983 resultados para Promotor Oct-4


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Letter to S.D. Woodruff from Fred Holmes stating that there are 4 bents in the Port Robinson Bridge over the Chippawa. This is more than are shown in the plan, Oct. 5, 1857.


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County of Welland estimate (copy) of work done on section no. 4 of the tap drain at Marshville by Brown and Hershall, signed by S.D. Woodruff. Estimate no.2, Oct., 1856.


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Cette thèse porte sur l’étude de l’anatomie de la cornée après 3 techniques de greffe soient, la greffe totale traditionnelle (GTT) et des techniques de greffe lamellaire postérieur (GLP) telles que la greffe lamellaire endothéliale profonde (DLEK) et la greffe endothélium/membrane de Descemet (EDMG) pour le traitement des maladies de l’endothélium, telles que la dystrophie de Fuchs et de la kératopathie de l’aphaque et du pseudophaque. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse contribue également à démontrer l’utilité de la tomographie de cohérence optique (OCT) pour l’étude de l’anatomie des plaies chirurgicales la cornée post transplantation. Au cours de ce travail nous avons étudié l'anatomie de la DLEK, avant et 1, 6, 12 et 24 mois après la chirurgie. Nous avons utilisé le Stratus OCT (Version 3, Carl Zeiss, Meditec Inc.) pour documenter l’anatomie de la plaie. L'acquisition et la manipulation des images du Stratus OCT, instrument qui à été conçu originalement pour l’étude de la rétine et du nerf optique, ont été adaptées pour l'analyse du segment antérieur de l’oeil. Des images cornéennes centrales verticales et horizontales, ainsi que 4 mesures radiaires perpendiculaires à la plaie à 12, 3, 6 et 9 heures ont été obtenues. Les paramètres suivants ont été étudiés: (1) Les espaces (gap) entre les rebords du disque donneur et ceux du receveur, (2) les dénivelés de surface postérieure (step) entre le les rebords du disque donneur et ceux du receveur, (3) la compression tissulaire, (4) le décollement du greffon, 6) les élévations de la surface antérieure de la cornée et 7) la pachymétrie centrale de la cornée. Les mesures d’épaisseur totale de la cornée ont été comparées et corrélées avec celles obtenues avec un pachymètre à ultra-sons. Des mesures d’acuité visuelle, de réfraction manifeste et de topographie ont aussi été acquises afin d’évaluer les résultats fonctionnels. Enfin, nous avons comparé les données de DLEK à celles obtenues de l’EDMG et de la GTT, afin de caractériser les plaies et de cerner les avantages et inconvénients relatifs à chaque technique chirurgicale. Nos résultats anatomiques ont montré des différences importantes entre les trois techniques chirurgicales. Certains des paramètres étudiés, comme le sep et le gap, ont été plus prononcés dans la GTT que dans la DLEK et complètement absents dans l’EDMG. D’autres, comme la compression tissulaire et le décollement du greffon n’ont été observés que dans la DLEK. Ceci laisse entrevoir que la distorsion de la plaie varie proportionnellement à la profondeur de la découpe stromale du receveur, à partir de la face postérieure de la cornée. Moins la découpe s’avance vers la face antérieure (comme dans l’EDMG), moins elle affecte l’intégrité anatomique de la cornée, le pire cas étant la découpe totale comme dans la GTT. Cependant, tous les paramètres d’apposition postérieure sous-optimale et d’élévation de la surface antérieure (ce dernier observé uniquement dans la GTT) finissent par diminuer avec le temps, évoluant à des degrés variables vers un profil topographique plus semblable à celui d’une cornée normale. Ce processus paraît plus long et plus incomplet dans les cas de GTT à cause du type de plaie, de la présence de sutures et de la durée de la cicatrisation. Les valeurs moyennes d’épaisseur centrale se sont normalisées après la chirurgie. De plus, ces valeurs moyennes obtenues par OCT étaient fortement corrélées à celles obtenues par la pachymétrie à ultra-sons et nous n’avons remarqué aucune différence significative entre les valeurs moyennes des deux techniques de mesure. L’OCT s’est avéré un outil utile pour l’étude de l’anatomie microscopique des plaies chirurgicales. Les résultats d’acuité visuelle, de réfraction et de topographie des techniques de GLP ont montré qu’il existe une récupération visuelle rapide et sans changements significatifs de l’astigmatisme, contrairement à la GTT avec et sans suture. La GLP a permis une meilleure conservation de la morphologie de la cornée, et par conséquence des meilleurs résultats fonctionnels que la greffe de pleine épaisseur. Ceci nous permet d’avancer que la GLP pourrait être la technique chirurgicale à adopter comme traitement pour les maladies de l’endothélium cornéen.


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Pretende hacer un análisis pedagógico del proyecto cultural vasconceliano, con la finalidad de descubrir sus aciertos y limitaciones en la promoción de la educación estética, de la identidad cultural mexicana y resaltar la importancia que tiene el autor para la educación mexicana del siglo XXI. Consta de dos partes diferenciadas. La primera de ellas tiene como objetivo principal mostrar el contexto cultural y filosófico en el que surge el pensamiento vasconcelista. Se explican las razones por las cuales México ha perdido su sustento cultural y por qué Vasconcelos ve a la educación como un camino de salvación y recuperación nacional. En la segunda parte se muestra la propuesta de educación estética vasconcelista y su incidencia en la identidad cultural mexicana. La metodología que se utiliza es documental, se analizan las principales fuentes del autor, de sus críticos y distintos testimonios históricos entre los años de 1920 a 1924. 1.- José Vasconcelos es un educador imaginativo, visionario y enérgico que propone un sistema filosófico cuya principal aportación y herencia es la forja de una filosofía para los mexicanos. 2.- Se adelanta a su tiempo al desarrollar una teoría del conocimiento emocional del mexicano. Atribuye a la emoción el concepto de fuerza creativa, fuente de inspiración, conocimiento y expresión de la energía de cada persona. 3.- La identidad cultural es unidad de expresión artística con la propia estirpe. Tiene un papel relevante en la conformación de los distintos estilos de vida, en las preferencias y en el desarrollo de vínculos de vida y voluntad con respecto a la propia comunidad. 4.- Comprende que el ser humano, en especial el mexicano, vibra con la estética, y al entrar en contacto con la belleza y lo sublime su existencia se transforma y plenifica. 5.- La obra maestra de Vasconcelos se da en el ámbito educativo y cultural. Para él la educación es la solución a los problemas sociales que vive México. 6.- Algunas críticas en torno a su teoría pedagógica son: no coincide su visión integradora de la educación con su propuesta antropológica; al hablar de los principales protagonistas de la educación, en ningún momento menciona la importancia de la familia como agente educador; no tiene una visión general de la situación social por la que atraviesa el México de los años veinte. 7.- El tema de la educación estética -pedagogía estética- es el más relevante en su plan de regeneración nacional y una gran aportación a la educación mexicana. 8.- Elabora un concepto de identidad cultural mexicana entendida como la expresión estética del sentir nacional, en donde la educación estética tiene una función primordial porque crea y fortifica vínculos de identidad.


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Purpose:  The purpose of the study was to obtain anterior segment biometry for 40 normal eyes and to measure variables that may be useful to design large diameter gas permeable contact lenses that sit outside the region normally viewed by corneal topographers. Also, the distribution of these variables in the normal eye and how well they correlated to each other were determined.

Methods:  This is a cross-sectional study, in which data were collected at a single study visit. Corneal topography and imaging of the anterior segment of the eye were performed using the Orbscan II and Visante OCT. The variables that were collected were horizontal K reading, central corneal/scleral sagittal depth at 15 mm chord, and nasal and temporal angles at the 15 mm chord using the built-in software measurement tools.

Results:  The central horizontal K readings for the 40 eyes were 43 ± 1.73 D (7.85 ± 0.31 mm), with ± 95% confidence interval (CI) of 38.7 (8.7 mm) and 46.6 D (7.24 mm). The mean corneal/scleral sagittal depth at the 15 mm chord was 3.74 ± 0.19 mm and the range was 3.14 to 4.04 mm. The average nasal angle (which was not different from the temporal angle) at the 15 mm chord was 39.32 ± 3.07 degrees and the ± 95%CI was 33.7 and 45.5 degrees. The correlation coefficient comparing the K reading and the corneal/scleral sagittal depth showed the best correlation (0.58, p < 0.001). The corneal/scleral sagittal depth at 15 mm correlated less with the nasal angle (0.44, p = 0.004) and the weakest correlation was for the nasal angle at 15 mm with the horizontal readings (0.32, p = 0.046).

Conclusion:  The Visante OCT is a valuable tool for imaging the anterior segment of the eye. The Visante OCT is especially effective in providing the biometry of the peripheral cornea and sclera and may help in fitting GP lenses with a higher percentage of initial lens success, when the corneal sag and lens sag are better matched.


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O experimento teve como objetivo verificar a ação da apramicina (10 ppm) e dos ácidos fórmico + propiônico (0,0; 0,1 e 0,2%) no desempenho de frangos de corte sexados. A mistura dos ácidos orgânicos foi de 1:1. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 x 3 x 2 (apramicina x ácidos orgânicos x sexos), com 4 repetições de 45 aves por parcela, totalizando 2.160 pintos Cobb de 1 dia. As aves receberam ração à vontade. Na fase inicial, a adição da apramicina (10 ppm) e 0,1% dos ácidos orgânicos, isoladamente, melhorou o ganho de peso das aves. A adição conjunta dos produtos não promoveu ganho acumulado. Na presença da apramicina, a adição dos ácidos orgânicos piorou a conversão alimentar. Nas fases final e total, os dados de desempenho não apresentaram diferenças significativas. O rendimento de carcaça foi prejudicado com a adição conjunta da apramicina e 0,1% dos ácidos orgânicos.


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Background levels of exocyclic DNA adducts have been detected in rodent and human tissues. Several studies have focused on bifunctional electrophiles generated from lipid peroxidation as one of the endogenous sources of these lesions. We have previously shown that the reaction of 2'-deoxyguanosine (dGuo) with trans,trans-2,4-decadienal (DDE), a highly cytotoxic aldehyde generated as a product of lipid peroxidation in cell membranes, results in the formation of a number of different base derivatives. Three of these derivatives have been fully characterized as 1,N-2-etheno-2'-deoxyguanosine adducts. In the present work, four additional adducts, designated A3-A6, were isolated from in vitro reactions by reversed-phase HPLC and fully characterized on the basis of spectroscopic measurements. Adducts A3-A6 are four diastereoisomeric 1,N-2-hydroxyethano-2'-deoxyguanosine derivatives possessing a carbon side chain with a double bond and a hydroxyl group. The systematic name of these adducts is 6-hydroxy3-(2'-deoxy-beta-D-erythro-pentafuranosyl)-7-((E)-1-hydroxy-oct-2-enyl)-3,5,6,7-tetrahydro-imidazo- [1,2-a]purin-9-one. The proposed reaction mechanism yielding adducts A3-A6 involves DDE epoxidation at C2, followed by nucleophilic addition of the exocyclic amino group of dGuo to the C1 of the aldehyde and cyclization, via nucleophilic attack, on the C2 epoxy group by N-1. The formation of adducts A1-A6 has been investigated in acidic, neutral, and basic pH in the presence of H2O2 or tent-butyl hydroperoxide. Neutral conditions, in the presence of H2O2, have favored the formation of adducts A1 and A2, with minor amounts of A3-A6, which were prevalent under basic conditions. These data indicate that DDE can modify DNA bases through different oxidative pathways involving its two double bonds. It is important to structurally characterize DNA base derivatives induced by alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehydes so that the genotoxic risks associated with the lipid peroxidation process can be assessed.


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Coumarin is a natural active compound that can be found in many plants. The coumarins have many properties such as bronchodilator, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticoagulant, antibiotics, immunomodulatory, antimicrobial and antiviral, thus, they are widely used in medical applications. More recently the coumarin derivatives have attracted the interest of many research groups in the field of new materials, for example the possibility of their use as sensitizers in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) and lasers. The MCRs are defined as a process in which three or more reactants are combined in the same reaction pot, resulting in products with good structural complexity a single step, in addition to economy of atoms and selectivity and is a very important feature in modern synthetic methodology. In this work we investigated the use of niobium pentachloride as catalyst of the multicomponent reactions between phenolic derivatives, various aromatic aldehydes and β-diester derivatives in the synthesis of 4-aryl-3,4-dihydrocoumarin derivatives. The reactions were carried out at room temperature, under inert atmosphere (N2), using dichloromethane anhydrous (CH2 Cl2) as solvent, with a reaction time of most 120 hours. The products were isolated by column chromatography on silica gel and submitted to spectrometric and spectroscopic analysis. The results show that NbCl5 is an excellent agent for promoting the synthesis of 4-aryl-3,4-dihydrocoumarin derivatives through multicomponent reactions, obtaining yields varying from 45 to 95%


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We propose a novel mathematical approach for the calculation of near-zero energy states by solving potentials which are isospectral with the original one. For any potential, families of strictly isospectral potentials (with very different shape) having desirable and adjustable features are generated by supersymmetric isospectral formalism. The near-zero energy Efimov state in the original potential is effectively trapped in the deep well of the isospectral family and facilitates more accurate calculation of the Efimov state. Application to the first excited state in He-4 trimer is presented.


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The preparation, crystal structure and magnetic properties of a new oxalate-containing copper(II) chain of formula {[(CH3)(4)N](2)]Cu(C2O4)(2)] center dot H2O}(n) (1) [(CH3)(4)N+ = tetramethylammonium cation] are reported. The structure of 1 consists of anionic oxalate-bridged copper(II) chains, tetramethylammoniun cations and crystallization water molecules. Each copper(II) ion in 1 is surrounded by three oxalate ligands, one being bidentate and the other two exhibiting bis-bidenate coordination modes. Although all the tris-chelated copper(H) units from a given chain exhibit the same helicity, adjacent chains have opposite helicities and then an achiral structure results. Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements of 1 show the occurrence of a weak ferromagnetic interaction through the oxalate bridge [J = +1.14(1)cm(-1), the Hamiltonian being defined as H = -J Sigma nm S-i . S-j]. This value is analyzed and discussed in the light of available magnetostructural data for oxalate-bridged copper(H) complexes with the same out-of-plane exchange pathway. (C) 2012 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Steatotic livers show increased hepatic damage and impaired regeneration after partial hepatectomy (PH) under ischemia/reperfusion (I/R), which is commonly applied in clinical practice to reduce bleeding. The known function of retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4) is to transport retinol in the circulation. We examined whether modulating RBP4 and/or retinol could protect steatotic and nonsteatotic livers in the setting of PH under I/R. Steatotic and nonsteatotic livers from Zucker rats were subjected to PH (70%) with 60 minutes of ischemia. RBP4 and retinol levels were measured and altered pharmacologically, and their effects on hepatic damage and regeneration were studied after reperfusion. Decreased RBP4 levels were observed in both liver types, whereas retinol levels were reduced only in steatotic livers. RBP4 administration exacerbated the negative consequences of liver surgery with respect to damage and liver regeneration in both liver types. RBP4 affected the mobilization of retinol from steatotic livers, and this revealed actions of RBP4 independent of simple retinol transport. The injurious effects of RBP4 were not due to changes in retinol levels. Treatment with retinol was effective only for steatotic livers. Indeed, retinol increased hepatic injury and impaired liver regeneration in nonsteatotic livers. In steatotic livers, retinol reduced damage and improved regeneration after surgery. These benefits of retinol were associated with a reduced accumulation of hepatocellular fat. Thus, strategies based on modulating RBP4 could be ineffective and possibly even harmful in both liver types in the setting of PH under I/R. In terms of clinical applications, a retinol pretreatment might open new avenues for liver surgery that specifically benefit the steatotic liver. Liver Transpl 18:1198-1208, 2012. (c) 2012 AASLD.


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Background Airway inflammation in asthma involves innate immune responses. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) are thought to be involved in airway inflammation, but their expression in asthmatics both large and small airways has not been investigated. Objective To analyse the expression of TLR2, TLR3, TLR4 and TSLP in large and small airways of asthmatics and compare their expression in smoking and non-smoking asthmatics; to investigate whether TLR expression is associated with eosinophilic or neutrophilic airway inflammation and with Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydophila pneumoniae infection. Methods Using immunohistochemistry and image analysis, we investigated TLR2, TLR3, TLR4 and TSLP expression in large and small airways of 24 victims of fatal asthma, FA, (13 non-smokers, 11 smokers) and nine deceased control subjects (DCtrl). TLRs were also measured in 18 mild asthmatics (MA) and 12 healthy controls (HCtrl). M. pneumoniae and C. pneumoniae in autopsy lung tissue were analysed using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Airway eosinophils and neutrophils were measured in all subjects. Results Fatal asthma patients had higher TLR2 in the epithelial and outer layers of large and small airways compared with DCtrls. Smoking asthmatics had lower TLR2 levels in the inner and outer layers of the small airways than non-smoking asthmatics. TSLP was increased in the epithelial and outer layers of the large airways of FA. FA patients had greater TLR3 expression in the outer layer of large airways and greater TLR4 expression in the outer layer of small airways. Eosinophilic airway inflammation was associated with TLR expression in the epithelium of FA. No bacterial DNA was detected in FA or DCtrls. MA and HCtrls had only a small difference in TLR3 expression. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance Increased expression of TLR 2, 3 and 4 and TSLP in fatal asthma may contribute to the acute inflammation surrounding asthma deaths.


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[ES] El silenciamiento del gen reparador de mutaciones MLH1 por hipermetilación de su promotor es la principal causa de inestabilidad microsatélite (MSI) en tumores esporádicos tanto de origen colorectal (CC) como endometrial (CE). Los CC con MSI y MLH1 metilado ocurren en pacientes con más edad que los CC sin estas alteraciones moleculares. Sin embargo, en CE esta relación es controvertida. En este trabajo hemos estudiado la relación entre la edad y el estado MSI y de metilación de MLH1, en una serie amplia de pacientes con CE. El MSI se estableció usando tres marcadores de inestabilidad (BAT-26, BAT-25 y APA3). Para determinar la hipermetilación del promotor MLH1 se usó el MS-SSCA (methylation-sensitive single-strand conformation analysis). El 20% de las muestras de CE eran MSI, y el 80% de estas tenían MLH1 metilado. La edad en el diagnóstico de las pacientes con tumores MSI fue significativamente más elevada que la de las pacientes con tumores que presentaban estabilidad de microsatélites (MSS). (edad±SD: 67.1±9.6 años vs 63.4±10.0 años, p=0,034, test de Fisher). Los tumores MSI con MLH1 metilado ocurrieron en pacientes de más edad que los que presentan MLH1 no metilado o MSS. (68.5±9.5 años vs 61.4±8.0 años vs 63.4 ± 10.0 años, respectivamente, p=0,008, test de Chi-cuadrado). Estos resultados sugieren la existencia de diferencias epidemiológicas en pacientes con CE con diferentes estados de inestabilidad de microsatélites y de metilación del promotor MLH1.