471 resultados para REPARATIVE GRANULOMA


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Os A.A. analisam as alterações histopatológicas observadas em 378 casos de Leishmaniose Tegumentar da localidade de Três Braços Estado da Bahia, dos quais 307 eram de portadores de lesões exclusivamente cutâneas, 54 de portadores de lesões exclusivamnte mucosas e 17 de portadores de lesões cutâneo-mucosas. A infiltração histiolinfoplasmocitária, na maioria dos casos, parece desempenhar o papel de resposta celular inespecífica à presença de um irritante tecidual, porém, nos casos de forma mucosa, não se pode afastar a possibilidade de que esse infiltrado esteja participando de uma reação de tipo autoagressivo. O plasmócito constitui um elemento quase constante nas lesões desenvolvidas, mas não tem sido observado nas lesões residuais, quer em via de cura ou já cicatrizadas; sua presença nestes casos denota, quase sempre, tendência à recidiva. Os mastdcitos foram observados em lesões tanto da forma cutânea como da forma mucosa, mas predominavam nas primeiras. Seu número foi significantemente maior no padrão de Reação Exsudativa e Neerótico Granulomatosa, onde os fenômenos necróticos são bem desenvolvidos. Os eosinófilos apresentaram associação significativa com os mastócitos, confirmando a existência de um eixo bidirecional entre estás duas células, o qual deve participar da modulação inflamatória, na Leishmaniose Tegumentar. Dois tipos de reação granulomatosa foram observados: um desorganizado, em relação, muitas vezes, com a necrose tissular, e outro organizado, mais raro, do tipo tuberculóide. O primeiro foi interpretado como de origem pós-necrótica, surgindo com a redução da carga parasitária, propiciada pelos fenômenos necróticos: eliminado o antígeno e mantidos os níveis de anticorpos, surgem as condições necessárias ao estabelecimento do granuloma, semelhante àquele observado nas lesões por imunocomplexo em excesso de anticorpos. O outro tipo de reação foi o granuloma de células epiteliódes, que surgiu em dois grupos de pacientes. Nos pacientes jovens, com doença de curto tempo de evolução e intradermorreação não exacerbada, este tipo de granuloma talvez seja a expressão da Hipersensibilidade Granulomatosa Específica, descrita por EPSTEIN (1977). No outro grupo de pacientes, havia em todos intradermorreação exacerbada. Nestes casos a hipersensibilidade granulomatosa, associando-se ã hipersensibilidade mediada por células — agora ampliada pelo seqüestro do antígeno —, reforçaria o processo granulomatoso, através da reverberação do estímulo antígênico; isso tornaria o tratamento mais difícil e pior o prognóstico para o caso.


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Os A A. analisaram as alterações histológicas encontradas em 162 casos de Leishmaniose Tegumentar da localidade de Três Braços, Estado da Bahia, dos quais 131 (80,9%) eram de portadores de lesões cutâneas e 31 (19,1%) de portadores de lesões mucosas. Analisaram, também, o comportamento clínico dos cinco padrões histopatológicos, já antes descritos, em relação à terapêutica. O melhor prognóstico esteve sempre ligado ao padrão de Reação Exsudativa e Granulomatosa, ou seja, a uma fase na qual o organismo, tendo lançado mão de um mecanismo endógeno de lise parasitária, já circunscreveu a área de necrose por uma reação granulomatosa, e esta é agora apenas o elemento residual. A ação terapêutica nessa fase somente acelera a resolução natural do caso. O grupo seguinte é amplo, e compreende os casos em que a lesão pertence aos padrões de Reação Exsudativa Celular (formas cutâneas), Reação Exsudativa e Necrótica e Reação Exsudativa e Necrótico-Granulomatosa. Nesses casos, o mecanismo de auto-controle da lesão encontra-se ainda em curso, e a ação terapêutica encurta o período de evolução natural. Os f.asos do padrão de Reação Exsudativa e Tuberculóide tiveram um prognóstico variável. Houve boa resposta à terapêutica quando o granuloma tuberculóide característico desse padrão surgiu em pacientes jovens, com curto tempo de evolução da doença e intradermorreação não exacerbada. Nos demais casos tuberculóides —. principalmente em pacientes adultos, com longo tempo de evolução da doença e intradermorreação exacerbada —, a resposta foi menos satisfatória. Em último lugar, com prognóstico reservado, ficaram os casos da forma mucosa que apresentaram o padrão de Reação Exsudativa Celular, onde o infiltrado pode estar desempenhando papel de auto-agressão. O presente estudo evoluiu para a proposição de uma classificação da Leishmaniose Tegumentar, baseada nos padrões histopatológicos observados. Esta classificação, estritamente morfológica, deverá ser de fácil aplicação para o Patologista e, como apresenta também uma correspondência clínico-evolutiva poderá constituir auxílio valioso ao médico envolvido no diagnóstico e tratamento da Leishmaniose Tegumentar.


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Biopsies from cutaneous and mucosal lesions from 40 patients with active paracoccidioidomycosis, were studied histopathologically. All cases exhibited chronic granulomatous inflammation and 38 also presented suppuration; this picture corresponded to the mixed mycotic granuloma (MMG). Pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia and the transepidermic (or epithelial) elimination of the parasite, were observed in all cases. In paracoccidioidomycosis elimination takes place through formation of progressive edema, accompained by exocytosis. The edema gives rise to spongiosis, microvesicles and microabscesses which not only contain the fungus but also, various cellular elements. Cells in charge of the phagocytic process were essentialy Langhans giant cells; PMN's, epithelioid and foreign body giant cells were poor phagocytes. An additional finding was the presence of fibrosis in most biopsies.


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Female albino rats were used for the sequential histopathological study of experimental paracoccidioidomycosis. The animals were inoculated intraperitoneally with a strain of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis in the yeast-like phase, and sacrificed at given intervals from 1 to 168 days after inoculation; each animal received an inoculum of 4 x 10(6) cells in 0.8 ml of saline. The control group received saline containing scrapings of the culture medium. Tissue from the inoculation site was examined. The cellular population, the extracellular matrix, and the presence and characteristics of fungi were analysed in the inflammatory granulomatous process by light microscopy. The results allowed to separate the kinetic of the inflammatory response into three stages: 1) neutrophilic or macrophagic-neutrophilic; 2) pre-granulomatous; 3) granulomatous. Synthesis of the extracellular matrix began with the depositing of fibrin-like material, and increased gradually with deposits of collagen, proteoglycans, and glycoproteins. Parasites were present in all of the examined periods. Recurrences of the disease were clearly shown through the concurrence of recently-formed granulomas with older granulomas, implying that this type of granulomatous process does not eliminate the disease, nor is it able to limit fungal dissemination over a prolonged period of time.


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Coccidioidomycosis is a systemic mycosis, endemic in arid areas of the American continent. The rat was employed as an experimental host, since it had been shown to reproduce human lesions and present a chronic course of disease with granulomas mainly restricted to lungs. Given the influence of immunosuppressive therapy on the clinical course of human coccidioidomycosis, we studied the effect of cyclophosphamide (CY) in the experimental rat model. Accordingly, animals were inoculated with 400 Coccidioides immitis arthroconidia of the Acosta strain, by intracardiacal route. As single CY doses failed to alter the course of disease, three schedules were used: A) 4 daily doses of 20 mg/kg each, prior to C. immitis inoculation; B) 4 similar daily doses after infection; and C); 6 doses of 20 mg/kg each, given from day +1 to +4, then on days +8 and +9, post infection (pi), taking day 0 as the time of fungal inoculation. The first two schedules inhibited antibody formation up to day 28 pi, without modifying cellular response to coccidioidin as measured by foodpad swelling. Initially, there was greater fungal spread than in controls receiving C. immitis alone, which proved self-limiting in the latter. In contrast, schedule C led to 559r mortality, with both humoral and cellular response abrogation, accompanied by extensive C. immitis dissemination. Histology disclosed significant alterations, such as the persistence of primary infection sporangia, corresponding to the acute stage of coccidioidomycosis in the absence of granuloma development. Therefore, the observed depression in cellular immunity seems responsible for the lack of inflammatory reaction capable of restricting sporangia proliferation in tissues which, in turn, enhances pathogen spread and mortality rate.


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In an attempt to be as close as possible to the infected and treated patients of the endemic areas of schistosomiasis (S. mansoni) and in order to achieve a long period of follow-up, mice were repeatedly infected with a low number of cercariae. Survival data and histological variables such as schistosomal granuloma, portal changes, hepatocellular necrosis, hepatocellular regeneration, schistosomotic pigment, periductal fibrosis and chiefly bile ducts changes were analysed in the infected treated and non treated mice. Oxamniquine chemotherapy in repeatedly infected mice prolonged survival significantly when compared to non-treated animals (chi-square 9.24, p = 0.0024), thus confirming previous results with a similar experimental model but with a shorter term follow-up. Furthermore, mortality decreased rapidly after treatment suggesting an abrupt reduction in the severity of hepatic lesions. A morphological and immunohistochemical study of the liver was carried out. Portal fibrosis, with a pattern resembling human Symmers fibrosis was present at a late phase in the infected animals. Bile duct lesions were quite close to those described in human Mansonian schistosomiasis. Schistosomal antigen was observed in one isolated altered bile duct cell. The pathogenesis of the bile duct changes and its relation to the parasite infection and/or their antigens are discussed.


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Estudaram-se os aspectos histopatológicos relativos à evolução da infecção experimental produzida em Cebus apella (Primates: Cebidae) por Leishmania (V.) lainsoni, L. (V.) braziliensis e L. (L.) amazonensis. O exame microscópico de biópsias seqüênciais, obtidas dos animais a intervalos definidos de tempo (a primeira, às 48 ou 72 horas após a inoculação, e as seguintes, a cada 30 dias), mostrou que o desenvolvimento das lesões, independentemente da espécie de Leishmania inoculada, passa por uma seqüência de etapas a nível tecidual - 1) infiltrado inespecífico crônico; 2) nódulo macrofágico (com numerosos parasitas); 3) necrose das células parasitadas; 4) granuloma epitelióide; 5) absorção da área necrosada (às vezes formando granuloma de corpo estranho); 6) infiltrado inespecífico crônico residual); e 7) cicatrização - que representaria a formação e a resolução das lesões. Discutiram-se também os prováveis mecanismos imunopatológicos que determinam esta seqüência de eventos e sua possível semelhança com a evolução das lesões na leishmaniose tegumentar humana.


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Numerous pulmonary schistosome egg granulomas were present in mice submitted to partial portal vein ligation (Warren's model). The granulomas were characterized by cellular aggregations formed within alveolar tissue. Main cellular types were macrophages (epithelioid cells), eosinophils, plasma cells and lymphocytes. These cells were supported by scanty fibrous stroma and exhibited close membrane contact points amongst themselves, but without forming specialized adhesion apparatus. When granulomas involved arterial structures, proliferation of cndothelial and smooth muscle cells occurred and fibrosis associated with angiogenesis became more evident. Granulomas formed around mature eggs in the pulmonary alveolar tissue presented approximately the same size and morphology regardless of the time of infection, the latter being 10, 18 and 25 weeks after cercarial exposure. This persistence of morphological appearance suggests that pulmonary granulomas do not undergo immunological modulation, as is the case with the granulomas in the liver and, to a lesser extent, in the intestines. Probably, besides general immunological factors, local (stromal) factors play an important role in schistosomal granuloma modulation.


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To evaluate whether the intensity of the hepatic granulomatous response induced by S. mansoni eggs plays a role in drug metabolism, mice were infected with 40 cercariae and tested to assess the sodic pentobarbital induced sleeping-time. To decrease the inflammatory reaction the animals were irradiated with 400 Rad or received azathioprine, 20mg/kg, 3 times a week, for 4 weeks, respectively in or beginning in the 33th post-infection day. In infected animals receiving azathioprine the area of the hepatic granulomas was smaller and the sleeping-time was similar to that of non-infected ones (controls). In mice infected and irradiated the granuloma dimensions were similar to those of animals only infected, in these two latter groups of animals, the sleeping-time was more prolonged than that of the control animals. These results show that: 1) mice with unaltered hepatic granulomatous reaction show reduction in metabolism of sodic pentobarbital; 2) granulomatous response diminished by azathioprine does not interfere with the capacity of metabolism of the anesthetic drug.


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Paracoccidioidomycosis is an endemic fungal disease widely distributed throughout Latin America. The potent immunosuppressor cyclophosphamide (CY) has been used to modulate host immune response to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis in an experimental model. Inbred male Buffalo/Sim rats weighing 250-300 g were inoculated with 5 x 10(6) P. brasiliensis cells of the yeast phase form by intracardiac route. One group of animals was treated with 20 mg/kg body weight at days +4, +5, +6, +7, +11 and +12 post-infection (pi.), while a control group was infected alone. No mortality was recorded in either group. Treated rats presented: a) a decrease in granuloma size, which contained less fungal cells; b) a lack of specific antibodies up to 35 days pi., and c) a significant increase in the footpad swelling test (DTH) against paracoccidioidin. Splenic cell transfer from CY-treated P. brasiliensis-infected donors to recipients infected alone led to a significant increase in DTH response in the latter versus untreated infected controls. Likewise, in treated infected recipients transferred with untreated infected donor spleen cells, footpad swelling proved greater than in controls. Thus, it would seem that each successive suppressor T lymphocyte subset belonging to the respective cascade may be sensitive to repeated CY doses administered up to 12 days pi.. Alternatively, such CY schedule may induce the appearance of a T cell population capable of amplifying DTH response.


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The hamster check pouch is an invagination of oral mucosa, characterized histologically as skin-like. In this paper we describe anatomical, histological and embriological features of the pouch and coment on the pouch as an immunologically privileged site since it lacks lymphatic drainage and has few Langerhans cells. We present the review from literature and our observations after inoculation in the pouch of mycobacteriae (BCG, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae) and a fungus (Paracoccidioides brasiliensis). Lesions in the pouch were granulomatous but smaller and long lasting; even granulomatous, the reaction was inefficient to control the proliferation of agents compared with inoculation in other sites, except for BCG. Appearance of immunity was also delayed or absent and, when it was detected, a sharp decrease in number of agents in pouch lesions was observed. These observations make the pouch an interesting site for the study of the role of immune system in infeccious diseases and in granuloma formation.


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The authors report a case of paraplegia caused by a lumbar intraspinal paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) granuloma. Clinical neurological diagnosis of a compressive spinal cord lesion was confirmed by spinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Patient was submitted to surgery with total excision of the lesion. Histopathological analysis confirmed the diagnosis of PCM. Patient is on sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim combined with fluconazole and is experiencing positive neurological recovery.


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Patients with paracoccidioidomycosis often present pulmonary fibrosis and exhibit important respiratory limitations. Based on an already established animal model, the contribution of viable and non-viable P. brasiliensis propagules to the development of fibrosis was investigated. BALB/c male mice, 4-6 weeks old were inoculated intranasally either with 4x10(6 )viable conidia (Group I), or 6.5x10(6) fragmented yeast cells (Group II). Control animals received PBS. Six mice per period were sacrificed at 24, 48, 72h (initial) and 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks post-challenge (late). Paraffin embedded lungs were sectioned and stained with H&E, trichromic (Masson), reticulin and Grocott´s. During the initial period PMNs influx was important in both groups and acute inflammation involving 34% to 45% of the lungs was noticed. Later on, mononuclear cells predominated. In group I, the inflammation progressed and granulomas were formed and by the 12th week they fussed and became loose. Thick collagen I fibers were observed in 66.6% and 83.3% of the animals at 8 and 12 weeks, respectively. Collagen III, thick fibers became apparent in some animals at 4weeks and by 12 weeks, 83% of them exhibited alterations in the organization and thickness of these elements. In group II mice, this pattern was different with stepwise decrease in the number of inflammatory foci and lack of granulomas. Although initially most animals in this group had minor alterations in thin collagen I fibers, they disappeared by the 4th week. Results indicate that tissue response to fragmented yeast cells was transitory while viable conidia evoked a progressive inflammatory reaction leading to granuloma formation and to excess production and/or disarrangement of collagens I and III; the latter led to fibrosis.


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The subcutaneous tissue of the hamster cheek pouch, a site of immunologic privilege, has been used to investigate the potential infectivity of different types of parasites. It has been demonstrated that the implantation of fragments of lesions induced by the fungus Lacazia loboi, the etiologic agent of Jorge Lobo's disease, into the subcutaneous tissue of the hamster cheek pouch resulted in parasite multiplication and dissemination to satellite lymph nodes16. Here we describe the evolution of lesions induced by the inoculation of the isolated fungus into this immunologically privileged site. The morphology of the inflammatory response and fungal viability and proliferation were evaluated. Inoculation of the fungus into the cheek pouch induced histiocytic granulomas with rare lymphocytes. Although fungal cells were detected for a period of up to 180 days in these lesions, the fungi lost viability after the first day of inoculation. In contrast, when the parasite was inoculated into the footpad, non-organized histiocytic lesions were observed. Langhan's giant cells, lymphocytes and fungal particles were observed in these lesions. Fungal viability was observed up to 60 days after inoculation and non-viable parasites were present in the persistent lesions up to 180 days post-inoculation. These data indicate that the subcutaneous tissue of the hamster cheek pouch is not a suitable site for the proliferation of Lacazia loboi when the fungus isolated from human tissues is tested.