212 resultados para RETINOBLASTOMA


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La sénescence est un mécanisme de défense antiprolifératif dont la cellule est munie afin de prévenir l’accumulation de mutations pouvant mener à sa transformation et l’éventuel développement d’une tumeur. Ce programme consiste en un arrêt permanent du cycle cellulaire. Il peut être activé par de nombreux stimuli tels que le raccourcissement des télomères, le stress oxydatif, ou l’expression d’un oncogène constitutivement actif. Sa régulation requiert l’activation de protéines appelées des suppresseurs de tumeur dont les plus importants sont p53 et RB. De manière plus spécifique, les sénescences induites par l’expression des oncogène RASV12 ou STAT5A(1*6) sont respectivement caractérisées par l’augmentation de l’expression des protéines PML et CHES1/FOXN3. Le but de cette thèse est, dans un premier temps, de mettre en évidence le mécanisme de régulation de la sénescence par PML. PML est un suppresseur de tumeur dont l’expression dans des cellules diploïdes normales est suffisante pour induire la sénescence. Cette protéine forme des corps nucléaires sphériques au sein desquels est recruté, parmi d’autres molécules, la protéine du rétinoblastome RB. RB est un régulateur négatif du cycle cellulaire capable de lier et inhiber les facteurs de transcription E2F dont les gènes cibles sont nécessaires à la prolifération. Nos travaux démontrent que le mécanisme d’induction de la sénescence par PML implique le recrutement du complexe RB/E2F aux corps de PML afin de renforcer l’inhibition de l’activité des E2F par RB. Également, les E2F sont recrutés aux corps de PML en compagnie de leurs promoteurs ce qui favorise la formation d’hétérochromatine au niveau de ces gènes, aidant à leur répression et donc à l’établissement de la sénescence. D’autre part, cette thèse a pour but de caractériser le rôle de CHES1/FOXN3 dans la régulation du cycle cellulaire. CHES1 est un facteur de transcription de la famille des Forkheads. Son expression dans des cellules cancéreuses provoque un ralentissement de leur prolifération. Afin de comprendre son mécanisme de fonctionnement, une analyse sur micropuce d’ADN de l’expression des gènes de cellules cancéreuses exprimant CHES1 a été réalisée. Cette analyse a montré que, dans la cellule, CHES1 joue un rôle de répresseur transcriptionnel. Plus précisément, CHES1 réprime, entre autres, l’expression de gènes nécessaires à la synthèse des protéines tels que PIM2 et DYRK3. De manière intéressante, la réexpression de PIM2 dans des cellules cancéreuses exprimant CHES1 permet de rétablir partiellement la prolifération cellulaire. Également, l’analyse sur micropuce a révélé que CHES1 régule l’expression de nombreux gènes impliqués dans la formation des cilia dont l’une des fonctions semble être de moduler la synthèse protéique. Pris ensemble, ces résultats suggèrent que le mécanisme antitumoral de CHES1 consiste en une inhibition de la synthèse de protéines.


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Problématique: L’hypertension artérielle essentielle, facteur de risque majeur dans le développement des maladies cardiovasculaires, est un trait multigénique complexe dont les connaissances sur le déterminisme génétique nécessitent d’être approfondies. De nombreux loci à trait quantitatif (QTLs); soit des gènes responsables de faire varier la pression artérielle (PA), ont été identifiés chez l’humain et le modèle animal. Cependant, le mystère plane encore sur la façon dont ces gènes fonctionnent ensemble pour réguler la PA. Hypothèse et objectif: Plutôt qu’une addition de QTLs ayant chacun une action infinitésimale sur la PA, une interaction épistatique entre les gènes serait responsable du phénotype hypertendu. Ainsi, l’étude de cette épistasie entre les gènes impliqués, directement ou indirectement, dans l’homéostasie de la PA nous permettrait d’explorer de nouvelles voies de régulation moléculaire en cause dans cette maladie. Méthodes: Via la réalisation de souches congéniques de rats, où un segment chromosomique provenant d’une souche receveuse hypertendue (Dahl Salt Sensitive, SS/Jr) est remplacé par son homologue provenant d’une souche donneuse normotendue (Lewis, LEW), des QTLs peuvent être mis en évidence. Dans ce contexte, la combinaison de QTLs via la création de doubles ou multiples congéniques constitue la première démonstration fonctionnelle des interactions intergéniques. Résultats: Vingt-sept combinaisons au total nous ont menés à l’appréciation d’une modularisation des QTLs. Ces derniers ont été catégorisés selon deux principaux modules épistatiques (EMs) où les QTLs appartenant à un même EM sont épistatiques entre eux et participent à une même voie régulatrice. Les EMs/cascades agissent alors en parallèle pour réguler la PA. Grâce à l’existence de QTLs ayant des effets opposés sur la PA, nous avons pu établir l’ordre hiérarchique entre trois paires de QTLs. Cependant, lorsque cette suite régulatrice ne peut être déterminée, d’autres approches sont nécessaires. Nos travaux nous ont mené à l’identification d’un QTL situé sur le chromosome 16 du rat (C16QTL), appartenant au EM1 et qui révélerait une nouvelle voie de l’homéostasie de la PA. Le gène retinoblastoma-associated protein 140 (Rap140)/family with sequence similarity 208 member A (Fam208a), présentant une mutation non synonyme entre SS/Jr et LEW est le gène candidat le plus plausible pour représenter C16QTL. Celui-ci code pour un facteur de transcription et semblerait influencer l’expression de Solute carrier family 7 (cationic amino acid transporter, y+ system) member 12 (Slc7a12), spécifiquement et significativement sous exprimé dans les reins de la souche congénique portant C16QTL par rapport à la souche SS/Jr. Rap140/Fam208a agirait comme un inhibiteur de la transcription de Slc7a12 menant à une diminution de la pression chez Lewis. Conclusions: L’architecture complexe de la régulation de la PA se dévoile mettant en scène de nouveaux acteurs, pour la plupart inconnus pour leur implication dans la PA. L’étude de la nouvelle voie de signalisation Rap140/Fam208a - Slc7a12 nous permettra d’approfondir nos connaissances quant à l’homéostasie de la pression artérielle et de l’hypertension chez SS/Jr. À long terme, de nouveaux traitements anti-hypertenseurs, ciblant plus d’une voie de régulation à la fois, pourraient voir le jour.


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The role of cell cycle dependent molecules in controlling the switch from cardiac myocyte hyperplasia to hypertrophy remains unclear, although in the rat this process occurs between day 3 and 4 after birth. In this study we have determined (1) cell cycle profiles by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS); and (2) expressions, co-expressions and activities of a number of cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) and CDK inhibitors by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), immunoblotting andin vitrokinase assays in freshly isolated rat cardiac myocytes obtained from 2, 3, 4 and 5-day-old animals. The percentage of myocytes found in the S phase of the cell cycle decreased significantly during the transition from hyperplasia to hypertrophy (5.5, 3.5, 2.3 and 1.9% of cells in 2-, 3-, 4- and 5-day-old myocytes, respectively,P<0.05), concomitant with a significant increase in the percentage of G0/G1phase cells. At the molecular level, the expressions and activities of G1/S and G2/M phase acting cyclins and CDKs were downregulated significantly during the transition from hyperplasia to hypertrophy, whereas the expressions and activities of G1phase acting cyclins and CDKs were upregulated significantly during this transition. In addition, p21CIP1- and p27KIP1- associated CDK kinase activities remained relatively constant when histone H1 was used as a substrate, whereas phosphorylation of the retinoblastoma protein was upregulated significantly during the transition from hyperplasia to hypertrophy. Thus, there is a progressive and significant G0/G1phase blockade during the transition from myocyte hyperplasia to hypertrophy. Whilst CDK2 and cdc2 may be pivotal in the withdrawal of cardiac myocytes from the cell cycle, CDK4 and CDK6 may be critical for maintaining hypertrophic growth of the myocyte during development.


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Like most other cells in the body, foetal and neonatal cardiac myocytes are able to divide and proliferate. However, the ability of these cells to undergo cell division decreases progressively during development such that adult myocytes are unable to divide. A major problem arising from this inability of adult cardiac myocytes to proliferate is that the mature heart is unable to regenerate new myocardial tissue following severe injury, e.g. infarction, which can lead to compromised cardiac pump function and even death. Studies in proliferating cells have identified a group of genes and proteins that controls cell division. These proteins include cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) and CDK inhibitors (CDKIs), which interact with each other to form complexes that are essential for controlling normal cell cycle progression. A variety of other proteins, e.g. the retinoblastoma protein (pRb) and members of the E2F family of transcription factors, also can interact with, and modulate the activities of, these complexes. Despite the major role that these proteins play in other cell types, little was known until recently about their existence and activities in immature (proliferating) or mature (non-proliferating) cardiac myocytes. The reason(s) why cardiac myocytes lose their ability to divide during development remains unknown, but if strategies were developed to understand the mechanisms underlying cardiac myocyte growth, it could open up new avenues for the treatment of cardiovascular disease. In this article, we shall review the function of the cell cycle machinery and outline some of our recent findings pertaining to the involvement of the cell cycle in modulating cardiac myocyte growth and hypertrophy.


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O câncer de esôfago é a sexta neoplasia maligna mais comum no mundo. No Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, o carcinoma epidermóide de esôfago apresenta coeficientes de mortalidade elevados e com tendência ascendente com, pelo menos, o dobro dos coeficientes padronizados de mortalidade encontrados em outros estados brasileiros ou em países do cone sul da América latina. O diagnóstico tardio parece ser o principal responsável pelo mau prognóstico. Nos últimos anos, diversos estudos têm demonstrado a possibilidade de identificação das lesões precursoras do câncer esofágico, mas sem repercussão no prognóstico, até o momento. Considera-se, atualmente, que a carcinogênese esofágica está relacionada a uma interação entre fatores ambientais e anormalidades genéticas Recentemente, estudos em biologia molecular têm demonstrado a influência dos fatores reguladores do ciclo celular no prognóstico de diversas moléstias, inclusive o câncer. O Rb é um gene supressor tumoral envolvido no mecanismo de controle do ciclo celular, cuja expressão tem sido demonstrada no câncer do esôfago. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a prevalência da perda da expressão da proteína pRb na mucosa esofágica de indivíduos sob risco para o carcinoma epidermóide de esôfago, bem como relacionar esta expressão com o consumo de tabaco, álcool e chimarrão, achados histopatológicos e cromoscopia com lugol. Foram estudados 170 casos e 20 controles através de reação imunohistoquímica utilizando anticorpo monoclonal anti-pRb em amostras teciduais fixadas em formalina e armazenadas em parafina. Um total de 33 casos demonstrou perda da expressão imunohistoquímica da proteína pRb, determinando uma prevalência de 19,4% na amostra estudada. Não houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre a perda da expressão da proteína pRb e as variáveis idade, raça, exposição ao fumo, álcool e chimarrão, bem como a cromoendoscopia com lugol. Foi demonstrada uma associação significativa entre a perda da expressão da pRb com a história de câncer na família. Da mesma forma, foi demonstrada uma associação linear significativa entre a perda da pRb e o grau histopatológico das lesões. Estes resultados demonstraram uma influência da proteína pRb na evolução da carcinogênese esofágica e permitem sugerir que os indivíduos expostos aos fatores de risco estudados sejam candidatos a uma maior vigilância.


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It is well known that glucocorticoids induce peripheral insulin resistance in rodents and humans. Here, we investigated the structural and ultrastructural modifications, as well as the proteins involved in beta-cell function and proliferation, in islets from insulin-resistant rats. Adult male Wistar rats were made insulin resistant by daily administration of dexamethasone (DEX; 1mg/kg, i.p.) for five consecutive days, whilst control (CTL) rats received saline alone. Structure analyses showed a marked hypertrophy of DEX islets with an increase of 1.7-fold in islet mass and of 1.6-fold in islet density compared with CTL islets (P < 0.05). Ultrastructural evaluation of islets revealed an increased amount of secreting organelles, such as endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus in DEX islets. Mitotic figures were observed in DEX islets at structural and ultrastructural levels. Beta-cell proliferation, evaluated at the immunohistochemical level using anti-PCNA (proliferating cell nuclear antigen), showed an increase in pancreatic beta-cell proliferation of 6.4-fold in DEX islets compared with CTL islets (P < 0.0001). Increases in insulin receptor substrate-2 (IRS-2), phosphorylated-serine-threonine kinase AKT (p-AKT), cyclin D(2) and a decrease in retinoblastoma protein (pRb) levels were observed in DEX islets compared with CTL islets (P < 0.05). Therefore, during the development of insulin resistance, the endocrine pancreas adapts itself increasing beta-cell mass and proliferation, resulting in an amelioration of the functions. The potential mechanisms that underlie these events involve the activation of the IRS-2/AKT pathway and activation of the cell cycle, mediated by cyclin D(2). These adaptations permit the maintenance of glycaemia at near-physiological ranges.


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O retinoblastoma pode acometer um ou os dois olhos, ocorrendo de forma hereditária ou esporádica. O portador dessa doença pode desenvolver, a longo prazo, outros tipos de tumores não oculares. Relatamos dois pacientes: o filho, portador de cavidade anoftálmica bilateral após remoção dos olhos devido ao retinoblastoma, que apresentou segundo tumor palpebral unilateral, afetando a pálpebra superior; e o pai, portador de cavidade anoftálmica unilateral também por remoção de retinoblastoma e que apresentou tumoração de crescimento rápido na pálpebra superior ipsilateral ao olho enucleado. O exame imuno-histoquímico de ambas as lesões excisadas revelou que se tratava de carcinoma de glândulas sebáceas. Os pacientes evoluíram bem após a remoção do tumor palpebral e, até o momento, não apresentam sinais de recidiva ou metástase.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Importin-alpha is the nuclear import receptor that recognizes cargo proteins carrying conventional basic monopartite and bipartite nuclear localization sequences (NLSs) and facilitates their transport into the nucleus. Bipartite NLSs contain two clusters of basic residues, connected by linkers of variable lengths. To determine the structural basis of the recognition of diverse bipartite NLSs by mammalian importin-alpha, we co-crystallized a non-autoinhibited mouse receptor protein with peptides corresponding to the NLSs from human retinoblastoma protein and Xenopus laevis phosphoprotein N1N2, containing diverse sequences and lengths of the linker. We show that the basic clusters interact analogously in both NLSs, but the linker sequences adopt different conformations, whereas both make specific contacts with the receptor. The available data allow us to draw general conclusions about the specificity of NLS binding by importin-alpha and facilitate an improved definition of the consensus sequence of a conventional basic/bipartite NLS (KRX10-12KRRK) that can be used to identify novel nuclear proteins.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Two functional and positional candidate genes were selected in a region of chicken chromosome 1 (GGA1), based on their biological roles, and also where several quantitative trait loci (QTL) have been mapped and associated with performance, fatness and carcass traits in chickens. The insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) gene has been associated with several physiological functions related to growth. The lysine (K)-specific demethylase 5A (KDM5A) gene participates in the epigenetic regulation of genes involved with the cell cycle. Our objective was to find associations of selected single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in these genes with performance, fatness and carcass traits in 165 F2 chickens from a resource population. In the IGF1 gene, 17 SNPs were detected, and in the KDM5A gene, nine SNPs were detected. IGF1 SNP c. 47673G > A was associated with body weight and haematocrit percentage, and also with feed intake and percentages of abdominal fat and gizzard genotype × sex interactions. KDM5A SNP c. 34208C > T genotype × sex interaction affected body weight, feed intake, percentages of abdominal fat (p = 0. 0001), carcass, gizzard and haematocrit. A strong association of the diplotype × sex interaction (p < 0. 0001) with abdominal fat was observed, and also associations with body weight, feed intake, percentages of carcass, drums and thighs, gizzard and haematocrit. Our findings suggest that the KDM5A gene might play an important role in the abdominal fat deposition in chickens. The IGF1 and KDM5A genes are strong candidates to explain the QTL mapped in this region of GGA1. © 2012 Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan.


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E2F-1 is a transcription factor that plays a key role in cell-cycle control at G1/S check-point level by regulating the timely expression of many target genes whose products are required for S phase entry and progression. In mammalian cells, E2F-1 is negatively regulated by hypo-phosphorylated Retinoblastoma protein (pRb) whereas it is protected against degradation by its binding to Mouse Double Minute 2 protein (MDM2). In this study we experimented a drug combination in order to obtain a strong down-regulation of E2F-1 by acting on two different mechanisms of E2F-1 regulation mentioned above. This was achieved by combining drugs inhibiting the phosphorylation of pRb with drugs inactivating the MDM2 binding capability. The mechanism of action of these drugs in down-regulating E2F-1 level and activity is p53 independent. As expected, when combined, these drugs strongly inhibits E2F-1 and hinder cell proliferation in p53-/- and p53-mutated cells by blocking them in G1 phase of cell cycle, suggesting that E2F-1 down-regulation may represent a valid chemotherapeutic approach to inhibit proliferation in tumors independently of p53 status.


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Purpose This study investigates physical performance limitations for sports and daily activities in recently diagnosed childhood cancer survivors and siblings. Methods The Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study sent a questionnaire to all survivors (≥16 years) registered in the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry, who survived >5 years and were diagnosed 1976–2003 aged <16 years. Siblings received similar questionnaires. We assessed two types of physical performance limitations: 1) limitations in sports; 2) limitations in daily activities (using SF-36 physical function score). We compared results between survivors diagnosed before and after 1990 and determined predictors for both types of limitations by multivariable logistic regression. Results The sample included 1038 survivors and 534 siblings. Overall, 96 survivors (9.5%) and 7 siblings (1.1%) reported a limitation in sports (Odds ratio 5.5, 95%CI 2.9-10.4, p<0.001), mainly caused by musculoskeletal and neurological problems. Findings were even more pronounced for children diagnosed more recently (OR 4.8, CI 2.4–9.6 and 8.3, CI 3.7–18.8 for those diagnosed <1990 and ≥1990, respectively; p = 0.025). Mean physical function score for limitations in daily activities was 49.6 (CI 48.9–50.4) in survivors and 53.1 (CI 52.5–53.7) in siblings (p<0.001). Again, differences tended to be larger in children diagnosed more recently. Survivors of bone tumors, CNS tumors and retinoblastoma and children treated with radiotherapy were most strongly affected. Conclusion Survivors of childhood cancer, even those diagnosed recently and treated with modern protocols, remain at high risk for physical performance limitations. Treatment and follow-up care should include tailored interventions to mitigate these late effects in high-risk patients.


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INTRODUCTION The influence of specific health problems on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in childhood cancer survivors is unknown. We compared HRQoL between survivors of childhood cancer and their siblings, determined factors associated with HRQoL, and investigated the influence of chronic health problems on HRQoL. METHODS Within the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study, we sent a questionnaire to all survivors (≥16 years) registered in the Swiss Childhood Cancer Registry, who survived >5 years and were diagnosed 1976-2005 aged <16 years. Siblings received similar questionnaires. We assessed HRQoL using Short Form-36 (SF-36). Health problems from a standard questionnaire were classified into overweight, vision impairment, hearing, memory, digestive, musculoskeletal or neurological, and thyroid problems. RESULTS The sample included 1,593 survivors and 695 siblings. Survivors scored significantly lower than siblings in physical function, role limitation, general health, and the Physical Component Summary (PCS). Lower score in PCS was associated with a diagnosis of central nervous system tumor, retinoblastoma or bone tumor, having had surgery, cranio-spinal irradiation, or bone marrow transplantation. Lower score in Mental Component Summary was associated with older age. All health problems decreased HRQoL in all scales. Most affected were survivors reporting memory problems and musculoskeletal or neurological problems. Health problems had the biggest impact on physical functioning, general health, and energy and vitality. CONCLUSIONS In this study, we showed the negative impact of specific chronic health problems on survivors' HRQoL. IMPLICATIONS FOR CANCER SURVIVORS Therapeutic preventive measures, risk-targeted follow-up, and interventions might help decrease health problems and, consequently, improve survivors' quality of life.


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Loss of antiproliferative function of p53 by point mutation occurred frequently in various solid tumors. However, the genetic change of p53 by deletion or point mutation was a rare event (6%) in the cells of 49 AML patients analyzed by single-stranded conformation polymorphism and sequencing. Despite infrequent point mutation, abundant levels of p53 protein were detected in 75% of AML patients studied by immunoprecipitation with p53 specific antibodies. Furthermore, p53 protein in most cases had an altered conformation as analyzed by the reactivity to PAb240 which recognizes mutant p53; p53 protein in mitogen stimulated normal lymphocytes also had similar altered conformation. This altered conformation may be another mechanism for inactivation of p53 function in the growth stimulated environment. Some evidence indicated that posttranslational modification by phosphorylation may contribute to the conformational change of p53.^ Retinoblastoma (Rb) gene inactivation by deletion, rearrangement or mutation has also been implicated in many types of solid tumors. Our studies showed that absence or low levels of Rb protein were observed in more than 20% of AML patients at diagnosis, and the low levels of Rb correlated with shorter survival of patients. The absence of Rb protein was due to gene inactivation in some cases and to abnormal regulation of Rb expression in others. ^