878 resultados para Qualidade total


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR


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Aborda o tema das políticas públicas, relacionadas à produção de equipamentos urbanos, através de programas de gestão do Governo do Estado do Pará, Brasil. Toma como objeto os programas voltados para a qualidade das obras, que buscam otimizar todos os processos no âmbito da construção civil, sob influência das Secretarias de Estado que constituem a Secretaria Especial de Integração Regional, em especial a gerência da produção de equipamentos urbanos. Essa abordagem se justifica pela importância da busca de soluções para problemas gerenciais em organizações públicas onde a tomada de decisão, na maioria das vezes é baseada em dados imprecisos, levando à escolhas políticas em detrimento de escolhas técnicas. O referencial teórico foi construído a partir da discussão das políticas de melhoria da qualidade, aperfeiçoamento da tomada de decisão, emergência do uso de sistemas de informação, e especificamente da gestão da produção. A metodologia baseou-se em um estudo de caso que aborda o contexto organizacional da Secretaria Executiva de Estado de Obras Públicas (SEOP), e o estudo da produção de equipamentos educacionais. A pesquisa investiga o processo de tomada de decisão visando analisar o uso de informações fidedignas e compartilhadas, para maior alcance político-econômico-social na provisão de equipamentos educacionais. Constatou-se a aplicação de boas práticas de gestão, porém ainda ocorre resistência por parte dos técnicos da secretaria em assimilar estes programas, o que acaba provocando uma deficiência nos fluxos de informação e no controle das etapas de produção.


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Este trabalho se insere no âmbito de pesquisas que se debruçam sobre a relação linguagem e trabalho, mais precisamente sobre as modernas formas de comunicação em ambientes organizacionais. Partindo-se do pressuposto de que as atividades de linguagem nesse ambiente possuem uma dimensão simbólica, voltada a gerar resultados positivos e estratégicos, elege-se investigar nesta pesquisa o funcionamento da prática discursiva materializada num informativo organizacional e as implicações simbólicas dessa prática para o cotidiano de trabalho na empresa. Esse informativo, assim como a empresa, aparece situado no contexto ideológico do Discurso da Qualidade Total, discurso que institui e justifica o que atualmente se tem denominado como gerência moderna. Para análise da prática discursiva do informativo, observam-se as atividades de produção, difusão e consumo a que aparece ligado, buscando-se depreender os discursos e as representações de sujeitos implicados nessas atividades. O estudo situa-se na linha da Análise do Discurso francesa e é desenvolvido segundo as noções teóricas de Prática discursiva e de Cenografia, propostas por Maingueneau (2008a).


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB


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The increasing concerns about the health and safety is significantly changing the costeffective management of labor, also becoming an important tool in the pursuit of quality. In this context the present work makes a studyin a steel mill, to determine an action plan with the goal of reducing the risk of injury during handling and setting up bearings in a workshop of rolling mill rolls. The study is structured through the Method of Analysis and Troubleshooting, and quality tools. The definition of the action plan has brought lowcost measures that seek to solve the problem, eliminating the possibility of fatality or inability to employees


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The civil construction in Brazil has grown a lotover the last years. This has caused a greater competition between companies of the sector. A little difference in quality in service or product a company offers can determine their success in the market. There is a growing demand for tools that optimize processes and bring greater quality to each activity in these companies. Performance measurement systems make it possible to control process efficiency and effectiveness using performance indicators. Considering this need, the paper before you has the objective of creating basic guidelines to introduce performance measurement systems inbuilding installations project companies. A theoretical reference is presented to describe organizational aspects of project companies along with performance measurement systems characteristics. Using a qualitative research methodology, a study case was executed with interviews, observation and document analysis as evidence sources. In the study case, limitations where identified, such as, high degree of product and process flexibility, dependence on subjective analysis for decision making and lack of specialized information systems. Considering the theoretical reference and the study case,the proposed guidelines intend to ease and guarantee greater chances of success when implanting one of these systems


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In an industry, being a big one or small one, the process improvement is always a focus for it to increase in the market. The improvement, if searched in a simple meaning, brings the unique meaning of change to better. However the meaning of process improvement can take much more than a superficial point of view. Kaizen, Process improvement, Continuous improvement, they are some denotations much more comprehensive of a such a term carried of so many meanings. A good concept of improvement if to search inside processes a more appropriate way, a more succinct, a more economic way to realize it. The idea is to make the process in a better way. In this graduation thesis, there will be presented a process improvement realized in a Vale do Paraíba company. For that, it was used the DMAIC to obtain, measure and control the process improvement. It should be noted that the goal is to present and discuss a process improvement


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This work evaluates the implementation of Lean Six Sigma into the Steam Turbine’s Blades Manufacturing Process, aiming to improve productivity, quality and operational efficiency. Therefore, several tools have been applied, such as VSM, Spaghetti Diagram, Ishikawa, Pareto, DMAIC, Benchmarking and Control Charts, seeking to propose process improvements, as well as Quality Indicators creation. It was obtained a significant waste reduction throughout the process, achieving a lead time reduction of 42% and 83,41% in transport. Also, were introduced the Lean Thinking concepts, such as pull production and Continuous material flow. At the same time, it was possible to calculate the process capability and the sigma level, evaluating and proposing some improvements


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Customer focus , high competitiveness and striving for excellence in quality of service are some of the main features of the current market . Planned and make decisions with greater certainty is no longer an option a few years . The current managers are seeking ways to eliminate waste and increase financial and productive profitability of your company in order to achieve higher performance at a lower cost . The AHP is one of the main concepts of this goal by providing an analysis on multiple criteria , enhancing decision-making and enhancing the gains , with a technique that is designed to take into account all the key criteria for choosing an alternative , according to the perspective of the designer as both suppliers and customers . Emerging as a new way to minimize errors , and make an informed and consistent decision. The use of this method in construction projects is a recent phenomenon , which has much to be explored , an intense analysis of the processes is required to enable it to consider the concepts and present a consistent and grounded proposal


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The industries face increasingly fierce competition, so that differentiation becomes more and more difficult. In the case of the branch of machine tool industries this scenario is aggressive, those firms face competition from around the world, which have good quality and low price. This paper aims to propose the creation of a department to promote standardization in a company of special tools. The goal was achieved from survey of theories and applications of quality management, knowledge management and standardization, done by scholars in these areas, which added the use of qualitative study resulted in a proposal that contained not only the creation of this department as possible approaches that can be applied by him. This work is limited to the study of a company that manufactures special tools of the state of São Paulo, which despite its small size and limited number of employees, also presents common situations to other companies in the field, especially with regard to the behavior employees, and present good practices that can be implemented by any company


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La mission de ce rapport se trouvée dans un projet major de mise en place de la TPM dans l’usine de Biotechnologie à Huningue. Le même sera utilisé comme pilote pour les autres sites de l’entreprise. Le but spécifique de ma mission au sein de Novartis, était d’identifier les activités principales des équipes de maintenance, étudier la façon de travailler et la manière comment ils étaient renseignées dans leurs Ordres de Travail (OT). Ensuite, proposer un standard de flux de travail et façon de renseigner les OT et ainsi organiser la façon de travailler et pouvoir planifier les activités de maintenance, ayant une bonne base de données pour faire les indicateurs