1000 resultados para Química e ensino


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The profile of students has changed a lot, mainly due to the advent of new technologies, which in attractiveness has attracted the attention of students, and becoming a difficulty the teacher to attract the attention of the student to class. In this sense, it is needed reformulations in pedagogical practice so that the student's attention turns to science, arousing their curiosity. Thus, in Chemistry and Science Teaching, and lectures must encourage discussions about science, and one of the possible ways to insert dynamic classes is by inserting the trial. Thus, this present course conclusion work aims at presenting and discussing the ways in which Experimentation in Chemistry and Science Teaching has been applied in classrooms, the difficulties of its implementation as a teaching methodology, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of their use depending on the type of approach, training teachers, among other factors


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This paper aims at analyzing the history of science content of three general chemistry textbooks used in Brazilian universities: the translations of Kotz and Treichel's Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity, Atkins and Jones's Chemical Principles, and Garritz and Chamizo's Química. Results revealed different trends for the inclusion of history of science in chemistry teaching. Kotz & Treichel and Atkins & Jones used history mainly as curiosity and ornament. Garritz & Chamizo adopted the historical approach as one of the organizing axis of their textbook. Nevertheless, the historical content of the three textbooks may be criticized from current historiographical standpoint.


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This work is part of a study that focused on analyzing the contributions of didactic activities related to scientific language rhetoric characteristics aimed at developing students' abilities to identify such characteristics in chemistry scientific texts and critical reading of those texts. In this study, we present the theoretical basis adopted to determine the scientific discourse characteristics and for the production of the didactic material used in those activities. Latour, Coracini and Campanario studies on persuasive rhetorical strategies present in scientific articles aided the production of such material.


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Os fenômenos físico-químicos que ocorrem no preparo dos alimentos, o que inclui o processo de panificaçao, sao inúmeros, podendo servir de contexto para o estudo das transformaçoes químicas e físicas envolvidas. Neste trabalho, "os alimentos: panificaçao" é o tema empregado para ensinar Química, tendo a pesquisa como princípio científico e educativo na promoçao de aprendizagem significativa. Alunos do ensino médio foram levados a estudar Química de forma investigativa na padaria/laboratório montada no colégio. Um grupo de estudos formado pelos professores da escola e por professores e estagiários do curso de Química da Universidade desenvolveram pesquisa qualitativa sobre a proposta realizada na escola. Esperou-se com isso construir uma metodologia de ensino capaz de contribuir com a formaçao de cidadaos mais críticos e criativos, e que percebessem a química como uma ciência, construçao humana, presente na vida cotidiana, popularizando-a


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Os fenômenos físico-químicos que ocorrem no preparo dos alimentos, o que inclui o processo de panificaçao, sao inúmeros, podendo servir de contexto para o estudo das transformaçoes químicas e físicas envolvidas. Neste trabalho, "os alimentos: panificaçao" é o tema empregado para ensinar Química, tendo a pesquisa como princípio científico e educativo na promoçao de aprendizagem significativa. Alunos do ensino médio foram levados a estudar Química de forma investigativa na padaria/laboratório montada no colégio. Um grupo de estudos formado pelos professores da escola e por professores e estagiários do curso de Química da Universidade desenvolveram pesquisa qualitativa sobre a proposta realizada na escola. Esperou-se com isso construir uma metodologia de ensino capaz de contribuir com a formaçao de cidadaos mais críticos e criativos, e que percebessem a química como uma ciência, construçao humana, presente na vida cotidiana, popularizando-a


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Os fenômenos físico-químicos que ocorrem no preparo dos alimentos, o que inclui o processo de panificaçao, sao inúmeros, podendo servir de contexto para o estudo das transformaçoes químicas e físicas envolvidas. Neste trabalho, "os alimentos: panificaçao" é o tema empregado para ensinar Química, tendo a pesquisa como princípio científico e educativo na promoçao de aprendizagem significativa. Alunos do ensino médio foram levados a estudar Química de forma investigativa na padaria/laboratório montada no colégio. Um grupo de estudos formado pelos professores da escola e por professores e estagiários do curso de Química da Universidade desenvolveram pesquisa qualitativa sobre a proposta realizada na escola. Esperou-se com isso construir uma metodologia de ensino capaz de contribuir com a formaçao de cidadaos mais críticos e criativos, e que percebessem a química como uma ciência, construçao humana, presente na vida cotidiana, popularizando-a


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Nas últimas décadas, investigações têm destacado o papel da história e filosofia da ciência (HFC) na educação científica. O reconhecimento da pluralidade e complexidade da ciência tem originado estudos, os quais apontam que o ensino sobre ciências deve levar em conta as diferenças entre as disciplinas científicas. Assim, tem-se discutido a importância da consideração de elementos da história e da filosofia da química no aprimoramento do processo de ensino e aprendizagem dessa ciência. Apesar disso, investigações têm constatado que pouco ou nada se discute acerca desses assuntos nas aulas de ciências. Diante disso, esta dissertação tem como intuito investigar a concepção de professores de química sobre a inclusão de elementos da HFC no ensino, com foco nas características inerentes às práticas e aos conhecimentos químicos. Foram investigadas as concepções de cinco professores de química, que atuam em diferentes escolas públicas da região metropolitana de São Paulo, acerca de cinco temas, elaborados com base em estudos da área de ensino de ciências e em diretrizes curriculares oficiais: relações com a sociedade, modelos e modelagem, experimentação, desenvolvimento histórico e reducionismo. Por meio da análise qualitativa dos dados, as concepções docentes, para cada tema, foram classificadas em dois subeixos temáticos: prática docente e relevância. Ademais, foram identificados fatores externos e internos que influenciam as práticas e concepções dos sujeitos concernentes a considerações filosóficas, históricas e sociológicas sobre a química. Os resultados evidenciam que, de modo geral, os sujeitos consideram relevantes determinados assuntos relacionados à natureza da química e, em certa medida, buscam inseri-los em suas práticas cotidianas. Contudo, mostraram também que os motivos pelos quais os docentes conferem importância a algumas discussões, e o modo como as desenvolvem, podem limitar a compreensão dos estudantes sobre a complexidade da construção do conhecimento científico. Além disso, foram raras as referências a aspectos específicos da química, à importância de evidenciar e discutir esses aspectos com os estudantes, assim como à preparação de situações didáticas próximas à prática química autêntica.


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O Processo de Reflexão Orientada apresenta-se como uma nova proposta formativa, a qual pode contribuir para a formação inicial professores. Nesse processo, o futuro professor, mediado por um professor mais experiente, tem a oportunidade de elaborar e avaliar suas ideias sobre o ensino e a aprendizagem, suas metodologias e suas práticas de ensino, podendo clarificar e confrontar suas teorias pessoais. Neste sentido, este trabalho investigou as contribuições do PRO na atuação pedagógica de licenciandos em Química, visando um ensino por investigação e para a promoção da alfabetização científica no Ensino Médio. Para isso, mediados pela pesquisadora, os três licenciandos participantes da pesquisa elaboraram uma sequência de aulas e a desenvolveram em sala de aula, refletindo sobre suas concepções e práticas durante todo o processo envolvido. Diversas propostas de uma mesma sequência de aulas, sobre um mesmo conteúdo químico, foram elaborados pelos licenciandos, de forma a contemplar uma sequência investigativa e para promoção da AC. A última proposta foi aplicada em sala de aula. Os licenciandos avaliaram e refletiram sobre a sua prática em sala de aula e sobre os planos desenvolvidos, utilizando referenciais teóricos sobre ensino por investigação, AC e exigência cognitiva das questões. Para compreender a evolução dos licenciandos durante o PRO, a pesquisadora analisou os níveis investigativos dos elementos pedagógicos presentes nos planos elaborados e nas aulas ministradas por eles; o nível de AC dos planos e das aulas ministradas, bem como, o nível cognitivo das questões propostas nos planos e nas aulas. O processo reflexivo sobre a prática dos licenciandos é evidenciado por meio de categorias de análise e exemplificadas por trechos das transcrições dos encontros reflexivos realizados entre eles e a pesquisadora. As contribuições do grupo durante o processo também foram avaliadas. Os resultados mostram que os planos desenvolvidos pelos três licenciandos apresentaram evoluções na maioria dos tópicos avaliados, o que pode ser justificado pelas reflexões proporcionadas pelos encontros individuais e em grupo. No entanto, algumas dificuldades foram evidenciadas quanto a proposição da questão problema e de materiais para o levantamento das ideias prévias dos estudantes. A análise das aulas evidencia algumas dificuldades vivenciadas pelos licenciandos durante suas regências, como a sustentação da questão problema, bem como, das interações dialógicas. As reflexões realizadas entre a pesquisadora e os licenciandos, durante os encontros individuais, evidenciam momentos relevantes para a formação inicial, visto que os futuros professores expunham suas concepções, anseios e dilemas. Os encontros reflexivos em grupo também evidenciam contribuições, o que possibilitou ao grupo socializar, confrontar e compartilhar suas ideias e experiências. Esta pesquisa também mostra a importância do papel do mediador, já que a confiança dos licenciandos pela pesquisadora parece ter contribuído para o comprometimento deles durante o processo. Assim, o PRO vivenciado pelos licenciandos parece ter contribuído para eles desenvolverem uma postura crítica com relação à prática docente. Ao elaborar os planejamentos e avaliar suas ações, baseados em referenciais teóricos, puderam construir novas ideias sobre o processo de ensino e de aprendizagem em Química.


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The importance of the Professionals Master in the field of science education is revealed by the recognition that they provide, to practicing teachers, in particular, training spaces for reflection and application of knowledge. This work appears in the context of the project "Research and training in teaching science and mathematics: a cutout of academic production in the northeast and overview of formative action in basic education" on the Centre for Education program, which main objective was to conduct studies description, analysis and evaluation of the academic production of Postgraduate Programs in Science Teaching of UFRPE, UFRN and UEPB and investigate the contribution of continuing education in stricto sensu level, of graduated teachers to improve the quality of basic education . We sought to examine a cut of academic production PPGECNM / UFRN, taking as reference dissertations of Natural Sciences, finished between the years 2005 and 2012, which have developed and applied educational products for high school students. More specifically we sought to conduct a general characterization of the dissertations analyzed for basic descriptors, to understand if and how the official documents governing the Brazilian education, especially science education, subsidized development of dissertations and identify current trends for science teaching are addressed and which ones are used in preparing the product of dissertations. The survey was based on documentary analysis, a type of qualitative approach in which the documents are objects of study in themselves. The results revealed that most of the work was developed in public schools, on subjects of physics and chemistry. During analytical reading of the text of the dissertations was observed that, in its construction, most of them addressed somehow, official documents governing the Brazilian educational system, that the products are basically teaching units and teaching approaches that are more focused on Experimentation and History and Philosophy of Science


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The evidence of the water theme in news reports is configured as an important topic of interest to contextualize, problematize and/or generate meaning in the midst of discussion of a content from different levels of education and/or disciplines of basic education. The possibilities to use this theme in classroom is also highlighted in Brazilian official documents that guide the practice of teachers of all Brazilian curricular components of this educational level. So, the theme water can be used as subsidy to teach chemistry, since contextualises the teaching of this discipline aiding in the discussion of different chemical concepts. In this perspective, the meaningful learning theory, developed by David Ausubel, has constructivist nature and says that an individual learns significantly when he can relate new information with a specific knowledge structure that integrates the prior knowledge of its structure. In this sense, the use of water as a theme for the approach prior knowledge of chemical concepts has already been characterized as an important topic that can give meaning to the content of education in chemistry. In this dissertation, a teaching unit potentially significant (TUPS) is presented based on meaningful learning theory of David Ausubel approaching the theme water. approaching the theme water. The unit was used in a class of thirty-five students of the 2nd year of high school, a public school in the city of Extremoz-RN, metropolitan region of Natal / RN. Through it was possible to discuss an issue of interest to students of the school to address the chemical contents, such as solutions, physicochemical aspects and stages of water treatment. At first, an initial questionnaire was used to identify the students' previous ideas on the topic under study to the concept of chemical solutions. It was subsequently developed and implemented a series of activities based on students' ideas. To subsidize the sequence, it was prepared four booklets that worked the content of chemical solutions, contextualizing the theme water. The results of this work showed that the alternative conceptions that students have about concepts related to the chemical solutions are similar to the ideas of other students presented in the literature and that the development of the TUPS, allied to the contextualization strategy with the theme water, not only motivated the students for the teaching of chemical content, as yet provided the learning of chemical concepts not in isolation, but making a connection between their ideas and experiences with scientific knowledge. To this, beyond of dialogued lectures, were also used strategies as experimental activities, problem solving, group discussions and construction of concept maps. The final evaluation of the unit was conducted by a questionnaire based on the Likert scale, answered individually by students, who approved the unit as conducive to teaching and learning of chemistry process


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Scientific education has been passing by redefinitions, contestations and new contributions from the research on science teaching. One contribution is the idea of science and technology literacy, allowing the citizens not only knowing science but also understand aspects on the construction and motivation of scientific and technological research. In accordance with this idea, there is the Science-Technology-Society (STS) studies which, since the 1970s, has been contributing for science teaching and learning according to the comprehension of the relationships with society in the Western countries of the North. In Brazil, this approach began to gain projection from the 1990s when the first essays on the theme were published. Currently, there is a clear influence of this approach on the national curriculum guidelines, especially for the area of Natural Sciences, and also on the textbooks chosen by the High School National Program (Programa Nacional do Ensino Médio). However, there seems to be a gap in relation to the discussion on the specific curricular component seen in college on this approach. Thus, this study aims at adopting the approach STS, face to the preparation of complimentary educational material on acid and bases concepts studied in the course of General Chemistry of the Natural Sciences graduation program. To this end, it was performed a bibliographical research aiming at making the state-of-the-art in in these concepts in specific literature to science teaching. It is divided in two stages: systematic study (with sixteen journals chosen according to Qualis-Capes and an unsystematic study with direct search in databases and references in the papers of the systematic study. The studies had their content analyzed and the categories chosen a priori were the level of education, the acid-base theory adopted, and the strategy/theoretical frame of reference adopted. A second stage aimed at identifying attitudes and beliefs on STS (Science-Technology-Society) and CSE (Chemistry-Society-Environment) of students in the teacher and technologist training course in three diferent institutions: UTFPR, UFRN and IFRN. In this study, it was used two questionnaires, composed of a Likert scale, semantic differential scale and open questions. The quantitative data reliability was estimated through Cronbach’s alpha method, and tha data were treated according to classic statistics, using the mean as the centrality measures, and the mean deviation as dispersion. The qualitative data were treated according to the content analysis with categories taken from the reading of answers. In the third stage, it was analyzed the presence of STS and CSE content in chapters on acid and bases concepts of nine General Chemistry textbooks, frequently used in graduation programs in public institutions of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The results showed that there are few proposals of acid and bases teaching, and they are generally aimed at High School or at instrumentation for teaching courses, and no course for General Chemistry. The student’s attitudes and beliefs show the presence of a positivist point of view based on the concept of Science and Technology neutrality and the salvation of its mediation. The books analysis showed just a few content on STS and CSE are found in the studied chapters, and they are generally presented disjointedly in relation to the rest of the main text. In the end, as suggestion to solve the absence of proposals STS in General Chemistry books, as well as the student’s positivist attitudes, it was developed some educational material to be used in the course of General Chemistry at College. The material is structured to introduce a historical view of the concepts preparation, present the use of materials, the industrial and technological processes, and social and environmental consequences of this activities


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In this study, we carried out the study of Eriochrome black T removal using expanded perlite modified orthophenanthroline by adsorption technique. The study of the adsorption process was performed by investigating the effect of the initial dye concentration, contact time and pH range of the solution (acidic and alkaline) in the adsorption process, for a so-called synthetic effluent (aqueous solution of black eriochrome T) and a real effluent (generated from the test for determining the water hardness, by complexation titration). The materials were characterized by Thermogravimetry / Differential Thermal Analysis (TG / DTA), absorption spectroscopy in the infrared (IR), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). By analysis of XRD observed thinking on orthophenanthroline the modified expanded perlite. And by IR analysis showed an increase in intensity and a detailed enlargement of the absorption band related to the axial deformation of the OH bond of silanol groups of perlite (Si-OH). In the equilibration time of the study, in the evaluated time range (5-230 min) was not possible to observe the existence of a balance of time, probably attributed to the type of interaction between the Eriochrome black-T and the expanded perlite modified orthophenanthroline, being an interaction of surface origin. In the study effect of the initial concentration of the adsorbate in the case 2,0x10-4 mol / L natural pH (pH 5) gave the highest removal percentage value of eriochrome T black color with 63.74 % removal in 20 minutes of contact. In evaluating the effect of varying the pH of Eriochrome black T solution in the adsorption process, it was found that the more acidic the environment, the greater the percentage stain removal, being a result of acid-base interaction between the adsorbate and the adsorbent. In T Eriochrome black removal study in real effluent we used the optimized conditions by studying with synthetic sewage. The dye removal at pH 10, natural pH of the effluent was no significant reaching the maximum amount of color removal percentage of 8.12%, obtained already at pH 3 with maximum color removal 100.00% of color, once more proving that eriochrome black T and effectively interact better with the adsorbent at acid pH values (pH 5 or 3), and most efficiently at pH 3. thus one can mention that the perlite expanded (an amorphous aluminosilicate naturally acid) modified with orthophenanthroline (one Bronsted base) consists of a master and effective removal of coloring material in the acid-type aqueous solution, the conditions expressed in this study, can be applied as an adsorbent of this dye also mums real effluent.


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For this study, a research was conducted in order to answer the question "What chemistry teaching has been developed in the Youth and Adult Education (EJA) ?". The research provides an overview of the object to the proposed changes, leading students to live with different realities and investigating the issue of contextualization based on the daily lives of these students related to the subject of chemistry. The methodology focuses ethnographic research of the case study, in which a case is studied in depth using the participant observation. In the survey data a mixed qualitative and quantitative approach was used. The work involved 6 schools that offer adult education high school; 6 directors of these schools; 6 coordinators who work in adult education; 6 Chemistry teachers and 123 students of the EJA, level high school, enrolled in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th periods. The first stage of the research consisted of questionnaires in schools where everyone involved responded closed and open questions applied to each specific group. In the second stage two schools were selected in order to conduct a deeper knowledge of adult education through practical activities of Chemistry and subsequent interview conducted in groups with students. Three teachers were also interviewed to enable a deepening of issues relating to EJA and Chemistry Teaching. The interviews were analyzed by the technique of Discursive Textual Analysis (ATD). The main issues addressed in the questionnaires and interviews were on the school structure, reasons that lead students to drop out or remained in adult education and those who make the stay, the view of those involved of the importance of chemistry discipline for students of EJA and how this should be offered. It is necessary that we need to promote changes in the chemistry class and its activities, respecting the experiences and experience already gained by the student during his life story. Another factor to be highlighted is the need for ongoing training of teachers working in adult education. Note that your continued education is given more by the experience and the ways in which they try to overcome adverse situations. The Chemistry subject taught is not agree with the principles of EJA and practiced curriculum is just an adaptation or content reduction from the regular curriculum. The improvement in chemistry teaching of EJA will take place through a dialogue between those involved in the process, clearer educational policies and willingness to implement change. Thus the teaching of chemistry contribute to the students of the EJA are actually scientifically literate and integrated into society.


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O estudo apresentado teve como objetivos planificar e implementar e analisar uma proposta didática alternativa para a abordagem dos níveis macroscópico, simbólico e sub-microscópico, indispensáveis para a compreensão das reações químicas, salientando-se o facto de não se explorar, nos manuais e na prática, todo o potencial de uma reação química muito usual. A proposta utiliza uma diferente abordagem da tradicional reação de precipitação do iodeto de chumbo, centrada em questões-problema: “Ocorreu uma reação química?” e “Será possível dissolver o precipitado?”. A metodologia foi qualitativa e centrou-se na investigação-ação colaborativa. Perante as questões problema, os alunos fizeram previsões, sugeriram e realizaram procedimentos experimentais de carácter investigativo para as testar e fundamentaram as respostas através da comunicação oral e da elaboração de esquemas pictóricos (livremente), estes últimos, para ilustrar o nível sub-microscópico. Analisaram-se conjuntamente os esquemas e os dados da observação direta. Os resultados evidenciam que os alunos: identificam a ocorrência da reação química sensorialmente (visualização do aparecimento de uma substância colorida após a junção de duas soluções incolores - nível macroscópico), representam a reação química utilizando a simbologia química (nível simbólico) mas apresentam algumas dificuldades na interpretação sub-microscópica.