944 resultados para Prospecção informacional


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The study of information behavior of graduate students is important because it reveals aspects of the search and information use that will impact the performance of future researchers and other professionals. Earlier studies on the UNESP, campus of Marilia (São Paulo State, Brazil), indicated that the graduate students in the areas of Applied Social Sciences and Humanities little use information sources traditionally used for bibliographic and restricted to the sources indicated by their teachers, contrary to expectations for a student with this level of training. Continuing the theme, we investigate the information behavior of students in postgraduate programs in the field of Education with five and six notes in the latest assessment of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). This research aimed to characterize the information behavior of Brazilian post-graduate in Education; identify factors that may influence the information behavior of the participants; investigate whether there are significant differences in behavior between masters and doctoral students; check the influence of gender in information behavior of post-graduate students. Data collection was performed in two stages: the establishment of a focus group with group of 11 participants for raising subsidies for the next step, which consisted in the application of electronic questionnaire to 16 graduate regular student of programs of excellence in the Brazil. Participated in the survey 493 post-graduates, 54% doctoral students and 46% of masters students and 75% women and 25% of men. The results showed that most subjects did not participate in formal instruction to search in databases. They are open to new ideas and do not restrict your search only to information that confirms their view on the research topic. Respondents are concerned not to overlook details and have the habit of regularly seeking information on their research and were willing to...


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ


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O livro, bastante instigante, é fruto de uma oficina de fotografia realizada com dois grupos de idosos da Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (PR), nos quais os participantes fotografaram orientados pelas seguintes perguntas: O que é importante na vida, hoje? e Que imagem ou cena você tomaria agora para representar algo que ainda não aconteceu em sua vida, mas que você pretende que aconteça no futuro?. Assim pautados, os grupos produziram imagens relacionadas a sua atividade corrente, família e amizade, afastando-se assim da valorização visual, através das fotos, de reminiscências da juventude ou alguma espécie de retorno ao passado pela via do presente. Nesses termos, a pesquisa, de certa forma, enfraqueceu o estereótipo de um idoso inexoravelmente atado ao passado e o mostrou capaz de tentativas de prospecção do futuro, e ainda em busca de produção de sentidos. De posse de resultados como o descrito, a abordagem obedecida pelo livro revigora a discussão construcionista no contexto da Psicologia Social, reafirmando que a realidade não está dada a priori como objetividade absoluta, mas é construída na interação humana, como processo


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC


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In the contemporary society, the recurring preoccupation about the effective use and appropriation of information has forced a progressive maturing of Information Science and its extention to new fields of study. In archival management, some gaps can be found concerning the treatment of photographs that have not been solved either theoretically or methodologically. This study approaches one of these gaps: the one related to the processing of the informational content of the photographic documents in archives. After a literature review, several recommendations are proposed regarding the identification, organization, representation, retrieval and access to the informational content of photographs in archives.


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The concept of information is analyzed starting from Adams’ hypothesis in The Informational Turn in Philosophy, according to which there has been a far-reaching turn in Philosophy following the publication of Turing’s article “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”. Adams maintains that new guidelines are being indicated in philosophical research, having the concept of “information” as the basis for treatment of classical problems, such as the relationships between mind-body, perception-action, and the nature of knowledge, amongst others. Partially agreeing with Adams, we believe, however, that his hypothesis faces difficulties, the most fundamental of which concerns the different meanings given to the concept of information. We argue that even though the concept of information underlying the mechanicist proposal of Turing, according to which “to think is to compute”, is indeed being employed in Philosophy, this is not because of its mechanistic nature, but mainly due to the representationist presupposition dominant in this area. From this point of view, the informational turn in philosophy would not provide any great novelty, given that since the earliest days philosophical approaches to the nature of mind have always been mainly representationist. The novelty would not lie specifically in the Turing thesis, but in reflections on the nature of information, especially ecological information, and its relation to action.


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This article presents and discusses the concepts found in the literature about informational culture, informational behavior, information management, knowledge management and competitive intelligence. It focuses the correlation among those elements and shows, from theliterature analysis, the importance of the informational culture for the development of competitive intelligence in organizations.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study reports part of a broader research about information behavior of graduate students in Education. The research´s participants were nine masters and doctoral students from a graduate program in Education at a public university. The focus group technique was used to collect the data. The focus group sessions were observed and recorded. The recorded data were transcribed, categorized and then analyzed using the technique of content analysis. The main aspects achieved were: i) Identification’s forms of information resources for research; ii) Internet as source of information; iii) Academic Library’s services and resources use; iv) Training to use of electronic data base; v) Difficulties to perform the search; vi) Advisor’s influence on research development; and vii) Environmental factors that affect information seeking behavior. The main results reveal that the identification of information sources occurs, mainly, through references quoted on studies of the researched area; as well as the advisors’ influence in the information seeking behavior of the participants. The results, also, disclose some environmental aspects, as example, lack of time to search and discomfort caused by the libraries’ environment that influenced negatively the information behavior of the studied group.


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The brazilian research in the field of dentistry stand on the world stage, this article examines the relationship of scientific information produced and its influence on information behavior of dentists who need to constantly update their clinical practice. The method used consists in a survey of the bibliometric indicators in the field of dentistry in SCimago published from 1996 to 2009 and a literature review of articles dealing with the thematic information and scientific communication in the field of dentistry in Brazil that are related to issues relevant for analyzing the dentist’s information behavior, such as most read journals, scientific information in the clinical practice, among others.


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This study aimed to verify the partial information literacy of librarianship undergraduates with regard to ethical and legal issues related to the use of information and compare with the standards of ACRL (2000). To this end, we applied an electronic questionnaire with 230 students from fifteen schools of Library science in southeastern Brazil. From the results it was realized that the standardization of reference, participants showed a performance below expectations, possibly compromising the recovery of a document by others. In the other questions that addressed issues regarding copyright and intellectual property, the majority of participants have shown that knowledge, behaviors and attitudes appropriate in relation to this aspect.


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O gênero Astronium, pertencente à família Anacardiaceae, é composto por cerca de 35 espécies, sendo típico das regiões norte e nordeste do Brasil. De acordo com a literatura, apenas a espécie Astronium urundeuva foi investigada sob o ponto de vista farmacológico, sendo detectada atividades antiulcerogênica , antiinflamatória e efeitos no trânsito gastrintestinal . Nas espécies A. graveolens e A. fraxinifolium foram avaliados somente os óleos essenciais, sendo que em A. graveolens um desses compostos voláteis mostrou atividade repelente a insetos. Desta forma, percebe-se que a investigação desse importante gênero vegetal ainda é incipiente. Estudos preliminares com o extrato em acetato de etila das folhas de A. graveolens mostraram grande concentração de compostos fenólicos, como derivados de ácido gálico e flavonoides, os quais estão descritos na literatura em geral como substâncias antioxidantes em potencial. As propriedades antioxidantes de diversas substâncias são alvo de interesse nos dias de hoje principalmente por estarem relacionadas à terapêutica de doenças degenerativas. Com o objetivo de dar continuidade aos estudos das espécies citadas, foram utilizadas neste trabalho técnicas de cromatografia como análise por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência para o estudo do perfil químico de Astronium graveolens, separação e identificação de metabólitos secundários. Baseado na literatura e na comparação com padrões, os espectros de ultravioleta observados, indicaram que os extratos em acetato de etila da espécie em estudo são compostos por substâncias derivadas do ácido gálico, derivadas do ácido cafeoilquínico e também por flavonóides. A substância Ag1 foi identificada a partir de experimentos de comparação por CLAE usando banco de padrões, após verificação de similaridade entre tempo de retenção e máximo de absorção... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)