274 resultados para Qt
Objetivos: avaliar os resultados estéticos e a satisfação pessoal das pacientes operadas por cirurgia conservadora para câncer de mama. Foram incluídas 44 pacientes portadoras de câncer de mama, diagnosticado no ambulatório de mastologia do HCFMRP-USP, no período de janeiro/90 a dezembro/94 e que preenchiam os critérios de inclusão conforme protocolo previamente estabelecido. O estudo consistiu da análise dos resultados estéticos após o tratamento conservador para o câncer de mama e análise do grau de satisfação da paciente, confrontando a morfometria do parênquima mamário restante com a mama normal. Estes resultados foram obtidos por meio de 5 (cinco) parâmetros previamente estabelecidos utilizando o escore de avaliação estética proposto por Westreich¹. Pacientes e Métodos: das 44 pacientes estudadas, 10 pacientes foram submetidas a quimioterapia (QT) neoadjuvante por apresentarem tumores localmente avançados e 2 outras pacientes por relação tumor/mama desfavorável para cirurgia conservadora. O tempo de seguimento médio foi de 65 meses. Todas as 27 pacientes em seguimento ambulatorial receberam uma carta-convocação voluntária, porém 7 pacientes não responderam à convocação. Para as 20 pacientes que compareceram um questionário de avaliação foi aplicado seguido da mensuração das mamas. Neste grupo 15 pacientes foram submetidas a cirurgia com incisão separada e outras 5 com incisão única. Resultados: a morfometria classificou os resultados como excelentes em 17 casos (85%), como bons em dois casos (10%) e apenas um caso (5%) como ruim, o que é comparável aos resultados encontrados pela avaliação subjetiva das próprias pacientes. Isoladamente, tanto a medida "A" (distância do manúbrio do esterno até o mamilo) como a medida "B" (distância da articulação cranial do apêndice xifóide até o mamilo) apresentaram-se com poder discriminativo maior que as medidas utilizadas em conjunto, pois com essas medidas os casos classificados como ruins pelas pacientes também teriam sido classificados como ruins por estes mesmos critérios isoladamente (A e/ou B). Conclusão: houve diferença significativa entre a qualidade do resultado estético quanto à forma do tratamento cirúrgico com incisão única ou separada, sendo que a incisão separada para o tratamento conservador propicia resultados superiores. Ocorreu uma grande concordância entre a classificação feita pela paciente e pela morfometria por nós utilizada.
High strength steel (HSS) has been in use in workshops since the 1980s. At that time, the significance of the term HSS differed from the modern conception as the maximum yield strength of HSSs has increased nearly every year. There are three different ways to make HSS. The first and oldest method is QT (quenched and tempered) followed by the TMCP (thermomechanical controlled process) and DQ (direct quenching) methods. This thesis consists of two parts, the first of which part introduces the research topic and discusses welded HSS structures by characterizing the most important variables. In the second part of the thesis, the usability of welded HSS structures is examined through a set of laboratory tests. The results of this study explain the differences in the usability of the welded HSSs made by the three different methods. The results additionally indicate that usage of different HSSs in the welded structures presumes that manufacturers know what kind of HSS they are welding. As manufacturers use greater strength HSSs in welded structures, the demands for welding rise as well. Therefore, during the manufacturing process, factors such as heat input, cooling time, weld quality, and more must be under careful observation.
A eletrocardiografia pode ser usada para quantificar o treinamento e o desempenho atlético. Pode ainda avaliar a função cardíaca sob efeito do exercício identificando a influência de anomalias cardíacas, assim como os efeitos deletérios do esforço frente à função cardíaca. Considerando a complexidade do esforço físico inerente a cavalos em competições de polo, juntamente com a carência de relatos na literatura sobre a demanda cardíaca resultante. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de identificar e avaliar eletrocardiograficamente os efeitos cardíacos do exercício de polo em equinos de forma a subsidiar dados para a compreensão da demanda fisiológica cardíaca desta modalidade. Foram avaliados 27 equinos praticante de polo em repouso e entre cinco e dez minutos após o exercício. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que as alterações observadas na duração e amplitude da onda P e duração do intervalo PR e QT foram consideradas fisiológicas em resposta ao aumento da frequência cardíaca. A onda P difásica encontrada em repouso representou hipertrofia atrial e quando bífida representou diferentes pontos de ativação do nó sinoatrial. Como esperado o complexo QRS não sofreu alterações consideráveis entre os dois momentos. O supradesnível do segmento ST e as variações da onda T observadas após o exercício poderiam representar efeito adverso ao miocárdio, entretanto estudos analisando múltiplos fatores são necessários para confirmar esta associação e definir sua real causa. O aumento do QTc sugeriu fadiga miocárdica leve representando alta demanda cardíaca para esta modalidade. O escore cardíaco demonstrou que estes animais estavam dentro do padrão de adaptação cardíaca para um cavalo atleta. A rápida recuperação cardíaca demonstrou bom condicionamento atlético. O marca-passo atrial mutável foi um achado normal encontrado nos equinos de polo. Foi observada baixa incidência de alterações no ritmo cardíaco.
O conhecimento de parâmetros cardíacos em animais modelo experimentais é essencial para a investigação médica comparativa. Nosso estudo teve como objetivo estabelecer parâmetros eletrocardiográficos e valores de referência para saguis-de-tufo-preto (Callithrix penicillata). Dezenove saguis-de-tufo-preto adultos saudáveis foram utilizados. Uma combinação de tiletamina e zolazepam foi empregada para contenção química antes da realização do exame eletrocardiográfico (ECG). Foi utilizado para o exame de ECG um equipamento computadorizado. Os valores dos parâmetros do ECG encontrados foram frequência cardíaca média de 264±74 bpm, uma variação do eixo cardíaco médio entre 60° e -90°, a duração da onda P média de 34±6ms e amplitude de 0,132±0,051mV, um intervalo PR com duração de 56±11ms, duração média do complexo QRS de 35±7ms e amplitude de 0,273±0,269mV, duração do intervalo QT de 130±26ms, segmento ST isoelétrico (13 animais) e com supradesnível (seis animais) e uma amplitude de onda T de 0,19±0,083mV e com polaridade positiva. Não houve diferença significativa entre machos e fêmeas. Os parâmetros eletrocardiográficos obtidos em nosso estudo em saguis-de-tufo-preto podem ser utilizados como referência em outras pesquisas futuras, oferecendo aos pesquisadores parâmetros eletrocardiográficos que contribuem com a literatura.
The purpose of this study was to establish normal reference electrocardiographic (ECG) values for standard limb lead II in Saanen goats. For this, were used 19 healthy adult female Saanen goats. And for reference values for the ECG parameters, were used 95% confidence level. The overall P, Q, R, S and T durations (seconds) were 0.03±0.01, 0.02±0.005, 0.03±0.014, 0.03±0.011, 0.06±0.014 respectively, and the reference values were 0.01-0.04, 0.01-0.02, 0.01-0.06, 0.02-0.04 and 0.04-0.08 respectively. The amplitudes (milivolts) of these waveforms were 0.1±0.031, 0.06±0.023, 0.44±0.312, 0.39±0.434, 0.26±0.164 (T negative) and 0.15±0.071 (T positive), respectively. The reference values were 0.05-0.15, 0.05-0.1, 0.05-1.2, 0.05-1.1 and -0.2-0.7 respectively. The PR and QT interval, the QRS complex and the ST segment durations (seconds) were 0.08±0.018, 0.26±0.03, 0.05±0.008, 0.15±0.041 respectively. The reference values were 0.06-0.12, 0.2-0.32, 0.04-0.07 and 0.11-0.26, respectively. It was possible to observe differences in ECG of Saanen goats regarding the amplitude and duration of the constituents when compared to the results of other breeds. Therefore it is necessary to conduct further studies to allow comparisons, detect and diagnose cardiac arrhythmias and help the development of therapies.
The pentavalent antimonial (Sb5+) meglumine is the drug of choice for the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in Brazil. Although the cardiotoxicity of high-dose, long-term Sb5+ therapy is well known, the use of low-dose, short-term meglumine has been considered to be safe and relatively free from significant cardiac effects. In order to investigate the cardiotoxicity of low-dose, short-term therapy with meglumine in cutaneous leishmaniasis, 62 CL patients treated with meglumine were studied. A standard ECG was obtained before and immediately after the first cycle of treatment (15 mg Sb5+ kg-1 day-1). The electrocardiographic interpretation was carried out blindly by two investigators using the Minnesota Code. There were no significant differences in qualitative ECG variables before and after meglumine treatment. However, the corrected QT interval was clearly prolonged after antimonial therapy (420.0 vs 429.3 ms, P<10-6). QTc augmentation exceeded 40 ms in 12 patients, 7 of whom developed marked QTc interval enlargement (500 ms) after meglumine therapy. This previously unrecognized cardiac toxicity induced by short-term, low-dose antimonial therapy has potentially important clinical implications. Since sudden death has been related to QTc prolongation over 500 ms induced by high-dose antimonial therapy, routine electrocardiographic monitoring is probably indicated even in CL patients treated with short-term, low-dose meglumine schedules. Until further studies are conducted to establish the interactions between pentavalent antimonials and other drugs, special care is recommended when using meglumine in combination with other medications, in particular with drugs that also increase the QTc interval.
Parasympathetic dysfunction is an independent risk factor in patients with coronary artery disease; thus, cholinergic stimulation is a potential therapeutic measure that may be protective by acting on ventricular repolarization. The purpose of the present study was to determine the effects of pyridostigmine bromide (PYR), a reversible anticholinesterase agent, on the electrocardiographic variables, particularly QTc interval, in patients with stable coronary artery disease. In a randomized double-blind crossover placebo-controlled study, simultaneous 12-lead electrocardiographic tracings were obtained at rest from 10 patients with exercise-induced myocardial ischemia before and 2 h after the oral administration of 45 mg PYR or placebo. PYR increased the RR intervals (pre: 921 ± 27 ms vs post: 1127 ± 37 ms; P<0.01) and, in contrast with placebo, decreased the QTc interval (pre: 401 ± 3 ms vs post: 382 ± 3 ms; P<0.01). No other electrocardiographic variables were modified (PR segment, QT interval, QT and QTc dispersions). Cholinergic stimulation with PYR caused bradycardia and reduced the QTc interval without important side effects in patients with coronary disease. These effects, if confirmed in studies over longer periods of administration, may suggest a cardioprotection by cholinergic stimulation with PYR.
Electrocardiograms (ECG) obtained with standard limb leads and augmented unipolar limb leads were recorded from 17 unanesthetized adult sloths. The animals were held in their habitual position in an experimental chair. We determined heart rate and rhythm from the R-R intervals, the amplitude and duration of each wave, and the duration of the segments and intervals of the ECG. The mean electrical axes of P and T waves and QRS complex were calculated on the basis of the amplitude of these waves in leads I, II, III, aV R, aV L, and aV F. The P wave appeared positive in most tracings with low amplitude in lead II, the QRS complex was generally negative in leads aV R, III and aV F, and no arrhythmias were observed. With a mean ± SD heart rate for all recordings of 81 ± 18 bpm, the duration of P and T waves, QRS complex, and PR, QT and RR intervals averaged 0.05 ± 0.02, 0.15 ± 0.05, 0.07 ± 0.02, 0.13 ± 0.02, 0.38 ± 0.04, and 0.74 ± 0.17 s, respectively. The ECG shape had a definite configuration on each lead. The angles of the mean ± SD electrical axes for atrial and ventricular depolarization and ventricular repolarization in the horizontal plane were +34 ± 68º, -35 ± 63º, and -23 ± 68º, respectively. All electrical axes showed great variations and their mean values suggest that, when the sloth is in a seated position, the heart could be displaced by the diaphragm to a semi-horizontal position.
The mechanisms by which PM2.5 increases cardiovascular mortality are not fully identified. Autonomic alterations are the current main hypotheses. Our objective was to determine if PM2.5 induces acute cardiac polarization alterations in healthy Wistar rats. PM2.5 samples were collected on polycarbonate filters. Solutions containing 10, 20, and 50 µg PM2.5 were administered by tracheal instillation. P wave duration decreased significantly at 20 µg (0.99 ± 0.06, 0.95 ± 0.06, and 0.96 ± 0.07; P < 0.001), and 50 µg (0.98 ± 0.06, 0.98 ± 0.07, and 0.96 ± 0.08; 60, 90 and 120 min, respectively) compared to blank filter solution (P < 0.001). PR interval duration decreased significantly at 20 µg (0.99 ± 0.06, 0.98 ± 0.07, and 0.97 ± 0.08) and 50 µg (0.99 ± 0.05, 0.97 ± 0.0, and 0.95 ± 0.05; 60, 90, and 120 min, respectively) compared to blank filter and 10 µg (P < 0.001). QRS interval duration decreased at 20 and 50 µg in relation to blank filter solution and 10 µg (P < 0.001). QT interval duration decreased significantly (P < 0.001) with time in animals receiving 20 µg (0.94 ± 0.12, 0.88 ± 0.14, and 0.88 ± 0.11) and 50 µg (1.00 ± 0.13; 0.97 ± 0.11 and 0.98 ± 0.16; 60, 90 and 120 min, respectively) compared to blank filter solution and 10 µg (P < 0.001). PM2.5 induced reduced cardiac conduction time, within a short period, indicating that depolarization occurs more rapidly across ventricular tissue.
The 24-h heart rate variability and QT-interval adaptation was investigated in perinatally HIV-infected preschool children classified according to immunological status in order to assess autonomic function at early stages of infection. Thirty-five perinatally HIV-infected and clinically stable children (4.8 ± 0.3 years) were enrolled after approval of the study by the University Hospital Pedro Ernesto Ethics Committee and written informed parental consent was obtained. The children were classified according to peripheral CD4+ count (cells/µL) as follows: group 1, N = 11 (≥1000); group 2, N = 7 (≥500 and <1000); group 3, N = 17 (<500). Left ventricular ejection fraction (>55%), 24-h RR interval variability (RRV) indexes (NN, SDANN, SDNN index, r-MSSD) and 24-h QT and Bazett-corrected QT (QTc) were determined, and groups were matched for age, body surface area, and left ventricular ejection fraction, reducing biases in RRV. The peak differences (∆) between the highest and lowest RRV and QT indexes were extracted from nocturnal (1 am-6 am) and daytime (1 pm-6 pm) hourly assessed segments, respectively. Pearsons correlation (r) and Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA were used to compare groups. CD4+ count correlated positively with ∆NN (r = 0.45; P = 0.003). There were no significant differences in daytime NN among groups. Nighttime SDNN index (P = 0.01), nighttime r-MSSD (P = 0.003), ∆NN (P = 0.01), ∆SDNN index (P = 0.03) and ∆r-MSSD (P = 0.004) were significantly lower in group 3 than in the other groups. Expected nighttime QTc-interval lengthening was not observed in all groups. In perinatally HIV-infected preschool children with preserved left ventricular systolic function, parasympathetic-mediated autonomic dysfunction parallels immune status, impairing both RRV and circadian QTc interval adaptation.
Little is known about age-related differences in short-term effects of estradiol on ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) insults. The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of short-term treatment with estradiol on reperfusion arrhythmias in isolated hearts of 6-7-week-old and 12-14-month-old female rats. Wistar rats were sham-operated, ovariectomized and treated with vehicle or ovariectomized and treated with 17β-estradiol (E2; 5 µg·100 g-1·day-1) for 4 days. Hearts were perfused by the Langendorff technique. Reperfusion arrhythmias, i.e., ventricular tachycardia and/or ventricular fibrillation, were induced by 15 min of left coronary artery ligation and 30 min of reperfusion. The duration and incidence of I/R arrhythmias were significantly higher in young rats compared to middle-aged rats (arrhythmia severity index: 9.4 ± 1.0 vs 3.0 ± 0.3 arbitrary units, respectively, P < 0.05). In addition, middle-aged rats showed lower heart rate, systolic tension and coronary flow. Four-day E2 treatment caused an increase in uterine weight. Although E2 administration had no significant effect on the duration of I/R arrhythmias in middle-aged rats, it induced a marked reduction in the rhythm disturbances of young rats accompanied by a decrease in heart rate of isolated hearts. Also, this reduction was associated with an increase in QT interval. No significant changes were observed in the QT interval of middle-aged E2-treated rats. These data demonstrate that short-term estradiol treatment protects against I/R arrhythmias in hearts of young female rats. The anti-arrhythmogenic effect of estradiol might be related to a lengthening of the QT interval.
Epilepsy-induced electrocardiographic alterations following cardiac ischemia and reperfusion in rats
The present study evaluated electrocardiographic alterations in rats with epilepsy submitted to an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) model induced by cardiac ischemia and reperfusion. Rats were randomly divided into two groups: control (n=12) and epilepsy (n=14). It was found that rats with epilepsy presented a significant reduction in atrioventricular block incidence following the ischemia and reperfusion procedure. In addition, significant alterations were observed in electrocardiogram intervals during the stabilization, ischemia, and reperfusion periods of rats with epilepsy compared to control rats. It was noted that rats with epilepsy presented a significant increase in the QRS interval during the stabilization period in relation to control rats (P<0.01). During the ischemia period, there was an increase in the QRS interval (P<0.05) and a reduction in the P wave and QT intervals (P<0.05 for both) in rats with epilepsy compared to control rats. During the reperfusion period, a significant reduction in the QT interval (P<0.01) was verified in the epilepsy group in relation to the control group. Our results indicate that rats submitted to an epilepsy model induced by pilocarpine presented electrical conductivity alterations of cardiac tissue, mainly during an AMI episode.
Myocardial ischemia, as well as the induction agents used in anesthesia, may cause corrected QT interval (QTc) prolongation. The objective of this randomized, double-blind trial was to determine the effects of high- vs conventional-dose bolus rocuronium on QTc duration and the incidence of dysrhythmias following anesthesia induction and intubation. Fifty patients about to undergo coronary artery surgery were randomly allocated to receive conventional-dose (0.6 mg/kg, group C, n=25) or high-dose (1.2 mg/kg, group H, n=25) rocuronium after induction with etomidate and fentanyl. QTc, heart rate, and mean arterial pressure were recorded before induction (T0), after induction (T1), after rocuronium (just before laryngoscopy; T2), 2 min after intubation (T3), and 5 min after intubation (T4). The occurrence of dysrhythmias was recorded. In both groups, QTc was significantly longer at T3 than at baseline [475 vs 429 ms in group C (P=0.001), and 459 vs 434 ms in group H (P=0.005)]. The incidence of dysrhythmias in group C (28%) and in group H (24%) was similar. The QTc after high-dose rocuronium was not significantly longer than after conventional-dose rocuronium in patients about to undergo coronary artery surgery who were induced with etomidate and fentanyl. In both groups, compared with baseline, QTc was most prolonged at 2 min after intubation, suggesting that QTc prolongation may be due to the nociceptive stimulus of intubation.
INTRODUÇÃO: A doença cardiovascular é a principal causa de mortalidade de pacientes em hemodiálise. Quando consideradas todas as causas de morte, aproximadamente 30% são classificadas como parada cardíaca, morte de causa desconhecida ou arritmia cardíaca. O prolongamento do tempo de despolarização e repolarização ventriculares, medido pela aferição do intervalo QT no eletrocardiograma de repouso, tem emergido como preditor de arritmias ventriculares complexas, uma importante causa de morte súbita cardíaca. OBJETIVOS: Determinar as alterações eletrocardiográficas presentes em pacientes sob hemodiálise (HD), aferir o intervalo QT e sua relação com variáveis clínicas e laboratoriais. MÉTODOS: Pacientes com idade acima de 18 anos em programa de hemodiálise foram abordados para participarem do estudo, e após anuência, foram submetidos ao exame de eletrocardiograma de 12 derivações. Dados clínicos foram revisados para avaliar a presença de comorbidades, além da aferição de medidas antropométricas e da pressão arterial. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas para determinação da hemoglobina e níveis séricos de cálcio, fósforo e de potássio. RESULTADOS: Cento e setenta e nove pacientes foram incluídos no estudo. A maioria era do sexo masculino (64,8%) e da raça branca (54,7%); a idade média foi de 58,5 ± 14,7 anos. Aproximadamente 50% dos pacientes apresentaram ao menos um distúrbio de condução elétrica. Cerca de 50% apresentaram prolongamento do intervalo QTc e experimentaram aumento significativo na frequência de hipertrofia ventricular esquerda (HVE), alterações do ritmo cardíaco, bloqueios de ramo e mais baixos índices de massa corporal (IMC), quando comparados aos pacientes com intervalo QTc normal. CONCLUSÕES: Pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC) em hemodiálise apresentam elevada frequência de achados eletrocardiográficos anormais, incluindo alta prevalência de pacientes com intervalo QTc prolongado. O presente estudo encontrou, ainda, associação significativa entre o intervalo QTc prolongado com a presença de Diabetes e de valores mais baixos para o IMC.
Tässä kandidaatintyössä käsitellään suurlujuusteräksiä ja niiden hitsausta, keskittyen varsinkin hitsauksessa perusaineeseen syntyvään muutosvyöhykkeeseen. Työn alkuosio on suoritettu kirjallisuustutkimuksena ja siinä käydään läpi yleisesti suurlujuusterästen määrittelyä, valmistustapoja, hitsausta ja hitsaukseen liittyviä erityisnäkökohtia. Työn loppuosassa on tutustuttu suurlujuusteräksiä hitsattaessa syntyvään muutosvyöhykkeeseen koehitsien avulla. Suurlujuusteräksille ei ole luotu yleistä standardisoitua määrittelyasteikkoa, mutta teräksiä aletaan usein pitämään suurlujuusteräksinä kun niiden myötöraja ylittään 460–550 MPa. Tällaisia teräksiä voidaan valmistaa pääasiassa joko nuorruttamalla, termomekaanisesti valssaamalla tai suorakarkaisemalla. Valmistustavalla on suuri vaikutus teräksen hitsattavuuteen. Nuorrutetuille teräksille hitsattaessa muodostuvan muutosvyöhykkeen karkearakeisen osion raekoko voi kasvaa huomattavasti varsinkin suurempia lämmöntuonteja käytettäessä ja täten aiheuttaa merkittävääkin kovuuden kasvua, kuten myös tämän kandidaatintyön koehitseissä havaittiin. Termomekaanisesti valmistetuilla teräksillä ei vastaavanlaista kovuuden kasvua yleensä ilmene. Valmistustavasta riippumatta suurlujuusterästen mekaaniset ominaisuudet vaikuttaisivat heikentyvän kyseisellä vyöhykkeellä suurempia lämmöntuonteja käytettäessä. Suurlujuusterästen hitsausliitosten laatua pyritäänkin parantamaan jatkuvasti esimerkiksi kehittämällä materiaaleista paremmin hitsattavia ja hitsausprosesseista paremmin suurlujuusteräksien erityistarpeita huomioivia.