871 resultados para Process capability index


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Description of gel-to-crystallite conversion process is made towards the synthesis of nanocrystalline titanates and aluminates. Thermodynamic and kinetic factors governing the conversion of a gel to meta-stable and stable nanocrystalline products(s) are discussed. Correlations between these factors and the preparative conditions employed for the syntheses of titanates and aluminates are arrived at.


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This thesis studies the effect of income inequality on economic growth. This is done by analyzing panel data from several countries with both short and long time dimensions of the data. Two of the chapters study the direct effect of inequality on growth, and one chapter also looks at the possible indirect effect of inequality on growth by assessing the effect of inequality on savings. In Chapter two, the effect of inequality on growth is studied by using a panel of 70 countries and a new EHII2008 inequality measure. Chapter contributes on two problems that panel econometric studies on the economic effect of inequality have recently encountered: the comparability problem associated with the commonly used Deininger and Squire s Gini index, and the problem relating to the estimation of group-related elasticities in panel data. In this study, a simple way to 'bypass' vagueness related to the use of parametric methods to estimate group-related parameters is presented. The idea is to estimate the group-related elasticities implicitly using a set of group-related instrumental variables. The estimation results with new data and method indicate that the relationship between income inequality and growth is likely to be non-linear. Chapter three incorporates the EHII2.1 inequality measure and a panel with annual time series observations from 38 countries to test the existence of long-run equilibrium relation(s) between inequality and the level of GDP. Panel unit root tests indicate that both the logarithmic EHII2.1 inequality measure and the logarithmic GDP per capita series are I(1) nonstationary processes. They are also found to be cointegrated of order one, which implies that there is a long-run equilibrium relation between them. The long-run growth elasticity of inequality is found to be negative in the middle-income and rich economies, but the results for poor economies are inconclusive. In the fourth Chapter, macroeconomic data on nine developed economies spanning across four decades starting from the year 1960 is used to study the effect of the changes in the top income share to national and private savings. The income share of the top 1 % of population is used as proxy for the distribution of income. The effect of inequality on private savings is found to be positive in the Nordic and Central-European countries, but for the Anglo-Saxon countries the direction of the effect (positive vs. negative) remains somewhat ambiguous. Inequality is found to have an effect national savings only in the Nordic countries, where it is positive.


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Amorphous SiO2 thin films were prepared on glass and silicon substrates by cost effective sol-gel method. Tetra ethyl ortho silicate (TEOS) was used as the precursor material, ethanol as solvent and concentrated HCl as a catalyst. The films were characterized at different annealing temperatures. The optical transmittance was slightly increased with increase of annealing temperature. The refractive index was found to be 1.484 at 550 nm. The formation of SiO2 film was analyzed from FT-IR spectra. The MOS capacitors were designed using silicon (1 0 0) substrates. The current-voltage (I-V), capacitance-voltage (C-V) and dissipation-voltage (D-V) measurements were taken for all the annealed films deposited on Si (1 0 0). The variation of current density, resistivity and dielectric constant of SiO2 films with different annealing temperatures was investigated and discussed for its usage in applications like MOS capacitor. The results revealed the decrease of dielectric constant and increase of resistivity of SiO2 films with increasing annealing temperature. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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With deregulation, the total transfer capability (TTC) calculation, which is the basis for evaluating available transfer capability (ATC), has become very significant. TTC is an important index in power markets with large volume of inter-area power exchanges and wheeling transactions taking place on an hourly basis. Its computation helps to achieve a viable technical and commercial transmission operation. The aim of the paper is to evaluate TTC in the interconnections and also to improve it using reactive optimization technique and UPFC devices. Computations are carried out for normal and contingency cases such as single line, tie line and generator outages. Base and optimized results are presented, and the results show how reactive optimization and unified power flow controller help to improve the system conditions. In this paper repeated power flow method is used to calculate TTC due to its ease of implementation. A case study is carried out on a 205 bus equivalent system, a part of Indian Southern grid. Parameters like voltage magnitude, L-index, minimum singular value and MW losses are computed to analyze the system performance.


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A low power keeper circuit using the concept of rate sensing has been proposed. The proposed technique reduces the amount of short circuit power dissipation in the domino gate by 70% compared to the conventional keeper technique. Also the total power-delay product is 26% lower compared to the previously reported techniques. The process tracking capability of the design enables the domino gate to achieve uniform delay across different process corners. This reduces the amount of short circuit power dissipation that occurs in the cascaded domino gates by 90%. The use of the proposed technique in the read path of a register file reduces the energy requirement by 26% as compared to the other keeper techniques. The proposed technique has been prototyped in 130nm CMOS technology.


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Titanium dioxide (TiO(2)) and silicon dioxide (SiO(2)) thin films and their mixed films were synthesized by the sol-gel spin coating method using titanium tetra isopropoxide (TTIP) and tetra ethyl ortho silicate (TEOS) as the precursor materials for TiO(2) and SiO(2) respectively. The pure and composite films of TiO(2) and SiO(2) were deposited on glass and silicon substrates. The optical properties were studied for different compositions of TiO(2) and SiO(2) sols and the refractive index and optical band gap energies were estimated. MOS capacitors were fabricated using TiO(2) films on p-silicon (1 0 0) substrates. The current-voltage (I-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics were studied and the electrical resistivity and dielectric constant were estimated for the films annealed at 200 degrees C for their possible use in optoelectronic applications. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the problem of analyzing influence of various factors affecting individual messages posted in social media. The problem is challenging because of various types of influences propagating through the social media network that act simultaneously on any user. Additionally, the topic composition of the influencing factors and the susceptibility of users to these influences evolve over time. This problem has not been studied before, and off-the-shelf models are unsuitable for this purpose. To capture the complex interplay of these various factors, we propose a new non-parametric model called the Dynamic Multi-Relational Chinese Restaurant Process. This accounts for the user network for data generation and also allows the parameters to evolve over time. Designing inference algorithms for this model suited for large scale social-media data is another challenge. To this end, we propose a scalable and multi-threaded inference algorithm based on online Gibbs Sampling. Extensive evaluations on large-scale Twitter and Face book data show that the extracted topics when applied to authorship and commenting prediction outperform state-of-the-art baselines. More importantly, our model produces valuable insights on topic trends and user personality trends beyond the capability of existing approaches.


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The aim of the contribution is to introduce a high performance anode alternative to graphite for lithium-ion batteries (LiBs). A simple process was employed to synthesize uniform graphene-like few-layer tungsten sulfide (WS2) supported on reduced graphene oxide (RGO) through a hydrothermal synthesis route. The WS2-RGO (80:20 and 70:30) composites exhibited good enhanced electrochemical performance and excellent rate capability performance when used as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries. The specific capacity of the WS2-RGO composite delivered a capacity of 400-450 mAh g(-1) after 50 cycles when cycled at a current density of 100 mA g(-1). At 4000 mA g(-1), the composites showed a stable capacity of approximately 180-240 mAh g(-1), respectively. The noteworthy electrochemical performance of the composite is not additive, rather it is synergistic in the sense that the electrochemical performance is much superior compared to both WS2 and RGO. As the observed lithiation/delithiation for WS2-RGO is at a voltage 1.0 V (approximate to 0.1 V for graphite, Li* /Li), the lithium-ion battery with WS2-RGO is expected to possess high interface stability, safety and management of electrical energy is expected to be more efficient and economic. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Sun has a polar magnetic field which oscillates with the 11 yr sunspot cycle. This polar magnetic field is an important component of the dynamo process which operates in the solar convection zone and produces the sunspot cycle. We have direct systematic measurements of the Sun's polar magnetic field only from about the mid-1970s. There are, however, indirect proxies which give us information about this field at earlier times. The Ca-K spectroheliograms taken at the Kodaikanal Solar Observatory during 1904-2007 have now been digitized with 4k x 4k CCD and have higher resolution (similar to 0.86 arcsec) than the other available historical data sets. From these Ca-K spectroheliograms, we have developed a completely new proxy (polar network index, hereafter PNI) for the Sun's polar magnetic field. We calculate PNI from the digitized images using an automated algorithm and calibrate our measured PNI against the polar field as measured by the Wilcox Solar Observatory for the period 1976-1990. This calibration allows us to estimate the polar fields for the earlier period up to 1904. The dynamo calculations performed with this proxy as input data reproduce reasonably well the Sun's magnetic behavior for the past century.


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We consider the rates of relaxation of a particle in a harmonic well, subject to Levy noise characterized by its Levy index mu. Using the propagator for this Levy-Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (LOUP), we show that the eigenvalue spectrum of the associated Fokker-Planck operator has the form (n + m mu)nu where nu is the force constant characterizing the well, and n, m is an element of N. If mu is irrational, the eigenvalues are all nondegenerate, but rational mu can lead to degeneracy. The maximum degeneracy is shown to be 2. The left eigenfunctions of the fractional Fokker-Planck operator are very simple while the right eigenfunctions may be obtained from the lowest eigenfunction by a combination of two different step-up operators. Further, we find that the acceptable eigenfunctions should have the asymptotic behavior vertical bar x vertical bar(-n1-n2 mu) as vertical bar x vertical bar -> infinity, with n(1) and n(2) being positive integers, though this condition alone is not enough to identify them uniquely. We also assert that the rates of relaxation of LOUP are determined by the eigenvalues of the associated fractional Fokker-Planck operator and do not depend on the initial state if the moments of the initial distribution are all finite. If the initial distribution has fat tails, for which the higher moments diverge, one can have nonspectral relaxation, as pointed out by Toenjes et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 150602 (2013)].


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The effects of two major electrodeposition process conditions, electrolyte bath temperature and current density, on the microstructure and crystallographic texture of pure tin coatings on brass and, ultimately, on the extent of whisker formation have been examined. The grain size of the deposited coatings increased with increasing electrolyte bath temperature and current density, which significantly affected the dominant texture: (211) or (420) was the dominant texture at low current densities whereas, depending on deposition temperature, (200) or (220) became the dominant texture at high current densities. After deposition, coatings were subjected to different environmental conditions, for example isothermal aging (room temperature, 50A degrees C, or 150A degrees C) for up to 90 days and thermal cycling between -25A degrees C and 85A degrees C for 100 cycles, and whisker growth was studied. The Sn coatings with low Miller index planes, for example (200) and (220), and with moderate aging temperature were more prone to whiskering than coating with high Miller index planes, for example (420), and high aging temperature. A processing route involving the optimum combination of current density and deposition temperature is proposed for suppressing whisker growth.


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People living under $2 income per day, referred as Base of the Pyramid (BoP), face undesired situations like lack of nutrition, health, education etc. Design as a process of changing current undesired situation to a desired situation has failed. A crucial reason behind these failures is lack of normative basis to identify and understand the absent or unsatisfied stakeholder. Currently stakeholder analysis in the design is heuristic. This paper uses a normative framework of Capability Approach (CA) for the stakeholder analysis. A brief discussion on stakeholder theory and analysis is used to identify gaps in the literature. The constructs of the CA are discussed for its suitability to the purpose. Along with methodological details, data generated from the stakeholder interviews, focus groups in a case study of dissemination of improved cook-stoves is used to interlink the theory with the practice. The scope of this work is in identifying and investigating the motives of the stakeholders in the involvement in the product. Though a lot of insights to discern and manage crucial stakeholders is inbuilt in the methodology, this work does not claim explicit coverage of these aspects.


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[EN] This research provides a useful framework for identifying a small firms’ propensity to engage in entrepreneurial orientation. We examine the impact of the Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) as a main resource and capability on small firm’ growth. The growth seems to come out as an important demonstration of the entrepreneurial orientation of small firms (Davidsson, 1989; Green and Brown, 1997; Janney and Gregory, 2006). Thus, this research builds on prior conceptual research that suggests a positive integration between entrepreneurial orientation and resource-based view. In the first instance, the research will focus on reviewing literature in the emerging area of entrepreneurial orientation as it applies to growth oriented small firms and resource-based view of the firm. Secondly, an empirical study was developed based on a stratified sample of small firms of manufacturing industry. Data were submitted to a multivariate statistical analysis and a linear regression model was performed in order to predict the influence of the resources and capabilities on small firms’ growth. In this sense, we consider the construct growth as a dependent variable and the ones relates with resources and capabilities (entrepreneur resources, firm resources, networks and EO) as independent variables. The research results suggest a set of resources and capabilities that promote the growth of the small firms. Also, the EO seems to have a predictive value on growth. Explaining variables related with resources and capabilities and EO were identified as essential in growth oriented small firms. It was still possible to conclude that the entrepreneurial firms which grew seem to have resources and develop more capabilities and take advantage in the search for those competences. This attitude reflects on the EO of the firm. This study has important implication for both researchers and practitioners. It highlights the necessity of firms to develop superior EO of all their members and also to invest on better resources and consequently superior capabilities as a way of reaching higher levels of growth. While previous authors have attempted to analyse certain aspects of this process (linkage between entrepreneurial orientation and growth), this research developed a framework that combines these and others factors (resource-based view) pertinent to growth oriented small firms. The results support the necessity to identify explicative variables of multiple levels to explain the growth of small firms. The adoption of an entrepreneurial orientation as an indispensable variable to the growth oriented small firms seems pertinent.


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Two kinds of silanes, 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane (GLYMO) and 3-trimethoxysililpropylmethacrylate (TMSPM), were used to prepare ormosil waveguide films by the sol-gel method. Thirty percent Ti(OBu)(4) and 70% silane were contained in the precursor sets. The properties of films were measured by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), UV/VIS/NIR spectrophotometer (UV-vis), atomic force microscopy (AFM), m-line and scattering-detection method. The films from GLYMO and TMSPM precursors exhibit similar thickness (2.58 mu m for GLYMO, 2.51 mu m for TMSPM) and refractive index (1.5438 for GLYMO, 1.5392 for TMSPM, lambda=632.8 nm), but the film from TMSPM precursor has higher propagation loss (1.024 dB/cm, lambda=632.8 nm) than the film prepared from GLYMO (0.569 dB/cm, lambda=632.8 nm). Furthermore, the film prepared from TMSPM is easy to be opaque and cracks during coating whereas the same phenomenon was not found for the film prepared with GLYMO. It is confirmed that GLYMO is a better precursor than TMSPM for waveguide film preparation. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.