950 resultados para Primary Cell Culture


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Résumé: La Scoliose Idiopathique de l’Adolescent (SIA) est une condition débilitante qui peut avoir comme résultat une douleur importante, une altération du fonctionnement quotidien et une détérioration de la qualité de vie. Pour les patients qui ne répondent pas au traitement conservateur, la fusion vertébrale, en utilisant des greffes osseuses, est devenue un traitement de choix pour stabiliser la colonne. Des connaissances plus pointues à propos des facteurs impliqués dans l’ostéogénèse et la formation de l’os peuvent raccourcir le processus de guérison et permettre aux patients de réintégrer leurs activités dans un laps de temps plus court. Les plaquettes peuvent jouer un rôle important dans la première étape de la guérison des fractures car elles sont une source autologue de plusieurs facteurs de croissance qui soutiennent la prolifération et la différenciation des ostéoblastes in vivo et in vitro. Au cours des dernières années, plusieurs tentatives ont été réalisées afin de trouver des traitements additionnels pour : 1) Raccourcir le temps de guérison des fractures relativement long ; 2) Obtenir une plus courte période de convalescence pour les patients qui ont besoin de prothèses ; 3) Corriger plus facilement plusieurs maladies congénitales; 4) Améliorer le processus de fusion vertébrale et 5) Développer de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques, notamment au niveau des processus régularisant le remodelage osseux et la régénération des tissus osseux. Dans le cadre de la présente étude, j’ai étudié la contribution possible du facteur de croissance de l’insuline (IGF) et du facteur vasculaire endothélial de croissance (VEGF) sur la maturation de l’ostéoblaste scoliotique dans des cultures cellulaires in vitro et j’ai comparé les résultats avec celles obtenues dans les mêmes conditions mais en stimulant les ostéoblastes avec de la mélatonine. Cette étude préliminaire a été réalisée sur des échantillons d’os récoltés de quatre patients atteints par la Scoliose Idiopathique de l‘Adolescent (SIA), ainsi que sur des échantillons d’os issus de quatre sujets témoins (cas traumatiques). Les résultats montrent que l’IGFs et le VEGFs possèdent une action d’inhibition sur la prolifération d’ostéoblastes scoliotiques et non scoliotiques, et que cette action est proportionnelle à la concentration de ces facteurs. Les ostéoblastes scoliotiques tendent à avoir une prolifération cellulaire plus rapide et plus élevée que les témoins non scoliotiques. De façon générale les ostéoblastes provenant de patients scoliotiques ont une ostéogénèse in vitro plus accélérée que le sujet non scoliotique. De plus, il semble que la mélatonine joue un rôle physiologique dans la différenciation de l’ostéoblaste scoliotique et elle semble aider à avoir une différenciation plus précoce que chez les non traités. Les ostéoblastes scoliotiques expriment un défaut d’expression de l’IGF 1 et d’IGF 1R en présence de la mélatonine. En conclusion, le VEGF A et l’IGF 1 peuvent également promouvoir la différenciation et la prolifération des ostéoblastes humains scoliotiques en culture primaire.


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In this study, the effects of nicotine on global gene expression of cultured cells from the brainstem of spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) and normotensive Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats were evaluated using whole-genome oligoarrays. We found that nicotine may act differentially on the gene expression profiles of SHR and WKY. The influence of strain was present in 321 genes that were differentially expressed in SHR as compared with WKY brainstem cells independently of the nicotine treatment. A total of 146 genes had their expression altered in both strains after nicotine exposure. Interaction between nicotine treatment and the strain was observed to affect the expression of 229 genes that participate in cellular pathways related to neurotransmitter secretion, intracellular trafficking and cell communication, and are possibly involved in the phenotypic differentiation between SHR and WKY rats, including hypertension. Further characterization of their function in hypertension development is warranted. The Pharmacogenomics Journal (2010) 10, 134-160; doi:10.1038/tpj.2009.42; published online 15 September 2009


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Objective: This study aimed to investigate the regulation of adiponectin receptors 1 (AdipoR1) and 2 (AdipoR2) gene expression in primary skeletal muscle myotubes, derived from human donors, after exposure to globular adiponectin (gAd) and leptin. Research Methods and Procedures: Four distinct primary cell culture groups were established [ Lean, Obese, Diabetic, Weight Loss (Wt Loss); n = 7 in each] from rectus abdominus muscle biopsies obtained from surgical patients. Differentiated myotube cultures were exposed to gAd (0.1 mug/mL) or leptin (2.5 mug/mL) for 6 hours. AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 gene expression was measured by real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis. Results: AdipoR1 mRNA expression in skeletal muscle myotubes derived from Lean subjects (p < 0.05) was stimulated 1.8-fold and 2.5-fold with gAd and leptin, respectively. No increase in AdipoR1 gene expression was measured in myotubes derived from Obese, Diabetic, or Wt Loss subjects. AdipoR2 mRNA expression was unaltered after gAd and leptin exposure in all myotube groups. Discussion: Adiponectin and leptin are rapid and potent stimulators of AdipoR1 in myotubes derived from lean healthy individuals. This effect was abolished in myotubes derived from obese, obese diabetic subjects, and obese-prone individuals who had lost significant weight after bariatric surgery. The incapacity of skeletal muscle of obese and diabetic individuals to respond to exogenous adiponectin and leptin may be further suppressed as a result of impaired regulation of the AdipoR1 gene.


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To investigate the effects of leptin on the mRNA abundance of key genes involved in fatty acid oxidation and mitochondrial biogenesis in cultured skeletal muscle myotubes derived from lean and obese individuals.

Research methods and procedures
Rectus abdominus muscle biopsies were obtained from surgical patients to establish primary skeletal muscle cell cultures. Two distinct primary cell culture groups were established (Lean and Obese) n = 7 in each group. Differentiated cultures were then exposed to leptin (2.5 μg/ml) for 6 h. mRNA expression was subsequently measured by real-time PCR analysis.


Basal mRNA expression of βHAD, COXIII, COXIV, PGC-1α and SOCS3 in the cultured human skeletal muscle myotubes were similar, however, PDK4 mRNA was elevated (P < 0.05) in the myotubes derived from obese individuals. The addition of leptin resulted in a 2.5-fold increase in COXIV mRNA expression in the myotubes derived from Lean individuals only (P < 0.05). There was also a tendency for leptin to increase COXIII, βHAD and PDK4 mRNA expression in this same group. Leptin had no impact on the gene expression of all measured transcripts in myotubes derived from obese individuals.

Short-term exposure of human skeletal muscle myotubes to leptin stimulated the expression of the mitochondrial enzyme COXIV in myotubes derived from lean individuals, an effect that was abrogated in myotubes derived from obese individuals. These data demonstrate a novel capacity for leptin to increase mitochondrial biogenesis and thus, a possible increased capacity for lipid oxidation and the persistence of a defect in leptin signalling in human myotubes cultured from obese individuals.


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Aim: To investigate the effects of globular adiponectin (gAd) on gene expression and whether these effects are mediated through 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate-activated protein kinase in skeletal muscle myotubes obtained from lean, obese and obese diabetic individuals.

Methods: Rectus abdominus muscle biopsies were obtained from surgical patients to establish primary skeletal muscle cell cultures. Three distinct primary cell culture groups were established (lean, obese and obese diabetic; n = 7 in each group). Once differentiated, these cultures were then exposed to gAd or 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-β-d-ribofuranoside (AICAR) for 6 h.

Results: Stimulation with gAd decreased pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 (PDK4) gene expression in the obese and diabetic samples (p ≤ 0.05) and increased cytochrome c oxidase (COX) subunit 4 (COXIV) gene expression in the myotubes derived from lean individuals only (p < 0.05). AICAR treatment also decreased PDK4 gene expression in the obese- and diabetic-derived myotubes (p ≤ 0.05) and increased the gene expression of the mitochondrial gene, COXIII, in the lean-derived samples only (p < 0.05).

Conclusions: This study demonstrated distinct disparity between myotubes derived from lean compared with obese and obese diabetic individuals following gAd and AICAR treatment. Further understanding of the regulation of PDK4 in obese and diabetic skeletal muscle and its interaction with adiponectin signalling is required as this appears to be an important early molecular event in these disease states that may improve blood glucose control and metabolic flux.


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O objetivo principal da nossa pesquisa foi avaliar o potencial de diferenciação osteogênica de células-tronco mesenquimais (MSC) obtidas da medula óssea do cão. As MSC foram separadas pelo método Ficoll e cultivadas sob duas condições distintas: DMEM baixa glicose ou DMEM/F12, ambos contendo L-glutamina, 20% de SFB e antibióticos. Marcadores de MSC foram testados, confirmando células CD44+ e CD34- através da citometria de fluxo. Para a diferenciação osteogênica, as células foram submetidas a quatro diferentes condições: Grupo 1, as mesmas condições utilizadas para a cultura de células primárias com os meios DMEM baixa glicose suplementado; Grupo 2, as mesmas condições do Grupo 1, mais os indutores de diferenciação dexametasona, ácido ascórbico e b-glicerolfosfato; Grupo 3, células cultivadas com meios DMEM/F12 suplementado; e Grupo 4, nas mesmas condições que no Grupo 3, mais indutores de diferenciação de dexametasona, ácido ascórbico e b-glicerolfosfato. A diferenciação celular foi confirmada através da coloração com alizarin red e da imunomarcação com o anticorpo SP7/Osterix. Nós observamos através da coloração com alizarin red que o depósito de cálcio foi mais evidente nas células cultivadas em DMEM/F12. Além disso, usando a imunomarcação com o anticorpo SP/7Osterix obtivemos positividade em 1:6 células para o Meio DMEM/F12 comparada com 1:12 para o meio DMEM-baixa glicose. Com base nos nossos resultados concluímos que o meio DMEM/F12 é mais eficiente para a indução da diferenciação de células-tronco mesenquimais caninas em promotores osteogênicos. Este efeito provavelmente ocorre em decorrência da maior quantidade de glicose neste meio, bem como da presença de diversos aminoácidos.


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Osteosarcoma (OSA) is a primary bone neoplasm frequently diagnosed in dogs. The biology of OSA in pet dogs is identical to that of pediatric patients, and it has been considered an excellent model in vivo to study human OSA. Since the individual response to chemotherapy is unpredictable and considering that propolis is a natural product with several biological properties, this work evaluated the cytotoxic action of propolis on canine OSA cells. The primary cell culture of canine OSA was obtained from the tumor of a dog with OSA. Cell viability was assessed after incubation with propolis, 70% ethanol (propolis solvent), and carboplatin after 6, 24, 48, and 72 h. Cell viability was analyzed by the crystal violet method. Data showed that canine OSA cells were sensitive to propolis in a dose- and time-dependent manner and had a distinct morphology compared to control. Its solvent (70% ethanol) had no effect on cell viability, suggesting that the cytotoxic action was exclusively due to propolis. Our propolis sample exerted a cytotoxic effect on canine OSA cells, and its introduction as a possible therapeutic agent in vivo could be investigated, providing a new contribution to OSA treatment. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Lima S.A.F., Wodewotzky T.I., Lima-Neto J.F., Beltrao-Braga P.C.B. & Alvarenga F.C.L. 2012. [In vitro differentiation of mesenchimal stem cells of dogs into osteogenic precursors.] Diferenciacao in vitro de celulas-tronco mesenquimais da medula ossea de caes em precursores osteogenicos. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(5):463-469. Departamento de Reproducao Animal e Radiologia Veterinaria, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Botucatu, Distrito de Rubiao Junior s/n, Botucatu, SP 18618-970, Brazil. E-mail: silviavet@usp.br The aim of our research was to evaluate the potential for osteogenic differentiation of mesenchimal stem cells (MSC) obtained from dog bone marrow. The MSC were separated using the Ficoll method and cultured under two different conditions: DMEM low glucose or DMEM/F12, both containing L-glutamine, 20% of FBS and antibiotics. MSC markers were tested, confirming CD44+ and CD34- cells with flow cytometry. For osteogenic differentiation, cells were submitted to four different conditions: Group 1, same conditions used for primary cell culture with DMEM supplemented media; Group 2, same conditions of Group 1 plus differentiation inductors Dexametazone, ascorbic acid and beta-glicerolphosphate. Group 3, Cells cultured with supplemented DMEM/F12 media, and Group 4, same conditions as in Group 3 plus differentiation inductors Dexametazone, ascorbic acid and beta-glicerolphosphate. The cellular differentiation was confirmed using alizarin red and imunostaining with SP7/Osterix antibody. We observed by alizarin staining that calcium deposit was more evident in cells cultivated in DMEM/F12. Furthermore, by SP/7Osterix antibody immunostaining we obtained 1:6 positive cells when using DMEM/F12 compared with 1:12 for low-glucose DMEM. Based on our results, we conclude that the medium DMEM/F12 is more efficient for induction of differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in canine osteogenic progenitors. This effect is probably due to the greater amount of glucose in the medium and the presence of various amino acids.


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O objetivo principal da nossa pesquisa foi avaliar o potencial de diferenciação osteogênica de células-tronco mesenquimais (MSC) obtidas da medula óssea do cão. As MSC foram separadas pelo método Ficoll e cultivadas sob duas condições distintas: DMEM baixa glicose ou DMEM/F12, ambos contendo L-glutamina, 20% de SFB e antibióticos. Marcadores de MSC foram testados, confirmando células CD44+ e CD34- através da citometria de fluxo. Para a diferenciação osteogênica, as células foram submetidas a quatro diferentes condições: Grupo 1, as mesmas condições utilizadas para a cultura de células primárias com os meios DMEM baixa glicose suplementado; Grupo 2, as mesmas condições do Grupo 1, mais os indutores de diferenciação dexametasona, ácido ascórbico e b-glicerolfosfato; Grupo 3, células cultivadas com meios DMEM/F12 suplementado; e Grupo 4, nas mesmas condições que no Grupo 3, mais indutores de diferenciação de dexametasona, ácido ascórbico e b-glicerolfosfato. A diferenciação celular foi confirmada através da coloração com alizarin red e da imunomarcação com o anticorpo SP7/Osterix. Nós observamos através da coloração com alizarin red que o depósito de cálcio foi mais evidente nas células cultivadas em DMEM/F12. Além disso, usando a imunomarcação com o anticorpo SP/7Osterix obtivemos positividade em 1:6 células para o Meio DMEM/F12 comparada com 1:12 para o meio DMEM-baixa glicose. Com base nos nossos resultados concluímos que o meio DMEM/F12 é mais eficiente para a indução da diferenciação de células-tronco mesenquimais caninas em promotores osteogênicos. Este efeito provavelmente ocorre em decorrência da maior quantidade de glicose neste meio, bem como da presença de diversos aminoácidos.


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Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and nitric oxide (NO) are key regulators of ion and water transport in the kidney. Here, we report that these cGMP-elevating hormones stimulate Ca2+ reabsorption via a novel mechanism specifically involving type II cGMP-dependent protein kinase (cGK II). ANP and the NO donor, sodium nitroprusside (SNP), markedly increased Ca2+ uptake in freshly immunodissected rabbit connecting tubules (CNT) and cortical collecting ducts (CCD). Although readily increasing cGMP, ANP and SNP did not affect Ca2+ and Na+ reabsorption in primary cultures of these segments. Immunoblot analysis demonstrated that cGK II, and not cGK I, was present in freshly isolated CNT and CCD but underwent a complete down-regulation during the primary cell culture. However, upon adenoviral reexpression of cGK II in primary cultures, ANP, SNP, and 8-Br-cGMP readily increased Ca2+ reabsorption. In contrast, no cGMP-dependent effect on electrogenic Na+ transport was observed. The membrane localization of cGK II proved to be crucial for its action, because a nonmyristoylated cGK II mutant that was shown to be localized in the cytosol failed to mediate ANP-stimulated Ca2+ transport. The Ca2+-regulatory function of cGK II appeared isotype-specific because no cGMP-mediated increase in Ca2+ transport was observed after expression of the cytosolic cGK Iβ or a membrane-bound cGK II/Iβ chimer. These results demonstrate that ANP- and NO-stimulated Ca2+ reabsorption requires membrane-targeted cGK II.