844 resultados para Private-public life
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O intuito do presente texto é destacar na trajetória de Anísio Teixeira ciclos que permitem observar momentos, idéias e fases de sua biografia. Para tanto, vale observar que a idéia de ciclos não se refere apenas a uma forma de delimitação biográfica da vida de Anísio, pois visa colocar em perspectiva o modo de constituição do pensamento e das posições desse educador. Desse modo, a sua correspondência com Fernando de Azevedo e Monteiro Lobato é tomada como produção que atravessa diferentes fases de sua trajetória, permitindo observar o quanto suas posturas e convicções se preservam ou são alteradas ao longo do tempo, em especial durante o período em que esteve afastado da vida publica entre 1936 e 1946.
The Folha Universal, newspaper produced by the Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (Iurd, abbreviation in Portuguese for Universal Church of the Kingdom of God), reaches an average weekly circulation from 2.5 to 3.5 million copies. Studies indicate that the Folha Universal is not merely an institutional newspaper. It is systematically dedicated to be a source of political information to their readers, in order to publicize candidates and politicians who defend the Iurd’s proposals for the Brazilian public life. This paper describes results of an empirical study on the frames built by the Folha Universal about the social demands, economic and political governance considered as priorities to the public management by the Iurd around five themes of analysis: public safety; children and adolescents care; public health; environment; politics and economy. The results indicate that, as characteristics of the Folha Universal in the four months prior to the 2010 Brazilian elections, aspects that differ from those indicated by previous studies on the newspaper. Previously detected in the pages of Folha Universal as a mean for finding solutions to social problems, the theology of prosperity was in our sample replaced by the formulation of public policies.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
This work analyzes the consequences of the intersection between the two spheres polis and oikos. It does so by examining themes present in three plays: Medea, Agamemnon and Lysistrata. The focus of the analysis is the way in which the feminine characters react to conflicts of interests in their respective situations. To fully comprehend which values correspond to which mentioned institution, the work also necessarily investigates the socialization and functions of both genders in fifth-century Athenian society. The analysis of the feminine condition in the creation myth implies the importance of the misogynistic sense of that time, which culminated in the silencing, discrediting, and systemic repression of females. The role of women in society, instilled in all girls starting in early childhood, is to succeed in marriage and domestic permanence. This lies opposite the masculine role, which was focused outside of the family center and to environments relating to war and public life. Matrimony and family, traditional female values, were threatened when overlapping with male interests, such as unavoidable war or social ascension through a different matrimonial bond. Therefore, it is possible to affirm that the opposition evident in the definitions male vs. female indicates that, in certain contexts, the interests of each element cause the conflicts present in the chosen plays
This work analyzes the consequences of the intersection between the two spheres polis and oikos. It does so by examining themes present in three plays: Medea, Agamemnon and Lysistrata. The focus of the analysis is the way in which the feminine characters react to conflicts of interests in their respective situations. To fully comprehend which values correspond to which mentioned institution, the work also necessarily investigates the socialization and functions of both genders in fifth-century Athenian society. The analysis of the feminine condition in the creation myth implies the importance of the misogynistic sense of that time, which culminated in the silencing, discrediting, and systemic repression of females. The role of women in society, instilled in all girls starting in early childhood, is to succeed in marriage and domestic permanence. This lies opposite the masculine role, which was focused outside of the family center and to environments relating to war and public life. Matrimony and family, traditional female values, were threatened when overlapping with male interests, such as unavoidable war or social ascension through a different matrimonial bond. Therefore, it is possible to affirm that the opposition evident in the definitions male vs. female indicates that, in certain contexts, the interests of each element cause the conflicts present in the chosen plays
[ES]El poeta Vicente Aleixandre prestó su apoyo durante la Guerra Civil española al bando republicano, hasta que en los primeros meses de 1937 los mismos republicanos lo detuvieron y lo llevaron a la cárcel, aunque antes de las veinticuatro horas fue puesto en libertad. A partir de ese momento –y tras un intento frustrado de salir del país– se retiró de la vida pública y optó por el silencio. Acabada la guerra, mantuvo una distancia crítica con el régimen franquista e hizo cuanto le fue posible por la reconciliación entre las dos Españas.
In questa tesi viene presentata una ricerca di campo che si configura come esempio di un’antropologia applicata alle dinamiche lavorative all’interno di un’azienda ICT italiana. Fulcro della trattazione è la riflessione sui diversi aspetti di un’analisi antropologica del clima aziendale, condotta sulla base di una rilevazione dei processi lavorativi presso una società italiana specializzata in progetti di digital marketing. Il lavoro associato alle tecnologie di ultima generazione non è impersonale o dettato soltanto da regole esterne, ma piuttosto un lavoro dal forte carattere rituale, sociale, morale e performativo, dove soggetti, ruoli, idee, scelte e problematiche si intrecciano secondo modalità uniche ed irripetibili, rintracciabili anche attraverso l’etnografia. E’ dunque necessario dare visibilità al ruolo attivo dei lavoratori nel loro essere contemporaneamente individui e soggetti che lavorano. Partendo da una riflessione su lavoro e tecnologia all’interno di un quadro interdisciplinare che vede coinvolte - insieme all’antropologia - la sociologia, l’economia e la storia, ci si sofferma sulle potenzialità dell’antropologia del lavoro. Dopo aver ripercorso tutti i passi della ricerca di campo presso l’azienda, viene condivisa una più ampia considerazione sul ruolo dell’antropologia applicata al lavoro in contesti aziendali. Infine l’esperienza di antropologa in azienda viene posta a confronto con un’altra attività svolta dalla stessa autrice in ambito accademico nel campo dell’antropologia dell’educazione. Gli studi presi in considerazione e le esperienze concrete offrono la possibilità di affrontare il tema dell’antropologia del lavoro all’interno di una più vasta riflessione sulla necessità di sviluppare un’antropologia applicata in Italia. Essa non occupa ancora un posto rilevante nello scenario della vita pubblica, ma molti sono gli sforzi che si stanno compiendo in questa direzione. Uno sguardo positivo verso il futuro e la consapevolezza di un’antropologia che è insieme azione, impegno, partecipazione e sperimentazione etnografica concludono la tesi.
The project studied the way the post-communist transition has affected the position of women in society and two post-Soviet states, Armenia and Russia, were chosen for a comparative study. Although in many respects the two countries show rather similar tendencies, there are important differences. The most dramatic of these lie in the field of the women's movement and state support, in family lifestyles and public thinking, and in the perception of female roles in society by both women and men in both countries. Whereas in Russia, at least in large cities, it is possible to speak of a movement concerned with equality and women's rights, in Armenia there are few women's organisations and those that exist are most focused on support for children and poor families. In Russia, many post-Soviet changes can be described as a shift towards 'Western' rather than 'Eastern' values, while in Armenia this tendency is much weaker and exists alongside a relapse into traditional attitudes. Iskandarian suggests possible explanations for this, both intrinsic (tradition. motivation) and external (influences, neighbouring countries, involvement in wars, the economic situation, migrations, political regimes). Nevertheless, for both societies it is possible to speak of a growing awareness of women's needs and of the birth of a new tradition in family and public life brought by the post-Soviet winds of change.
In literary genetics, “editorial genetics” deals with the “public life” of texts, whereas the writing process is affected by edition and diffusion. Editorial genetics frequently has to deal with cases of “editorial rewriting”: in the literary domain for example, authors frequently modify previously published works, so that several versions may co-exist. We are especially interested in Balzac’s La Bourse (translated in English as The Purse) since we know three authorized versions of this specific work.By comparing different texts associated with a single work, the literary geneticist is facing different products that are themselves the result of a writing process. However, different specificities should be outlined: (1) the writing process does not leave any trace: we just have access to different products/texts and (2) since the texts we compare seem to be achieved, differences must be referred, not to programmatic or temporary linguistic structures, but to the reconfiguration of a pre-existing textuality.Do such products still reflect the processes that have given birth to them? Does the comparison between two texts considered as variations of a same text give access to this transformation’s processes? After describing the objects of this particular textual comparison and the terminology that permits to give an account of such phenomenon, this contribution suggests to express these questions differently, as a matter of poetics of transitions between texts, or, further digging, an hermeneutics of the transition between texts.
Se destacan los cambios del paisaje urbano, los que se plasman en el espacio público, los que fueron estructurantes de las ciudades: calles y plazas hoy en abandono ante el auge de los espacios públicos privados . Conceptualiza espacio y lugar para luego recorrer las características de los espacios públicos predominantes en cada período histórico de la humanidad. El siglo XX es analizado en detalle para determinar los factores que más han influido en la transformación; como las comunicaciones , que transmiten imágenes conocidas por todos, aunque logran una identidad más global que local. Se analizan los principales espacios públicos del Gran Mendoza, si han sido renovados o no, en asociación con el consumo y cultura de la imagen, su vinculación con las líneas estructurantes de la ciudad y espacios verdes más relevantes. Se tiene en cuenta el crecimiento poblacional y uso del suelo. A través de relevamiento y encuestas se detectan problemas que permiten determinar algunas áreas periféricas desvinculadas del tejido urbano de la metrópolis, motivo de diversas propuestas.
El presente trabajo toma como objeto de estudio los discursos sobre la violencia social que en la posdictadura argentina se han organizado en torno a la "inseguridad" como problema público-político, con el objetivo de analizar las relaciones que estos establecen con el pasado dictatorial. Para ello, desde una perspectiva genealógica, se consideran tres momentos clave en la construcción de la "inseguridad": los "saqueos" de 1989, la segunda presidencia de Menem de 1995 a 1999 y la "Cruzada Blumberg" durante 2004. Dicho recorrido permite mostrar las maneras en que dichos discursos involucraron intervenciones sobre la memoria del pasado dictatorial que, por un lado, se orientaron en el sentido de producir una clausura de la rememoración del terrorismo de Estado; y, por otro, reconvirtieron elementos característicos de los discursos sobre la violencia inherentes a las prácticas represivas reintroduciéndolos en la vida pública de la argentina democrática
Este artículo tiene como objetivo realizar una breve reflexión sobre los debates entre la opinión e información planteados en los semanarios Acción, Marcha y Ercilla en los años 1930 y 1940. Con evidentes dimensiones políticas, los tres semanarios promovieron importantes discusiones intelectuales, políticas y culturales, ente autores que defendían la incorporación de interpretaciones diferentes, pero discreparon sobre cómo presentar las noticias o textos a los lectores. Información o comentarios, ¿cómo plantear el diálogo con el público? ¿Orientar o posicionarse como neutral en el debate de la vida pública?