993 resultados para Power Doppler ultrasound
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Portal hypertension (PH) is the pathological increase in portal vein pressure above normal limits. Two variables control the pressure in the portal system: the resistance to blood flow and blood flow volume in the portal system. If one these variables changes, PH may develop. Classification: Pre-hepatic (e. g. compression of the portal vein), intrahepatic (e. g. chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis) or post-hepatic (e. g. right heart failure). The invasive methods (intravenous catheter) were replaced by an indirect method of diagnosis: Doppler Ultrasound. This technique does not measure portal pressure, but indirectly allows the diagnosis of PH. Average speed of portal flow decrease (<10 cm/s) and hepatofugal flow have been reported in cirrhotic dogs with PH. Currently, the focus of the ultrasound is the detection of acquired collateral portal circulation (ACPC), closely correlated with hepatic encephalopathy. The characterization of these vessels is essential to differentiate them from congenital shunts. They are usually multiple vessels, small and tortuous, with turbulent flow, near to the kidneys, and/or a single and larger vessel, draining into the left renal vein (dilated gonadal vein). Gastric, esophageal and mesenteric varices may occur. After identifying the PH, it is important to determine its origin in order to treat the underlying disease. B-Mode Ultrasound and Doppler are the best choices in cases of suspected PH, because they may recognize not just the hypertension, but also its complications and origin.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
CLN is a frequent histological finding in biopsies after pediatric: LT, and its pathogenesis has not yet been fully clarified and has different causes. Among the vascular causes, VOB is sometimes difficult to diagnose, especially when technical variants such as split-liver, reduced-liver, or living-related LT are utilized. Three liver-transplanted malnourished children (ages 12, 20, and 28 months) developed altered LFTs and post-operative ascites with right pleural effusion (two cases) and jaundice (one case). Doppler ultrasound examinations were normal and liver biopsies showed CLN interpreted as severe ACR. There were no responses to the medical treatment. Additional investigation with CT angiography suggested obstructed hepatic vein drainage, which was confirmed by interventional radiology and angioplasty of the anastomosis between the hepatic vein and the inferior vena cava, with clinical and histological resolution. It is concluded that in malnourished children undergoing LT with technical variations, in which the occurrence of severe ACR is usually less common because of the severity of the patient condition, the finding of CLN should raise the possibility of VOB, so that excessive immunosuppression and its consequences can be avoided.
Foram realizados o estudo morfométrico e o estudo hemodinâmico da veia porta em vinte cães clinicamente normais, de idade igual e inferior a 120 dias e em quatorze cães portadores de shunt portossistêmico, de idades entre 90 e 360 dias. Nos cães do grupo controle, as margens hepáticas apresentaram-se entre 1,50cm e 3,00cm caudalmente à margem costal. Os diâmetros médios da veia porta (VP), veia cava caudal (VCC) e aorta abdominal (AO) obtidas foram respectivamente, 0,38cm, 0,37cm e 0,41cm. As proporções entre os diâmetros médios VP/VCC e VP/AO apresentaram médias de 1,10 e 0,94, respectivamente. As médias das áreas da VP, VCC e AO resultaram respectivamente em 0,12cm2 , 0,11cm2 e 0,14cm2. No estudo hemodinâmico da VP destes animais, utilizando-se o ultrassom Doppler, a velocidade média de fluxo sangüíneo portal (VMFSP) mediu 17,76cm/s. A média de fluxo sangüíneo portal (FSP) resultou em 83,11ml/min/kg. O índice de congestão (IC) apresentou média de 0,006. Para o grupo de cães portadores de shunt portossistêmico, o fígado apresentou redução de seu volume, sendo as margens hepáticas visibilizadas entre 1,00cm e 2,00cm cranialmente à margem costal. No estudo morfométrico, as médias dos diâmetros médios obtidos de VP, VCC e AO resultaram respectivamente em 0,40cm, 0,74cm e 0,56cm. As proporções entre os diâmetros médios VP/VCC e VP/AO resultaram respectivamente em 0,54 e 0,69. As médias das áreas de VP, VCC e AO resultaram respectivamente em 0,14cm2, 0,31cm2 e 0,25cm2. Ao ultrassom Doppler a VMFSP mediu 22,29cm/s e a média do IC da VP obtido foi de 0,006.
Objective To determine variables that predict the rate of decline in fetal hemoglobin levels in alloimmune disease. Method Retrospective review of singleton pregnancies that underwent first and second intrauterine transfusions for treatment of fetal anemia because of maternal Rh alloimmunization in a tertiary referral center. Results Forty-one first intrauterine transfusions were performed at 26.1?weeks (standard deviation, SD, 4.6), mean volume of blood transfused was 44.4?mL (SD 23.5) and estimated feto-placental volume expansion was 51.3% (SD 14.5%). Between first and second transfusion, hemoglobin levels reduced on average 0.40?g/dl/day (SD 0.25). Stepwise multiple regression analysis demonstrated that this rate significantly correlated with hemoglobin levels after the first transfusion, the interval between both procedures, and middle cerebral artery systolic velocity before the second transfusion. Conclusion The rate of decline in fetal hemoglobin levels between first and second transfusions in alloimmune disease can be predicted by a combination of hemoglobin levels after the first transfusion, interval between both procedures, and middle cerebral artery systolic velocity before the second transfusion. (C) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
We identified different lipemic and metabolic responses after the ingestion of a standardized meal by healthy adults and related them to atherosclerotic markers. Samples from 60 normolipidemic adults were collected before and after a liquid meal (40 g fat/m² body surface) at 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 h for measurements of lipids, free fatty acids (FFA), insulin, cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP), autoantibodies to epitopes of oxidized LDL (oxLDL Ab), lipolytic activities, and apolipoprotein E polymorphism. Mean carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) was determined by Doppler ultrasound. The volunteers were classified into early (N = 39) and late (N = 31) triacylglycerol (TAG) responders to the test meal. Late responders showed lower HDL cholesterol concentration at fasting and in the TAG peak, lower insulin and higher FFA concentrations compared to early responders. Multivariate regression analyses showed that mean cIMT was associated with gender (male) and age in early responders and by cholesterol levels at the 6th hour in late responders. oxLDL Ab were explained by lipoprotein lipase and negatively by hepatic lipase and oxLDL Ab (fasting period) by CETP (negative) and FFA (positive). This study is the first to identify a postalimentary insulin resistance state, combined with a reduced CETP response exclusively among late responders, and the identification of the regulators of postalimentary atherogenicity. Further research is required to determine the metabolic mechanisms described in the different postalimentary phenotypes observed in this study, as well as in different pathological states, as currently investigated in our laboratory.
Failing cerebral blood flow (CBF) autoregulation may contribute to cerebral damage after traumatic brain injury (TBI). The purpose of this study was to describe the time course of CO(2)-dependent vasoreactivity, measured as CBF velocity in response to hyperventilation (vasomotor reactivity [VMR] index). We included 13 patients who had had severe TBI, 8 of whom received norepinephrine (NE) based on clinical indication. In these patients, measurements were also performed after dobutamine administration, with a goal of increasing cardiac output by 30%. Blood flow velocity was measured with transcranial Doppler ultrasound in both hemispheres. All patients except one had an abnormal VMR index in at least one hemisphere within the first 24 h after TBI. In those patients who did not receive catecholamines, mean VMR index recovered within the first 48 to 72 h. In contrast, in patients who received NE within the first 48 h period, VMR index did not recover on the second day. Cardiac output and mean CBF velocity increased significantly during dobutamine administration, but VMR index did not change significantly. In conclusion, CO(2) vasomotor reactivity was abnormal in the first 24 h after TBI in most of the patients, but recovered within 48 h in those patients who did not receive NE, in contrast to those eventually receiving the drug. Addition of dobutamine to NE had variable but overall insignificant effects on CO(2) vasomotor reactivity.
Radiological investigations using gadolinium or intravenous iodinated contrast products are used cautiously in patients suffering from chronic kidney disease because of their risk of acute kidney injury and systemic nephrogenic fibrosis. In this article, we review several radiological alternatives that can be useful to obtain renal anatomical and/or functional information in this patient population. The basic principles, indications, and advantages and limitations of Doppler ultrasound with measurement of the resistance index, contrast-enhanced ultrasound, and a technique called BOLD-MRI (blood-oxygenation level dependent-MRI) are discussed.
Non-invasive vascular studies can provide crucial information on the presence, location, and severity of critical limb ischaemia (CLI), as well as the initial assessment or treatment planning. Ankle-brachial index with Doppler ultrasound, despite limitations in diabetic and end-stage renal failure patients, is the first-line evaluation of CLI. In this group of patients, toe-brachial index measurement may better establish the diagnosis. Other non-invasive measurements, such as segmental limb pressure, continuous-wave Doppler analysis and pulse volume recording, are of limited accuracy. Transcutaneous oxygen pressure (TcPO(2)) measurement may be of value when rest pain and ulcerations of the foot are present. Duplex ultrasound is the most important non-invasive tool in CLI patients combining haemodynamic evaluation with imaging modality. Computed tomography angiography (CTA) and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) are the next imaging studies in the algorithm for CLI. Both CTA and MRA have been proven effective in aiding the decision-making of clinicians and accurate planning of intervention. The data acquired with CTA and MRA can be manipulated in a multiplanar and 3D fashion and can offer exquisite detail. CTA results are generally equivalent to MRA, and both compare favourably with contrast angiography. The individual use of different imaging modalities depends on local availability, experience, and costs. Contrast angiography represents the gold standard, provides detailed information about arterial anatomy, and is recommended when revascularisation is needed.
Noninvasive blood flow measurements based on Doppler ultrasound studies are the main clinical tool for studying the cardiovascular status of fetuses at risk for circulatory compromise. Usually, qualitative analysis of peripheral arteries and in particular clinical situations such as severe growth restriction or volume overload also of venous vessels close to the heart or of flow patterns in the heart is being used to gauge the level of compensation in a fetus. However, quantitative assessment of the driving force of the fetal circulation, the cardiac output remains an elusive goal in fetal medicine. This article reviews the methods for direct and indirect assessment of cardiac function and explains new clinical applications. Part 1 of this review describes the concept of cardiac function and cardiac output and the techniques that have been used to quantify output. Part 2 summarizes the use of arterial and venous Doppler studies in the fetus and gives a detailed description of indirect measurements of cardiac function (like indices derived from the duration of segments of the cardiac cycle) with current examples of their application.
Noninvasive blood flow measurements based on Doppler ultrasound studies are the main clinical tool for studying the cardiovascular status in fetuses at risk for circulatory compromise. Usually, qualitative analysis of peripheral arteries and, in particular clinical situations such as severe growth restriction or volume overload, also of venous vessels close to the heart or of flow patterns in the heart are being used to gauge the level of compensation in a fetus. Quantitative assessment of the driving force of the fetal circulation, the cardiac output, however, remains an elusive goal in fetal medicine. This article reviews the methods for direct and indirect assessment of cardiac function and explains new clinical applications. Part 1 of this review describes the concept of cardiac function and cardiac output and the techniques that have been used to quantify output. Part 2 summarizes the use of arterial and venous Doppler studies in the fetus and gives a detailed description of indirect measures of cardiac function (like indices derived from the duration of segments of the cardiac cycle) with current examples of their application.
BACKGROUND: Increasing age and comorbidities among patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) stimulates the exhaustive research for alternative grafts. No-React treatment should render the tissue resistant against degeneration and reduce early inflammatory response. The aim of the present study was an invasive assessment of the patency of No-React bovine internal mammary artery (NRIMA grafts) used as bypass conduit in CABG surgery. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Nineteen NRIMA grafts were used in 17 patients (2.9%) out of a total of 572 patients undergoing CABG surgery within a 12-month period. All intraoperative data were assessed and in-hospital outcome was analysed. Follow-up examination was performed 7.0+/-4.0 months after initial surgery, including clinical status and coronary angiography to assess patency of the NRIMA grafts. RESULTS: Average perioperative flow of all NRIMA grafts was 71+/-60 ml/min. One patient died in hospital due to a multi-organ failure. Four patients refused invasive assessment. Follow-up was complete in 12 patients with overall 13 NRIMA grafts. Nine NRIMA grafts (69.2%) were used for the right coronary system, two NRIMA grafts (15.4%) on the LAD and two on the circumflex artery. Graft patency was 23.1% and was independent of the intraoperative flow measurement. CONCLUSIONS: NRIMA grafts show a very low patency and cannot be recommended as coronary bypass graft conduits. Patency was independent of the perioperative flow, assessed by Doppler ultrasound. Because of this unsatisfying observation, this type of graft should be utilised as a last resource conduit and used only to revascularise less important target vessels, such as the end branches of the right coronary artery.
The effect of whole-body vibration dosage on leg blood flow was investigated. Nine healthy young adult males completed a set of 14 random vibration and non-vibration exercise bouts whilst squatting on a Galileo 900 plate. Six vibration frequencies ranging from 5 to 30 Hz (5 Hz increments) were used in combination with a 2.5 mm and 4.5 mm amplitude to produce twelve 1-min vibration bouts. Subjects also completed two 1-min bouts where no vibration was applied. Systolic and diastolic diameters of the common femoral artery and blood cell velocity were measured by an echo Doppler ultrasound in a standing or rest condition prior to the bouts and during and after each bout. Repeated measures MANOVAs were used in the statistical analysis. Compared with the standing condition, the exercise bouts produced a four-fold increase in mean blood cell velocity (P<0.001) and a two-fold increase in peak blood cell velocity (P<0.001). Compared to the non-vibration bouts, frequencies of 10-30 Hz increased mean blood cell velocity by approximately 33% (P<0.01) whereas 20-30 Hz increased peak blood cell velocity by approximately 27% (P<0.01). Amplitude was additive to frequency but only achieved significance at 30 Hz (P<0.05). Compared with the standing condition, squatting alone produced significant increases in mean and peak blood cell velocity (P<0.001). The results show leg blood flow increased during the squat or non-vibration bouts and systematically increased with frequency in the vibration bouts.