996 resultados para RADIATIVE OPACITIES


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We report calculations of energy levels, radiative rates, and electron impact excitation rates for transitions in Li-like ions with 12≤Z≤20. The grasp (general-purpose relativistic atomic structure package) is adopted for calculating energy levels and radiative rates, while for determining the collision strengths and subsequently the excitation rates, the Dirac atomic R-matrix code is used. Oscillator strengths, radiative rates, and line strengths are reported for all E1, E2, M1, and M2 transitions among the lowest 24 levels of the Li-like ions considered. Collision strengths have been averaged over a Maxwellian velocity distribution, and the effective collision strengths obtained are reported over a wide temperature range up to 107.4 K. Additionally, lifetimes are also listed for all calculated levels of the ions. Finally, extensive comparisons are made with results available in the literature, as well as with our parallel calculations for all parameters with the Flexible Atomic Code, in order to assess the accuracy of the reported results. 


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We report energy levels, radiative rates (A-values) and lifetimes for the astrophysically important Be-like ion C III. For the calculations, 166 levels belonging to the n ≤ 5 configurations are considered and the GRASP (General-purpose Relativistic Atomic Structure Package) is adopted. Einstein A-coefficients are provided for all E1, E2, M1 and M2 transitions, while lifetimes are compared with available measurements as well as theoretical results, and no large discrepancies noted. Our energy levels are assessed to be accurate to better than 1 per cent for a majority of levels, and A-values to better than 20 per cent for most transitions. Collision strengths are also calculated, for which the Dirac Atomic R-matrix Code (DARC) is used. A wide energy range, up to 21 Ryd, is considered and resonances resolved in a fine energy mesh in the thresholds region. The collision strengths are subsequently averaged over a Maxwellian velocity distribution to determine effective collision strengths up to a temperature of 8.0 ×10[5]K, sufficient for most astrophysical applications. Our data are compared with the recent R-matrix calculations of Fernández-Menchero et al., and significant differences (up to over an order of magnitude) are noted for several transitions over the complete temperature range of the results.


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Energies and lifetimes are reported for the lowest 136 levels of Fe XIV, belonging to the (1s(2)2s(2)2p(6)) 3s(2)3p, 3s(3)p(2), 3s(2)3d, 3p(3), 3s(3)p(3)d, 3p(2)3d, 3s(3)d(2), 3p(3)d(2) and 3s(2)4l configurations. Additionally, radiative rates, oscillator strengths and line strengths are calculated for all electric dipole (E1), magnetic dipole (M1), electric quadrupole (E2) and magnetic quadrupole (M2) transitions. Theoretical lifetimes determined from these radiative rates for most levels show satisfactory agreement with earlier calculations, a swell as with measurements. Electron impact excitation collision strengths are also calculated with the Dirac atomic R-matrix code (DARC) over a wide energy range up to 260 Ryd. Furthermore, resonances have been resolved in a fine energy mesh to determine effective collision strengths, obtained after integrating the collision strengths over a Maxwellian distribution of electron velocities. Results are listed for all 9180 transitions among the 136 levels over a wide range of electron temperatures, up to 10(7.1) K. Comparisons are made with available results in the literature, and the accuracy of the present data is assessed.


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The ultrafast photo-physical properties of DNA are crucial in providing a stable basis for life. Although the DNA bases efficiently absorb ultraviolet (UV) radiation, this energy can be dissipated to the surrounding environment by the rapid conversion of electronic energy to vibrational energy within about a picosecond. The intrinsic nature of this internal conversion process has previously been demonstrated through gas phase experiments on the bases, supported by theoretical calculations. De-excitation rates appear to be accelerated when individual bases are hydrogen bonded to solvent molecules or their complementary Watson-Crick pair. In this paper, the first gas-phase measurements of electronic relaxation in DNA nucleosides following UV excitation are reported. Using a pump-probe ionization scheme, the lifetimes for internal conversion to the ground state following excitation at 267 nm are found to be reduced by around a factor of two for adenosine, cytidine and thymidine compared with the isolated bases. These results are discussed in terms of a recent proposition that a charge transfer state provides an additional internal conversion pathway mediated by proton transfer through a sugar to base hydrogen bond.


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We describe experiments designed to produce a bright M-L band x-ray source in the 3-3.5 keV region. Palladium targets irradiated with a 10(15) W cm(-2) laser pulse have previously been shown to convert up to similar to 2% of the laser energy into M-L band x-rays with similar pulse duration to that of the incident laser. This x-ray emission is further characterized here, including pulse duration and source size measurements, and a higher conversion efficiency than previously achieved is demonstrated (similar to 4%) using more energetic and longer duration laser pulses (200 ps). The emission near the aluminium K-edge (1.465-1.550 keV) is also reported for similar conditions, along with the successful suppression of such lower band x-rays using a CH coating on the rear side of the target. The possibility of using the source to radiatively heat a thin aluminium foil sample to uniform warm dense matter conditions is discussed.


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We present spectral modeling results for neutral helium. Our underlying atomic data contains radiative transition rates that are generated from atomic structure calculations and electron-impact excitation rates, that are determined from both the standard R-matrix method and the R-matrix with pseudostates RMPS method. In this paper, we focus on transitions of particular importance to diagnostic line ratios. For example, our calculated rate coefficient for the electron-impact transition 1s3s 1S→1s3p 1P, which has a pronounced effect on the 728.1 nm diagnostic spectral line, is found to be in good agreement with previous experimental mea- surements. We also consider transitions from the 1s2 1S ground and 1s2s 3S terms to terms of the n=4 shell. They are found to be affected significantly by coupling of the bound states to the target continuum continuum coupling, which is included in our RMPS calculation, but not in our standard R-matrix calculation. We perform collisional-radiative calculations to determine spectral line intensity ratios for three ratios of particular interest, namely the 504.8 nm/471.3 nm, 492.2 nm/471.3 nm, and 492.2 nm/504.8 nm line ratios. Comparing our results determined from the RMPS excitation rates with those from the standard R-matrix excitation rates, we find that continuum coupling affects the rate coefficients significantly, leading to different values for all three line ratios. We also compare our modeling results with spectral measurements taken recently on the Auburn Helicon plasma device, finding that the ground and metastable populations are not in equilibrium, and that the experimental measurements are more consistent with the 1s2s 3S metastable term populations being short lived in the plasma.


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We present complete collisional-radiative modelling results for the soft x-ray emission lines of Fe16+ in the 15 Å–17 Å range. These lines have been the subject of much controversy in the astrophysical and laboratory plasma community. Radiative transition rates are generated from fully relativistic atomic structure calculations. Electron-impact excitation cross sections are determined using a fully relativistic R-matrix method employing 139 coupled atomic levels through n = 5. We find that, in all cases, using a simple ratio of the collisional rate coefficient times a radiative branching factor is not sufficient to model the widely used diagnostic line ratios. One has to include the effects of collisional-radiative cascades in a population model to achieve accurate line ratios. Our line ratio results agree well with several previous calculations and reasonably well with tokamak experimental measurements, assuming a Maxwellian electron-energy distribution. Our modelling results for four EBIT line ratios, assuming a narrow Gaussian electron-energy distribution, are in generally poor agreement with all four NIST measurements but are in better agreement with the two LLNL measurements. These results suggest the need for an investigation of the theoretical polarization calculations that are required to interpret the EBIT line ratio measurements.


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The sensitivity of lithium plasma models to the underlying atomic data is investigated. Collisional-radiative modeling is carried out with both the Los Alamos and ADAS suite of codes. The effects of plane-wave Born, distorted-wave, and nonperturbative R -matrix with pseudostates and time-dependent close-coupling electron impact atomic data on derived plasma quantities such as the ionization balance and radiated power are studied. Density and temperature regimes are identified where nonperturbative excitation and ionization rate coefficients must be used. The electron temperature and density ranges investigated were 0.2 eV<or = T(e) <or =90 eV and 10(10) cm(-3) <or = N(e) <or = 10(14) cm(-3).


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A first stage collision database is assembled which contains electron-impact excitation, ionization,\r and recombination rate coefficients for B, B + , B 2+ , B 3+ , and B 4+ . The first stage database\r is constructed using the R-matrix with pseudostates, time-dependent close-coupling, and perturbative\r distorted-wave methods. A second stage collision database is then assembled which contains\r generalized collisional-radiative ionization, recombination, and power loss rate coefficients as a\r function of both temperature and density. The second stage database is constructed by solution of\r the collisional-radiative equations in the quasi-static equilibrium approximation using the first\r stage database. Both collision database stages reside in electronic form at the IAEA Labeled Atomic\r Data Interface (ALADDIN) database and the Atomic Data Analysis Structure (ADAS) open database.


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A first-stage collision database is assembled which contains electron-impact excitation, ionization, and recombination rate coefficients for Be, Be+, Be2+, and Be3+. The first-stage database is constructed using the R-matrix with pseudo-states, time-dependent close-coupling, and perturbative, distorted-wave methods. A second-stage collision database is then assembled which contains generalized collisional-radiative and radiated power loss coefficients. The second-stage database is constructed by solution of collisional-radiative equations in the quasi-static equilibrium approximation using the first-stage database. Both collision database stages reside in electronic form at the ORNL Controlled Fusion Atomic Data Center and in the ADAS database, and are easily accessed over the worldwide internet. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A first stage collision database is assembled which contains electron-impact effective collision strengths, and ionization and recombination rate coefficients for Li, Li+, and Li2+. The first stage database is constructed using the R-matrix with pseudo-states, time-dependent close-coupling, converged close-coupling, and perturbative distorted-wave methods. A second stage collision database is then assembled which contains generalized collisional-radiative and radiated power loss coefficients. The second stage database is constructed by solution of collisional-radiative equations in the quasi-static equilibrium approximation using the first stage database. Both collision database stages reside in electronic form at the ORNL Controlled Fusion Atomic Data Center and in the ADAS database, and are easily accessed over the worldwide internet. ?? 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Mesures effectuées dans le laboratoire de caractérisation optique des semi-conducteurs du Prof. Richard Leonelli du département de physique de l'université de Montréal. Les nanofils d'InGaN/GaN ont été fournis par le groupe du Prof. Zetian Mi du département de génie électrique et informatique de l'université McGill.


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International School of Photonics, Cochin University of Science & Technology


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Light in its physical and philosophical sense has captured the imagination of human mind right from the dawn of civilization. The invention of lasers in the 60’s caused a renaissance in the field of optics. This intense, monochromatic, highly directional radiation created new frontiers in science and technology. The strong oscillating electric field of laser radiation creates a. polarisation response that is nonlinear in character in the medium through which it passes and the medium acts as a new source of optical field with alternate properties. It was in this context, that the field of optoelectronics which encompasses the generation, modulation, transmission etc. of optical radiation has gained tremendous importance. Organic molecules and polymeric systems have emerged as a class of promising materials of optoelectronics because they offer the flexibility, both at the molecular and bulk levels, to optimize the nonlinearity and other suitable properties for device applications. Organic nonlinear optical media, which yield large third-order nonlinearities, have been widely studied to develop optical devices like high speed switches, optical limiters etc. Transparent polymeric materials have found one of their most promising applicationsin lasers, in which they can be used as active elements with suitable laser dyes doped in it. The solid-matrix dye lasers make possible combination of the advantages of solid state lasers with the possibility of tuning the radiation over a broad spectral range. The polymeric matrices impregnated with organic dyes have not yet widely used because of the low resistance of the polymeric matrices to laser damage, their low dye photostability, and low dye stability over longer time of operation and storage. In this thesis we investigate the nonlinear and radiative properties of certain organic materials and doped polymeric matrix and their possible role in device development


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In dieser Arbeit wird die Wechselwirkung zwischen einem Photon und einem Elektron im starken Coulombfeld eines Atomkerns am Beispiel des radiativen Elektroneneinfangs beim Stoß hochgeladener Teilchen untersucht. In den letzten Jahren wurde dieser Ladungsaustauschprozess insbesondere für relativistische Ion–Atom–Stöße sowohl experimentell als auch theoretisch ausführlich erforscht. In Zentrum standen dabei haupsächlich die totalen und differentiellen Wirkungsquerschnitte. In neuerer Zeit werden vermehrt Spin– und Polarisationseffekte sowie Korrelationseffekte bei diesen Stoßprozessen diskutiert. Man erwartet, dass diese sehr empfindlich auf relativistische Effekte im Stoß reagieren und man deshalb eine hervorragende Methode zu deren Bestimmung erhält. Darüber hinaus könnten diese Messungen auch indirekt dazu führen, dass man die Polarisation des Ionenstrahls bestimmen kann. Damit würden sich neue experimentelle Möglichkeiten sowohl in der Atom– als auch der Kernphysik ergeben. In dieser Dissertation werden zunächst diese ersten Untersuchungen zu den Spin–, Polarisations– und Korrelationseffekten systematisch zusammengefasst. Die Dichtematrixtheorie liefert hierzu die geeignete Methode. Mit dieser Methode werden dann die allgemeinen Gleichungen für die Zweistufen–Rekombination hergeleitet. In diesem Prozess wird ein Elektron zunächst radiativ in einen angeregten Zustand eingefangen, der dann im zweiten Schritt unter Emission des zweiten (charakteristischen) Photons in den Grundzustand übergeht. Diese Gleichungen können natürlich auf beliebige Mehrstufen– sowie Einstufen–Prozesse erweitert werden. Im direkten Elektroneneinfang in den Grundzustand wurde die ”lineare” Polarisation der Rekombinationsphotonen untersucht. Es wurde gezeigt, dass man damit eine Möglichkeit zur Bestimmung der Polarisation der Teilchen im Eingangskanal des Schwerionenstoßes hat. Rechnungen zur Rekombination bei nackten U92+ Projektilen zeigen z. B., dass die Spinpolarisation der einfallenden Elektronen zu einer Drehung der linearen Polarisation der emittierten Photonen aus der Streuebene heraus führt. Diese Polarisationdrehung kann mit neu entwickelten orts– und polarisationsempfindlichen Festkörperdetektoren gemessen werden. Damit erhält man eine Methode zur Messung der Polarisation der einfallenden Elektronen und des Ionenstrahls. Die K–Schalen–Rekombination ist ein einfaches Beispiel eines Ein–Stufen–Prozesses. Das am besten bekannte Beispiel der Zwei–Stufen–Rekombination ist der Elektroneneinfang in den 2p3/2–Zustand des nackten Ions und anschließendem Lyman–1–Zerfall (2p3/2 ! 1s1/2). Im Rahmen der Dichte–Matrix–Theorie wurden sowohl die Winkelverteilung als auch die lineare Polarisation der charakteristischen Photonen untersucht. Beide (messbaren) Größen werden beträchtlich durch die Interferenz des E1–Kanals (elektrischer Dipol) mit dem viel schwächeren M2–Kanal (magnetischer Quadrupol) beeinflusst. Für die Winkelverteilung des Lyman–1 Zerfalls im Wasserstoff–ähnlichen Uran führt diese E1–M2–Mischung zu einem 30%–Effekt. Die Berücksichtigung dieser Interferenz behebt die bisher vorhandene Diskrepanz von Theorie und Experiment beim Alignment des 2p3/2–Zustands. Neben diesen Ein–Teichen–Querschnitten (Messung des Einfangphotons oder des charakteristischen Photons) wurde auch die Korrelation zwischen den beiden berechnet. Diese Korrelationen sollten in X–X–Koinzidenz–Messungen beobbachtbar sein. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Untersuchungen lag bei der Photon–Photon–Winkelkorrelation, die experimentell am einfachsten zu messen ist. In dieser Arbeit wurden ausführliche Berechnungen der koinzidenten X–X–Winkelverteilungen beim Elektroneneinfang in den 2p3/2–Zustand des nackten Uranions und beim anschließenden Lyman–1–Übergang durchgeführt. Wie bereits erwähnt, hängt die Winkelverteilung des charakteristischen Photons nicht nur vom Winkel des Rekombinationsphotons, sondern auch stark von der Spin–Polarisation der einfallenden Teilchen ab. Damit eröffnet sich eine zweite Möglichkeit zur Messung der Polaristion des einfallenden Ionenstrahls bzw. der einfallenden Elektronen.