982 resultados para Prime


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Provenance refers to the past processes that brought about a given (version of an) object, item or entity. By knowing the provenance of data, users can often better understand, trust, reproduce, and validate it. A provenance-aware application has the functionality to answer questions regarding the provenance of the data it produces, by using documentation of past processes. PrIMe is a software engineering technique for adapting application designs to enable them to interact with a provenance middleware layer, thereby making them provenance-aware. In this article, we specify the steps involved in applying PrIMe, analyse its effectiveness, and illustrate its use with two case studies, in bioinformatics and medicine.


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In the run up to the Federal Election Trevor Chappell has been look at some of Australia&rsquo;s former Prime Ministers.<br /><br />Bob Hawke is Australia's longest serving Labor Prime Minister, he was at the helm from 1983 to 1991.<br /><br />Trevor Chappell spoke to Professor Geoff Robinson, a political historian and lecturer in Australian Studies and Politics at Deakin University about the Bob Hawke years.<br />


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In the run up to the Federal Election, The Overnights show is taking a look at some of Australia's former Prime Ministers. The second PM we discussed was Australia's longest serving Prime Minister Sir Robert Menzies.<br /><br />Often characterised as an extreme monarchist and British to the Bootstraps, Robert Menzies was responsible for many post-war socioeconomic developments and linked Australia more closely to South-East Asia and the USA to counter what was seen as the spread of Communism and the possible isolation of Australia.Michael Pavlich spoke to Geoff Robinson, a political historian and lecturer in Australian Studies and Politics at Deakin University.<br />


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This paper outlines the creation of the Alfred Deakin Prime Ministerial Library at Deakin University.


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Despite decades of work, an effective HIV vaccine remains elusive. In an effort to elicit protective immunity, investigators have sought to define vaccines able to elicit durable HIV-specific B-cell and T-cell activities. Additionally, vaccines are sought which can induce antibodies of a variety of isotypes, as each isotype possesses unique attributes in terms of opsonization, Fc receptor binding capacity, complement fixation and location. One prominent new vaccine strategy, applied to numerous distinct antigenic systems is the prime boost-regimen, with DNA, vaccinia virus (VV), and/or purified recombinant protein. To examine the durability, location and isotype distribution of responses induced by prime-boost regimens, we tested successive immunizations with DNA, VV and protein (D-V-P), comparing three forms of protein inoculations: (i) purified protein administered intramuscularly with complete Freunds adjuvant, (ii) purified protein administered intranasally, and (iii) purified protein conjugated to oxidized mannan, administered intranasally. We found that all three protocols elicited serum antibodies of multiple isotypes, with serum IgA being most prominent among mice immunized with mannan-conjugated protein. All D-V-P protocols, regardless of protein form or route, also elicited antibody responses at mucosal surfaces. In bronchoalveolar lavage, a tendency toward IgA production was again most prominent in mice boosted with the protein&ndash;mannan conjugate. Both B-cell and T-cell responses were sustained for more than 1 year post-immunization following each form of vaccination. Contemporaneous with long-lasting serum and mucosal antibodies were antibody forming cells in the bone marrow of primed animals. Results highlight the D-V-P vaccination strategy as a promising approach for attaining durable, multi-isotype B-cell and T-cell activities toward HIV.<br />


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As pesquisas demonstram que empresas nascentes, mesmo aquelas que possuem produtos, processos ou serviços inovadores, novos ao mercado, têm muita dificuldade em permanecer com suas portas abertas nos primeiros dois anos, ou seja, a grande maioria das empresas encerra suas atividades antes de completar dois anos de existência. Diante deste fato, este estudo investiga a importância da gestão em Marketing nas empresas inovadoras com a finalidade de obter sucesso na inserção de produto, serviço ou processo em mercado altamente competitivo (PRIME, 2010). O estudo é fundamentado por uma seção empírica, baseada em pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e de campo, além da realização de estudo de caso que procurou tratar de alguns aspectos de Marketing em empresa beneficiária do PRIME â Programa Primeira Empresa Inovadora, que é um programa de Subvenção Econômica do Governo Federal, lançado pela Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (FINEP), uma empresa pública vinculada ao Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (MCTI). Neste estudo foi verificado que uma estratégia de Marketing consciente e eficaz influencia o sucesso competitivo de empresas inovadoras, através de produto ou serviço diferenciado para inserção no mercado.


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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is being implemented in the corporate world at an ever increasing rate, benefitting societies around the world. Several theories have been proposed that contend that the corporations who are implementing CSR programs also benefit financially, making the relationship a symbiotic one. This paper analyzes the financial health of Prime Bank Limited, Bangladesh, (PBL) over a period of a decade in order to determine if PBL has indeed benefited financially from implementing its CSR program. The analysis focuses on examining PBLâs internal and external financial indicators over an extended period of time to determine what the net effect, if any, that the CSR program has had on them. This analysis concludes that the evidence does not support the claim of a causal relationship between CSR spending and positive effects upon PBL, as measured by PBLâs financial indicators.


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As neuroscience gains social traction and entices media attention, the notion that education has much to benefit from brain research becomes increasingly popular. However, it has been argued that the fundamental bridge toward education is cognitive psychology, not neuroscience. We discuss four specific cases in which neuroscience synergizes with other disciplines to serve education, ranging from very general physiological aspects of human learning such as nutrition, exercise and sleep, to brain architectures that shape the way we acquire language and reading, and neuroscience tools that increasingly allow the early detection of cognitive deficits, especially in preverbal infants. Neuroscience methods, tools and theoretical frameworks have broadened our understanding of the mind in a way that is highly relevant to educational practice. Although the bridgeâs cement is still fresh, we argue why it is prime time to march over it.


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Discurso del Primer Ministro de las Antillas Holandesas en el cual destaca la labor del CDCC como instrumento de los paises del Caribe para articular sus necesidades e intereses y coordinar sus relaciones y actividades para la cooperacion regional.