965 resultados para RAINY-SEASON


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Peatlands form in areas where net primary of organic matter production exceeds losses due to the decomposition, leaching or disturbance. Due to their chemical and physical characteristics, bogs can influence water dynamics because they can store large volumes of water in the rainy season and gradually release this water during the other months of the year. In Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil, a peatland in the environmental protection area of Pau-de-Fruta ensures the water supply of 40,000 inhabitants. The hypothesis of this study is that the peat bogs in Pau-de-Fruta act as an environment for carbon storage and a regulator of water flow in the Córrego das Pedras basin. The objective of this study was to estimate the water volume and organic matter mass in this peatland and to study the influence of this environment on the water flow in the Córrego das Pedras basin. The peatland was mapped using 57 transects, at intervals of 100 m. Along all transects, the depth of the peat bog, the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates and altitude were recorded every 20 m and used to calculate the area and volume of the peatland. The water volume was estimated, using a method developed in this study, and the mass of organic matter based on samples from 106 profiles. The peatland covered 81.7 hectares (ha), and stored 497,767 m³ of water, representing 83.7 % of the total volume of the peat bog. The total amount of organic matter (OM) was 45,148 t, corresponding to 552 t ha-1 of OM. The peat bog occupies 11.9 % of the area covered by the Córrego das Pedras basin and stores 77.6 % of the annual water surplus, thus controlling the water flow in the basin and consequently regulating the water course.


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Araucaria angustifolia, commonly named Araucaria, is a Brazilian native species that is intensively exploited due to its timber quality. Therefore, Araucaria is on the list of species threatened by extinction. Despite the importance of soil for forest production, little is known about the soil properties of the highly fragmented Araucaria forests. This study was designed to investigate the use of chemical and biological properties as indicators of conservation and anthropogenic disturbance of Araucaria forests in different sampling periods. The research was carried out in two State parks of São Paulo: Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto do Ribeira and Parque Estadual de Campos de Jordão. The biochemical properties carbon and nitrogen in microbial biomass (MB-C and MB-N), basal respiration (BR), the metabolic quotient (qCO2) and the following enzyme activities: β-glucosidase, urease, and fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis (FDA) were evaluated. The sampling period (dry or rainy season) influenced the results of mainly MB-C, MB-N, BR, and qCO2. The chemical and biochemical properties, except K content, were sensitive indicators of differences in the conservation and anthropogenic disturbance stages of Araucaria forests. Although these forests differ in biochemical and chemical properties, they are efficient in energy use and conservation, which is shown by their low qCO2, suggesting an advanced stage of succession.


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The interactions between soil invertebrates and environmental variations are relatively unknown in the assessment of soil quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate soil quality in areas with different soil management systems, based on soil fauna as indicator, in Além Paraíba, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The soil invertebrate community was sampled using pitfall traps, in the dry and rainy seasons, from areas with five vegetation types (acacia, mimosa, eucalyptus, pasture, and secondary forest). The abundance of organisms and the total and average richness, Shannon's diversity index, the Pielou uniformity index, and change index V were determined. The fauna was most abundant in the areas of secondary forest and mimosa plantations in the dry season (111.3 and 31.7 individuals per trap per day, respectively). In the rainy season, the abundance of organisms in the three vegetation types did not differ. The highest values of average and total richness were recorded in the secondary forest in the dry season and in the mimosa stand in the rainy season. Shannon's index ranged from 1.57 in areas with acacia and eucalyptus in the rainy season to 3.19 in the eucalyptus area in the dry season. The uniformity index was highest in forest stands (eucalyptus, acacia and mimosa) in the dry season, but higher in the rainy season in the pasture and secondary forest than in the forest stands. The change index V indicated that the percentage of extremely inhibited groups was lowest in the area with mimosa, both in the dry and rainy season (36 and 23 %, respectively). Of all forest stands, the mimosa area had the most abundant soil fauna.


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Phosphorus fractions play a key role in sustaining the productivity of acid-savanna Oxisols and are influenced by tillage practices. The aim of this study was to quantify different P forms in an Oxisol (Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo) from the central savanna region of Brazil under management systems with cover crops in maize rotation. Three cover crops (Canavalia brasiliensis, Cajanus cajan (L.), and Raphanus sativus L.) were investigated in maize rotation systems. These cover crops were compared to spontaneous vegetation. The inorganic forms NaHCO3-iP and NaOH-iP represented more than half of the total P in the samples collected at the depth of 5-10 cm during the rainy season when the maize was grown. The concentration of inorganic P of greater availability (NaHCO3-iP and NaOH-iP) was higher in the soil under no-tillage at the depth of 5-10 cm during the rainy season. Concentrations of organic P were higher during the dry season, when the cover crops were grown. At the dry season, organic P constituted 70 % of the labile P in the soil planted to C. cajan under no-tillage. The cover crops were able to maintain larger fractions of P available to the maize, resulting in reduced P losses to the unavailable pools, mainly in no-tillage systems.


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Soil microbial biomass (SMB) plays an important role in nutrient cycling in agroecosystems, and is limited by several factors, such as soil water availability. This study assessed the effects of soil water availability on microbial biomass and its variation over time in the Latossolo Amarelo concrecionário of a secondary forest in eastern Amazonia. The fumigation-extraction method was used to estimate the soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen content (SMBC and SMBN). An adaptation of the fumigation-incubation method was used to determine basal respiration (CO2-SMB). The metabolic quotient (qCO2) and ratio of microbial carbon:organic carbon (CMIC:CORG) were calculated based on those results. Soil moisture was generally significantly lower during the dry season and in the control plots. Irrigation raised soil moisture to levels close to those observed during the rainy season, but had no significant effect on SMB. The variables did not vary on a seasonal basis, except for the microbial C/N ratio that suggested the occurrence of seasonal shifts in the structure of the microbial community.


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Adaptation of 24-h energy expenditure (24-h EE) to seasonal variations in food availability was studied, by using a respiration chamber, in 18 rural Gambian men on three occasions: period 1--at the end of the rainy season, which is characterized by low food availability; period 2--during the nutritionally favorable dry season; and period 3--at the onset of the following rainy season. From periods 1 to 2 body weight increased by 2.8 +/- 0.4 kg, and a rise in 24-h EE was observed (from 8556 +/- 212 kJ/d to 9166 +/- 224 kJ/d), which was correlated to weight change (r = 0.73, P less than 0.001). During period 3, 24-h EE averaged 8740 +/- 194 kJ/d. Diet-induced thermogenesis increased significantly from periods 1 to 2 (5.9 +/- 0.5% to 8.2 +/- 0.8%) and subsequently decreased to 3.6 +/- 0.6% during period 3. In rural Gambian men, metabolic adaptations in response to seasonal changes in food availability are reflected by a decrease in body weight, mainly manifested by a loss of fat-free mass accompanied by a decreased 24-h EE and a lowered diet-induced thermogenesis.


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Free-living energy expenditure (EE) was assessed in 37 young pregnant Gambian women at the 12th (n = 11, 53.5 +/- 1.7 kg), 24th (n = 14, 54.7 +/- 2.1 kg), and 36th (n = 12, 65.0 +/- 2.6 kg) wk of pregnancy and was compared with nonpregnant nonlactating (NPNL) control women (n = 12, 50.3 +/- 1.6 kg). The following two methods were used to assess EE: 1) the heart rate (HR) method using individual regression lines (HR vs EE) established at different activity levels in a respiration chamber and 2) the doubly labeled water (2H2(18)O) method in a subgroup of 25 pregnant and 7 control women. With the HR method the EE during the agricultural rainy season was found to be 2,408 +/- 87, 2,293 +/- 122, and 2,782 +/- 130 kcal/day at 12, 24, and 36 wk of gestation and were not significantly different from the control group (2,502 +/- 133 kcal/day). These findings were confirmed by the 2H2(18)O measurements, which failed to show any effect of pregnancy on EE. Expressed per unit body weight, the free-living EE was found to be lower (P less than 0.01 with 2H2(18)O method) at 36 wk of gestation than in the NPNL group. It is concluded that, in these Gambian women, energy-sparing mechanisms that contribute to meet the additional energy stress of gestation are operating during pregnancy (e.g., diminished spontaneous physical activity).


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Ipomoea carnea spp. fistulosa, a native woody perennial, is capable of spreading rapidly over seasonally flooded grassland in the Brazilian Pantanal, South America's largest wetland, thus conflicting with the local cattle ranching. I. carnea is controlled by mowing at the onset of the rainy season, as close as possible before the seasonal flooding. Often, however, flooding begins after the plant has had enough time to re-sprout enabling it to survive. The objective of this study was to verify if Ipomoea carnea plant's production follows a seasonal cycle, and, if so, at which point in this cycle, the plant is most vulnerable to mechanical control measures. Seasonal dynamics of stem and leaf production of I. carnea were studied. The results showed that growth of I. carnea is fastest at the onset of the rainy season in November/December. Production declines when seasonal flooding commences in January/February and almost ceases towards the begin of the dry season in May/June. This leads to the proposal that I. carnea could be controlled more effectively if the weed were mown in the early dry season when its production and its capability to re-sprout is lowest, and if any new sprouts were cut by hand when the seasonal flooding starts.


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The objective of this work was to study the effects of fire on net N mineralization and soil microbial biomass in burned and unburned cerrado stricto sensu sites. The study was carried out from April 1998 to April 2000. The pH values were significantly higher in the burned site while soil moisture content was significantly higher in the unburned site (P<0.05). The soil C/N ratio was 22/1 and the available NO3-N ranged between 1.5 and 2.8 mg kg-¹ dry weight. However, the NH4-N concentration ranged between 3 and 34 mg kg-1 dry weight in the burned site and between 3 and 22 mg kg-1 dry weight in the unburned site. The NH4-N increased after fire, but no significant changes were observed for NO3-N (P<0.05). The NO3-N accumulation occurred in short periods during the rainy season. The rates of net N mineralization increased during the rainy season while reductions in soil microbial biomass were observed at both sites. This suggested that the peak in microbial activities occurred with the first rain events, with an initial net immobilization followed by net mineralization. Both sites presented the same pattern for mineralization/immobilization, however, the amount of inorganic-N cycled annually in unburned site was 14.7 kg ha-1 per year while the burned site presented only 3.8 kg ha-¹ of inorganic-N, one year after the burning.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of fire regimes and vegetation cover on the structure and dynamics of soil microbial communities, through phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis. Comparisons were made between native areas with different woody covers ("cerrado stricto sensu" and "campo sujo"), under different fire regimes, and a 20-year-old active palisadegrass pasture in the Central Plateau of Brazil. Microbial biomass was higher in the native plots than in the pasture, and the highest monthly values were observed during the rainy season in the native plots. No significant differences were observed between fire regimes or between communities from the two native vegetation types. However, the principal component (PC) analysis separated the microbial communities by vegetation cover (native x pasture) and season (wet x dry), accounting for 45.8% (PC1 and PC3) and 25.6% (PC2 and PC3), respectively, of the total PLFA variability. Changes in land cover and seasonal rainfall in Cerrado ecosystems have significant effects on the total density of soil microorganisms and on the abundance of microbial groups, especially Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria.


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The objective of this work was to estimate the stability and adaptability of pod and seed yield in runner peanut genotypes based on the nonlinear regression and AMMI analysis. Yield data from 11 trials, distributed in six environments and three harvests, carried out in the Northeast region of Brazil during the rainy season were used. Significant effects of genotypes (G), environments (E), and GE interactions were detected in the analysis, indicating different behaviors among genotypes in favorable and unfavorable environmental conditions. The genotypes BRS Pérola Branca and LViPE‑06 are more stable and adapted to the semiarid environment, whereas LGoPE‑06 is a promising material for pod production, despite being highly dependent on favorable environments.


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Postprandial thermogenesis was assessed by indirect calorimetry in 32 Gambian women classified into three groups as follows: 12 non-pregnant non-lactating and 10 lactating women studied during the dry season and 10 lactating women studied during the rainy season. The test meal consisted of a typical Gambian breakfast and its energy content corresponded to 30% of the individual's resting metabolic rate (RMR)/24 h. During the dry season, the postprandial thermogenesis of the lactating women averaged 6.0 +/- 0.4% of the test meal energy content and was similar to that observed in the non-pregnant non-lactating women studied during the same season (5.8 +/- 0.3%). In contrast, the postprandial thermogenesis of lactating women studied during the rainy, nutritionally unfavourable season was found to be significantly lower (4.9 +/- 0.5%). There was no significant difference in the pre- and postprandial respiratory quotients among groups. This leads to the conclusion that lactation does not alter the thermogenic response to food and that the reduction in postprandial thermogenesis observed in lactating women during the wet season constitutes an adaptive response to energy deficit allowing a saving of energy in periods of food restriction.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the seasonal variation of soil cover and rainfall erosivity, and their influences on the revised universal soil loss equation (Rusle), in order to estimate watershed soil losses in a temporal scale. Twenty-two TM Landsat 5 images from 1986 to 2009 were used to estimate soil use and management factor (C factor). A corresponding rainfall erosivity factor (R factor) was considered for each image, and the other factors were obtained using the standard Rusle method. Estimated soil losses were grouped into classes and ranged from 0.13 Mg ha-1 on May 24, 2009 (dry season) to 62.0 Mg ha-1 on March 11, 2007 (rainy season). In these dates, maximum losses in the watershed were 2.2 and 781.5 Mg ha-1 , respectively. Mean annual soil loss in the watershed was 109.5 Mg ha-1 , but the central area, with a loss of nearly 300.0 Mg ha-1 , was characterized as a site of high water-erosion risk. The use of C factor obtained from remote sensing data, associated to corresponding R factor, was fundamental to evaluate the soil erosion estimated by the Rusle in different seasons, unlike of other studies which keep these factors constant throughout time.


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The objective of this work was to analyze future scenarios for palisade grass yield subjected to climate change for the state of São Paulo, Brazil. An empirical crop model was used to estimate yields, according to growing degree-days adjusted by one drought attenuation factor. Climate data from 1963 to 2009 of 23 meteorological stations were used for current climate conditions. Downscaled outputs of two general circulation models were used to project future climate for the 2013-2040 and 2043-2070 periods, considering two contrasting scenarios of temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration increase (high and low). Annual dry matter yield should be from 14 to 42% higher than the current one, depending on the evaluated scenario. Yield variation between seasons (seasonality) and years is expected to increase. The increase of dry matter accumulation will be higher in the rainy season than in the dry season, and this result is more evident for soils with low-water storage capacity. The results varied significantly between regions (<10% to >60%). Despite their higher climate potential, warmer regions will probably have a lower increase in future forage production.


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Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate soil water dynamics in areas cultivated with forage cactus clones and to determine how environmental conditions and crop growth affect evapotranspiration. The study was conducted in the municipality of Serra Talhada, in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. Crop growth was monitored through changes in the cladode area index (CAI) and through the soil cover fraction, calculated at the end of the cycle. Real evapotranspiration (ET) of the three evaluated clones was obtained as the residual term in the soil water balance method. No difference was observed between soil water balance components, even though the evaluated clones were of different genus and had different CAI increments. Accumulated ET was of 1,173 mm during the 499 days of the experiment, resulting in daily average of 2.35 mm. The CAI increases the water consumption of the Orelha de Elefante Mexicana clone. In dry conditions, the water consumption of the Miúda clone responds more slowly to variation in soil water availability. The lower evolution of the CAI of the IPA Sertânia clone, during the rainy season, leads to a higher contribution of the evaporation component in ET. The atmospheric demand controls the ET of clones only when there is higher soil water availability; in this condition, the water consumption of the Miúda clone decreases more rapidly with the increase of atmospheric demand.