, los resultados conseguidos hasta el momento en un año de trabajo: creación de 10 revistas, migración de 4 títulos completos e inclusión del 25de las contribuciones publicadas en las revistas editadas por la FaHCE. A modo de cierre se enuncian una serie de desafíos que la Prosecretaría se ha propuesto para mejorar el Portal y optimizar los flujos de trabajo intra e interinstitucionales
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo describir la experiencia de implementación y desarrollo del Portal de revistas de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata a fin de que pueda ser aprovechada por todos aquellos que emprendan iniciativas de características similares. Para ello, se realiza en primer lugar un repaso por la trayectoria de la Facultad respecto a la edición de revistas científicas y la labor bibliotecaria para contribuir a su visualización. En segundo orden, se exponen las tareas llevadas adelante por la Prosecretaría de Gestión Editorial y Difusión (PGEyD) de la Facultad para concretar la puesta en marcha del portal. Se hace especial referencia a la personalización del software, a la metodología utilizada para la carga masiva de información en el sistema (usuarios y números retrospectivos) y a los procedimientos que permiten la inclusión en repositorio institucional y en el catálogo web de todos los contenidos del portal de manera semi-automática. Luego, se hace alusión al trabajo que se está realizando en relación al soporte y a la capacitación de los editores. Se exponen, después, los resultados conseguidos hasta el momento en un año de trabajo: creación de 10 revistas, migración de 4 títulos completos e inclusión del 25de las contribuciones publicadas en las revistas editadas por la FaHCE. A modo de cierre se enuncian una serie de desafíos que la Prosecretaría se ha propuesto para mejorar el Portal y optimizar los flujos de trabajo intra e interinstitucionales
En América Latina la injerencia de los organismos internacionales en la política nacional constituye un fenómeno que no se puede soslayar. Se trata de una cuestión candente en el contexto actual y remite a la presencia creciente en los países de la región de una serie de papers, documentos, boletines que, generados en el seno de dichas entidades, señalan desafíos presentes y futuros que deberá atender América Latina. En el campo educativo, marcan las orientaciones de política para la región y representan discursos sobre la educación que es menester analizar críticamente. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar una serie de ideas, recomendaciones y retóricas político-pedagógicas de los Organismos Internacionales respecto de la denominada calidad de la educación en América Latina con la intención de poner de manifiesto su productividad discursiva en tanto su incidencia está ligada a significantes que operan ordenando las disputas político-discursivas del campo educativo